Little Fox

Chapter 6: 6

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Ch6 - Fearless

Fusang froze in his attempts to flee for a brief moment.

Su Yu wiped his tears away, both concerned and sorry, and continued: “I like you. I’ve liked you for a long time, and I’ve also thought about marrying you for a long time, so I probed many times, but I didn’t know about your feelings for me, so I came up with this trick.” 

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel so sad.”

He explained quietly, leaned down, and kissed Fusang’s tear-stained face lightly.



Fusang trembled from head to toe when the warm and soft lips dropped on his face, accompanied by the numb feeling that came from there. His wandering thoughts finally returned to his body.

He stared with bright red eyes, his lashes moist with tears that clung to his eyelids, and crystal teardrops twinkled on his feathered lashes. He was both lovely and pitiful. 

“SangSang, would you like to marry me?” Su Yu surrounded him, his eyes warm and soft.


Fusang opened his mouth but looked to be thinking of something. He mumbled, but said nothing.

“If you don’t say anything, I’ll consider it as your consent…”

“You can’t!” Fusang suddenly retreated a few steps and rejected in a hoarse voice.


He couldn’t stop shaking his head, and the tears that had just dried up began to flow anew. He was sobbing uncontrollably as he said: “I lied to you. In fact, I am not a human at all. I am…”

“You are not a human, but a fox.” Su Yu simply interrupted him and sighed lightly, “I already knew it.”

Fusang was stunned. “How…how did you find out? When did you learn?”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Qtfc kf olgra wfa ijra klcafg,” Ve Te wegwegfv ibnlcuis, gjlrlcu tlr tfjv jr atbeut gfilnlcu rbwf kbcvfgoei lwjuf. 

“C mfgajlc ilaaif ugffvs mja rabif ws qfjmt yibrrbw klcf jcv yfmjwf jr vgecx jr j rwjii klcf pjg jr j gfreia. Lf tjv cb lvfj tlr ajli kjr fzqbrfv.”

Ktf ibcufg Merjcu ilrafcfv, atf wbgf oeglberis atf fwbalbcr fgeqafv lc tlr fsfr.

After a lengthy pause, he said in a low muffled voice: “Then you… aren’t you afraid of me?”

Su Yu frowned at him, his tone indescribably gentle, “Why should I be afraid of you?” 

“Because…” Fusang bit his lips and then began to speak, “Because I’m a demon! How can you still dare to sleep with me? Aren’t you scared I’ll eat you when you’re sleeping?”

Su Yu gave him a loving, concerned look, the corners of his lips curving as he sighed helplessly, “Silly fox…”

“We’ve known each other for more than ten years. If you really want to hurt me, do you still need to wait until now?”

He sighed, wrapping his arms around the person he’d long cherished. His lips caressed Fusang’s cheek, and his warm breaths and muffled words all came into Fusang’s ears: “I’m not afraid of anything, SangSang; I’m only afraid you’ll leave me. It makes no difference whether you are a human or a fox. All I know is that you are my SangSang.” 

“Let’s get married, shall we?”

Fusang leaned in his arms, his eyes wet from the tears that had flowed.

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The suffocating heaviness in his chest seemed to have faded, and what followed was joy that made him feel as light as a feather, with a burning warmth and a touch of sweetness.

After a long time, he mustered up the courage to reach out and hug his man back. 

Then came the man’s soft voice that could melt him: “SangSang, I guessed right, you really like me too…”

Fusang reddened and snorted gently, hiding his head uncomfortably into Su Yu’s arms.


Su Yu set the wedding date for the beginning of the next month and then brought Fusang to the market to buy goods like wedding candy and dragon and phoenix candles that newlyweds would require. 

He even designed two wedding gowns and a red veil embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water.

Even the modest mountainside house was renovated.

However, Su Yu handled most of these tasks, with Fusang’s only responsibility being to eat and drink properly and endeavor to be his most beautiful bride on the big wedding day.

At the thought of being Su Yu’s bride, Fusang wished for the passage of time to speed up so that the wedding day might reach sooner. 

When the bamboo spirit heard that he was going to marry a mortal, he burst out laughing. Later, when he saw he wasn’t joking, he felt concerned and began to discourage him.

“Humans and demons cannot be together, and those who do will not end well!” the bamboo spirit urged.

Fusang pouted, “As if I’d believe it! You’re used to deceiving me.”

The bamboo spirit stated firmly: “I did not deceive you! I used to know a fox, whom you should call (paternal)aunt based on her age, and she, too, fell in love with and married a human. That man initially made a solemn pledge to her, but subsequently abandoned her. Fusang, take my advice and don’t trust the dishonest rhetoric of mortals, especially men.” 

After listening to this, Fusang sank into a rare silence.

Seeing his hesitant expression, the bamboo spirit added, “You can now take human form, and if you cultivate well, you may one day become a little fox fairy. Why bother tying yourself up for a mortal with a lifespan of only a few decades? If you don’t want to be alone, you can seek another female fox and have a few kids. The entire family will be happy…”

“But my parents were not happy when I was born! They gave birth to me but did not want me, so they abandoned me in this wild, deep mountain, leaving me to fend for myself.” Fusang cut him off.

What he said rendered the bamboo spirit dumbfounded. 

Fusang raised his head to look at the full moon in the sky, his lips curved into a lovely arc. “Back then, I risked my life and death to obtain that fruit, and then endured excruciating pain to transform into a human form to accompany him. Now, how can I be willing to part ways with him and leave him all alone?”

“But a human’s lifespan is very short. Even if you are together, he will die before long, leaving you alone.” The bamboo spirit heaved a sigh.


“It’s enough that I can accompany him to walk this world,” Fusang laughed, and the pair of gorgeous crystal clear eyes radiated light.

“I like Su Yu. I want to marry him and be with him for the rest of my life.” The youngster’s sonorous and powerful promise resounded in that part of the world and drifted into the air with the oncoming autumn wind. 

The bamboo spirit couldn’t help but sigh in his heart as he looked at the still soft and immature youngster in the wind.

Fusang was young and had yet to fully comprehend the mundane world’s human heart. He only prayed that the mortal would treat him as well as he claimed!


We’ve made it halfway through the story! I hope you’re enjoying it. Thank you for all of your comments. Muah~ 

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