Lightning and Fire Given Form.

Chapter 6: Azazel’s New Kid.

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After Raynare started to live with them it made the house pretty lively. Shuri kind of felt she had gained another kid as it had been 7 years since she had gotten pregnant the first time. She was 24 at the moment, but hybrids were not naturally easy to conceive. Kurayami and Akeno were pure luck on their part and they had been trying for more which was up to chance. 

Either way, with Raynare Shuri, got that feeling again s Raynare was only 7. It was too late to make her think of her as her mother, but she could be an adult in her life at least. Plus Shuri knew her son very well, he was cold, distant, and a loner. She wondered if she would ever become a grandmother as things were going so she took an active role in things. 

She would sit down with Kurayami and talk to him about his feeling which always left him confused. Most of his more normal emotions were suppressed to being barely noticeable so he did not get what his mother was doing. Like right now. She smiled at him as he sat across from her. 

"So, have you found any cute girls?"

Kurayami's hollow eyes showed no change as he looked into his mother's eyes. When he was thinking there was zero change in his expression so it was one of the times she would never be able to read him. 


Shuri sighed. 

"Really? No one?" 

He shook his head. 


Shuri thought she might be rushing things, but she was not one to give up. 

"What about Raynare?" 

Kurayami tilted his head a bit as he thought about her. 

"What about Raynare?" 

Shuri wanted to face palm at how dense her son was. 

"Do you think you want to marry her?" 

That made Kurayami's mind go blank. 

"Why would I want that?" 

"Because isn't she cute? When she grows up she will become a beauty. She is super talented right?" 

Kurayami looked at his mother with a weird look. 

"I am good." 

He got up and left which made her rest her head on the table. 

'My son will be alone his whole life.' 

Kurayami was just entirely inexperienced as during his 32 years of life all he had done is train, kill and kill some more. He had never dated or even gotten close to people. The closest thing he had to family was the 5 stray dogs he took in during his 12-year rampage. He was so alone that he was so used to it. 

It had never bothered him as he was far too focused on his rampage, but he wondered what had occurred to that world. He knew the Resistance was winning battle after battle as many soldiers deserted and changed sides. Some countries had already fallen by the time he was killed, but that was in the past. 

He stopped reminiscing as it was not a good memory. He did not know that his mother just wanted to ensure he did not live a life of solitude as she felt he was on that path. Either way, she would often give explain to him and talk to him about why he should think about his future more. It was weird if he was being honest so he just took what she said with a nod. 


Kurayami, Akeno, and Raynare began to train at Grigori more often as they were older now. They could train for longer and Shuri felt it was time for them to begin to choose what they wanted to do. Fallen grew faster than normal so they were not regular 7-year-olds entirely. Now that they had Raynare both of them would give her some tips from time to time. 

Kurayami noticed that from time to time she struggle to control her sacred gear as she was still fearful of it, but she was getting better. She had two people who were motivators for her to improve. Usually, Azazel personally trained them, but he had not been here for a few days. It was kind of odd as Azazel never missed a chance on training them. He also loved to study Kurayami's and Raynare's sacred gears as it was making his progress go through the roof. 

At the moment they had Benemune and Armaros helping them, but they too had noticed how their leader was missing. Kurayami was sitting on a bench while drinking water.

"Hey, Armaros where is Azazel?"

The large man shook his head as he had no idea.

"I got no clue, we have not seen him for a while. He just went out and vanished." 

Benemune thought about it and shrugged. This caused her large bust to jiggle a little which Kurayami glanced at. He was not ogling her but the movement got his attention. 

"Well, he either found a new sacred gear he wants to study, an interesting kid, or something in between. Now my question is how are you 7? I saw you looking?" 

She hugged him from behind and pushed her large chest on the back of his head. He had no reaction at all so he kept talking as normal.

"Well, I hope he brings something useful."

She hugged him a little tighter as she looked down at him.  She wanted a reaction. 

"Like what you feel? If you do something amazing I will let you actually see them." 

