Lightning and Fire Given Form.

Chapter 9: Rebellion vs Sephtis

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As they walked toward the training room to see which weapon was the better one. However, it seemed it would have to wait a small while as Kurayami and Raynare were exhausted  It was obvious from their rumbling stomachs that they were tired after hours of using their sacred gears. When Baraqiel heard that he decided to hold off on the spar for a little while.

"How about we get you kids something to eat first."

Kurayami had to agree as he felt eating would be a good way to recover his energy.

"Yeah, that would be better."

Raynare agreed as she was starving.

"Yes please."

Seeing he had an opportunity made Kurayami's eyes light up. He wanted to see how his father handled some Mapo Tofu, extra spicy.

"Dad, want to try some Mapo Tofu? See why I like it so much.:

Baraqiel thought about it and he did not see anything wrong with the idea.

"Why not? How bad can it be?"

Akeno and Raynare did not try to want him anymore as he thought they were exaggerating. Besides, he fought again the Devil Kings so what was a little pepper to him? He would end up regretting that thought. When they went to the kitchen and the cook saw Baraiel ordering some Mapo Tofu he silently gave Kurayami a head nod. He knew how much Kurayami loved spicy food so he upgraded to Carolina Reapers.

Kurayami ordered himself 3 servings of it while Raynare and Akeno ordered some regular food. They were never going to try it again even more so now that it was upgraded. When they sat down Baraqiel gazed down at his plate which seemed to be red. Now that Baraqiel was seeing it he could smell and feel the burn.

"You like this stuff."

Kurayami nodded as he was already digging in.

"Yeah, try it. It's not that bad."

Akeno and Raynare waited for him to regret it and when the food touched his tongue Baraqiel felt that he had just consumed molten lava. He wanted to spit it out, but he really didn't like to waste food. He forced himself to eat it which caused his throat to burn.  Raynare and Akeno looked at Kurayami and told you so looks. If even Baraqiel could not eat it, what hope did they?

Kurayami ignored them as he enjoyed his meal with a smile. He was glad that the spice was increased as it made it all the better. Seeing how his father was not going to be able to finish he offered to do it for him.

"Dad. I see you can't handle the heat. I can eat it."

Baraqiel looked at the look his son that said you can't do it. He forced himself to eat, but each spoonful felt worse than the last. When he finished Kurayami had devoured all of his food. He opened up the zipper in his jacket and a mass of steam left his body. Seeing that made Raynare and Akeno look at him with impressed looks. Still how hot was it to make him steam?


Just as he was about to talk to his dad, Baraqiel got up and ran away. That made Kurayami smile faintly as even his father could not handle it. Still, it made Kurayami curious if his father enjoyed the pain he received. When he came back he had a cup of ice which he was crunching on. Kurayami chuckled at his father which made Baraqiel feel it was worth it. He rarely smiled or laughed and if that made him happy he was glad he did it. Still, why was it so spicy?"

"Well now that you kids ate, you ready?"

Both Kurayami and Akeno nodded as their body's metabolism was much faster than a human's. After only 30 minutes of rest, they were back at their peak. Now it was time to see who had the better skill and weapon. When Baraqiel led them to one of the training rooms he looked at both of them carefully.

"Remember, those weapons are not toys and can kill. Be careful."

Kurayami and Raynare knew that for a fact as they always had some care when sparing. They both walked to opposite sides of the training room and brought out their weapons. When Rebellion appeared in Kurayami's hand the flames roared out from the skull near the handle. 

Around the blade white lightning crackled, and purple and black flames surged. Seems that the forging did a better job than he thought.

'Awesome Azazel. Ready?' 


He pulled off his first sword and tossed it to Akeno who caught the large sheath.

"Take care of her."


Baraqiel saw how she was acting like it was a piece of priceless treasure. He glanced at Raynare's scythe and it made him shiver. It released a black miasma and cursed flames all over the giant scythe.  The big eye looked right at Kurayami with a squinted look. The skull from Rebellion seemed to squint which honestly made the scythe a bit nervous. 

