Lightning and Fire Given Form.

Chapter 10: Special Familliar.

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Following the sparing match that Kurayami and Raynare had, she decided that she needed more training. Raynare challenged Kurayami and Vali with any chance that she got as she did not like being left behind. They were the same age, but Kurayami seemed to be levels above her which irked her competitive spirit. 

That in turn, motivated Akeno to train harder as she had been training longer than Raynare. She did not want to be left behind either so it became a cycle that fed into itself. This became a positive influence on Vali who had started to hang out with their little trio more often. He and Kurayami were less than friends, but more than mere acquaintances. They tolerated and respected each other more than they did before. This followed for the next 4 weeks as it was time to get their familiars. All four of them were currently running on the field with more weight added to thier beginning amount. The staggering amount was still Kurayami who was now pushing a ton and a half. He did not plan on stopping before he had unlocked his own Touki the natural way. Through hard work and dedication. 

Vali had increased his own weight training to a ton, but he felt defeated as more was just too hard to run in. Raynare was closer to Vali at 1,800 pounds while Akeno had the least at 1,000. No matter how much she trained, she was just not physically gifted as her brother and two friends. For one, Vali and Raynare had dragons sealed in their bodies while Kurayami had a Longinus and his two heritages. 

Even then, Azazel made her push herself this way as he did not want her to be taken out by a melee fighter. Plus, the stronger her body was, the more magic she could contain in it. Either way, Baraqiel was happy to see his training was doing wonders.

"Keep this up for as long as you can. We might increase the weight later on to push you more. If you want Touki only effort will acquire it. Especially you son."

Kurayami knew that his father had higher expectations from him in his physical state. While Akeno was putting in the work her talent lay in magic. Kurayami was in swordsmanship. That meant he would benefit the most from Touki. When Azazel walked in he looked at the amount of weight they had and looked at Vali. 

"Seems you are still outdone."

That made the kid angry.

"Not for long." 

Azazel just laughed. 

"Well work for it. Who knows, maybe Kurayami will kill your grandfather before you."

That pissed him off, but he just bottled it up to motivate him to run. He stared right at Kurayami who was not moving slowly at all. He was moving like a blur and from the look of it, he was getting faster. He was blitzing Raynare and Akeno despite the fact they had less weight. Much to thier annoyance. 

Azazel whistled to get them to stop which made Kurayami grind his feet into the ground to slow down. When he finally stopped running Kurayami kept moving forward as he had the most momentum. Akeno was the only one to drop to her knee exhausted. At 7 years old this was already asking a lot, but she was determined to keep up with her brother and Raynare. They were her role models and as long as they worked hard she would do the same.

She felt a pair of hands help her up and looked up to see Kurayami helping her up. That made her smile as no matter what he always helped her up.  He reached up and removed the weights on her which dropped to the ground with a bang. He still wore his own as he kind of liked them. They made him feel bigger and stronger than he already was.

"Thank you, brother."

He nodded as he ran his hand through her black hair. 

"Is it time Azazel?"

Azazel nodded.

"You three are getting your familiars today."

That got them excited, but the first thing was to take a shower as they did not want to smell the sweat. Kurayami dropped his weights as he was not going to wear them in the shower  When they were done, they met back up with Azazel. Kurayami, Raynare, and Akeno turned to Vali as they wondered if he was coming. He shook his head as he dried his hair. 

"I'm good." 

While they got ready, Azazel handed them three books that named all kinds of creatures that lived where they would be trying to tame something.

"Here. This is a book naming all the familiars you can get and which you shouldn't. Raynare should focus on the undead and shadow creatures while Kurayami should focus on fire and lightning-based creatures. Akeno you have more options, but keep with the lightning."

He looked at Baraqiel and while he would do it without the question he still ordered him.

"This is an order. Keep them safe. The three of them are some of our most important assets. They are also under your care my friend."

Baraqiel nodded with a determined look on his face.

"Without a doubt, I will."

Azazel smiled and explained where they were going.

"The place you are going to is full of areas teeming with creatures. You should find something interesting there."

They stepped into the teleportation circle and were sent to the place he told them about. It was a place full of forests and unique environments. Baraqiel explained a bit when they appeared above the magic zone. 

"This was a battlefield during the Great War, thousands years ago.  As a result, the area was affected by the magic and blood of billions causing this."

His face returned to those battles where he slaughtered devils and angels along with Grigori. He shook his head as he looked at the kids.

"Well then. Where do we start first?"

Raynare decided to start with Kurayami.

"Why not start with him? I can wait."

Akeno nodded.

"Better for big brother to go first. He is the strongest of us three, might makes right."

