Lightning and Fire Given Form.

Chapter 1: Death and Life’s Crule Relation.

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The first being of existence to come to being was Death. She appeared before even life did strangely enough and her power was boundless. Everything was hers to do as she saw fit, except one thing. The one thing that would forever stay out of her reach was having a child. She was Death, she could not bring about life in the way she wanted. Her desired offspring would never be hers or she so believed until she found the answer. 

The method she used to have her own child was to cut off a shard of her soul. Even that tiny shard she used of her great soul was more than any mortal, or god could possibly hope to contain. She was forced to use a lot of seals just to keep her great power hidden deep within the soul. Once complete she did not have even a few seconds to hold his soul as her own soul wanted the shard back. 

With a heavy heart, she sent off his soul onto the path she saw as the best chance of success for him. Even if it pained her greatly to subject her child to this heavy fate. This dark soul entered the body of a pregnant woman and because of the many seals placed on Death's power, he did not cause the immediate death of the woman. However, that did not mean things were easy for the unfortunate woman. 

She was being used as a way to give a body to Death's son so her health was failing. Death kept her from dying until her son could be born and when he was things went wrong. The day he was born, a total eclipse covered the sky, and every clock on earth stopped working. Animals came out of their homes to pay their respects to thier future master.

He had nothing to do with the Anti-Christ, but he was born on June 6th, 2006.  Add the fact that it was 3 AM to his little background story so the father of his body in terror took him to the church. He was given to the church which genuinely thought he was the Anti-Christ. They sought to destroy him, but because of Death's protection, they did not. Instead, they tried to turn him into a weapon of the church. 

He was given the name Akuma which meant Devil as the church saw any other name as too good for him.  His time in the church was horrendous as he was constantly trained to be a weapon for them. He was beaten, tortured, and forced to pray to a God he scorned and he had to have exorcisms done daily. They called it keeping the power of Hell weak, but he was not a child of Hell. He was worse and over time tiny parts of his mother's power surfaced. 

It could barely be called that as Death had used so many seals to keep his mortal body together. He began to drain the life and vitality of those around him meaning the priests, nuns, and people of the church began to grow weak. All the while he fed on this vitality without knowing slowly over many years. 

Over time a seed of resentment was already formed in his heart. He hated being subjected to such things, he just wanted to be left alone. The more anger, resentment, and dark emotions he felt the faster the drain, and over time they began to drop like flies. One night when he was 10 years old he had enough. He snapped a bit and killed everyone in the church that night and escaped in the middle of winter. 

Strangely enough, the damn clock turned to 3 Am when he did this, but he just stopped caring. If they thought of him as the Devil he would just have to become worse than the devil. He was stronger than most 10-year-olds because of the vitality he had been draining over the years. 

Most of it went to his soul rather than his body, but trace amounts still had improved his condition. He ran for several miles and hours before he finally dropped to the ground. He rested against a building with his lungs on fire. He opened his eyes which were hollow as a pupil could not be seen in them. His hair was pitch black, and his skin was paler than normal.

A few rats ran up to him and stood in front of him in a line. Akuma had always found that animals even untamable ones like snakes seemed to be friendly to him. He held his hand out as the rats ran up his arms. They squeaked a bit as he nodded and talked to the rats. This was one thing he kept to himself, he could always talk to animals. They even went out of their way to help him in his time of need. 

Just as he was talking to the rats he was spotted by a few things who walked up to him. 

"Hey, look at the brat. He is talking to the rats. What's wrong boy, got no normal pets?" 

Akuma squinted his eyes at these 5 guys. 

"Maybe I prefer rats to sorry sod likes you." 

The short one of the group scoffed. He spat at the ground as he saw the rats bear their teeth at them. 

"Hey, boss, think this kid will be what the old guy wants?" 

Akuma realized that they were not just thieves, they were kidnappers. He got up and was ready to run or fight as he was beyond exhausted. The rats ran up his shoulders as he backed away from them. He even reached behind him to get his pair of karambits, but the first guy drew his gun and aimed it at him. 

"Don't try it." 

He paused, but Akuma whistled which caused the rats on his shoulders to attack. They rushed at the first guy and crawled into his clothes and bit him all over. He screamed and Akuma used that distraction to pull out his karambits. He rushed forward as the guy squirmed with rats in his clothes and sliced his throat open. 

