Lightning and Fire Given Form.

Chapter 7: Nephilim School

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Once Kurayami finished eating he felt much better. One can never go wrong with spicy food. Meanwhile, Akeno and Raynare were still dealing with the burning feeling in their mouths, so they ate their ice cream to deal with it. What he did not tell them was that he had ordered them with ghost peppers. He just wanted their food so he tricked them into leaving it. 

He looked behind him and shook his head at both girls.

"It was not that spicy. I am perfectly fine."

Akeno frowned and pointed at his kind of red face. She also remembered how it was hot enough to make him steam which was not normal. 

"Normal peaple don't steam when they eat food. Are you ok? Normal people would cry if they ate that thing.

Raynare nodded.

"She is right, how are you not screaming?" He just kept walking with a blank look on his face. 

"I am just like that I guess." 

As they walked they saw Vali eating a bowl of spaghetti. alone. Kurayami had no interest in talking to him, but when Vali saw them, he walked away. Kurayami wondered what was up with the Lucifer descendant. 

"Weird kid."

Raynare on the other hand looked at Kurayami. 

"He reminds me of you." 

Akeno pointed at Kurayami with a giggle. 

"He is like you."

Kurayami glanced at where he used to be wondering if it was true.

"Maybe a little. A little too similar."

With no goal in mind, he sat down on a bench with Raynare and Akeno sitting next to him. He just stared off into space which was something he was known to do. Akeno remembered that her mother told her to snap him out of it when he did that. 

"Brother, you are doing it again." 

He turned to Akeno and shook his head. 

"Thanks. I must have just stared off." 

Raynare looked at Akeno confused. 

"Does he do that often?" 

Akeno nodded. 

"If he sits still he just starts to stare off. Azazel says his mind finds that relaxing."

Kurayami reached out and placed his hand on Akeno's head. Her hair was so silky that it was magical. She liked it when he patted her head as it made her feel relaxed. Kurayami decided to explain that small trait of his. 

"I have so many things on my mind so I just find quick moments to not think."  

When he stopped touching his sister's hair she was kind of disappointed. They were the same age, but she treated Kurayami like her older brother instead of her twin. As for Raynare, she was curious about something so she asked them both. 

"How long as you two been training?"

Kurayami sat down on a bench for the three of them as he explained.

"I think since we were 4 years old. We are now seven, however, even before that, our father helped us by using his lightning to stimulate our bloodlines. So by the time, we started training  we were already stronger than normal." 

Once they stopped talking Kurayami let himself stare off once more. He had nothing better to do at the moment as he was just looking to relax. Both Akeno and Raynare did not have any intention to train either. Raynare had just got gotten two sacred gears so she still felt tired.  Even Akeno was the same as their training was done for the day. 

She also decided to let Kurayami relax as he was always on edge. This new life he was living had so far been better than the one he lived before. Now having access to magic and being a Fallen Angel, he had better control over his power. He did not understand how he could feed on people's vitality, and their souls, but he could. 

He had not gotten a chance to use it this time around, but it was always there. Ready for him to use the power given to him by the mother he did not know. He was snapped out of his daydreaming when he felt Akeno lean on his shoulder.  She just leaned on his side as she always felt safe with him around. He trusted her so he let himself relax and just sat there still as a rock. 

Just then Raynare did the same on his other shoulder, but he did not pay it much focus. A strange skill he had was that he could stay still for hours at a time like a reptile or insect. It was a skill he picked up from Harold who used it as training. Sometimes you could hide in plain sight as long as you played dead.

Just then Raynare brought up a new topic that got Kurayami's attention. 

"Have you ever thought of familiars?

Akeno thought about it as she always wanted to get a cat or some kind of pet. 

"Like a cute cat or something? Maybe." 

Raynare nodded. 

"Yeah. What about you Kurayami?" 

He thought about it and felt it was something interesting. 