Kurayami ignored her mostly. 

"Makes a good neck pillow, so thanks." 

"Your no fun Kurayami." 

She let go of him as she was not going to get a reaction out of him. She turned her attention to Raynare and Akeno who were sprawled on the ground exhausted. They had great stamina, but it was not comparable to Kurayami. The more he used his Longinous the higher it increased as the higher rank of Sacred Gear took more stamina.  Armaros clapped to get their attention and they all turned to look at him.

"Well, I can see you have not been slacking. Raynare you are only 2 weeks in and you have had considerable improvement."

She got off the ground and sat down.

"Thank you."

He turned to Akeno and as he was in charge of the antimagic he knew a lot about magic. To counter magic you had to know magic.

"Akeno, your new spear is both a melee weapon and staff. I can see how it makes your spells 60% easier to use and 40% more powerful. This is both good and bad. Try to produce as many magic spells you can make without it as with it."


Both Raynare and Akeno got off the ground and walked to sit next to Kurayami. Just as the old saying goes, speak of the devil and he shall appear. In this case, the Fallen Angel as Azazel was back and entered the training room. He looked at the three of them with a grin. 

"I am back. Did you miss me?"

Kurayami launched a flaming spear of light that Azazel dodged.

"Who would miss you Azazel? Still, now you can do your job."

Azazel held his chest like he was hurt.

"After all, I have done for you. Not only did I offer you the best training possible, I even made you never before seen weapons. Oh, the pain."

Raynare raised her hand to get his attention.

"Where were you? We were worried. Even the big grump was kind of worried for you. If you died he would lose his only friend."

Akeno had to agree with her as her brother was more alone than a dragon. 

"Brother is lonely without you."

Suddenly Kurayami bonked them on the head. They held their heads with tears pooling in their eyes. He sighed and shook his head.

"Well at least you are alive, now what did you take? A kid, a sacred gear, both, or some interesting metal."

Azazel looked at him with a knowing smile. 

"Oh just admit it. You missed me you tsundere. Anyway, The reason I was gone was him."

He pointed behind him where a small kid about their age was. He had silver hair and looked a little lifeless. Kurayami looked from him to Azazel while frowning.

"I got the kid part right, now does he have a sacred gear too?"

Azazel nodded."

"Yes. He needed help so I took him in. Vali, introduce yourself."

Vali walked closer and bowed politely.

"Names Vali. The White Dragon Emperor."

Kurayami felt his sacred gear flare up and wanted to turn him into cinders. Even Vali's very being was telling him to get away from Kurayami at this moment.

"You're a devil right?"

Vali nodded as he backed away from Kurayami.

"You have a holy-related sacred gear don't you?"

Akeno was surprised he figured it out.

"How did you know? Brother did not even do anything."

Vali pointed to himself.

"I am a devil and he reeks of holy energy."

Kurayami realized why.

'Makes sense.'

"Yes, it wants me to kill you."

Vali looked at Raynare who hid behind Kurayami. She was still not good with new peaple.

"I am Raynare. I have Blaze Black Flames, a Vritra sacred gear."

Akeno waved innocently."

"I am Akeno, his sister."

Vali nodded before leaving. Seeing that made Kurayami look at Azazel who looked a little troubled.

"Where did he come from? He is kind of prickly."

"His name is Vali Lucifer. A descendant of the original Lucifer."

That got their attention as any descendent of a powerful being with sacred gear was going to have potential.

"So he is like me. I have a Longinus, but my father is a Cadre."

Azazel nodded.

"You are right. He is the great-grandson of the original Lucifer, but he is like you, having immense potential. I say you got more than him though"

Benemune stretched a bit and began to leave.

"Well, I say today's lesson is done with. You are the one who does all the training for them after all."

Armaros followed behind.

"I got a show to watch. If you want to spar find me."

