Life Skilling

Chapter 43: Chapter 43: Oh, so you remembered that you are adventurers?

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Chapter 43: Oh, so you remembered that you are adventurers?

 Allan: Healer hopeful, kitchen helper. Knows that he should have spoken up sooner, but didn't want to ruin the peace. 

We are in the guild master's tent again. There is a crib in the corner. I look to see that Junior is asleep. He has grown a little in the past month. No longer does he look like a baby. Now, he looks about two years of age. 

"I should kick you out of the guild," guild master Warren says in a drawl. "You don't have a single successful quest." 

"What about that stable quest?" Dean asks, nodding towards the crib. "The proof is napping over there." 

"You call bringing a demon into the guild a successful turn in?" Warren asks, leveling us all with a hard stare. Junior wakes up then, and begins to wail. "One of you better take a hold of the baby. He is sucking the life out of me." 

"That is a horrible thing to say," Dean says, as he moves closer to the crib. "Come now, Dean Junior, up you go." 

"My name is not Dean!" Junior screeches, as loud as his little lungs allow. "Or Junior. You are all a bunch of dumbasses!" 

"Do you see with what you five saddled me with?" Warren asks, as he rubs the bridge of his nose. "It was ok, before he started talking. I have half a mind to just return him to the stables. With some luck, a horse will shit in his mouth." 

I hear myself gasp. Just what is wrong with this man? 

"Sir, we can take care of...what is your name, kid?" I ask Junior. 

"You are pretty," Junior actually smiles suggestively then. I take a step back. 

"The imp is not coming home with us," Atha proclaims. He looks just as disturbed as I feel. 

"With the rate he is growing, he will be out of the house in a couple of years," Dean says with a shrug, and then deposits the baby back into the crib. "I better not hear a peep out of you." 

"Oh, eat dirt," Junior yells. 

"Silence, imp! Or you will not be allowed in the women's tents," guild master Warren says. I blink at that. Just how is he raising this kid? 

"Oh? You are already a little Casanova?" Dean sounds positively proud at that. 

"They dote on me. I like being doted on. Although, I don't like it when they pinch my cheeks," Junior says. 

"Guild master, what is his name?" Augustine asks. 

"Which one of you is the richest of the bunch?" The guild master asks. We all point at Augustine. Yes, Atha has the advantage of the stone golem slave trade, but Augustine has been hording money for longer. Not to mention, he is obsessed about cooking. Almost as much, as he is obsessed about hunting. 

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We should go on a hunt. We are running out of elk meat. 

"Imp, your name is Tine from now on," guild master Warren yells. Junior begins to give out such a pitiful wail, that I simply can't help myself. I go to his crib, and pick him up. 

"There, there. You don't have to be called Tine, Junior. How about Thomas? After Augustine's father?" I suggest. 

"Then people will call me Tommy behind my back," Junior whines, and I sigh. Well, he is onto something, there. I wonder, if he is going to grow up to a human's normal high. Or, will he be short, like the imp he is? 

"You smell nice," Junior says, and I place him back in his crib, backing away from him with wide eyes. 

"It is not natural for a child to come onto an adult," I say, and everyone in the room nods. 

"Oh, to hell with it! I will adopt the imp. Imp, your name is Warren Junior! Got that?" Junior begins to wail again. This time, no one tries to calm him down. "You will live with the name for as long as you live in my...tent. Dungeon core, can't you do something about the fact that the guild is now a camping site?" 

"He can't build," Augustine says, more than a little smugly. "But I can. If you place it as an official quest, I will see it done." 

"You mean to tell me I had to remain in a tent, while it rained, when you could have built a new guild house? You little good for nothing..." the guild master takes in a couple of breaths to calm himself, and then smiles. "You will get this quest." 

"Good, then we can speak about the price," Augustine then gets his facial expression number five on: open for business. "We will see it all done by the end of the week. Still, we demand that you pay for all the materials, plus wages for the golems." 

"You will do it for the quest quota slots, or I will kick you out of the guild," the guild master threatens. Augustine just smirks at him. At times like these, I really wonder just what is passing through his brain. 

He is like a predator. Always rolling with the punches. Coming on top each and every time.

Oh, so, very, hot...

Tine meets my eyes, and gives me a look, that promises fun times later. Sex with the harem is not like how things were in the brothel. For one, they care about what I like. For another, I don't feel used afterwards. I have to say, I am already looking forward to the orgy that is going to happen later today. 

"I suppose I did forget the commission for the plans for the building. Don't forget, guild master, that we are part of the local Work Union," Augustine places a finger on the desk, and then another. He pretends that his fingers are walking, as he stares the guild master through his lashes. "If you don't play by the rules, we will make sure that the guild's name is blasted all over the tabloids." 

I can see that the guild master is watching the fingers as if transfixed. I look up at Augustine, who is... wait, I know this look. Tine is eye fucking the guild master! With more than a little indignation, I march up to him, and pull him away from the desk. 

"This harem is big enough," I tell him, and then crush our lips together.  

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