Little Villain is no more

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten

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Lan Zhang had been in a bit of a stump lately. He'd been lacking inspiration and nothing seemed to be able to revive his lost motivation. Everytime he tries to paint or draw something, he ends up with a room full of torn paper and useless anvils. 

"Morning Lan Zhang! You didn't come to the party yesterday." 

"I don't have the leisure to play around with you people. My imagination is dying!" Lan Zhang hung his head low. The strap of his bag was slumped over his shoulder and he walked with heavy steps. 

"Artist block?" A friend of his asked with pity as she patted him on his back. The stick of the lollipop in her mouth went from side to side and her eyes squinted as she smiled. 

"Hey hey, why not go look at the future actors and actresses. If you watch them practice, maybe you can get inspiration." 

She almost burst out laughing when she saw the expression on her friend's face turn even more hopeless. "How is that supposed to help when even the movies themselves are. not. helping!" She felt her shirt pulled up by the top and knew a fist would land on her face soon, if she didn't rectify the situation. 

"Ah don't you know the feeling is different? Watching the blood sweat and tears from the start before the finished product is inspirational!" She finally felt the hold on her shirt neck loosen and she immediately broke free and ran off, leaving the desperate man to his vices. 

"W...Will that work?" The unstable eyes of the male shook for a few seconds before he decisively turned and ran the other way. Damn class! What use is it without inspiration or motivation? What value does it have without imagination? If there was a chance for all that to come back he would take it!

He would try every way there was! 

He left his department area and reached the intersection between the two areas where the fountain was located. He had been running for a while and was already losing balance, it wasn't a surprise that he tripped and lost his footing. 

He suddenly stumbled and knocked harshly into the back of the person standing there. The back of the person was strong and it seemed they were too as instead of both of them falling together, he was knocked away and the person only stumbled two steps. 

He looked up frantically to apologise or defend himself but halted as the man turned to face him. 

From below he looked at the cold eyes of the man standing. The wind blowing, blew through the man's hair causing some strands to sway softly. Lan Zhang's words stopped in his mouth and he just looked in a daze without care for his image at the moment. 

His imagination was kick started again. The different yet similar ideas flowing into his mind, caused his trance-like appearance. 

He saw the man's eyes narrow down and his fine lips curve up in slight annoyance. 

'Say something' He told himself in his head but his lips just wouldn't move. 

"Watch where you're going next time." Their voice was deeper than his yet still sounded quite sonorous. It was clear and reverbed in his ears, snapping him out of his daze. Then the man turned to walk away. 

'Damn it La Zhang. Say something! He's leaving!' 

"Wai-" His words couldn't get completed before watching the man turn to a corner and disappear from sight - It was then he felt something in his hand. He looked over and saw the hairband in between his fingers. Having an idea where the band came from, he almost burst into tears. 

'You stole his hair band too.' He directly flopped on the ground, ignoring the looks of pity from passersby who probably thought he was thinking about giving up on life. 

At a point, someone even walked over and dropped 10 yuan on his outstretched hand before patting it and walking away. 

Lan Zhan sighed and put the money in his pocket before sitting up. He looked back at the hairband again and groaned. 

He made such a bad first impression! 

Such a beautiful man had a bad impression of him now! 

As a man who took his reputation very seriously, this was unacceptable! 

So the man who was currently comfortably sitting on the dirty ground, stood up and put the hairband around his wrist; a look of determination spread across his features. 

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This taboo must be rectified! 

As a magnificent artist such as he, 

To not even be able to create a wonderful impression whether first or second...

That was a waste of his name! 

"You just wait Mr Stranger, the impression you will soon have of me will outmatch your beauty! Heheheheh HEHEHEHEHEHEH" 

While Lan Zhang was giving people the impression that he had gone mad from stress, Wei Luo who didn't know he had gained a potential stalker, made his way to the office. After speaking to the Dean who had a smile on his face the whole way through, someone was assigned to show him around. 

The No 1 art school, Hanyin, was a university focused on art and theatre so was relatively smaller than most universities. The woman giving Wei Luo a tour kept stealing glances at him. He had already been accustomed to situations like these, so wasn't affected much.

At a point they passed a hall that had a few people inside. He glanced in through the window and saw that they were gathered around a young man. He had a terribly pained expression on his face that would make those who witnessed it want to cry. 

"How could you do this to her?!" 

"After everything she did for you?!" 

"After everything I did for you?!" 

"Because you were my friend I gave up for you!" 

"I gave up my love for you!" 

"I did not leave my world to you to be used as a toy!" 

The sorrowful voice turned snarky, and the expression slowly transformed from an irredeemable pain to a deadly anger. His gaze looked like it belonged to someone who would take a knife and stab the person in front of him at any moment. 

The people watching and even the teacher, instinctively took a step or two back.

"Ehh not bad. Not bad." Wei Luo resisted the urge to clap and just nodded his head in satisfaction as he said this. The woman giving him a tour, saw his look and began to sell the school's name to raise the value in the young man's heart. 

"That's Li Wei. One of the many many prides of our university. He's young yet is able to act as good as this level. Yes he's talented, but the capability to polish such talent into what you see now, is what we have here at Hanyin. This is why we're the No 1." 

He nodded while listening to her words, although spouting 'bullshxt' in his heart. 'No wonder he was crowned film Emperor in his past life.' He played out such a small role perfectly without potholes. Wei luo commended Li Wei before trying to take his leave. 

But as the world would have it, Li Wei turned at that time and spotted him standing outside the window. A smile immediately graced his features. 

"Brother!" He called out as he waved and jogged to him. "Did you come to see me? Did you see me just now? How did I do?" He leaned out the window while using his hands to balance himself. Those who had heard him call out brother now turned to look at them. 

Wei Luo warned himself not to whack the other with the phone in his hand. 

'You brat. I praised you just now.' 

Wei Luo wanted a cool entrance on the day he arrived as a teacher. Now this little man has ruined it. 

This little man ...Shouldn't he be punished? 

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