Kurayami looked at the map and book to see what creature he wanted. He saw one that he found interesting. It was called a Razor Tooth Fiend. It lived in lava and lightning-filled environments. It was a dual-lighting and fire creature perfect for him. Its shell was a mix of chitin, metal, and harden rock as it was affected by its home and it got to about 10 meters long for females and 20 for males. The special varients could get even bigger. 

"This is perfect."

When Akeno saw it she thought it was awesome.

"Cool, I want one."

Raynare shook her head.

"Don't just copy him Akeno, this is perfect for him so find something made just for you."

She nodded with a pout. If she could she was going to steal one anyway.

Baraqiel knew where they bred and told nodded.

"I know where they live. They live in a place where thunderstorms and volcanic pools are common. They live in the lava and feed on the lightning. If we find a young one it is better for it to accept you and its potential will be better. However, adults can reach the late stages of the High Class. The mutated ones can even enter the Ultimate Class. The Alpha would be even stronger so it will be a tough fight."

That made him want it even more. Now they had to plan how to get one as they would not be undefended. Baraqiel made a small plan.

"Well, we will go in stealthily and do some surveillance. If needed I will be a divergence for you to catch it."

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The three of them nodded as they knew they could die if things went wrong. Kurayami pulled out Rebellion and the first sword he named Submission. It still needed to be reforged, but slowly it was becoming more intuned with Kurayami's power. Not yet sentient, but higher than a regular sword.

Baraqiel steeled his resolve and removed his cape to reveal his armor underneath. It was a magic armor that Kurayami and Raynare helped forge for him. When he drew his sword a powerful aura ran through it as it was also made through this method. 

"Let's go."

They all flew to the breeding field of the beats and they had to fly slower to make sure they did not alert the group. When they got to the zone the sky was rumbling with giant lightning storms while the entire place was full of huge pools of magma. Baraqiel walked forward slowly followed by the three kids.

"This mountain has a high metallic content which draws in these giant lightning storms. Over the centuries more and more storms have gotten trapped in here through the magic of the Razor Tooth Fiends. The higher up you go, the more unique forms of lightning rain down. The strongest young will be at the top and they will be heavily guarded. 

We get one of those mutants, and the end result will be even better." 

Kurayami was already excited in his own mundane way. They all got ready so they wouldn't hold Baraqiel back. Even he could not fight a prolonged battle against the entire swarm as they numbered in the tens of thousands. There were just too many so they needed to be ready as it could end badly.   When they arrived at the burning lava pools to look around for a good one they spotted a few.  Baraqiel looked at the large creatures basking in a lava pool as Lightning struck their backs and was directed toward their mouth where they absorbed it.

The Razor Tooth Fiend's back was perfect for drawing in lightning. This one was only three meters long so it was young, but not good enough. It was weak and had a weak bloodline purity.

"Ignore that. We need to get to the top of the mountain. . Put on your bracelets."

They put on the purple bracelets made by Azazel that could block a few blows. They all followed Baraqiel who avoided the big ones when he could. Eventually, one of them saw him and was going to sound out the alarm, but its head was detached from its body in one swing. Baraqiel looked at the sword in his hands that cut through the tough hide easily.  Baraqiel was truly impressed with this one as it cut through the creature like butter.

They kept ascending while Raynare, Akeno, and Kurayami killed the weaker ones to help Baraqiel. Even though they fed on lightning Baraqiels lightning was just too strong for them to feed on and was more like trying to power your phone with a lightning bolt. Akeno used her wind magic to block out sound while Ranare used her sacred gears to restrain and kill them. Kurayami appreciated Akeno as he could go in fire and lighting blasting without much chance of getting spotted.

Plus, when he killed them, their souls were fed toward Rebellion and Submission. A good way to power up his weapons as souls were always full of strength. One thing he found was that the more lightning went into his nerves the faster he reacted and the more flames were in his body the harder he hit. He was immune to any damage from his own power which made this all the more worth to use

The higher they went the hotter and more stormy it got. The big ones were out basking and eating, but they were still weaker than Baraqiel. They found a small lava pool with a few young in it, but none of them were good enough. Baraqiel kept killing the ones that found them, but when they got to the very peak of the mountain they found something Baraqiel did not expect. 

"The offspring of the Alpha." 

There was only one in the nest. It was small at the moment no bigger than a meter in length. It must have been born just a few weeks ago. Its shell was totally black with lightning coursing through its body. Lava-like embers smoldered on its body Near it was about 12 mutated ones who protected it. The Alpha was nowhere in sight which meant it was feeding or out of the nest at the moment. 

This one was the perfect find and none would be better than this one. From the look of it this lava pool was full of magic and the lightning it fed on was also not normal. Now it was time to get it.