"Should be a good asset as they can be affected by the powers of the master. Maybe you get some kind of undead or dark-related creature. As for Akeno maybe some lightning creature."

Akeno took his advice as she trusted him. 


Raynare thought it sounded interesting. She thought about what familiars would be best for Kuraami.

"Maybe. What about you? Maybe some dragon, a magical lion. Something with lightning, and fire."

It got interesting and they just kept talking about mythical creatures they thought were cool. Kurayami remembered a creature from Greek Mythology that he would not mind finding.

"How about a Nemean Lion? I might have to go to Greece or something to steal one from Zeus."

Raynare thought he would be the best fit for it. 

"You totally should." 

Just as they were having fun they found a party pooper. Vali was looking at them with an annoyed look on his face. Raynare frowned when she saw that as she did not like the way he seemed to be looking down on them.


Vali seemed annoyed to see their inactivity.

"Why are you not training? You three should be trying to get stronger than just wasting time,"

Kurayami looked at him with his regular dead gaze. He did not even bother to speak while Akeno did it for him. She got up and pointed at his face. 

"We work hard all the time. My brother will turn you to ash in a fight." 

Suddenly Vali had an ugly look on his face.

"Not true." 

Akeno pouted. 

"Is too. Your weak." 

Vali got red in the face so Raynare joined in. 

"Weak, weak weak." 

Both girls teased him about him being weak which annoyed Vali so much that he just left. 

"This is not over." 

Kurayami did not speak at all, but there was a glimmer in his eyes. He found this amusing. Once Vali was gone, Akeno and Raynare looked at Kurayami. He got up and sighed. 

"We should go find dad. It's time to go." 

Akeno and Raynare nodded as it was getting late. 

"Let's go then." 

The three of them left to find Baraqiel. When they found him he was dozing off on a wall. Akeno walked up to him and pulled on his pant leg making his eyes open up. 

"Dad, wake up."

When he heard that he got a small jump and looked down. When he saw it was Akeno he reached down and picked her up.

"Are you kids ready to go?"

The three of them nodded so he put her down. Today was going to be the day they flew home, as it increased control in the wings. Before he took off they felt the gaze of someone and saw Vali clenching his hands with a pout on his face. Baraqiel looked at the kids confused.

"What's his problem?"

Raynare laughed a little. 

"We teased him about being weak." 

Akeno nodded with a cute angry scowl. 

"He made fun of brother. He is jealous."

Kurayami's face gave no indication he cared. Baraqiel looked away from Vali.

"I see. Well, who is ready to go?" 

Raynare and Akeno both excitedly spread out their two sets of wings. As for Kurayami, he had two as well, but his wings were much more pronounced. They were also larger which was a result of his heritage. Even the tips of his feathers were razor sharp like blades at a level higher than most Fallen. Seeing they were ready, Baraqiel took off into the sky followed by the three kids. 


Following that run-in they had with Vali he constantly came up to challenge Kurayami to fight. He wanted to prove that he was not weak and that he was just as strong as Kurayami. For the most part, Kurayami ignored his challenge as Vali was just a kid. Raynare and Akeno however kept teasing Vali until he got so annoyed that he left. 

As for their progress, the three of them were nearing the level to gain their third set of wings. Kurayami was nearing it by the day, while Akeno and Raynare were behind him in speed. Their levels were staying level with each other as Akeno had more time to train, but Raynare had the upper hand with her heritage and Sacred Gears. 

To Azazel, he was more than happy to keep the three of them trained. Whenever he had free time he gave them training made just for them which took a lot of his time. Having the next generation be this talented motivated him to keep up their progress. Secretly though, Azazel began to tutor Kurayami and train him more often to take over Grigori for him. 

He had asked Kurayami himself what he thought of the idea and Kurayami was not opposed to the idea. Azazel's number one lesson was to just leave the paperwork to Shemhazai. The rest was just to be the figurehead of Grigori, dealing with politics which would be annoying, but Kurayami was willing to do it. Through all of this Kurayami was growing stronger by the day which made Raynare and Akeno train even harder to keep up. 