The 4 others did not expect that and pulled out their guns as he was no longer worth catching. Things slowed down in Akuma's gaze as he calculated where the bullets would go. When they fired he had already moved to be where they would not pass. He cut down two more as he sliced open their stomachs. 

The church had been horrible, but they had trained him greatly. Just as he was going on to the 4th guy he was hit on the head with a shovel. He fell hard to the ground and behind him was another one of the guys who had not gone with him. The rats screetched and attacked, but they were killed with a few stomps and shovel hits. 

The one with the shovel raised it as he planned to crush his head, but the boss stopped him. 

"He is just what the old guy wants. He will pay top dollar for this kid." 

He reached down and grabbed Akuma's knives. He checked them and saw they had crosses on them and even Latin that he could not read. Not to mention that Akuma on his body had a few religious tattoos that were forced on him. They called them seals, but they were just tattoos that looked shitty. 

Akuma while unconscious drained the vitality of those he killed and even a bit of the thugs around him. While unconscious they took him to the old guy as they kept calling him. He was a man in his 50s,  he was still tall, muscular, and had a sharp look in his eyes.

He looked at Akuma with a curious gaze. 

"So what did you get? I am looking for an apprentice, not some kid that won't return my efforts. Wake him up."

The big guy nodded and they threw a bucket of cold water at him. The cold forced him to wake up and the first thing he did was punch the thug in the balls. He still knew where his blades were so he grabbed one out of his pocket. It shot open which he used to slice the guy from belly to throat. 

The one with the shovel panicked and raised trying to smack him on the head. Falling for it once Akuma dodged and sliced his arm open causing him to scream. He swung across and cut open the guy's throat. As for the old man he noticed how Akuma was trained meaning he got an even better product. 

There was one more, who ran away, but Akuma grabbed the gun off the floor and shot him in the back. He did not see it but their souls were destroyed and tiny sparks of them were eaten by his soul. Plus all of their vitality rushed to feed his soul and his body. If only slightly. He then aimed the gun at the old guy, but the man was ready. 

"Not bad kid, but too slow." 

Akuma began to sway slightly as the old man used an odorless powdered poison to weaken Akuma. 

"Some poison to get you to stop." 

He used that chance to toss a  poison-covered needle to the side of his neck. The poison took effect instantly and it made Akuma fall to his knees. He felt numb and could not control his body. Even his enhanced body did not help him much as he was still sealed mostly. 

'My body. I can't move it. Damn you.'

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The old man smiled and patted him on the head. 

"I am Harold. You are going to be my apprentice from here on. So get used to this."

Harold dragged him inside before calling a few favors to get rid of the bodies. Akuma's killer instinct was just what he was looking for. Sadly for Akuma, that did not save him from what Harold had planned. For the next year, he used physiological and physical torture to break him. This was something he had already experienced under the church so he resisted anyway. 

Harold used poison, drugs, and the like, but Akuma would not break As Harold did not want to cripple him he could not truly harm him too greatly until he created a brand new poison. He injected it directly into Akuma's veins, never even using needles covered in it in his nerve clusters. This torture caused Akuma's will to weaken until Harold got what he wanted. 

Akuma's mother did not intervene despite how much she truly wanted to. However, she knew that this path was the one where Akuma would get the best chance to become a powerful person. Once Harold found a way how to control him he continued the training the church had given Akuma. He used that and built upon it to turn Akuma into a living weapon that was his to control 

He taught him everything he knew and more and sent him out to do his jobs. Because of the drugs and poisons that Harold used on him 24/7 to keep him tame, he became almost immune to pain. Not to mention that Harold had to continue to improve his formula as Akuma continued to grow stronger and more resistant to his drugs. 

For over 12 years Harold kept Akuma as his son, weapon, and executioner, but Akuma was constantly draining his vitality slowly. His health worsened over the years, but he did not even suspect Akuma. In his long life, he had never encountered a single thing supernatural. As such he just kept with his plan to keep Akuma. 

However, when Akuma turned 22, Harold died one day from cancer caused by his failing vitality. After 12 years under his control, Akuma's shattered mind began to piece itself together. The drugs in his body after 12 years of abuse began to be broken down freeing Akuma truly. With a soul made from Death, a body trained to kill Akuma did the one thing he knew how to do. Kill. 