When they were finally gone Azazel started to check up on the progress they had and it was within expectation. All of them improved, as expected but it seemed that Raynare did slightly better than Akeno. Akeno who did not have sacred gear pouted, but it was all up to luck.  As for Raynare, she thought if she should say who her grandfather was. Also, she wanted to know more about him.

"Azazel. Do you know Azrael?"

When he heard that name Azazel remembered that guy. The Angel of Death himself was the strongest angel in heaven, but he fell around the great war for reasons no one knows. He ended up joining Grigori near the middle of the war.

"He was crazy strong, but he was not a monster as he kept to himself even after falling. I only met him once and he was talkative."

Azazel thought about the rumors about his location after he vanished after the Great War.

"It is said he is in Cocytus or Tartarus, but those are just myths. He is alive for sure, but we have no clue where. Why?"

Raynare decided to say it.

"He is my grandfather."

Azazel who did not know looked at her with pure shock. No wonder she was growing so strong in just two weeks.

"Did you inherit his power? He could use death magic and it was terrifying. Even angels would be reduced to dust who he hit with that scythe of his."

She nodded.

"I am afraid to use it. Only Kurayami and Akeno know as I told them."

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Azazel decided to ask the question he had been avoiding.

"How did your parents die?"

She looked scared, but it was time to come clean.

"I do not know. Something with my power and my flames."

Azazel knew that Viritra's flames were some of the strongest around. Combine that with Azrael's power then what would be the effect he understood it was a clash of her powers.

"I will give you the other two sacred gears now. If you really are his granddaughter it would be stupid to keep them in storage.  How much luck did I have to have? I have four monster kids. Someone pinch me."

Both Kurayami's sword and Akeno's spear came out and rushed at Azazel who dodged out of the way. Both weapons continued to try to stab him, but they gave up in time.

"What did I say to get them mad?"

Kurayami looked at him.

"You called us monsters and they took offense to that."

Akeno nodded.


"I meant it in a good way. As in so talented."

Raynare looked at those weapons with interest.

"Can I get one too?"

Azazel was going to say yes, but he first had to know what would be the best weapon for her.

"Come to a bigger training room. We need to see what would be the best weapon for you. This type will stay with you for life."

The three kids followed him to a training room with many weapons. Azazel pointed at the weapon racks. Raynare's eyes went right to the scythe, which called to her.

"Even if you have never used one just try them and we will see what you have the most talent for. I see you want the scythe, but let's leave that for last."

She got a sword first and swung it around the dummies with the basics of an armature. Azazel knew the sword was not the best for her.

"Try another."

She tried the hammer, flail, spear, whip, club, and ax until she finally got to the scythe they knew she found. She could move like she had one in her hand since she was born. Azazel looked like he was not surprised.

"Old man Azreal was an expert scythe wielder, so it must run in the family."

She was sad and shook her head.

"Dad was not talented at all. He said that he was weak compared to grandpa."

Azazel was a little surprised. Usually the more direct the relationship the better, but it seems the talent skipped a generation in her case.

"Well in any case we are going to give you the other Viritra sacred gears. Are you ready?"

She looked nervous hearing it.

"Will it hurt?"

Azazel shook his head.

"You might feel a little overwhelmed as they all have parts of Viritra's soul, but you will not feel a thing."

She grabbed Kurayami and Akeno's sleeves. 

"Only if they are with me." 

Akeno looked at her hand. 

"Me too?" 

Raynare nodded. 

"You are my friend."

Azazel smiled.

"Keep acting like that you casanova."

Kurayami frowned. 

"What do you mean?" 

Azazel looked at Raynare before he shrugged. 

"I don't know, must have slipped my mind, but you will figure it out in time." 

Kurayami gave up dealing with Azazel who acted like a dumbass at times. They followed him to his lab where they were going to give her the other sacred gears. When they got there the sacred gears were stored in two black lanterns as they were not physical. Akeno looked at them with curiosity as the lamps glowed a dark ominous purple. 


Kurayami felt the aura within and it was quite strong. Azazel handed the to Raynare. 