They did not want to be left behind so they convinced Azazel and Baraqiel to increase the intensity. At the moment all three of them were running around a running track with magic weights on their bodies. Kurayami himself had a ton of weight on his body while Raynare and Akeno had around half a ton.   Baraqiel was supervising them and when it seemed they were about to stop he would strike behind them with holy lightning. Raynare was totally haggard and terrified as this was unexpected.


Baraqiel was pushing them hard, but hearing that made him smile.

 "Looks like I can increase the weight next time."

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Kurayami was fine with it. 

"Bring it on." 

Kurayami was fine with more weight as it would just make him stronger, but Akeno was close to crying. 


 She directly showed how much that was terrifying. As for Kurayami, he kept a blank look as he ran faster. Raynare yelled out at the unfairness.


She looked like she would puke at any moment.


Azazel was laughing while watching this. He wished that Kurayami would freak out, but he was cold as ice.

"If you can apologize you can run faster. Run until you feel your legs falling off."

Vali was watching from a corner, but he wasn't laughing. He knew what they were going through as he also went through this training with Azazel and knowing that guy this was just the start.

"Kurayami, Raynare use your sacred gears as you run. Make sure that you control it in an area around you. Akeno, make as many magic circles around and keep them stable. Start."

Both Raynare and Kurayami ignited in scorching flames however Kurayami condensed it around his body. The flames started to look a more intense shade of dark purple. Raynare tried to do the same thing, but she was not having the same amount of ease that Kurayami seemed to.  This made them move faster while Akeno, had to focus to keep the magic circles steady as a wrong move would make them explode.

They keep this training up for an hour before they began to tire out. This was already impressive as using a Sacred Gear took a huge stamina drain. Controlling magic while on the move caused Akeno to tire out mentally and physically. Lucky for them they were hybrids and as such their Fallen blood made them far stronger than normal humans by far.

Azazel watched in interest as Kurayami and Raynare seemed to be able to use their sacred gears to good efficiency for their age. However, he noticed how Kurayami seemed to be far more experienced in his control of the flames. He attributed this to talent, but Kurayami just applied his control over his death aura to his fire which worked.

As for Akeno, her talent in magic was one in a million even among the most ancient magician households. Azazel smiled at how glad he was to have them in his organization. His focus went to Kurayami who had one of the Holy Relics of the Longinus. He needed to bind a soul to the cross to use a Balance Breaker and they were searching for a suitable creature to use for it. His future balance breaker depended on it as it would become an Independent Avatar.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Akeno fell to her knees. Raynare could only keep going for another minute before dropping as well. Baraqiel collected them up and helped them take off their weights. He sat them down and gave them water while Kurayami kept running. Azazel and Baraqiel watched on as he pushed himself harder. They timed him and he ended up lasting 20 more minutes before he dropped to his knees. 

His face was bright red and his lungs burned. Not to mention he was burning hot which would burn anyone that touched him. Of course, he was immune to his flames, but it was impressive.  Azazel walked up to him and picked him up while he was panting. He helped remove Kurayami remove his weights and decided it was time to offer them a place in the school for sacred gear users.

Akeno could go as well as her talent was comparable to those with sacred gears that boosted magic. He gathered the three of them together and told them what he intended. 

"Well done you three. You have been doing well so far, but I have an offer for you three. Are you interested in joining Nephilim? It is a school for sacred gear users in the Underworld. This place is not really made for training, but it was the closest to your home. Even if Akeno does not have one she can go as well."

Raynare agreed. 


Akeno nodded

"I want to go." 

Kurayami got up and dusted himself. He also agreed.


Baraqiel knew it was a matter of time before they went there, but he was just waiting for Azazel to offer it to them. So he supported it fully.

"Alright. Follow me. Vali, come on." 

