Live in a Changed World

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

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As your eyes open (you weren't aware that you had closed them), you see a satisfied expression on Mistress's face. She stands up from the step, holding your limp body up with her powerful arms, and her pussy finally releases its grip on your deflating shaft. She lays you on the tile next to the pool and climbs out. You lay there almost in a fetal position as your sensation returns. You feel your crotch with one hand and notice your ballsack and testicles feel smaller and less substantial. There is an ache in your whole groin area, and even as your sight and other senses fully return, you feel weakened.

Mistress is fixing a drink for herself, and tosses you a bottle of water. You miss her throw and have to retrieve it from the pool step. You mutter a weak "Thank you Ma'am."

"That is what it feels like to be taken by a woman you are meant to serve." Your balls will return to normal size and firmness within a couple hours... but I have taken all you have. No condom, or protection is necessary because women have gained the ability to sense whether your sperm is worthy, and to actually decide whether to conceive or not. I can literally prevent conception. Once my house is completed, and my stable of boys is in place and loyal enough for me to feel secure to do so, I plan to conceive and bring one or more children to term. But only if the genes of the mate are right for me... right for the child. The mate may be you, it may be another. Hopefully when the time is right the first child will be a girl. But under certain conditions I might decide to give birth to a boy. The sex of the child is felt within me before conception, as is a general sense of worthiness and health. I take it all this is new information to you?"

You are now sitting up, taking sips of your water. You are genuinely astonished by all this. "Yes Mistress. I had no idea. It's amazing."

"Yes, women are finally taking our place as the leader of the human species, as I suspect was always going to be the case. I expect that scientific evidence will support this once it can be followed back far enough. Significant, new discoveries are being made almost monthly now by genetic scientists... female scientists, as male scientists and politicians seem... predictably to have lost interest in working in this area. Most of the scientific breakthroughs have been kept from the mainstream media, to avoid unrest."

She throws back a martini she just prepared. "If your girlfriend... what is her name?"

"Um, Nina Ma'am."

"If Nina hasn't told you these things, it's because she is intentionally keeping them from you. It's certain she is aware at least of the new biological facts about conception I just described, if she is at all sexually active... and considering your worth as a cocksman, I am sure she has been. So what do you think of Mistress's offer boy? I am now prepared to formally extend it to you. I am pleased with your performance, and our coupling is what I'd hoped it could be. That's not to say you don't need to improve... there are areas I will definitely expect substantial improvement in, but... what do you say?"

You look down at your legs, dangling in the water. "Mistress, I have learned things from you, and feel a connection with you, that are beyond anything I have... well, it's enlightening and exciting to me, and so is your offer. But this is a whole lot of information to handle all at once, and a little confusing. Can I think it over and let you know by the end of the day tomorrow?"

She steps around the bar and over to the pool, sitting beside you on the edge. Her muscular nakedness is, as before, breathtaking.

"Boy, while I can appreciate your situation and empathize with it, as I have said before: you hold none of the cards. I am looking for decisiveness and absolute loyalty. I have already explained that unless you're willing to be my coffee boy... and I can assure you that your supervisors at the bank will quickly realize how non-essential your new role is and before long, be forced to decide whether it's in the company's interest to waste that kind of money month after month. But beyond that, I think your alternative career options are poor. Construction on my house begins this week, and I can't afford to lose any time or sleep at all waiting for a decision from you, even if as you say it's 24 hours. This is the time you must decide whether you're going to commit to me, or lose an opportunity that may have been your only chance for protection and security in what must be a frightening new world for men worldwide. I need your decision now, Brian."

She folds her powerful arms and maintains eye contact with you. You break eye contact right away, staring at your hands. After a few moments you take a deep breath and look back at her. "Okay... Mistress... I accept your offer. And thank you for your trust in me Ma'am."

"Excellent Brian. You've made the best choice." She holds her hand out to you. You take it with both hands, bend your head and kiss it. She stands, and holds out both hands to you, palms up. You take them, and she lifts you off the step onto the deck, her vascular biceps swelling. She puts a hand behind your neck and kisses you on the lips, causing your erection to spring up hard again.

She pinches some fat at your belly and says, "To start, you will need to spend regular hours in the gym, and reduce your sugar intake and calorie count. I will have one of my people sign you up for a gym membership somewhere between here and the Palisades. As you progress, I'll direct you to make additional changes to exercise and nutrition plans to achieve my idea of perfection. Your body has nothing bad that can't be changed with discipline, so it's acceptable as long as you apply yourself to improving and don't slack off. Oh yes and body hair: I like what you've done so far, but your chest must be completely smooth... shave everything for me. Regarding the pubic area, I think I will have my stylist take care of that. Some kind of cute shape or something, maybe with some colored dye... or maybe not. I'll consult with her."

