Live in a Changed World

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

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Little of what Nina said surprises you, except for the news about her impending partnership and the fact that she actually has the financial means to make a two-million-dollar-plus offer on a property, and then further to fund a large construction project for a re-build or remodel. That amazes you. She has clearly been deliberately understating her financial and career success to you. The brutality of her objectifying you as basically a big cock on two legs was painful for sure, but not anything you weren't prepared for.

Still, the combination of those two points sinks you deeper into feeling desperate and worthless. After a long period of feeling sorry for yourself though, you decide to fight it, and your mind starts looking for solutions.

You realize you never tried getting your bound hands in front of you instead of behind your back. Your mind has considered it, but it didn't seem possible when you were mired in self-pity. You hang low on the tether, tense your shoulders, and rotate your body to try and get your legs through the opening between your bound arms. No good, not even close. But maybe if you focus on getting one leg through at a time? You try this for a while. First your right leg, with no success after multiple attempts. Then the left. No better. Your back is just not limber enough to allow it to happen. You are getting tired, but decide to rotate your legs into position and stay there for a while, to give your spine some time to compress. Maybe after some hang-time you'll gain enough flexibility to get a leg through.

You remain for a long time, compressed like a pill bug, or at least as close to that as you can get. No way to tell how long, and you make several failed attempts to get a leg through during your hang. But it feels like at least ten to fifteen minutes. Finally, when your shoulders are starting to shake and you know you'll have to swing your feet back to the ground soon, you give it one last try. Right leg through! Once it passes through, you can get the foot against the mass of paracord and push out, creating a better opening for the other leg. Both legs through now! You land on your feet and stand up straight, arching your aching back and rotating your shoulders to help your joints settle into a more comfortable state.

This is a great improvement, but now what? You look at the connection between the ceiling tether and your paracord bonds. It's a large steel carabiner with a big nut that screws closed. You try to unscrew the nut but just don't have the ability to grip it well enough to loosen it. But even if you were able to grab it with your fingers unhindered, you still might not be able to unscrew it without a wrench since Nina's hands are much stronger than yours.

You hear your cell phone ringing again in the other room. Could be Mistress Olivia again, or nothing at all important. You're surprised your battery hasn't died by now.

You re-evaluate your range in the room to see if you can reach anything with a foot to help you escape. It seems the only things you could affect are the laptop and possibly the wooden paddle on the edge of the desk. You know you could kick the lid of the laptop closed if you stretch, but that's about it. The only good that would do is to get you out of camera view. That might be a good idea, but if you did it now, it also might just alert Nina too soon to your progress, forcing her to hurry home.

You have a shot at getting that paddle to fall off the desk, and possibly get it close enough to pick up with your toes. But it doesn't have any sharp edges. You'd have to break it somehow to create sharp fragments to saw through the cord, and you can't think of any way to do that.

If you could get the gag off you might be able to chew through one of the loops of nylon cord and untie yourself, or maybe loosen a knot with your teeth. With the new-found range of movement in your arms, you reach around to the back of your head and try to unfasten the ball gag. You can feel the buckle, but when you slide a finger under the strap to pull it out, something prevents it from moving. A little more exploration with your fingers and you find a locking mechanism on it that feels like it has a keyhole. Dammit! You try to pull the whole thing off over your head, but the hard ball protrudes too far into your mouth to allow that.

After trying every means you can think of, the best you can come up with is to saw your ropes back and forth across a metal fitting on the side of the gag that has a bit of an edge, in hopes you can eventually cut them away. You start working on it, sawing continuously in the same spot, taking a break every few minutes. After a while, you see the angle of the sun is getting low. It's probably near 5:30 or 6. The ropes show little sign of wear or cutting. You fear what Nina will do to you when she gets home and sees what you've been doing. Assuming she hasn't already seen it.

You stare blankly at the door now, no longer trying to saw through your bonds. You gave it your best shot. Time to admit defeat and prepare yourself to take it like a man. Hmm. 'Take it like a man'? There's a phrase that's going to have a different meaning in a few years. Probably quite a few phrases will lose their meaning, or take on an ironic feel eventually. You consider similar sayings:

'A good man is hard to find'.

'Fight like a man'.

'A man among men'.

'It's a man's world'.

