Live in a Changed World

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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On the way back down to the fourth floor you lean against the elevator wall staring out at the city lights and think about your coming reunion with Nina. It's hard to think clearly about it though because you're still sporting a raging erection. This must be caused by pheromones. Or maybe men are changing genetically too. You have never had a hard-on last this long without direct stimulation before.

You suddenly become worried about what Nina will do when you tell her you're moving out to live with another woman. If she gets angry, which is very likely, she could get physical. That would be bad for you. With her increased strength, she could probably kill you. She's already said she's been battling impulse control issues, and with the dummy bullets and bogus book recommendation it's clear she has ulterior motives. Safer to tell her when there are other people around.

The door opens, and you walk down the hallway toward your room. Mistress Olivia wanted to talk to you about how to deal with Nina by mid-week. So maybe she has some ideas, or will offer you some support here. Best to wait on telling her until you've discussed it with Mistress then.

Fortunately the only other people you see on the way back to your room aren't facing you, so they don't see that your clothes are soaked and you're dripping water on the carpet as you walk, not to mention your rigid erection, which seems to be almost your normal condition lately.

Back in your room, you change out of your clothes and hang them in the bathroom to dry. Your erection is hard as ever, and you masturbate into the toilet, with images of Mistress's muscular, curvy naked body in your head. The ejaculation comes quickly, and is so forceful it splashes water out of the bowl. You clean up and throw on a t-shirt and shorts. Even after jacking off, your erection is still rising back up, eventually tenting your shorts. You jack off again, this time into a wad of toilet paper. A half hour later, you have to masturbate once more before your cock will finally stay down. Very unusual.

You check your body out in the bathroom mirror. There are a few areas of reddish skin, but no visible body bruising. Your outer thighs have some nasty vertical scrapes from when Mistress pulled your boxers down so roughly. You'd apply some Bactine or something if you had any, but the best you can do now is soap and water. Your face now has almost no trace of bruising, and the scab is completely gone. It's just reddish and slightly swollen, but there's barely enough visible damage to even be noticeable to a stranger. Seems like it might have something to do with your proximity to Mistress, since this is much faster than your expected rate of healing, and you can't think of any other possible cause.

It's past 9:30 and you're suddenly exhausted... feels like you're crashing. You drink some bottled water and begin preparing for bed. You nearly do a dead-man fall onto the queen mattress, pull the sheets over you and switch off the lights, falling asleep instantly.

Tonight there are no dreams, at least that you remember. When your eyes open it's already about 8 am. You stagger into the bathroom and then into a hot shower to loosen your stiff muscles and wake up. After shaving and dressing in some semi-dirty casual clothes, you pack the rest of your stuff into the shopping bags you hung onto and grab your key-card. After a quick visual check of the room you head down to the front desk and check out.

You head home slowly on the relatively uncrowded freeways, thinking about what you'll say to Nina, and how to keep her from being too suspicious. After all, in the span of three days or so, you've decided to leave your job, had sex with two strangers, one of whom was your new boss you are now committed to "serve", had a transformative physical change come over you, had a gun aimed at you, and learned some disturbing news about Nina herself.

With everything you know now about the new perceptual capabilities of women, it's hard to believe she won't immediately sense something. Even though you're not married, the understanding between you two is to behave as if you are. She knows you pretty well, and you've certainly given her reason in the past to be suspicious of your fidelity, so even without "the change" you'd be worried.

You pull in next to her Lexus SUV in the garage. She's not in the common area when you step through the door, but you hear water running. She's taking a shower. You set your bags down in the kitchen and look around, stalling to avoid talking to Nina right away. There are a couple used glasses out, so you open the dishwasher to load them, and see that it's recently been run. But it's full. Very full, as in: Nina's had company.

The shower knob squeaks as she shuts off the water. You gather your bags to bring them into the bedroom. Before you enter, her voice calls out, "Baby?" You set them next to her gym bag, opened on the bed. Looks like she just came back from the gym.

"Yeah honey, I'm back. Looks like you just had a workout. First one?"