You swallow. "Yes Ma'am."

"I will arrange an introduction to Bill and the architect soon, probably mid-week. You won't likely have much need to visit the site regularly at first until the demo phase is finished, but you should spend your time until then becoming as familiar as possible with the plan set, and cementing your relationships with Bill and the architectural team."

You wince, remembering your chance encounter with Bill in her entry yesterday. You think: Yeah I'll bet he doesn't have any preconceived notions about me after that... right!

"I presume you'll be at the office Monday normally. Give Matson your notice on Tuesday morning. Do not imply to her or anyone that you and I had any sort of interaction between Friday and Monday. I don't want to create the impression that I'm siphoning talent away from the bank. It will make sense that you're offended to have been relegated to the role of coffee-boy and receptionist, since you clearly are, and rightfully so. I think she'll be relieved in fact."

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"Yes Ma'am." You nod.

I don't expect to be staying here at the Hilton for more than another 2 to 3 weeks. I have my team looking for a house to rent in Beverly Hills until construction is complete. When that is arranged, you will stay with me there. I'd like to discuss with you by Wednesday your situation with Nina and how to deal with that until I'm moved into a rental. My preference is for you to move in with me as soon as possible... before I leave the hotel. There is a second bedroom here in the suite."

"Yes Mistress, I'd like to discuss that with you."

"Brian, do you know any trained young male chefs? Not a relative or close friend, but possibly an acquaintance?" She looks at you.

"No Ma'am, um I don't believe so."

"Okay well no matter, my team is hard at work trying to find suitable candidates. This is for my second prime boy, who I think will need to be a trained chef... with a big cock of course. Oh and study up on bar-tending skills. All my boys need to be able to mix whatever drink I require without delay, and to keep a fully-stocked, clean bar. Yes?"

"Absolutely Mistress."

"Okay, well pick up your clothes then."

You nod and grab your pants and underwear from the edge of the pool where you tossed them. You wring them out as best you can, but look up toward Mistress, hoping that she would offer the use of her clothes dryer or a dry bathrobe or something. But she is standing naked at the outside end of the pool, looking out across the city she now seems to be conquering, hands on hips. You manage to get your wet clothes back on, grab your dry shirt, socks and shoes from the bar, and say to her, "Okay Mistress... "

She spins around and heads back toward you. "I'll walk you up boy."

As she walks back toward you, your eyes roam over her body, drinking in her commanding presence, confident stride, and exquisite body and face. Once again, your cock, which had been at half-mast, springs up hard again.

She notices this and you see a sideways smile on her face. "I want you to keep a journal for me boy. Write down everything you feel, experience and think in the two or three hours after you are with me, and also whenever you think of me. I want to know what happens in your body and mind when you're thinking of Mistress. I want to know when you masturbate to me, how intense it was, and exactly what you're thinking, if anything, when you do it. I also want you to pick an exercise that you do in the gym you can also do anywhere... something that doesn't require equipment, like push-ups for example. Do that exercise within the first hour after I fuck you and record the results. Compare it with your performance in the gym, documenting date and time on each. You will present this to me when I ask for it, and only then. Do you understand?"

This all seems strange to you, but you nod, "Yes Mistress. I'll do that."

She grabs your elbow and leads you to the stairs. "Do not disappoint me. You need to understand that when I tell you something, it is not a request. It is a commandment to be followed without fail. Tell me you understand."

You nod vigorously. "I understand Mistress." Since you are now walking up the steps with her and breathing harder, you are taking in more of her scent, and start to feel tingling in your head and hands, and a slight nausea in your stomach. If she weren't hanging onto your elbow, you might have trouble balancing on the stairs. When you reach the landing, she turns you to her and grabs your upper arms, squeezing them and lifting. You feel your weight leave your heels as she lifts you to her mouth. The muscles in her shoulders, chest and biceps swell and bunch. She kisses you full on the lips and lingers somewhat with it. She releases you, and leans you gently on the wall next to the door since you're swaying. She opens the door, and pushes you through it. "Monday morning boy."

"Goodnight Mistress... " You say dreamily, "Thank you Mis... " The door closes "... tress."

In the lobby you shake your head to clear it and, sliding your hand along the curved wood wall to steady yourself, you follow it to the elevator door.

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