Ha! 'Every inch a gentleman'. That's definitely one that women will turn into a sexist joke!

'Every man has his price'.

'I'm not half the man I used to be'.

Then you think, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', and begin worrying again...

The doorbell rings. It stirs you out of your daydream, and you start screaming as best you can. With all the damage to your throat from stomach acid, it's hard to keep up a sustained scream. You scream, then cough, and scream again, and cough.

The doorbell rings again. You continue trying to make noise: screaming, stomping your feet.

You hear the front door splinter apart like a battering ram went through it. A woman's voice shouts "Brian? Where are you?"

You scream again. In moments, the office door swings open wide. Mistress Olivia, looking huge, dressed in a loose white satin blouse, tan equestrian slacks and high black leather boots, steps through. She looks left and right as you gasp with relief. She steps forward and grabs the black paracord around your wrists. She grimaces, and snaps the coils of rope with her fingers almost like they were sewing threads or dental floss. Then she steps behind you, grabs the back of the ball gag. You hear a snap and then it falls off your face onto the floor.

"Did Nina do this? Is she here?" She demands quickly.

"Yes Ma'am... Mistress. She's not here. But she might be coming back soon. Thank you Mistress! How did you find me?" You gasp, looking up into her dark eyes as you pull your loosened bonds off.

She takes charge right away. "Later. Get rid of that diaper, clean yourself up quickly and find your clothes. Then grab whatever is important to you that won't take more than three minutes and let's go. Assume you won't be coming back." She strides out into the living room, common to both the front entrance and the garage door. She listens at the garage door as you wash up briefly at the kitchen sink.

"What about my car?" You ask.

"Leave it here. You'll have a vehicle, don't worry."

You grab your phone, then quickly move back to the office to pull on underwear, pants, socks and shoes. You grab your laptop bag and some financial papers from the closet and come back out.

"Mistress, I've got everything I..." You freeze. Nina is standing in the doorway. She looks like she's been running. Mistress Olivia is between you and her, stance wide, fists on hips.

Nina sees you and nods her head, a cruel, tight smile on her lips. She glares at Mistress Olivia. "So you're the boy-stealing slut. Olivia I presume?"

Mistress nods "Oui, si c'est comme ça que tu veux le dire, mademoiselle. Je prends ce garçon et je vous suggère de rester hors de mon chemin!"

Nina is mildly surprised. She responds, "Il est à moi, pouffiasse. Ce gros bitte reste ici!"

Mistress rolls up her sleeves and spits, "Vous vous retrouverez surpassé. Mon musclé le physique devrait vous donner un indice. Croyez-le ou non, vous me devez une dette, Nina. Un jour, vous vous en rendrez compte. Mais pas aujourd'hui."

Nina springs at Olivia, covering ground surprisingly quickly. "I'm going to kick your ass!"

She swings a fist at Mistress's face.

Mistress Olivia catches her arm with a palm placed between shoulder and elbow, then counter-punches with her right, catching Nina square on the jaw with a precise, piston-like blow. Her head snaps back and she staggers as Mistress snaps a front kick into her chest that sends her into the wall, creating a dent in the drywall where her head struck it. Nina topples forward, almost like a tree, laying still.

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"Non. Tu ne le feras pas, ma chérie."

You are stunned. Mistress turns to you. "Do you have everything you need boy? Boy? Snap out of it!"

"Yes Mistress! I'm sorry but I was shocked. That was amazing! I have everything I need, we can go."

She smiles. "I am rather ruthless with physical combat. Follow me."

She steps past Nina's prone body, offering her hand to you. You take, and kiss it, looking down at your unconscious ex-girlfriend, then follow her out the open entrance and down the stairs.

In the street, stopped at an odd angle is a red sports car with gull-wing doors. Maybe a Ferrari, but it doesn't look like any models you're familiar with. A few feet away is Nina's Lexus, also parked at an angle, its engine making sounds that indicate the engine is very hot. Mistress clicks her remote and both gull wings open on the sports car, and the engine starts. She helps you into the passenger seat then closes the door manually. She sits and her door closes. She spins the wheel and exits the cul-de-sac, heading toward the freeway. The engine sounds very powerful, and the acceleration is unreal. She handles the machine like a pro. You are staring at her, watching her jaw muscles clench as she takes turns, and smelling her perfume and body scent. There is a sensation of giddiness, which is starting to become familiar. You slide your laptop bag into your lap to hide your erection.