Vali joined the three of them as they followed the adults.  They followed Azazel until they got to the elevator in his office. He pushed a button and soon the elevator opened up. He was followed by the four kids and Baraqiel. Raynare and Akeno looked around and were a little confused.

"I thought we were on the lowest floor?"

Even Kurayami did not expect that as this was the bottom floor. 

Azazel explained what was going on. 

"We are. This elevator moves through the dimension to get to the Underworld. Just one of the many inventions I have made."

Akeno was now interested.  She looked at every rune and array on it with curiosity as Azazel was a great inventor. He had made Kurayami's living sword and Akeno's spear which were already impressive. When they arrived in the Underworld and looked at the place they arrived it was all a new experience as neither one of them had been to the Underworld. Azazel gave them three student name tags.

"Well there are a few students here already under Satanael, but those guys all have ferocious sacred gears, but being honest with you I don't know how long he will stick around. I have him monitored for a reason."

Baraqiel understood as he knew how fanatic Sataneal was with his research into sacred gears. Unlike Azazel, he was far more interested in making more Longinus. He wanted to keep that guy away from his son and Raynare. He always was requesting to place Kurayami and Raynare under his guidance. It was rejected every time as Baraqiel knew what he wanted to do to his son. He wanted to see what went beyond a Longinus.

As for Raynare, he wanted to try to make her sacred gear evolve into a Longious no matter the cost. Azazel shook his head as he looked at the three of them.

"Well, you three will be part of Baraqiels first class as I want that guy as far away from you two. Vali is my student, but you can join them in thier training if you want."

Vali looked at Kurayami who he took as his rival. 


Akeno and Raynare gave him weird looks which made his eyes twitch. Research into Sacred Gears was a never-ending pursuit as some very strong people could change thier Sacred Gears. In Kurayami's case, it was minimal. However, his flames were far more volatile than normal. All this got Azazel excited to see how far Kurayami could take Incinerate Anthem and just maybe something above a Longinus. 


(6 months later)

Once they began to go down Nephilim they received more magical training, fighting with other students as Armaros and Benemune had their own classes. Vali even joined them and finally, Kurayami accepted his challenge which he won.  Very quickly six months had passed into their training where Azazel continued to research their progress. Besides this Azazel felt that Raynare had earned her scythe as it was time to forge it. 

He went into their usual training field where Raynare and Kurayami were locked in a fierce spar. All around them flames of opposing power were launched in all directions causing mass eruptions. Akeno was watching with interest as she always liked to watch the flames fight for dominance. Of course most of the time Kurayami's won over as he had longer training with them and they were the result of a Longinus.

Not to mention that his soul began to corrupt Incinerate Anthem which made his flames contain death energy. It was small at the moment but the stronger Kurayami got the more the effect became. His flames had even darkened a shade which Raynare noticed. She was related to Azrael after all so she could feel the Death Energy in his flames. 

She was curious about that, but Kurayami did not speak about it. She decided to not say anything and wait for him to say it. Either way, she went all out and try to overcome his unending firepower. A huge clash of flames sent them spiraling all over the room. Kurayami held his hand up and created 100 spears of light that began to ignite in dark purple flames and white lightning.

Raynare grit her teeth and followed suit creating her max amount of 100 spears of light burning in black flames and an aura of shadows. This took a lot out of her, but she had to if she did not want to be defeated. She had started to use her own Death Magic in a limited amount as it was pretty scary what it could do. This was what she could use of Azrael's power over death. She was advised to be extremely careful with how she used it as it was pretty easy to lose control of such a volatile power.

Kurayami was a perfect example as even without mana he could drain the life of his captors before his death. Raynare herself knew that if she was not careful she could drain the life of all around her just like Kurayami. As such, she made sure to keep it under firm control.

'Never again.' 

She lowered her hands making the spears cut through the air and crash with Kurayami's. They exploded in explosions of fire resulting in pure devastation. Kurayami never felt any danger at all from Raynare's Death Magic. He did not know it at the time, but he was the offspring of the manifestation of Death. Raynare was like a puddle compared to the ocean. 