She emerges, wearing only panties, and moist from the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. "Second. First one was Friday. I signed up at Twenty Four Hour Fitness. They seem to be the only ones that get it. They're upgrading all their machines and getting more plates for their barbells to accommodate their female clientele. The other ones I checked out, I needed to use the full stack or close to it to get decent resistance, and there are certainly women out there who are stronger than me!"

You notice the bulge of her shoulder muscles. Is this the same biological enhancement continuing to change her body, or have her muscles responded to just a couple initial workouts that quickly?

"Geez Hon, your shoulders look... great already."

You lean in to kiss her, and she puts a hand under your butt, pulling you into her. You feel your body weight come off your heels as she lifts you nearly off your feet. You let out a surprised gasp before her lips overwhelm yours.

"Mmmmm... nice welcome, big boy!" She smirks. "I've got some errands to run but when I return, you and I have some catching up to do! She kisses your cheek and says, "Hey, that bruise healed up really fast! Discoloration and swelling way way down." She looks at you sideways for a moment.

You try to take her mind off it. "So why did you decide to join a gym? I mean you were never into exercise before, and if anything now you have even less free time."

She shrugs, and starts pulling on the t-shirt and jeans she had laid out on the bed. "Well, as a woman... with the change... you sort of feel like you now belong to an elite group. Like you've graduated to a new, higher level. And you know you're just one of many who did. So you feel like... I dunno... like you need to prove yourself. It's a new feeling of competitiveness. But it's competition on many different levels. I guess I think the world deserves the best everyone can give it, but now women specifically are being called to step up and give their all. I need to be at my best"

She zips up her boots. You nod, biting your lip, rolling it over in your mind.

She stands and crosses the room to her phone and car keys. Her breasts bounce under her shirt. "But I've got to run. I'll be back in about an hour or so."

Sighing, you grab your bags of toiletries and rumpled clothing, dump them on the bed, and sort through them to put them away. You realize you haven't eaten a thing yet and start fixing yourself some breakfast. After some toast and fruit you throw the wrappers, rinds and banana peels away in the trash, which is quite full. You take the bag outside to the big cans, but instead of just dropping the bag into the can, you decide to sort through it first. Almost all of it is what you would expect, but near the bottom you find a used condom. Disgusting. Just below that are two pairs of men's underwear, one nearly ripped in half, the other with a torn waistband. Neither are yours.

You imagine Nina tearing the underwear off some strange man, about to ravish him, and immediately your thoughts turn to Mistress Olivia, and how swept-up and helpless you felt in her presence when she took you. Your cock rises up stiff and hard, and you have to drop the trash can lid and run inside. You quickly wash your hands at the sink and head to the bathroom, because your dick is rock-hard and throbbing now. You slam the water closet door behind you and unzip your pants, dropping them to the floor. You have to carefully remove your boxers since your dick is like an iron bar standing straight out, pulling your underwear tight to your buttocks. There is a large, slick wet stain at the crotch, so much that you actually wonder if you came in your pants, but it's really all precum, just much more than you are used to.

You drop your soiled boxers and sink to your knees in front of the toilet, but your legs are rubbery and weak. Your control is poor, so you hit the rug hard with your knees. Your cock is lurching up and down now, the skin stretched tight and shiny with a bluish tinge. You manage to get the toilet lid and seat up just in time to blast the underside of the lid with thick, gooey cum. Your rigid cock lurches again, and a second load shoots over the lid, hitting the wall just above the toilet tank. Your head is reeling. You feel dizzy, and grip the sides of the toilet bowl weakly, fighting to stay conscious.

Eventually your head clears, your erection starts to subside, and you feel stability returning. You sit for a couple minutes on the floor, wiping sweat from your forehead and upper lip with toilet paper. You wipe your crotch off and get some cleaning supplies from the kitchen. After the toilet and wall are cleaned, you remember that Mistress expects you to document your masturbation and sex experiences involving her. Even though you didn't masturbate this time, you're sure she'd want to know about this. You open your phone's notes app, create a new folder called "ODLR" and document your experience in detail. You realize that this biological change that's taken hold of you, somehow initiated by exposure to Mistress Olivia's pheromones, has anchored you to her physically and psychologically.

