Live in a Changed World

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

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After what seems like an hour of hanging there but was probably less, the door to the master bedroom opens and Nina steps through, all dolled-up. You had been hanging forward on your... leash, but you immediately stand up straight to better take her all in.

A waft of sweet perfume enters with her, and she giggles as she sees the effect she has on you. She slowly pivots on her expensive Givenchy heels and wiggles her gorgeous butt in the short, tight scarlet mini-dress that seems to have been painted on her. Your cock is hard and throbbing within seconds, and you feel a sharp pain in your abdomen that would have caused you to double over if the restraint cable allowed it. You know that the more you look the worse it will get, but you still can't look away. She still isn't wearing a bra, but the mini-dress itself provides a push-up lift, presenting her big breasts toward you with mouth-watering cleavage and generous hard nipples. Her hair is shimmering, covering one eye and one shoulder, very Veronica Lake-ish, and her face is made up to perfection with deep red lip gloss and gray eye shadow that turns her into a true femme fatale.

Towering above you by five inches in her heels, she slowly walks around your helpless, bound body, tracing one long gloss red manicured nail from your chin, across your right shoulder and back, and ending at your left ear. You turn to look her in the eyes, your guts clenching up in agony. She smiles devilishly, pinches your ear painfully and pushes your head away as she steps back toward the door to the common area, and away from you just as your belly starts another round of dry-heaves.

She turns her laptop around on the desk, monitor facing you, displaying a full-screen camera image of the kitchen/living room area. Then she plants herself in a broad stance in front of the door, her lean muscular arms folded across her chest, forcing her imposing bosom upwards.

"Now listen here boy. I'm going to be entertaining some well-hung studs out there. I will fuck them hard and drain them dry, just like I could be doing to you if you weren't such a fuck-up! You're going to be seeing live video, and hearing some things through this door that will make you desperate you were anywhere but tied up here wearing a fucking diaper, but hear this! If you start making sounds, moaning and grunting and stomping your little feet I'll eventually have to unlock this door and show you to them to answer their questions. If that happens, we're all going to have a good, humiliating laugh at your expense."

"Trust me: they're not going to be interested in saving you, even if they had a prayer of doing it. But it also might make it more difficult for me to pull them into my harem. So if you force me to open this door, know that it means I will leave you strapped to the ceiling like this without any relief or means of sitting until we've expunged your bitch's pheromone stink from your body. Even at night. And that could take a week or more! Have you given any thought to what a full week of unyielding physical agony and sleep deprivation can do to your body and mind?"

She smiles and nods her head presumptively, turning to walk through the door, her shapely ass swaying seductively. Just before she closes and locks it she sticks her head through and blows you a sexy kiss, saying sweetly "Enjoy the show, little boy!"

After a couple minutes your dry heaves subside and you begin paying attention to the camera view. Your throat is burning from the bile and you really wish you could have a glass of water, but that's out of the question for now. You marvel at how hot Nina looks in her dress. Reminds you of when you first started dating and you couldn't believe a girl like her was interested in you. You assume she plans to eat dinner with her, umm... boyfriends, but there doesn't seem to be any food prepared and the dining table isn't even set. Nina just relaxes on the sofa with a drink in her hand, checking her phone from time to time.

After a few minutes the doorbell rings. Nina casually rises, drink in hand, and walks to the door. She opens it and greets a tall guy with a beard wearing a sport jacket and carrying a large insulated food container. He sets it down on the table and then accepts Nina's hand, offered to him. He kisses it, just as Mistress Olivia had you do. Nina grabs him and yanks him close, getting a good feel of his package and kissing his neck hungrily. The guy is taller and better built than you, but he's still shorter than Nina in her heels by three inches or so. She points out a few things in the kitchen and dining room to him and sits back down.

You really can't hear much through the door, and the laptop has no sound. The man busies himself by unpacking the food and heating up one of the dishes in the oven. You catch yourself drooling again, this time because you're starting to get hungry, and the sight of food is stimulating that.

