Lightning and Fire Given Form.

Chapter 2: Second Chance at Life.

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During transport, they had to keep injecting him with more botulinum toxin which was losing effect rapidly. Not to mention that those in the same helicopter as him began to feel ill. Over time Akuma had learned to either restrain or amplify his drain which was just what he did.  Not to mention that they had taken his sword which had pretty much become cursed. It had been in his hands for years and had taken on a sort of dark sentience. It too drained the vitality of those it killed and just touching caused unease in those who were around it. 

This caused a few more deaths, but they did not plan to keep him around for long. Their drug was rapidly losing effect on him and containing him was hard. Guards died by being around him and his sword was treated as a cursed item even if they did not believe in curses. 

Within a week a trial was to take place where he was painted to be as cruel and evil as possible. They wished to end the resistance and end the third World War and get back to normal. With them, in control so they showed him in the most negative light possible. They showed images of all his murders and brought in the families of those he killed. They could not fit them all as they numbered in the thousands so they used the ones who would act the best. 

Had their act to be of grieving innocents who wanted the one responsible for the death of their families dealt with? Still, they overlooked one thing when they brought in the wrong witness. The same little girl he saved the other day who was made to speak. The attorney against Akuma pointed at him who was held in Hanibal Lecter-like restraints.

Botulinum Toxin was being injected into him to keep him asleep, but he still opened his eyes to look at the girl. This caused a stir as he was not supposed to be awake so they increased the dose. Even then his body had begun to build up a tolerance to botulinum toxin. Meaning they would have to increase the dose further or better yet make a new drug that could effect him. 

Several chains went all over his body that made kept him from moving. When the little girl saw how he was restrained she frowned. The attorney walked up to her and smiled.

"Please, tell us what you saw that awful night. Tell us what you saw."

She had been threatened with death if she said the wrong thing. She looked at the cameras and at Akuma. She saw how his eyes were locked on her. They were telling her to say what they wanted as he was done. He felt his crusade was finished as the resistance was winning. He did not try to contact them, but he kept up on current events. They had defeated several countries already and America was going to fall within the year. 

He closed his eyes and prepared to let himself fall to sleep.  However, she smiled gently and pointed at Akuma.

"He saved me from being raped. I was kidnapped from my home 3 weeks ago and I was to be sold to the wealthy politician Riley Butler. However, he was killed by Akuma, last week, this hero who saved me."

All of the people of the Butler family were terrified, as they knew they now had a target on their backs. Several wealthy families had been destroyed after Akuma had given up their dirty secrets and killed their backings. The Resistance went after them even and they were going to fall next. 

Akuma smiled as he knew that within the day the people would burn up their estate and properties. They were done for as he had already killed most of the dirty mega-wealthy. None of them were spared his wrath and even their families were not safe.  The attorney pointed at the cameras with a scream.


The cops rushed to both Akuma and the girl as they had to be killed and silenced. Akuma looked at the chain on his body and struggled hard and even broke several of them. He reached out and grabbed a cop by the neck and snapped it. He used his body and threw it at the others to break the chains on his left arm.

He began to rip himself from the restraints, but a massive surge of botulinum toxin rushed into his body. The amount was too much for him and it knocked him out in the end. He looked at the girl he tried so hard to save, but she was dragged away. 

'Not again.' 

He reached out and clenched his hand ripping out the soul of the man who was holding her. 


She looked at him before listening to him. She did not want to leave her savior, but he was done. He fell unconscious and was restrained. When he awoke he was strapped to a reinforced strain with more needles in his body. His whole body was tied and more unique types of poisons, toxins, and drugs were about to be pumped into him. 

Several armed guards were present to prepare for anything. He realized that this was his execution and he was out of strength. The priest who gave one last prayer asked for his final words. Akuma had only a few. 

"Death comes for us all, we can only escape it for so long." 

The executioner began to pump him full of unique toxins harvested from many sources. Plants, animals, bacterial, and manmade ones, needed to ensure he died. However, Akuma opened his eyes at the end as he forced his drugged and broken body to work one last time. 


He began to struggle and the ones watching felt like a demon woke up. The way he was thrashing and his eyes were blood red looked horrifying. He was yelling and pulling on his restraints and he refused to die. The guards unloaded on him, but he refused to die. He snapped his restraints and grabbed the priest. He crushed his head in his hands as he was being fired upon. 