To pay back the many innocents he had killed while under Harold he went on to take this to the guilty. The murderous rampage he went on for the next 10 years redefined the word murder. No one in history had killed nearly as many as he had as he just grew stronger with each kill. He took murder to the limit and nearly lost himself in it. However, he was razor honed and in control of himself. 

Triad, cartels, warlords, corrupt politicians, wealthy with criminal acts, world leaders, mafia, gang members, child traffickers, he hunted them all. All were under his belt and his kill count was off the charts. To make him even more dangerous with each kill he grew in power which fueled his rampage against evil. 

Even if it was not his intention his actions inspired people to rise up. Many people found out why he was killing and what those he killed did which caused a new movement. He invertedly caused WW3 as people truly learned what Akuma was doing. He was purging the world of evil which actually caused many to worship him as a god. He had no care in this and he never supported them or went against him, 

Either way, he was wanted by every government worldwide which caused the biggest manhunt in the world for his head. Akuma was always one step ahead as he had spies everywhere in the form of the birds, and animals in general. They sought to serve their lord so the secrets of the guilty were easy to find. 

Either way, Special Forces, Army, Mercenaries, and other assassins all went after his giant bounty that went into the Billions. Sadly all his pursuers found in his wake were bodies and mutilation which they ended up joining soon after. No one was safe from him and currently, he was in America. He had just finished off a child smuggling ring and the army had him surrounded. Helicopters, tanks, soldiers, and snipers had him surrounded. They circled the whole place and the kids he had just saved looked at him like he was a demon even if he saved them from a fate worse than death.

He looked at a little girl who did not fear him and she muttered just two words.

"Thank you."

She passed out after and he looked at his hands. In his right hand was a giant bloody greatsword and his left had a Desert Eagle. The sword was blood red and the gun smoking. Akuma stood 6'4, and his body was covered in dense muscles. His eyes were still hollow and his black coat looked more red from all the blood. 

'This might be the end.' 

He placed his sword in its sheaths on his back and undid the straps.  For the first time in his life, he was thanked. He walked toward the little girl and wrote a small note and placed it in her hand. He got up and pulled out his notebook from his pocket and crossed off the last name. He was done and no matter how strong he had gotten over the last 10 years he could not face down a whole army. 

He would die eventually so he got on his knees, grabbed his sword, and aimed it at his heart. He prepared to plunge it into his heart, but that was the cowardly way to die. He placed the sword back in its sheath and began to walk out with it in his hand. His gun was empty so he left it net to the girl. When he came out the tanks aimed their barrels at him red laser sights appeared all over his body and helicopters flashed thier spotlights. 

Soldiers aimed their guns at him, but he starred them all down. A voice came from a sound speaker that made him look in that direction. It was the new leader of the FBI as he killed the last one and a large portion of their people. 


Akuma clentched his sword that he had forged himself. He looked at it and stabbed it in the ground net to him. 


Akuma did not do as they told him this time two snipers shot out his knees. Even then he did not kneel even as blood leaked from his wounds. Two more bullets tore through his shins, but he stayed standing which made the man with the speaker stop them. 


The FBI agent walked out toward Akuma who should not be standing. His wounds were actually regenerating as he had fed on a lot of vitality of those he killed. So much that he could regenerate slightly. He placed his hand behind his back as the FBI leader cuffed him. 

"These are useless for a monster like you, but make it known we caught you." 

Akuma spoke up. 

"No, you did not. I let myself be taken, but not caught." 

"You would say that you demon." 

Akuma had expected them to take headshots, but they wanted him alive. His face was blank and his eyes focused. He had no shame for what he did and he would do it again. The man behind him pushed him forward and spoke up. 

"You know who I am right?" 

Akuma looked at him and shook his head.

"Your FBI so you must be mad I killed the former head of the FBI, or are you mad I killed the president? Maybe I killed most of the elite who funded you, or the criminals you backed. Maybe I released that 9/11 was an inside job and the like." 

The FBI injected him with pure botulinum toxin refined into a potent sedative for him. Akuma began to feel his body weaken, his breathing got weak, and he passed out in the end. Even with how toxic the amount of botulinum toxin was being broken down by his body. They restrained him with chains, and a straight jacket and even took his sword. 

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