You hear the doorbell ring again. About the only sound you've been able to hear so far. Nina rises again to greet a second man. This one is very dark-skinned and without facial hair. He's in a suit and tie, and carries a couple bottles of wine. He kneels and kisses Nina's offered hand. She introduces them to each other, and shows the second man the kitchen and dining room. She sits back down with her drink and points to it, turning her head to the second guy. He quickly begins fixing her another drink and presents it to her. She stands and kisses him full on the mouth, shoving a hand into his pants. She releases him and smacks him on the butt playfully as he turns away. She relaxes with her drink while the two guys busy themselves in the kitchen and dining room, pouring wine, setting the table, putting out the food.

The food smells are wafting under the office door by now, and your stomach is rumbling. After a while, dinner appears to be ready, and both men guide Nina to the table. Her seat faces the camera directly, with the two table settings facing each other on either side. Before she sits, Nina lowers the top of her mini-dress so her big breasts are just exposed. The black guy is quick to pull her chair out and seat her. Then both guys stand by the table, waiting for a nod from Nina to be allowed to sit, which she gives magnanimously. They all begin eating, but it's clear from the way the guys shift frequently in their seats that they are very aroused by her half-nakedness. You can hardly blame them - Nina does have amazing tits! You feel a bit of arousal yourself, but the monitor is far enough away that you can't see her body in all its glorious detail.

They enjoy a lively meal, but it's clear the two men seem to be competing with each other to be of the most service to her: over-offering to refill her wine glass and fetch her things she might need. They treat her like a queen, which she seems to relish.

At the end of the meal, they talk for a bit, then she snaps her fingers and indicates the table. The two men hurriedly begin cleaning up and doing dishes while she sits enjoying her white wine. Her breasts are still bared. Once they finish, she invites them back to the table. They nod and wait standing behind their chairs for her to indicate that they can sit. There seem to be some points of protocol that she has instructed them on beforehand. They talk for a while more, and it appears that the conversation gets more animated. You can actually hear some voices raised, mostly Nina's, through the door.

Finally, she turns her chair toward the black guy and plants her elbow on the table, with hand open. You think you know what's coming, but aren't sure. After a few moments where he seems uncertain, he puts his elbow up too and they clasp hands. They're going to arm-wrestle! The bearded guy acts as referee or whatever, and they begin. Their arms remain locked upright for a while, without moving. Nina takes a sip of wine. The guy re-adjusts his position, and is clearly sweating now. Finally Nina smiles and slams his hand to the table hard. There is some laughter but the guy seems uneasy and rubs his sore knuckles. Then the same thing is repeated with the big bearded guy. They clasp hands, but this time she doesn't wait much before putting him down. Slam! His knuckles smash into the hardwood tabletop too.

You wonder if this contest is something suggested by the Femme Supérieur book, or the chapters still in French anyway, to prove to male partners that they truly are inferior, if there is still any doubt. The guys seem a bit embarrassed, but Nina turns on some music and invites them to dance with her. She gyrates sexily on the living room floor, still with her boobs exposed. The guys forget their bruised egos, and knuckles, and join her, somewhat awkwardly moving to her and dancing. She trades off giving attention to each guy, kissing one as she sways her body to the rhythm, and removing his jacket, then the other. Soon both are naked to the waist and you are getting uncomfortable seeing these guys get so familiar with your girlfriend.

She had stripped off the black guy's jacket and dress shirt but left his necktie on, and now she grabs it and drags him over to the sofa as they both move sensually to the beat. She lays back on the sofa with her legs spread, and pulls his face into her exposed pussy. He begins chowing down, and she looks toward the other guy and snaps her fingers, pointing to her chest. He comes over quickly and starts kissing her mouth and neck while massaging her breasts and feeling her hard nipples.

While writhing about from the attention she's getting downstairs, she directs the big guy to take off his shoes and pants. His cock springs up and it's huge. Almost as big as yours. He starts waving it in her face as if he wants a blowjob and she reaches up for his face. She grabs his hair and pulls him close, then slaps him hard. You finally hear some words that are audible through the door. "Who the fuck do you think I am? You don't get that from me! Am Ito you? Get down there and stick it in like you're told!"

The guy, looking shocked, moves down to her pussy. The black guy, equally surprised, gets out of his way and stands up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Bearded guy slips his erect cock into Nina while she grabs the black guy's wrist and pulls him closer to her.