You remember from high school biology class reading about symbiotic relationships between different animal species. It's something like that but probably on a much deeper level. It's terrifying really, but also very satisfying, even addictive. It seems that when your mind drifts and doesn't have a task to focus on, it naturally turns to thoughts or daydreams about Mistress. You miss her, and can't wait until you're back in her presence again.

You start unloading the dishwasher. Halfway through, you hear the garage door open below, then Nina's low-heeled leather boots rapidly clicking up the steps. The door swings open, and she steps through, without bothering to close it softly behind her. The spring-return slams the door shut as she approaches you. As she drops her purse on the granite island, you notice that she holds something in one of her hands, fist clenched. Stepping around the island, she smiles at you, but there is purpose in her eyes.

"How sweet of you to put those away. But there's something I need to show you in the study."

She leads you by the upper arm toward the study, now used as her office. After she enters, she pushes you ahead of her, in the direction of her desk. Surprised by her roughness, you turn toward her. "Hey!"

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She opens her fist, and a length of black nylon paracord drops to the floor, hanging from her fingers. Her expression is stern and resolute. "You've been unfaithful to me Brian, and I won't stand for that."

Your face feels flushed, and automatically twists into a grimace of offense and denial. You begin to protest. "What?! Hon, we've already dealt... "

She laughs. "I'm not talking about the past. I'm talking about this week! It's useless to deny it boy. It's obvious by your ambivalence toward me, your constant state of arousal and about a half dozen other things, including your physiological state right now. Whomever she is, she's gotten under your skin like a tick! We were going to talk about how to work things out now that my sex drive is so fierce, but frankly there's no point. The power equation has flipped, and I don't see any reason to dampen my needs to accommodate you. Now I don't want to dump you... for now. But I am going to control you more tightly. Give me your wrists."

Clenching your fists involuntarily, you back up a step. "No! Listen to yourself! The power equation? What the hell are you talking about - that's no kind of relationship! If this is where your head's at I want no part of it. Let's just each go our own way then."

She's positioned herself between you and both doors. You step to your left to edge toward the door to the bedroom, but she cuts you off, doubling up the paracord and stretching it between both hands. Her hard nipples are now standing out under the thin t-shirt.

"I don't blame you for feeling that way, but I'm head of this household now and I'm going to overrule you. You belong to me and that's the end of it. I think you know who's going to win if you resist. I'd rather not hurt you but I will if I have to! Come on baby, you fucked up. You know I'm right."

Your anxiety is mounting but you feel your cock swelling, regardless. There's a slight metallic taste in your mouth, and your upper body and face are sweating.

"Nina, you don't need to do this. Please. Let's just talk about it." She advances slowly and you're getting backed into a corner.

"I'm afraid I do, but it's my decision in any case. We can talk. After you're restrained."

You lunge to your right to try and shove her aside, using your greater weight to your advantage. But it's no use. She catches your left shoulder and arm, and twists it downward, forcing you to your knees, then drives her knee into your back to force you face-down on the floor. Your head smacks into the side of the desk as you go down. She slides your body away from the desk and crushes you to the carpet with her knee in the small of your back. Quickly grabbing your wrists, she yanks both your arms painfully behind your back. You yelp and struggle, but she's got you pinned, and uses leverage on your arms to keep you still.

"This must be what roping a calf is like." She chuckles. Her strong hands work quickly, wrapping the paracord tightly around and between your wrists. You try to roll over or get your hands out of her grip, but she only has to lever your arms up a few degrees to cause searing pain in your shoulders.

"Stop writhing boy! You don't want me to dislocate your shoulders or crush a vertebra!"

Leaning into your back with her hard knee, she draws a frantic whimper from you, then eases off. She continues tying your wrists. It feels tighter than necessary and you groan. "Oww, what the fuck. What's with this 'Boy' thing, Nina? I thought we knew each other better than that!"