"Well, it seems you kids are getting way stronger. Seems your progress has been steady. Keep up the good work."

Akeno looked over with a question on her mind.

"Why are you here? I thought you were busy."

Azazel nodded as he pointed at Raynare.

"it's time for your scythe Raynare. I have been thinking about it and I think you earned it. Just like Kurayami and Akeno did."

Kurayami looked over and crossed his arms.

"So when are you going to reforge my first sword?"

Azazel sighed.

"We can do that today if I have time. However, the real goal was to make her scythe and to reforge Rebellion."

As for Raynare, she couldn't help being totally excited. She had seen Kurayami's sword and Akeno's spear so she totally wanted one like them. Rebellion had been expecting this for a while as the stronger she was the stronger her master would be. Before they could do that Azazel pointed at the three of them.

"But first. Take a shower. You three stink."

Raynare, Akeno, and Kurayami went to take quick showers, so they felt fully rested. Once they were finished they went to meet up and look for Baraqiel. He usually was busy training them or doing his duties, but he was given more free time.

Having Akeno and Kurayami allowed for him to take it easier as a reward for giving Grigori such a good asset. Also, Azazel was extra thankful as he was raising Kurayami to replace him in the tiring job of Governor-General. Once they found Baraqiel he was practicing his swordsmanship so they called out to him to get his attention. When he noticed them he rested his giant sword on his shoulder. 

It was smaller than Rebellion which went to show just how large of a sword Kurayami was using despite only being a kid. 

"What is it?"

Akeno ran up to him and hugged her father.

"Dad we want familiars."

Kurayami nodded.

"It seems like a good investment."

Raynare also agreed to this.

"We have been talking about it and it seems like a good idea. Can we go?"

Baraqiel thought about it and saw no reason to say no.  Familiars were a thing most devils had, but it was not that other races couldn't get them. There are many types and knowing that they can change according to the aura and power of the master they would be able to raise some strong familiars in the future.

"I can talk to Azazel about taking you to a place like that. I can be your guard during it as it can get dangerous."

They nodded and were a little excited as cool creatures being their familiars would be nice. In Kurayami's and Raynare's cases they both had sacred gears and an ability inherited from their ancestor it would result in interesting creatures. Akeno was no less interested so any creature she got would still be powerful.  When they were about to go to the elevator to go back to the Underworld they saw someone they did not want to run into. It was Satanael

He had brown hair, silver eyes, and a masculine-built face. He was tall, but he was shorter than Baraqiel. His gaze was stuck on Kurayami and Raynare looking like a viper.

"Baraqiel, good to see you. I see your kids and students are doing great. Hey kids, I can help you master your sacred gears faster than him. I recommend joining my class."

However, Baraqiel got them behind him as lightning began to crackle in his hands. Seeing it made Satanael, take a step back.

"You will do no such thing."

Seeing that made him raise his hands while backing away.

"Fine, ever interested you know where to find me."

When he was gone Baraqiel looked at them with an unhappy look on his face.

"You kids need to stay away from that guy. I feel he may try to push your sacred gears beyond what you can handle. He has already killed a few of his students like that. The ones who survive get stronger, but they went nearly mad."

They nodded as they felt he was like a slimy snake. Raynare looked at Kurayami and held his hand. He could feel her slightly tremble so he let her hold his hand.

"I felt scared as it seemed he was determined to take us."

Akeno hid behind him slightly.

"That guy is evil."

Baraqiel kneeled down and hugged the three of them as he was worried for them. More so for Shuri as Grigori was not a united place and many would kill his family to get to him. They went to the human world where he teleported home as fast as possible. He was going to ask Azazel if he could increase the guards around his family even more. The more protection Shuri had the better as she supported her children getting stronger for their life's sake. The stronger they were the less danger they would have to face.

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