The bearded guy pumps once, then grunts loudly. He was up to the hilt in her and his face starts turning red. He seems to be trying to pull out but can't. He lets out a yell, and Nina sits up, grabs his face, and says something to him angrily that you can't hear. But you know what's going on: she's grinding his cock as punishment for failing her. She releases him, and he pulls out, landing on his ass backwards. He looks back at her, but she's already guiding the other guy into her snatch. He too has a huge dick, but still not your size. Bearded guy sheepishly gathers his clothes and starts to put them on.

He lets himself out while Nina and the other guy are banging away. You look on with jealousy. You daydream, imagining it's you instead, and your dick starts to rise in your diaper. Forgetting yourself, you begin to thrust your hips, the action stimulating a harder erection, then feel the bile rising in your throat. You puke several times hard enough that your stomach feels like someone thrust a sword into you, and wretch loudly, some liquid and chunks actually come out this time. You notice on the screen the guy has turned around, looking over his shoulder, but Nina distracts him and gets him sucking on her nipples as she grips his buttocks with both hands and slams him deep into her.

You hang loosely forward for a while, letting the bile run out through the ball gag onto the pan, and feeling the sweat dry on your forehead. It looks like the guy has climaxed, and collapses onto Nina. She looks satisfied too, but after a few moments pushes him off, ordering him to do something as she points toward the kitchen. He heads off-camera then returns a few moments later with a couple handfuls of paper towels. He cleans her off carefully first as she lays back, then wipes himself off.

A couple minutes later she stands up and pulls her dress back on properly. The guy brings her a fresh glass of wine, then kneels and kisses her hand subserviently. Nina seems pleased with him. When he stands, she pulls him tight to her and kisses him hard on the mouth. He turns away and once again she swats his ass playfully as he does so. He is now collecting his clothes and putting them back on as she leans against a wall sipping her wine. He seems to be dizzy, having trouble balancing as he puts his shoes on. She sees him to the door and lets him out with another kiss, which makes him swoon a bit and put his hand on the doorjamb to steady himself.

Nina, alone now, leans against the kitchen island as she drinks her glass of wine. She sets it down after a while and inspects the kitchen, and the boys' clean-up job. She seems satisfied, and then begins walking toward the office door.

The door opens and Nina steps through, wearing a confident smile. "Did you enjoy your show, little one?"

You strain at your bonds and force out guttural sounds you intended to say "Fuck you!"

Nina laughs, apparently correctly receiving your message. "I feel bad actually. Those guys got a view you only saw a tiny inadequate flat image of. I want to rectify that now." She folds down the top of her dress, and slides her muscular shoulders out of the slender straps. Turning the light dimmer up, she steps toward you, under the recessed ceiling lights. She pushes her lush breasts together with her long-nailed fingers and purses her glossy lips with a sexy smirk.

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You rock a bit at the end of your tether, losing balance slightly, then plant your feet and shut your eyes tightly. "Uhn uhn!" You grunt.

She laughs, "That's adorable! But it's no problem. There are other senses I can appeal to. You feel her step around behind you, and then your fingers and bound hands are squeezed between the warm, firm mounds of titflesh you just shut your eyes to. You slide your fingers along the luxurious, soft skin of her chest, caressing her heavy, tender tits.

"Oh come on Bri-bri... you really don't want to see my full tits squeezed together, while I suck these big, ripe, hard nipples with my cherry-red, glossy lips? I can't believe that."

From the sound of her voice, it's clear she's moved around in front again. You hear juicy, lip-smacking sounds and against your better judgment, open an eye. She is right up on you, looking down into your eyes. Her heaving, lotioned, perfumed bosom just under your chin. She grabs your head on both sides and turns it down to face into her deep cleavage, then squeezes her upper arms in to force them upward. She gives the top of one breast a good lick and says, "Mmmmm!" You breathe heavily and sharply suck in some saliva as you feel your cock rising and hardening in the thick diaper. You want to shut your eyes again, but you can't. Weeping sounds come from your bile-scorched throat as you feel your empty stomach roiling.

