Live in a Changed World

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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"Now, you will call me Ma'am when you speak to me. It's a title of respect I demand from my men. Can I tell you something Brian?"

"Yes Ma'am."

She smiles. "The control I have over you... over men... is intoxicating. As you know, before the change there were women... mistresses, dominatrices... who played at being superior to men. They acted as if they actually were, but everyone being honest knows they were not. They were pretending. I was attracted to that lifestyle. But it remained only a passing interest, because it was a lie. Now... it's become reality. No need to pretend. It's wonderful for me. I don't think I've met anyone, any woman, who doesn't... love the change. Though I may love it more than most."

There is almost no traffic on the streets, and it's very quiet. The time is about midnight, and there's a chill in the air. You cross an intersection against the light and make a right down the sidewalk. Kerren's hand is still through your arm. You glance at her sideways, without turning your head.

She notices your timidity. "You probably don't have to be afraid of me Brian. I may hurt you a little, make you bend to me, serve me... but I won't hurt you like... this," She reaches up and gently touches your bruise. You flinch slightly. "unless I'm forced to, by your actions. You're still nervous, but are you becoming more... comfortable with this arrangement?"

"Yes Ma'am, you're putting me more at ease. The talking helps Ma'am."

"She smiles warmly. "Good! But there still might be times, if you see people as we walk, or reach the lobby... when you want to try and run. Do not do that. I will promise you that it won't work out well for you. You know I can hurt you very badly if I need to."

You swallow and nod, turning your head slightly toward her. "Yes I do Ma'am."

Within three minutes, you approach the Hilton lobby. The reception floor is well lit. There are a couple business types in the sitting area, with jackets off and ties loosened, and a single attendant at the front desk. You walk up to the elevators, with Kerren's hand still through your arm, and press the call button. Doors open almost immediately, and you both step in. You press four.

Kerren asks "Room number?"

"Four twenty five Ma'am."

"Good boy. Too bad you're not in a penthouse suite. Those rooms are nice. Best in the city." Kerren sees that you're still somewhat aroused. She pulls you close, smells your neck, and slides her hand down inside the front of your jeans and underwear, feeling your cock and balls. This close to her hair and neck, you notice that she smells of vanilla and coconut. She wraps her fingers around your shaft to feel its girth, while lustily squeezing one of your buttocks with her other hand. Your cock responds by swelling. You feel some sweat at your temples

"I like your size boy." She withdraws her hand. "It's one reason I chose you. I can't wait to get your clothes off. I've been dripping since well before we left the bar."

The door opens on the fourth floor. You're feeling more nervous as you get closer to the room. You think about the revolver stuffed under the mattress. That should make you feel safer now, but actually it doesn't. If this just ends up being a sexual encounter, and your life won't truly be in danger, you would prefer the gun to not... be an option. There's no way to predict that of course. You're right on the edge of being incredibly sexually excited, and terrified.

You arrive at the door, and she fishes your key card out of her purse, swiping it over the sensor. She allows you to enter first and switch the lights on, following close behind. She notices the small wet bar. She sets her purse down and looks over the small bottles in the mini fridge. "Can you mix drinks boy?" She stands up.

"Um, yes Ma'am, a little." You stammer.

"Fix me a vodka martini."

"Yes Ma'am." You start to turn toward the fridge.

"Wait." She says, grabbing your shoulder. She looks you in the eye and grabs your shirt collar in both hands. She tears down and out, ripping your t-shirt in half, then pushes it down your arms, letting the tattered cloth fall to the floor. Then she grabs your jeans by the waistband, pulling you close. She un-snaps the top button, then tears down, ripping them almost entirely off your legs. Your underpants are tented by your growing erection and marked with your precum. She tears those off too, allowing your swollen cock to bounce free. She grabs your hair and pulls you to her, kissing you hungrily on the mouth while roughly grabbing your big testicles. She releases you and grabs her purse, heading toward the bed. "I'll have that drink."

"Yes Ma'am." You open the cupboard looking for a suitable glass, trying to step out of the torn clothing collected at your feet while you do so. You get your shoes off without bending down and using your hands, then slide the clothing off your ankles while assembling the ingredients for Kerren's martini. She is watching you from the bed, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her purse. She's enjoying watching your hard cock bounce as you hurry to fix her drink. You hear her snap open her lighter.

"Ma'am, this is a non-smoking..."

"Shut it boy! Don't you dare... try to tell me what to do!"

"Yes Ma'am, sorry Ma'am!"

She lights up her cigarette and props herself up on pillows against the headboard. When you have her martini ready, you carry it over to her, your dick bobbing as you walk.

She laughs as she blows smoke from her mouth and nostrils. "Oh my god... adorable."

Kerren accepts the martini from you and indicates that you should sit on the end of the bed near her legs. She sips some. "Well it's not terrible. I'll give you a pass since you couldn't have known you would be entertaining me. But if we do this again, make no mistake: I demand perfection."

"Yes Ma'am." You say softly, lowering your eyes.

"Now either I need something like an ashtray, or... you... will be my ashtray, boy. Make a decision before I flick my ash." She holds out her cigarette toward your face, index finger poised to flick it.