"Hold these."

She held both lanterns and he pushed two buttons on them.  The two black burning willow wisps entered her chest and made her pass out. She was caught by Kurayami and Akeno who got worried for her, but they heard her snoring. Azazel was not worried. 

"She will be fine. It's just a side effect of the soul of Viritra fusing together. She will wake up in a few hours."

They laid her on a couch and looked over her.

"Which were those?"

Azazel smiled at that.

"Delete Field and Shadow Prison. We will look for the others and give them to her. You already know how it works right?"

He nodded.

"I could care less how it is done. It is better she is strong, look for one for Akeno." 

Akeno looked at both of them confused.

"How does it work?"

Azazel smiled and ruffled Kurayami's hair as he ignored Akeno's question.

"Looking out for your sister and future wife.  If I had a son I would like him to be like you. Minus the depression."

He slapped his hand away and squinted his eyes.

"Why do you adults keep wanting to engage me with a brat? I am not interested in whatever you are selling." 

Azazel rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever you say?" 

Akeno hugged him tight as she looked into his eyes.

"His eyes are just fine. They look cool." 

Azazel shrugged.

"Well, I will take my leave. You two can stay here if you want."

After he was gone Kurayami stuck around waiting for Raynare to wake up. She was snoring loudly and seemed really peaceful. Akeno in the end fell asleep and had her head on his shoulder. 

'Marriage? What is marriage really? I know what it is, but not why? Why are mom and Azazel keep pushing me to marry? Especially with a 7-year-old? Is this the norm? Am I the weird one who did not know about customs? Maybe people are supposed to get engaged as kids or something?'

He just stared at Raynare for nearly 4 hours until she woke up. Dull yes, but he was in his mind daydreaming. When she woke up she stretched and yawned. She felt a gaze on her and moved her eyes. She woke up right to Kurayami's hollow eyes. She would have freaked out if she hadn't been around him for two weeks.

"Hey. Stop doing that. Smile."

He tried to smile, but it came out into his bloodthirsty grin." 

"You really can't smile. You only do it sometimes."

She got up and felt great, but Kurayami was curious of something. 

"What did you see?"

She thought about it and she had seen something.

"I had a dream where I saw black and purple scales, surrounded by flames. I don't think it is enough to wake up Viritra, but maybe in the future he will."

"Maybe, but you have great potential without him anyway."

Suddenly her stomach rumbled.

"I am hungry."

He looked down at Akeno and gently nudged her awake. When she woke up she was drooling and wiped off her spit.

"I am awake."

Kurayami stood up and began to leave. 

"I know. Let's eat spicy tofu."

They were curious as she never had it.

"Is it good?"

He nodded and prepared for his small prank.

"Let's go."

When they went to get something to eat and got some they looked at it like it was the spawn of Satan. It was bright red and looked so spicy, but he got a spoon and just began to eat. They watched as he just ate it spoonful after spoonful like it was nothing. However, they saw he was sweating and his face was bright red. Raynare sniffed it and felt her nose just burn.

"How can you eat this?"

Akeno smiled.

"He loves spicy. How do you eat it?"

He looked at her and pointed at the rice.

"Eat it with rice. It lowers the spice."

He kept eating and she did as he said. Raynare and Akeno shrugged and tried the same thing. When they ate it they regretted it.


Both girls ran away in tears while he stayed back.

"More for me."

He took their food and began to take his time. Both of them came back in 3 minutes with ice cream. They were unhappy to have fallen to such a cruel trick, but he was still eating. Raynare was extra unhppy.

"Happy that you tricked me?"

He looked at her while eating

. "I didn't trick you. It's not that spicy."

Akeno pointed at him.

"You are steaming right now."

He was steaming at the moment, but spicy food was simply divine.  After he was done they just ate her ice cream while pouting. They left and walked around while both Akeno and Raynare tried to get their mouths to stop burning. As for Kurayami, he was more than happy with his spicy food. Wished it was spicier too. 

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