"Kids. I will go cause a distraction while you two try to get it. You three are going to have to be quick and get it before you get overwhelmed. Got it."

The three of them gripped their weapons tighter as they nodded. When they were ready Baraqiel left and attacked the adults with his lightning and when it hit one of them it roared in rage. The other 11 roared and charged at him while the weaker one stayed to guard the young one. They attacked him with streams of fire and lightning strikes. The mutated ones didn't only feed on lighting, but could also use it to attack. That was what made them so powerful and why they stayed at the top.

The three of them got ready to rush in to get the young one as soon as the more dangerous ones left to face Baraqiel. Once they were gone it was time and they charged into the group of regular adults. Their weapons were made of part Stygian Iron which could hurt the soul, so even monsters like the Razor Tooth Fiends were made easy.

At the same time, hundreds of magic spells rained down on the pack as black flames, shadows surged at the group. Kurayami rained holy fire and lighting while in the thick of the melee. Plus he released his own death aura to drain the life from the ones that neared him.  This was his specialty, the vanguard as he would not recoil from pain or damage. If anything it was quite hard for them to get through his armor or his skin which was quite durable.

A storm of spears of light attacked the adults killing them by the dozen. As they rushed in the adults charged at them with no fear for their own safety, but their weapons tore through them like tofu. Akeno stabbed out with her spear several times per second which resulted in several holes being blasted into the skulls of the adults. Raynare started to coat her body in the death energy and it terrified the adults, but she could focus it only affect her foes.

Her eyes turned yellow as her veins turned black. A spectral-like skull appeared over her face as she went all out.  Some of them began to die every time her scythe even lightly cut them. Unknowingly while they were fighting a middle-aged-looking man with 16 black wings was looking at Raynare with a small smile. He was flying several miles in the sky as he looked at her especially.

"Your daughter looks just like you Andres. She can even use my power."

His aged face showed loss at the death of his son. He could do nothing as he had promised to avoid everyone. He turned to Kurayami who he knew was friends with his granddaughter. 

"That kid can also use death magic. He hides it well, but I can see it clear as day. Let me help you, little ones." 

While Raynare and Kurayami could feel nothing the Razor Tooth Fiends began to flee in terror. He left soon after and it gave them time to grab the young one. It struggled in his hands, but he activated the pact and began to give it small amounts of his lightning and fire and it began to enjoy it. They were not mindless and they found out it had this kind of food, so the pact was finished.

He placed it on his shoulders and thought of a name. Raynare was confused as she poked at it.

"What gender is it? Does it even have a gender?"

Kurayami read the book about it and found a way to tell if it was male or female. Look at the tail. If it was covered in razor barbs it was male. If it didn't it was female. This little guy had a tail covered in razor-sharp barbs. Akeno smiled as she touched them.

"Looks like it's a boy."

Kurayami thought of the perfect name.

"Your name shall be Tyrant."

It liked the name and it nudged him that it wanted more. He began to give it fire and lightning until it was full. It disappeared into the pact and he could feel his connection to it. Now that they were done things were confusing.

"How do we tell dad we are finished?"

Akeno shook her head.

"I think we should leave before more come back."

Raynare nodded.

"We need to leave."

They were about to take off, but Baraqiel came back at that moment.

"Let's go, now."

They did not as why as they all took to the sky. As they flew Kurayami noticed he had a few burns, but nothing major. Suddenly about 40 more mutated ones arrived and they were even bigger and roared out in rage. Leading them was a gigantic creature 40 meters in length. The Alpha had come back and seen its offspring with them enraged it. 

It roared out sending out a message to all its underlings to give chase. Baraqiel wrapped his arms around the three kids and took off at max speed. The entire army of Fiends gave chase until the edge of the lava fields, and a little further. The Alpha chases for longer, but eventually, it stopped chasing. It roared a challenge to Baraqiel who ignored it. 

Baraqiel flew for a while longer until he felt it was safe to stop.  He landed to rest a bit and he also brought out a lantern with the soul of one in it. It was the first mutated one he killed. A very bright soul was in the middle of it which made Kurayami's sacred gear react.

"You can change the soul later, but this one will be good for yours."

He took it and the soul entered his chest and he felt the beast roar in agony as it was crucified on the cross of the sacred gear. When he achieved his balance breaker it will be affected by the thing crucified on it and it was not the best, but for now, it was perfect.

"Thanks, dad now we just need Akeno's and Raynare's."

On his shoulder appeared Tyrant who while not having eyes could see just fine. Kurayami felt he was perfect for him. Raynare and Akeno felt he was awesome. Now that they got Kurayami's it was time for Raynare who was looking for something undead.

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