He rushed to the armed guard and raised him to the sky. He punched his hand into his chest and ripped out his heart. He threw the body at the other guard and pushed at them like a berserker set on taking them all. No matter how many guards rushed in he killed them all with his bare hands. After taking in over 500 rounds he finally dropped to the ground.

His eyes went to the clock in his vision he saw something interesting. It was 3 am exactly which made him laugh at himself. That fucking number again. When he finally died, he had broken the first restraint on his power which needed his first death. He was the son of Death, death was just a means of power. 

His mother took his soul which had grown enough for her to feel safe in doing this.  She sent him off to another world once more. However, she collected the soul that had formed in his sword. There was someone who would forge a new better body so she kept it safe until then.  In this world was a beautiful black-haired woman rubbing her stomach as she just found out she was pregnant. Death restrained his vitality drain as what her son needed was to recover in a good environment. A good family was needed, but she still could not hold him. 

He was too weak and he would die in her presence. Akuma's soul was sent into her womb and would become the twin of the other child of the woman. The woman's husband came into the house to check on her as they had just found out she was pregnant. Plus she was young at 17 so he wanted to make sure she was alright. 

"How are you doing Shuri?"

The woman gave a graceful smile as she grabbed his hand. She placed it on her stomach with a smile

"I am just fine. I am just happy to be carrying out children." 

He sat next to his wife and rubbed her belly. He smiled knowing he would soon be a father so he could not be any happier. Akuma's mind had gone quiet and he was in a deep sleep until the day of his birth. During the labor, Akuma was the first one out. The midwife washed him off and handed him over to Shuri. He looked just like his past self, pitch black. His eyes opened up showing totally dark violet eyes.

Shuri's labored breaths and pained expression were all too clear. His first thought was he was in Hell.

'Am I in Hell? Does not seem like it.'

He did not cry but waited for something bad to happen. He felt a pair of strong hands hold him and carry him to their chest. He looked up to the aged face of the man, but his eyes were full of warmth. Seeing that look was a first for him.

'Odd. So much kindness directed at me of all people.' 

Akuma reached out and touched the face of this man. Baraqiel smiled and held Akuma's small hand.

"Welcome to the world Kurayami."

That was a better name than Akuma which had been his only name for years. 

Kurayami fell asleep in his father's arms and soon a cry was heard. The woman helping deliver washed the baby and cut the umbilical cord. The second one was born and it was a girl. Both babies were washed off and given to Shuri who pressed them to her breasts. Barquiel was extremely happy at his children being born. Shuri had already picked a name for her daughter as Baraqiel had named their son.

"Akeno Himejima."

Barqiel looked at both his kids, but especially at his son. His son's eyes were hollow and devoid of life behind them. That was just a side effect of the things he had gone through in his life.  He was fine for the most part, but he would always lack something that made someone living. 

"Shuri, have you seen Kurayami's eyes yet?"

She looked at her son and saw his eyes were hollow. She looked at him with worry and raised him up to look at her. Kurayami opened his eyes and looked at her with no expression. It was like he was devoid of life. That was just his normal face sadly.

She smiled at him and tried to get a reaction. She kissed his cheek and even tickled him, but his face stayed stoich. He did hold back a few laughs, but his parents were still worried. Baraqiel was worried and called for his friend Azazel and when he looked at Kurayama he took him in his arms.

"Wow. That is the most depressed baby I have ever seen."

Azazel poked his nose, but Kurayami didn't care.

'This guy seems interesting.'

Kurayami grabbed his hand with the same expression on his face. Azazel smiled and handed him back to Baraqiel.

"He seems healthy, but his eyes are weird. Must be a side effect of something, but I have no clue why he is like this. Just give him care and maybe he will perk up."

Both Shuri and Baraqiel nodded. They decided to just keep an eye on him to make sure he was not at risk. Kurayami had his own methods to say he needed to be changed or was hungry. He just did not cry. His mother and father tried to get him to cheer up, but he was already happy. He just could not show it on his face as he had a true family. Something he never had before as his facial muscles were almost crippled. 

A year later he had somewhat normalized a bit and showed a bit more expression in his gaze. his parents were happy about that as it showed he was improving. There was still much damage to fix, but just being good parents were doing that. When he turned 1 he saw something that froze him with interest. It filled his eyes with a light he had not had before. Baraqiel took them in his arms and he spread out his 10 wings.


