Little Fox

Chapter 10: 10

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Ch10 - Accompanying you

Su Yu sighed as he saw Fusang’s surprised expression and finally told the secret that had been hidden deep inside his heart: “My mother used to be the young lady of the prime minister’s residence in the capital, and she was the capital’s most talented girl. My father was also not a hunter; he was the young general of General Tianshun’s residence.”

Su Yu said slowly, staring into the distance as though recalling something. 

“My father and my mother grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and the two families also said that they would be engaged. My maternal grandfather, however, broke his promise when my mother reached marriageable age. To boost the power of the prime minister’s household, he wanted to send my mother to the royal palace as an imperial concubine. My mother, on the other hand, had long been in love with my father and swore she would never enter the imperial palace. As a result, she became gravely ill and nearly died.”

“My maternal grandfather didn’t dare to force it any longer because my mother was so determined. However, the imperial decree to enter the palace had already been issued, and defying it would mean committing the crime of disrespect and resisting the imperial edict, a capital offense punishable by nine familial exterminations.”



“My father was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. Having no other alternative, he climbed over the wall of the prime minister’s house every night to see my mother.”

“Later. My maternal grandmother couldn’t handle seeing my mother in such pain, so she pleaded with my father to elope with my mother. They gave my mother a kind of fake death drug, pretended she died of a serious illness, and then allowed my father to take her away that very night. My mother disguised as a merchant and they fled the capital. Because they didn’t want to be detected, they went south from the capital to this remote town and lived incognito deep in the mountains.” 

“Then why have they come looking for you again now?” Fusang wondered.


Su Yu smiled as he lowered his eyes. “Because the emperor passed away half a year ago. They had been asking around for a long time and had only recently discovered clues when they came over.”

Fusang nodded, “So those people are from your maternal grandfather’s and father’s families? Do they want you to go back?”

Su Yu remained silent for a long time before nodding.


He inquired tentatively, “SangSang, are you willing to go home with me?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Merjcu kjr raeccfv.

Lf kjr jmaejiis j obz ktb tjv mtjcufv lcab j tewjc obgw. Lf kjr ybgc ab ilxf gbjwlcu lc atf wbecajlcr jcv obgfrar, jcv tf wjvf tlr tbwf lc atf vffq wbecajlcr jcv pecuifr.


Ciatbeut tf kjr cba afgglolfv bo tewjcr, tf rlwqis obecv la lcafgfralcu ab kjix lc j atgbcu bcmf lc j ktlif. Lbkfnfg, lo tf kjr lc mbcajma klat rb wjcs qfbqif fnfgs vjs, tf tjv cb lvfj…ktfatfg tf mbeiv jvjqa ab la bg cba. Qbeiv tf fzqbrf tlwrfio jr j obz? 

Su Yu would undoubtedly have a large and loving family if he went home. He would not only have himself at his side at that time, but also a large number of individuals to love and care about him and may no longer require his company…

Fusang’s eyes grew sour just thinking about it.

“SangSang, what are you thinking?” Su Yu lightly tapped his shoulder, dragging his gradually drifting train of thought back.

Su Yu sighed softly as he noticed his absent-mindedness and inquired, “SangSang, are you unwilling to accompany me back?” 

“I…I’m not unwilling, I’m just…a little scared,” Fusang said, biting his lower lip and seeming embarrassed.

Scared of being in completely unfamiliar surroundings, and scared of dealing with humans.

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He was even more afraid that Su Yu would have so many people to keep him company that he wouldn’t need himself anymore.

“Don’t be scared,” Su Yu reassured, rubbing the top of his soft hair. “I’ll always be by your side, and I won’t let others bully you.” 

The words were clearly soothing, like water, but they had an inexplicable power, calming his confused and worried heart.

Fusang gave a determined nod as he stared into the set of deep eyes that were observing him affectionately.


“Okay, I’ll accompany you back.”

Su Yu’s smile became even wider as he saw him agree, and he looked into his eyes with profound, indelible care and affection. 

“Thank you, SangSang.”


Even though they packed the luggage swiftly, it took two days.

In truth, they didn’t have much in all, and what they wanted to take with them couldn’t be taken. 

For instance, their simple thatched home, the two graves adjacent to the house, and the peach trees planted in front of the house by both of them.

The peach trees had grown significantly taller, and their tops could now reach Fusang’s shoulder. Fusang stroked a peach spray, his mind churning with a million thoughts.

Since they were planted, he had carefully cared for these two peach blossom trees like children, but now they had to say goodbye, leaving them to fend for themselves. He felt sorrowful and reluctant.

There was also this small thatched house, which had witnessed his first meeting with Su Yu and their eventual love. 

For him, there were so many memories here.

Fusang took another look, and despite his reservations, he finally turned around and walked away.

He was in such a hurry that he could only speak a few words of farewell to the bamboo spirit.

The bamboo spirit earnestly advised him to stay away from the mortal realm. He was still young and simple-minded, despite taking human shape. If he left, he would almost certainly pay a high price. 

Fusang listened absently, and after a long period of silence, he merely gave a shallow smile.

“Since I promised to accompany him for the rest of my life, I naturally have to fulfill it. I’ll follow him wherever he goes.”

He said, after a brief pause, “After today, I’m not sure when I’ll see you again. Please…look after yourself!”

The bright-eyed youth turned and walked away after saying that. His strides weren’t very long, but they were incredibly determined. 

In the rustling residual breeze, only the free bamboo spirit let out a few heavy sighs for that thin back.

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