She ties her finishing knot. "I know you very well, that's for sure. But I don't think you know me, not anymore anyway. After the change, I'm a very different woman. You're used to thinking you own me, but the reality is quite different, and it's time we got used to our new roles!"

She flips you over on your back roughly and stands over you, hands on hips. Her breasts are jutting out proudly, with nipples standing at attention. Her hair is disheveled and there are sweat stains on her shirt from the exertion, causing it to partially cling to her chest and stomach.

Her big eyes flick down to your crotch, as she seems to have noticed your arousal at the same time you do. She snickers.

You're breathing hard, and struggle to sit up against the back of the desk, difficult now with your wrists tied together behind your back. You feel your cock harden, but accompanied with that same metallic taste you noticed earlier. Your stomach churns, and you feel your breakfast coming up. You sag over to one side and puke on the carpet in several violent heaves. Your erection is rock-hard and doesn't abate.

"Shit. Look at that - she's really got her hooks into you. You need a few days of recovery before her stink is out of your system." She walks around to the front of the desk, opens a drawer, and pulls out a coil of steel aircraft cable with hardware attached to the ends. "Don't expect to be released for a while."

She grabs a step-ladder from the corner and sets it up in the middle of the room. You notice there's a heavy steel ring screwed into the ceiling above her. That wasn't there before. She must have had it installed while you were away. She uncoils the cable and clips a carabiner at one end of the cable to it. Her shirt rides up when she reaches above her head, and you can see her lean stomach muscles ripple, and a couple veins visible just under her skin. The other end of the cable has a similar connector, hanging about four feet off the floor.

She folds the ladder and leans it against the wall, then turns back to you. She grabs a handful of your hair and pulls you forward and up, forcing you to get your feet under you to stand up. "Oww! Hey, watch it!"

"Fuck you, cheater." Nina snaps, and guides you forward. She raises your bound wrists and clicks the connector onto your bonds, then adjusts something on it, screwing down a latch or something. Stepping back, she surveys your body position and seems satisfied.

She leaves the room. You test the strength of the restraints, and your mobility. There doesn't seem to be much hope in releasing yourself, but there's always the possibility you can get some play in the wrist bonds if you twist your hands around long enough, though right now they're almost completely immobile. The height of the cable forces your hands to about the middle of your back, which is short enough to prevent you from reaching the desk or any of the walls of the room, even with your arms extended and trying to tap or kick with an extended leg. If she intends to leave you here and go out for groceries or work, you can shout and hope someone eventually hears you and investigates.

She returns after a couple minutes with some rags, carpet cleaner and some water in a bucket. She cleans the vomit off your face and neck, making no attempt to be gentle, then turns to the mess on the carpet. She kneels, and talks as she works.

"You think you're so clever... that you can hide things from me. You can't, Brian. I know so much more than you think I do. This change... was like a hidden door opening up. A door into myself and into other people. Their thoughts, motivations, secrets... I do care for you Brian. But it's different now. I know what I have to do, I know what's best for us in this new reality. But I understand that you don't, and you just wouldn't be able to comprehend it. You just have to trust me.

You twist in your restraints. "Is that why you gave me a gun loaded with fucking blanks? Because you care for me, Nina?"

She doesn't seem to be surprised by your comment, but her eyes flash briefly with anger as she swivels her head toward you. She drops her cleaning rag, gets up and reaches over the desk to open another drawer. "As a matter of fact: yes. That's exactly why I did it. This is what I'm talking about."

She pulls out a device with a leather strap and turns toward you, raising it toward your face. It's some sort of gag. You jerk and lunge your head and torso violently to avoid it. "No! Don't!" You start screaming for a neighbor to hear.

She clucks her tongue "Tsk tsk tsk Brian, don't make me hurt you." She punches you in the chest so hard it knocks the wind out of you. You can no longer scream, in fact you can barely fill your lungs a little at a time. As you're gasping for air she quickly places the ball-gag over your mouth and straps it securely behind your head. Your mouth is forced open.

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