There was a full moon out and when he flew high in the sky they could see for miles.  The sky filled with thunder clouds, but neither his sister nor he felt any danger. More like the clouds were their domain and it made both of them look at them with interest. Baraqiel smiled as he controlled the storm clouds to part to let them see the sky.

"The storms and lightning will be yours to rule over in time. As my children, you will inherit my great power so use it to protect each other."

He held them to his chest and looked on at the sky. Kurayami looked at his sister and for the first time, his face curled back a tiny bit. 

'I can do that.' 

Seeing that smile surprised his father. Kurayamai never showed a smile and yet he seemed to have a new light in his gaze. His father returned home where his mother was waiting. When Shuri saw that smile she took him in her arms and cried tears of joy.

"Baraqiel, what did you do to make him happy?"

The fallen angel rubbed his beard and smiled. 

"I just showed them the night sky and the storm clouds."

She kissed him and held him tight.

"I am glad I met you."

Baraqiel felt nearly dying was worth it. He met the love of his life and he had two children he loved with all his heart. As such he was going to make sure they could protect themselves. When they were a little older Baraqiel began to help them with their lightning slowly. When they were both 4 years old he took Kurayami and Akeno to Grigori to get some basic training as thanks to him they were growing healthy. 

Plus his Cadre bloodline was making them grow stronger than kids their age should be.  Once they arrived Azazel was interested in something.

"Before we start the training I want to check if they have any sacred gears. They are half-human after all."

"Can't hurt to try after all."

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Baraqiel agreed as that will be the most critical part of their training.  Both kids were taken to a lab where Azazel did most of his research. A device he had made could scan for sacred gears so he motioned for Baraqiel to take them closer.

"Here. We need to do one test so place your hand against this."

Kurayami placed his hand on it and the device began to scream like crazy, which made Azazel break out laughing.

"That can only be one thing, a Loginous. What luck kid?"

He picked up Kurayami and looked him in the eye. He tilted his head as he was confused.


Azazel explained as he put him back down.

"They are powerful artifacts and weapons created by the god of the Bible. The top 14 are the Longinus. Now to figure out which is yours. Still, we do have to check your sister too. Baraqiel."

When her hand was placed on the device there was no reaction. It was expected as you can't be that lucky with both twins with sacred gears. Azazel placed his hand on Kurayami's back and sent in some magic to activate it. Around Kurayami's hands appeared powerful purple flames. Seeing that made Azazel chuckle as he saw it.

"What do you know, Incinerate Anthem? Who would have guessed a fallen angel would have it? You are a lucky father Baraqiel."

Baraqiel looked at the flames with interest.

"Can you control them, son?"

Kurayami clenched his fists and turned them off.


Azazel was truly happy right now.  Not only can he use holy fire, but holy lighting. This meant they now had a trump card on the devils. Fallen Angles and angels were made to fight devils, but a Fallen Angel with Holy fire and Lightning was unheard of. This was going to be a game-changer if they could train him property Kurayami could take over his job as Governor General. Azazel's evil plan was to raise Kurayami and make him become Governor-General so he could retire.

"Baraqiel, are you open to me training them a bit?" 

Baraqiel was fine with that. 

"They are growing quickly as is expected, so yes. They need to be able to control their strength when they get older." 

"Great, you won't be disappointed." 


From here he began the training for both kids. From here on Akeno and Kurrayami were trained on the weekends by Azazel and the top trainers of Grigori. He left them most of the time to be kids with their parents, but on weekends was time to train.  They were the children of his friend so he would help them reach their full potential. after two years with only the best training both Akneo and Kurayami tapped into their strength. 

As children of a Cadre and talented members of a Principle Clan descended from a goddess made game their top. Now they were both 7 years old and he was trained to fight. Just like in his past life, Akuma used a greatsword as that was what he used.  He was a close-range figher that covered his weapons in flames and lighting to attack. Even Akeno was not being left behind much, but the advantage of a Longinus was apparent. She had something he did not.

While they both could use magic, she was a true genius when it came to magic. Even her physical prowess was higher than most as they also made her train her body. The more durable a mage, the more magic they could store in their body. At this moment he was in a large training room with Azazel and Baraqiel supervising it. they brought in a sword fighter to spar with Kurayami. He only had 3 pairs of wings which was average, but better than most.