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Mistress clucks. "Remember, I like to see that, boy. It's one of my perks for saving your

petit derrière, mon petit pétunia!"

"Oh sorry Ma'am! Habit." You remove the bag. "Thank you for saving my... derrière back there. You were amazing! I can't get over it."

She glances at your crotch and rests her hand on your cock. "You're welcome boy. You're important to me... and kind of a cutie, to be candid."

You blush a bit and laugh. "So you speak French, Mistress. Do you speak any other languages?"

She sighs, "Française bien sûr... Deutsche... Español... egy kicsit Magyar... Italiana... Portugues... Nihongo... Pǔtōnghuà..."

"Sorry, what?" You say, confused by the rapid change of accents.

She whips around a curve expertly, and laughs. You cling to her big arm to avoid sliding sideways in the leather seat. The g forces are incredible. "I speak 9 or 10 very well, and a few more passably. French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin... decent Hungarian... Dutch... Greek... My native language is really French.

"And I think you speak English better than I do. You're a genius, aren't you Ma'am? I mean, you seem to be exceptional at everything you do. Was it the change that made you so... brilliant?"

She smiles and gives the head of your cock a squeeze. "Actually yes I am. The change helped, but for example, I learned all those languages, except Hungarian which I just picked up, years ago, before the change occurred. I have always been different. And driven to excel. I'm a personality type that's very rare I believe: a conqueror."

You place your hand tentatively on her forearm, feeling the bulges of muscle and veins under the skin. "And you know how to fight. What you did to Nina was blindingly fast. I've never seen anyone move like that except maybe pro's in a boxing ring. Where did you learn that?"

"I have trained in self-defense all my life Brian. I have a warrior's mindset. I train every day to be stronger, faster, better able to defend myself against violence. It's just part of who I am. I train in multiple disciplines, weapons, firearms. Whatever works... that's what I want to learn, be proficient in. I was always good, even excellent, but the change made me much more effective at it. The increase in strength, in speed, in my reflexes were off the charts. And here's a secret that not many know. Those women who were closest to their physiological peak potential received disproportionately greater enhancements."

"In other words, you're a badass." You say, feeling her solid knuckles.

She laughs. "Yes boy, and I like being a badass."

You gaze up at her beautiful face and say quietly, "It's very sexy."

"That might be the pheromones talking." She says with a grin. "But I think you mean it. Especially after what you went through just now, and before... you need protection, yes?"

"Yes Ma'am." You smile.

She's driving very fast down the Hollywood Freeway into the heart of LA, passing other drivers and weaving through pockets of traffic like there's no such thing as cops. "Mistress?" You say.


"How did you find me? How did you know I was in trouble?"

"I tracked your phone."

"You can do that?" You rub your eyes and stretch.

"I can. I didn't know you were in trouble. But I knew you were sincere when you agreed to our plan, and you had anxiety about Nina when we discussed her. So I thought she might be a problem. It was a simple matter to find your home address. When you didn't show up this morning, and didn't answer my calls, I found your phone's location. It was at your home... and never moved all day. Not even ten feet. That's not normal, or even easily explainable."

"And you jumped in your car... and drove to the Valley just for me... to do whatever needed to be done?"


Traffic on the freeway is uncommonly light for this hour. Mistress accelerates to 75 as she shoots past a row of cars near the Sunset Boulevard exit, heading toward downtown LA. The sun is dipping below the buildings to the west, and the thick muscles of her chest ripple in the golden light as she returns to the fast lane.

You yawn. "I want to be the best I can be for you Ma'am. I'm sorry, you really prefer I say Mistress, right? I keep forgetting."

"Actually I make an exception for you, mon petit pétunia. You started calling me Ma'am before any protocol was discussed, so it comes from your genuine recognition of my power and authority. You can use either Mistress or Ma'am. Ma'am feels dépassé... outdated, but I like it coming from you."

You look up at her and smile. "Thank you Ma'am. Do you mind if I sleep? I'm getting very tired." Your head sags onto her big shoulder, and you drift off.

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