She releases your head and slides her hands sensuously down her sides, pulling the shimmery red dress down her torso. Her cobblestone abs are revealed, one pair at a time as the cloth slips slowly, tantalizingly down to her pelvis. You know she is sucking you into her trap to satisfy her own goals and not yours, but you don't care. Fantasizing about lying with her, touching her firm, silky smooth skin on a warm bed allows you to ignore your pain and discomfort, if only for a few seconds.

"Oh baby, my pussy needs your big fat cock to fill it up again. Can you remember how tight, wet and warm it feels inside?

Your cock lurches and quivers, then the churning of your gut forces another dose of bile up your throat making you choke and cough. She quickly backs away while you heave, trying to get your nausea under control.

The effort leaves you exhausted. You weakly sag forward against the ceiling tether, then almost immediately slip in the bile collected in the pan. In falling, you dip so low that you wrench one of your shoulders and bang a knee hard on the edge of the metal pan. You bellow in pain and frustration.

You think Nina is stifling a laugh but she says "Poor baby! Well you must be starving. I'll get you some water, and leftovers from the fridge."

You right yourself on your tether and try to control your emotions. You are shaking, and angry that you have no way to communicate, and no way to change your situation. You feel tears welling up in your eyes, but clench your lips hard against the ball gag to distract your thoughts from despair.

Nina returns with a bowl of soup and a spoon in one hand, and bottled water in the other. She sets the bowl down and approaches you with the water.

"Now I guess the best way to do this is that you can cock your head to one side and up slightly, and I'll pour a swallow at a time through your blow-hole."

"NNNNGH! NNGGH!! Uhn uhn!!" You growl, angrily. She's got to remove your gag! Is she fucking kidding!?

She understands your meaning but shakes her head emphatically. "No, no little Brian. You have to earn the freedom to speak! I thought that would be understood. Now you were pretty good while I was fucking those boys, but you did cause a distraction right in the middle of a very pleasurable orgasm. That was very rude, even you have to admit. Honestly I thought about thrashing you as punishment, but I've since softened my decision. So you should be grateful, boy."

You feel defeated. Still angry, but with no bargaining power, you make some breathy grunts and sag a bit.

"Are you... grateful, Bri-Bri?"

You don't reply.

"Are you?" She says, beginning to screw the cap back onto the bottle.

"Nngh! Uh huhn! Uh huhn!" You nod your head frantically.

"Oh good... good boy." She unscrews the cap again, and holds the bottle poised to pour.

You angle your head and try to drink. It takes a few tries, and the first couple times you cough up some water that went down the wrong way. Eventually you figure it out. After the water, she spoons some tomato soup into your "blow-hole". It's cold and clammy, but it still helps to soothe your hunger pains. It upsets you that she couldn't even bother to warm it up. She wipes off your face and gag, collects the bowl and leaves the room.

A few minutes later, you get the urge to pee. You haven't had to yet, and were hoping you wouldn't even have to use the diaper, but you have no idea when she will return, and the urge eventually becomes pressing. You finally have no choice but to just let go. It feels warm, but the smell disgusts you, since it's an odor wafting up from a diaper you are wearing. Could be worse though: at least you don't have an erection.

She hadn't closed the door when she left, and after a while you hear some sounds coming from the garage stairway. You hear the door open and then the sound of a cardboard box being opened. A few minutes later, after you hear some noises that indicate Nina might be assembling something, she pushes in a sort of raised, collapsible cot on wheels. It pretty much looks like a stretcher, but with nothing like a mattress - just translucent nylon webbing stretched across an aluminum frame.

"See hon? I thought of everything. Now you can relax instead of holding yourself up all night! Oh wait, what's that smell?"

She walks up to you and squeezes your diaper. "Oh you've pissed yourself! Disgusting. Well no matter, that's what these things are for." She tears your diaper off and drops it into the trash can, then grabs a fresh one from the desk and dresses you. She rolls the cot where you stand and helps you climb onto it, on your knees. It's not high enough for you to lay on your back, or even on your side. You have to lower yourself onto it face-first from a kneeling position, and then when you're laying down, your hands are still suspended about a foot above the surface by the ceiling tether. Nina positions the floor pan so it's mostly beneath your head. She provides no sheet, blanket or pillow. Once you're lying down, you wonder whether you could even get yourself back into a kneeling position without assistance.

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