"Is that the kid you want me to fight? He looks like he is 10."

Azazel nodded. He placed his hand on Kurayami's head and ruffled his head.

"Yup, don't look down on him for his age. He might kick your ass as he is Baraqiel's kid." 

The fallen nodded and drew his long sword. It was not much, but it was made of some magical materials.

"Fine, what is your name kid?"

"Kurayami Himejima. What is yours?" 

"My name is Emerson."

Both of them walked toward the other and Kurayami grabbed his sword from his back. Seeing how large it was made Emerson raise an eyebrow.

"Can you wield that?"

Baraqiel nodded.

"He will be fine. Begin."

Kurayami rushed forward much faster than expected. Amerson was surprised at how quickly he moved and moved out of the way from a sword swing. That was what Kurayami wanted and he created a second sword with light and swung it diagonally toward his leg.

Amerson leaped out of the way and swung his sword down on Kurayami's face. He dodged to the side out of the way and swung his greatsword toward his chest with one arm. Amerson kicked the blade up, but a light word nearly slashed his thigh. Amerson was actually having trouble which was shocking to him.

He had been training for centuries and yet here was a 7-year-old who has outmatched him. He could not accept and he started to boost his physical might with his magic. Azazel noticed and shook his head. Kurayai felt it as well and he did the same. However, his magic contained holy fire and lightning that made him hit harder and move faster. His body began to glow and heat up as power surged in his body. 

"He was keeping his true death powers hidden as he did not want to kill those around him. But he could always use them as they were still his to use.  He started to swing both swords against one of Amerson's.

Kurayami was trained in dual-wielding by Azael as it seemed to match. Amerson started to get pushed back which made him angry. In the next sword clash, Kurayamui used that chance. He used Submission his first sword and knocked his blade out of his hands.


The trainer cursed as Kurayami swung the light sword toward his neck. The light sword coursed with holy lightning and fire as a result of Kurayami's affinities that affected his light constructs.  Amerson was sweating bullets as the light construct was still razor-sharp and rippling with energy. Suddenly they heard clapping and they both looked over.

Azazel, Baraqiel, and Akeno were all watching in amazement. Akeno ran over and gave him a big tight hug. He placed his sword on his back and ran his hand down her hair. A tiny smile was on his face, but only his family could see it.

"BROTHER! You won." 

"I did." 

Azazel looked at Amerson and shook his head.

"We said no magic boosting. I would have let him cut your throat open."

Amerson glared at Kurayami as he knew that Azazel was using all his effort to train Kurayami and Akeno.

"Well done kid. I knew that sword would serve you well."

Azazel was proud of his work as that sword was just meant to be a placeholder. He had a plan to make him a better one. Kurayami looked at the sword on his back and nodded.

"It is great. Thank you."

Akeno did not know if she would use a weapon, but Azazel was teaching her how to use a spear. She quite liked to use it as she felt like her brother. He was a swordsman and she wanted to use a spear like Azazel who was like her uncle. She pulled on Azazel's pant leg and frowned.

"Will I get a spear like yours?" 

Azazel thought about it and shrugged.

"Not yet, soon though."

She nodded as she was taught by Shuri to be patient. Still, she was a child and had only so much patience. Once more thing was that she wanted to be as tall as her brother. He was tall for a 7-year-old as he looked 10. They may be twins, but he was a male fallen angel and they mature faster. Especially as his father Baraqiel who was a tall man at 6'4.  Kurayami was more fallen than human so he gained his father's immense strength and more talent in his lightning abilities.

Kurayami looked at Azazel and asked about something he was interested in.

"I read in a book about Senjutsu, who can teach it to me."

Azazel thought a bit as he did not have anyone who could use it.

"Well, there is a stray devil who was once a Nekushou. If we can offer her a place then maybe, but easier said than done. She is elusive, but I will see what I can do.

They spoke for a while longer until Akeno, Baraqiel and he all returned home. When they arrived at the small, but a nice home waiting outside was their mother Shuri. She just may be one of the kindest people he had known in both of his lives. She bent down and hugged both her children

"How was your day?"

Kurayami's hollow face lit up with a tiny smile. 

"Great. I beat someone in a sword fight."

Akeno pointed at Kurayami with a proud smile.

"Brother is amazing."

Akeno hugged her mother tightly as she loved her mother. When Shuri got up she gave their father a kiss and they all entered the house for dinner. 

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