One more thing was that Raynare activated her sacred gears which caused her right eye to turn black while her arms were covered in black armor. Baraqiel raised his hand as both of them got into a combat stance. Kurayami placed Rebllion on his shoulder while he leaned forward like a predator. He placed his left hand on the ground while Raynare took a more agile stance. 


Both of them rushed to each other while he swung his sword to clash with her scythe. Rebellion had a longer reach because it was a massive sword while Sephtis had better maneuverability. Plus the power behind Rebellion had more impact which ended up launching Raynare back. Kurayami charged back him and swung Rebellion down with a two-handed swing. 

Raynare jumped back to avoid the attack, but Kurayami did not stop. He began to swing Rebellion faster and faster which Raynare had to block or avoid. He gave her very little leeway to make a mistake which caused her to focus her full attention on enduring the endless assault. 

'How are his arms not burning up?'

She felt the impact go up her arms as Kurayami was a dreadnaught of the close-up fighting. This was annoying as her specialty was physical combat, but Kurayami had an edge on her here. His strength was higher than hers, and he had spent much longer training than her. Still, she did not panic and instead used the moment she got pushed back to try to land a kick on his ribs.

She forgot one thing, he was taller than her. He raised his left leg and blocked her kick. He jumped in the air and kicked up Sephtis.


He followed this by roundhouse kicking her right in the face sending her flying. Baraqiel flintched at that. 

"Go easy Kurayami." 

Raynare wiped her face off and shook her head. 

"It's fine." 

She lept back into the fight while Kurayami barely got into a wide-open stance. She brought down her scythe down, but Kurayami did something no one expected. He covered his hand in a light gauntlet covered in holy fire. He caught the blade of Sephtis and followed it up with a kick to Raynare's ribs. He launched her flying, but he let go of her scythe. 

He felt the air being knocked out of her lungs making her drop to her knee. Kurayami had not said or made much sound as when he fought he got into the zone. She grit her teeth and stood up not willing to give up. Kurayami extended his hand to Akeno and dragged his first sword into his open hand. 

Akeno looked at the now empty sheath in her hands and back at the fight. 

"Oh oh." 

Baraqiel knew that Kurayami was going to go on the attack.

He crossed both blades in an X shape in front of him before he started to walk toward Raynare. 


Kurayami rushed toward Raynare and he rained blow after blow on her. She dodged what she could, but both swords had a huge reach. She cursed in her mind as Kurayami was a dual wielder. He was going easy at the start, but now he started to put in more effort. Every time the weapons crashed into each other the metal clanged and crashed. She was managing to hold off his assault slightly It did not mean she was happy about it as with every clash she got pushed back.

Now that he was on the assault he would not stop the attack.  Akeno watched on which made her smile.

"Brothers got this."

Baraqiel had to agree with that statement as Kurayami had more experience and training. this was the first time she was using her other sacred gears so her use of them was rather mediocre. When she activated Delete Field he would destroy it same with her trying to use his own shadow against him with Shadow Prison. Not a good matchup so she was just wasting her energy.

The longer they fought the more she was pushed back. Rebellion began to burn hotter and with more intensity while Sephtis began to darken. His second sword began to draw in Kurayami's flames and death magic causing it to become more deadly. Both weapons were trying to outperform the other, but sadly for her, Rebellion was winning the exchange. Not to mention Raynare was losing to Kurayami. 

"Time for you to give up Raynare." 



He gripped her Rebellion handle as spikes entered his palm. She began to feed on his blood with his permission which caused a giant surge in flames and lightning. Both began to be tainted black with his death energy that flowed through his body. Raynare never expected that as it was a unique ability of Rebellion.

The whole field was covered with flames as Raynare charged right in to stop him.  He began to swing Rebellion only on Sephtis over and over again which continued to push Raynare back. Baraqiel thought they were getting too into it, but he saw Raynare was still smiling. 

Kurayami had a blank face as she tried to use her own flames and began to try to overpower his, but his flames were still the result of a Longinus. Dragon king or not it was not enough. Lightning and flames covered him from head to toe as he rushed forward. He used the boost to get past her scythe while he stopped an inch away from her neck. She sighed and held her hands up as she would have died if he wanted.

"I lose. You win."

They both waved their hands and made the fire vanish. She was still not happy as she looked at Kurayami.

