Life Skilling

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Atha, the dungeon core

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Chapter 7: Atha, the dungeon core

 Augustine: Song weaver, self-proclaimed Life Skiller. Ready to bullshit his way into someone's bed. 

Hot darn, what a man. I mean, the Naga's upper half puts some statues to shame. I look at Vincent, and imagine the Naga wrapped around the both of us. Furthermore, I lick my lips at that. That doesn't escape my archer. 

"Are you...imagining about what I think you are imagining?" Vincent asks, and I wipe some droll from the corner of my mouth. 

"Think about it. Come on, Vince, don't look at me like that," I say, when Vincent begins to shake his head, and look at me, like I have suggested that he should go and find a different party. 

"Why did you ransack my dungeon?" The dungeon core Naga asks again, and then unsheathes two swords from his belt. "So help you, if you say that you needed jell-o!" 

Thinking fast, I open my mouth. 

"It was not just because of the jell-o," I say, and see that he gets in a fighting stance. "I mean, your dungeon was the stepping stone to a legend." 

I point at Vincent, and then wave my arm in an elegant motion, so I can show him off. 

"He is going to become a hero. The first archer hero, in," I look at Vincent for a while, until he mumbles an answer. 

"250 years," he says, and I blink. 

"Really? There hasn't been an archer hero in nearly three centuries," I ask, and he rubs the back of his neck. 

"Why should that concern me? You ransacked my home," the Naga snarls, and slithers closer to us, the swords still in his hands. 

"Wait, I have an offer for you," I say, and pull out a mana crystal from my bottomless bag. "Surely, you don't want to be known as the dungeon core of a slime dungeon? I mean, you have talent." 

He eyes the mana crystal with greed in his eyes. Dungeons can only upgrade, if they have a mana crystal on hand. Not everyone can make them, though. Well, they can also be left behind from corpses, but I am confident that my Naga friend will see the value of a supplier, over the immediate and short-term solution of killing both Vince and me.

"How many crystals do you have?" He asks me, and I just shrug. 

"I can make one per week, every week, for as long as I live," I let him come to his own conclusions. A level and mana boost per week is something that a dungeon can only dream of. Granted, I won't be able to sell the crystals for rune making, but this Naga is worth it.  

"Join our party," Vincent says suddenly. I turn to stare at him, mouth gaping. 

"You have some nerve," the Naga says, but Vincent doesn't give up. 

"Why settle for a cave, when you can take over the world?" Vincent asks then, and I see where he is going with this.

"We will need to clear all the other dungeons first," I suggest, wondering if this Naga cares at all about his brethren. 

"If I am to do it," he begins, as he sheaths his swords. "What is my guarantee, that you won't end up getting yourselves killed halfway through my conquest?" 

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I chuckle at that. Yes, this is a typical dungeon core. One that has expansion on his mind. Perhaps, one that is tired of being a small-time core, too? 

"We can't guarantee that. But if you watch our backs, or take point, whichever you prefer, we can make it far," I say, and I go to the Naga. I offer my hand, and he takes it tentatively.  

Then, the Naga draws me close, and bares his very pointy teeth at me. 

"I still think you should explain to me, why you came into my dungeon, and killed off my slimes," he says, as his clawed hand rests on my neck. I can feel a sting on my skin, and feel a trickle of blood run down from a shallow cut. 

My mind gets turned off, and I do something that I normally wouldn't. I close the distance between our faces, and crash my lips into his. If I am going to die, then it will be after I have tasted them.

His lips are soft, and full. Perfect for kissing, and for slight tongue licking. I chance a look at his eyes, and see that his are half-lidded. I smirk into the kiss, and move even closer, so I am flush against him. 

I hear a cough from behind us, and see Vincent. He is giving me a resigned look. I extend my hand to him, and wave him over. He doesn't move. I repeat the motion, as I do my best to keep sucking face with the Naga. Finally, just before I wave Vincent over for the third time, he moves to us. 

I break apart from the kiss, and hook an arm around Vincent's shoulder, and bring the three of us in a group huddle. 

"Ground rules," I say, breathless. "No jealousy in the harem. Fun times for everyone. Be welcoming to the new members." 

"What?" They both say at the same time. I giggle at them. They are just so precious, and pure. 

I wonder if they are both virgins...

Mm, be still, my little friend. You will go someplace warm and tight tonight.

"I have decided that we will all get to have what we want. You, Vince, will become an Archer Hero. You, Naga," I let my voice trail off, and the Naga clears his throat. 

"Atha," he tells me, and I continue. 

"You, Atha, will turn the world into dungeon grounds, and bring peace to it. And I will become a world-renowned Chef, with a harem," I give each of their shoulders a light squeeze, and then their cheeks a peck each.

"Why are the cute ones always insane," Vincent asks, as Atha chuckles. 

"The question is, why didn't you notice that he has a couple of screws loose, and is a major pervert?" Atha asks. 

"He was dreamy," Vincent tries to defend the crush he has on me. "He fed me food that we cooked together. It was romantic and gave me a familial feeling." 

"Enough plotting," I say, and take a mana crystal, and hand it to Atha. "First gift of many?" 

I know a thing or two about Naga. They love it when their mate provides for them. I just offered Atha the world. The insane part is that, I plan to deliver on both of my promises.  

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