Live in a Changed World

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

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"Goodnight Bri-Bri." She pats you on the back of the head, switches out the light and closes the door. You are now lying in near-darkness, with just some dim outside lights leaking through the horizontal window blinds.

You are truly exhausted, but unable to shut your mind off to fall asleep. You think this captivity has destroyed your only opportunity to find a safe situation in this new, frightening world. In the short term, you worry what even a few days of this treatment will do to your mind and spirit. Not to mention your body. After a while of lying there obsessing about the future and trying to ignore the uncomfortable position long enough to fall asleep, you realize that your elbows, forced into hyper-extension like this, are starting to ache, and this makes it too distracting to sleep. You spend a long while trying to get back into a kneeling position, but eventually give up. The effort you expended though tired you out so much that you begin drifting off anyway.

You dream that you are strapped upside-down on a huge clock pendulum. At one end of your path of travel is Nina, and at the other end is Mistress Olivia. They are both naked and laughing, as Nina pushes you to Mistress, then Mistress pushes you back to Nina. Back and forth, back and forth. Each time you swing they get further away from you, until eventually you seem to be all by yourself, continuing to swing.

Then a huge snake slithers down the pendulum shaft and wraps itself around your cock, and starts squeezing and releasing, then squeezing again, and releasing. Then you see the head of the snake. It has long blonde hair. Its face begins to morph, and it turns into Nina. You open your eyes, and Nina is there. Her hands, lotioned up, are under your crotch. She's removed your diaper and is jacking you off. It feels so good, you smile sleepily. You try to turn toward her, and sharp pain shoots through both elbows, which wakes you up fully! You remember your situation, and realize you have a full, raging hard-on. You try to squirm away, but have no ability to do so.

Nina laughs, "Wakey, wakey Brian! It's time for your early morning climax." You feel it's actually about to happen, and there's nothing you can do about it. You feel anxious and sweaty and nauseated, then projectile-vomit reddish liquid onto and through the nylon fabric you're lying on. You cough several times as you watch it soak through the webbing and drip into the pan below. Your throat is raw and your arms feel almost immobilized. They are numb, until you try to move them, and then they send shooting pains up your arms. You never ejaculated. Maybe Nina knew you wouldn't. Or couldn't. And meant your vomit to be your "climax"?

She steps around in front of you, wearing a satisfied grin on her face. She's all made up for work, in heels and a tight skirted suit. She smells showered and perfumed. You retch a bit more and turn your head. It's light outside, but still seems pretty early. You see that she has laid plastic sheeting on the floor from your cot to one side of the room.

She claps her hands together and says, almost like a drill sergeant, "Come on, get your ass up!"

You try to raise yourself, but the pains in your elbows and the numbness make it impossible. She finally gets a towel so she can touch you without getting your puke on her and pushes you up into a kneeling position. Now you see why she laid down the plastic. She rolls the bed away, helps you down off it, and gets it out of the way, but keeps it on the plastic. She does some basic cleaning on it, wipes you off, then carries the pan out to rinse it out in the mudroom. She brings it back and slides it back under you again.

She leaves the room again and comes back with more bottled water and soup. You go through the same feeding procedure as last night. Again the soup is cold, like right out of the refrigerator. It's definitely not enough, but with the amount you're vomiting, most of it ends up in the pan anyway. You're definitely hungry, but that's the least of your problems. She wipes you off again, and removes your diaper. This time though, she unclips the ceiling tether and leads you to the guest bathroom. She stands guard outside the door while you move your bowels. You are at least able to sit yourself down and pull the flush lever.

She calls out, "You're going to have to figure out how to wipe yourself the way you are. I'm not doing that!"

It's difficult, since you have no hand and wrist mobility, but you figure out how to accomplish it reasonably well. You flush, then turn around, turn the water on in the sink (you can barely reach it the way your hands are tied), and manage to wash up. You grunt through your gag a couple times, and she opens the door. Your hands are still wet, but she leads you back to the office and re-connects your wrists to the ceiling tether. She puts a new diaper on you, sits down at the desk and turns on her webcam, making sure it's aimed at you properly. Then she confirms she can see the video and hear audio from the app on her phone.

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"Oh my, aren't you going to have an exciting day!" She smirks. Now I'm going to be out all day, at the office and out for a couple meetings. I'll be back probably by 7 or 7:30. Buy why am I telling you that? You have no way to tell time! When I get home, I'm going to want to hear your apology to me - and it better be sincere and creative - for your cheating with your slut. If I'm not suitably impressed boy... well, you're going to get a hiding! She opens a file cabinet drawer and shows you a brand new wooden paddle made of thick mahogany, with a leather-wrapped handle. She sets it down on the desktop with a loud, intimidating thunk!

She leaves the room, washes her hands, collects her keys and purse, and then you hear the door shut and the click of her high heels down the steps.

You're depressed, Nothing for you to do all day but hang on your tether and shift your position to manage the pain and discomfort. Your stomach growls. It's close to empty, and won't be getting anything more for a good 12 hours. You can't even look out the window, since the blinds are down.

After what seems like hours, you hear your phone ringing in the other room. You're surprised Nina didn't take it with her or something to try and crack the password and look for evidence of your infidelity. Has to be work... probably Olivia, trying to find out where you are. So you guess it's about 8:30. A little later you do some running in place for a change in... anything. It's difficult to do with your arms forced up high like that, but not impossible

You start working your wrists in the paracord, back and forth, twisting, any kind of movement you can manage. It's not much, and there seems to be no hope of making the restraints loose enough to slip out of, but the lack of circulation is very uncomfortable, and this relieves that, if only by a tiny bit. Your lips, at the corners of your mouth are feeling parched and cracked. The ball gag forces your mouth into an extreme open position, and the skin is stretched so tight it's starting to tear a bit.

You hear leaf blowers and lawn mowers outside. Bird tweets. Every once in a while some dogs barking. At some point in the day, you hear Nina's voice over the computer speakers. It's not very loud, but it startles you.

"I hope you're thinking about your apology boy! I've been checking on you occasionally through the morning. It's a busy day, but I still find the time here and there. The papers are being drawn up this week to add me to the partnership. Full partner. That means a doubling of my income, and very good stock options. I've started looking for an architectural firm to design a new house. My last few deals have been very lucrative. I've found a place in Benedict Canyon that just went on the market. Made an offer for 2.3 million. Existing house is very out-dated, but it's a good sized lot. Great views. Whatever I build has to have a large basement with extensive uh... servants' quarters."

There is a long pause. You assumed she had switched off her app, but then she said. "You know, you're lucky you have such a great cock, boy. I would have dropped you in a heartbeat with all the trouble you caused. That's not to say I couldn't find boys with equipment that's just as good or better. I probably could, but I think you're salvageable. Some re-training... behavioral work. You just need to understand that we aren't equals anymore. Well, actually we never were. I'm sure that hurts, but it's just the way it is. You'll either be able to handle that and adjust... and learn to serve me faithfully. Or you won't... and I'll leave you in my dust!"

"Anyway, just know that, as cruel as what you're going through now seems... it's necessary. For you and for me. You shouldn't have been so free to share your body with other women. You know, deep down, that you belong to me, and that what you did was wrong. Now I have to fix it. Her pheromones have polluted you, and this is detox. Bye."

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