"I swear you are powerful."

He nodded with the same blank look.

"It was expected."

She frowned as she pulled on his arm.

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"Come on, no encouraging words."

He shook his head.

"You lost, but lasted a bit."

The fight had only lasted about a minute, but as they moved faster than the eye could see it seemed longer. She kept tugging at his arm so he rolled his eyes and gave her what she wanted.

"If it was anyone else they would have lost way sooner. Be proud."

Her face went blank as she knew he was not trying to be arrogant, but it still sounded like that.  Baraqiel and Akeno approached, but Baraqiel was very proud of their progress. However, it was a little unfair to expect Raynare to win again Kurayami.

"Well done both of you, however, I could see how Raynare seemed to struggle with her sacred gears. We can fix that in time, but the main thing is we need to get you two to Balance Breaker."

They both wanted to unlock their balance breakers, but who knows when that will happen. It was all about either emotion, great training, or luck so they would just have to wait. Still, they heard the next part of good news.

"Also you will be getting your familiars very soon."

The three of them got excited about that, especially Kurayami. He always loved pets and what better way to get some that would last forever? Not to mention it was time to go home so they teleported home. It was a Friday so they would be staying home for the next weekend. When they got home Shuri was gazing at the large full moon in the sky with a smile. She felt happier when she saw they were back home.

Akeno rushed to her mother for a hug. She was the most childlike of the three of them, but it did not mean that Kurayami and Rynare did not like hugs. Shuri wrapped her hands around the three of them with a sigh. There was not a day she did not worry for them, but it was really the other way around. They worried the most for her as while she had enough strength to protect herself, it was lacking. Still, she never brought it up and now she looked at Raynare with a smile.

"I heard today you were getting her new weapons. Let's see it."

Raynare nodded and walked back to get her weapon. When the black scythe appeared and she began to swing it like an expert which made Shuri gaze at the skill she used with a good amount of awe.

There were swordsmen in her clan, but they did not hold a candle to her skill. Seems she had inherited Azrael's skill with the scythe.

"Raynare is your scythe alive too?"

She nodded with pride.

"His name is Sephtis. He lost to Rebellion though."

Shuri glanced at Kurayami's eyes and saw he was a little smug. She has gotten really good at reading his emotions just from his eyes so she was happy for them. As the full moon was giving a lot of light they decided to have a small cookout. They all enjoyed a well-cooked meal and for the first time in a while, Kurayami was sitting on his mother's lap. His eyes were like always, but she knew them better than anyone. He was actually happy to have a loving family.

She wrapped her arms around him as she rested her chin on his head.

"I am glad you are happy. You are more cheerful than usual."

He looked up with his usual look.


She nodded as she pointed to his eyes.

"I learned to read your eyes. Pretty impressive right?"

"My eyes are hard to read?"

She chuckled and got a mirror to make him look at them. It was like there was no pupil in them, but she knew better.

"Look. Your eyes almost don't change, but I can tell. I am a mother after all."

Raynare walked up to him to look at them better.

"I should learn, for the future."

Kurayami glanced over curious. 

"It would be more useful if you could learn my intentions with a look." 

Shuri covered his mouth. 

"Let her speak. Raynare. Care to tell me more? What do you mean future?"

Raynare smiled and said what Benemune told her. 

"Benemune said that learning how to read a man's eyes will let you get into his heart. I could beat him if I could read his eyes right?" 

Shuri face palmed as even Raynare was ignorant of what Benemune wanted to get across. She meant getting into his heart as in a love interest. Seemed they were still too young to understand this. Might as well be direct. 

"Raynare, would you mind marrying my son?" 

Raynare titled her head. 


Kurayami sighed. 

"Mom, why have you been trying to get me engaged?"

Shuri smiled. 

"I felt it was good to start early. It was normal in my clan."

Kurayami got up and started to walk away.

"I never agreed to that."

Raynare shrugged as she did not get it. 


She ran off to play with her scythe while Kurayami went into his favorite tree. Akeno merely played with her dad. Shuri sighed as she felt it would take a bit longer for Kurayami and Raynare to warm up to each other. She did not want her son to end up alone in his long life as that was a scary thought for her.




















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