You look around quickly, then jump up and grab a small plate near the microwave. You approach quickly and present it to her. She smiles and flicks the ash onto it, then pats the bed where you are to set it.

"Normally, little Brian, I would want to get that nice juicy cock right into me. I can't wait to feel it inside me. But since I have at least a small amount... of self control, and you are un-tested, you will serve me with your mouth to start, and then I'll see where that leads." She pulls an adhesive bandage out of her purse and directs you to apply it over your injured cheek, so there isn't any fluid transfer, then adjusts her position on the pillows, and spreads her legs. A moment or two passes, and she raises her eyebrows at you and says imperiously, "Now boy!"

You jerk nervously at her tone, and scramble to get into position. Her lovely pink sheer panties are still on, and soaked with her fluids. You begin gingerly sliding them off her legs as she accommodates by lowering them to allow removal.

"I'm not made of taffeta darling. You can put a little urgency into it!" She blows a stream of smoke in your face as you quicken your pace, nodding your head. "Yes Ma'am."

"Now boy, before you set those aside, give them a good deep sniff."

You gather the moist cloth under your nose and breathe in, looking into her eyes.

"That's right... take it into your lungs... into your cells. That... is what a goddess smells like. Remember the bouquet, commit it to memory. Do you like it?"

"Oh yes... yes Ma'am." It's actually a very heavy, musky odor, but you know she's not looking for you to say that. You think quickly. "Such a sweet smell. With a hard finish."

She laughs and nods. "Okay sweet-cheeks, very nice. Now get to work." She indicates her open crotch, then taps another ash out onto the plate.

You flatten yourself to the bed and spread her lips apart. Her pussy really is quite lovely. Soft pink and full. Perfectly trimmed, with a substantial clitoris peeking out just past her labia. You wonder how she gets such a nice brown, even tan on all parts of her legs and ass.

You begin sliding your tongue up the outside of her lips, making sure to graze her clit just barely with your rough, stubbly chin.

She shivers and clutches the sheets. She reaches forward and grabs your hair, pulling you deeper into her crotch, closing her legs around you a little. You begin working into her snatch with your tongue, like forcing your way past the gates of an armed fortress. You turn your head sideways a bit to slip it in more easily, tonguing the inside edges of her lips. You smell and can feel juices secreting deep inside. You feel the muscular opening clamp down a bit on your tongue, and it surprises you: You've never felt such a powerful, tight contraction down there.

Kerren's expression catches your gaze and you see she is smiling impishly at you, as she pulls the cigarette from her lips and exhales between her knees, across the top of your head. She has pulled her white cotton tank-top up to her armpits, and you can see her firm, round breasts with large, dark areolas and thick nipples. Below them, rows of tight abdominal muscles lead up from her pelvis. As you begin to work her swelling clitoris with the tip of your tongue, you can see those muscles contract and harden as she draws in breath in ecstasy. Seems like if you stuck a quarter between those abs you wouldn't be able to pull it back out.

Your hands have been resting at the tops of her thighs just where they bend at the pelvis, to give yourself some leverage with your head and tongue. Now you begin exploring her thighs and waist with your fingers as your tongue flicks and slides, looking up into her eyes for any sign of disapproval, as you eat her dripping pussy. Far from it, she takes one of your hands in hers and slides it along the side of her torso so you can feel her sinew clenching and relaxing as she breathes and reacts to your pleasuring her. You feel her warm abdomen hardening and softening under your touch, and your eyes widen slightly in wonder at her gorgeous form and skin texture.

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She is approaching climax now. As your tongue presses and rotates on the head of her clit, you feel increased warmth and fluids from her crotch, and some tissues swell a bit as they engorge with blood. Her fist, still hanging onto your hair, tightens suddenly, causing you a little pain as it pulls at the roots. She shudders a bit and sits forward as her body clenches in ecstasy. She lets out a growl from deep in her throat... and it is over.

You turn your face away and cough, but she grabs your shoulder to make sure you're not about to stand. "I can tell you boy, that that was... better... than acceptable. I'd go so far as to say that... you are talented."

"Thank you Ma'am! I'm glad..."

Kerren cuts you off. "Don't get too overjoyed. You're not finished serving Mistress's needs. Not even close. Go to the bathroom and wash yourself down there, wash your face, and brush your teeth." She claps her hands twice rapidly. "Quickly."

"Right away, Ma'am!" You hurry to the bathroom. You shrug on the complimentary white cotton bathrobe since you feel cold. After quickly cleaning your crotch and face, you brush your teeth and gargle with mouthwash. When you step back out into the room, Kerren is looking over the liquor bottles at the mini bar, and crushing out her cigarette on the little plate. She is completely naked, and her body looks phenomenal. Your cock starts to rise.

While you are admiring her curves, lean musculature, and tattoos, she steps up to you closely, and grabs you by the front of your robe. Your hands go up reflexively to grab her wrists, but you loosen them when you realize how ill-advised and futile it would be to try resisting.

"About time." She breathes. She must have freshened her scent while you were cleaning up. The smell of vanilla on her is stronger.

She forces you against the wall, pushing her bare body into yours. The robe is open, so it is mostly skin-to-skin contact. You are about four inches taller than she, but she grips your robe tightly and begins lifting you, your back sliding up the wall. Your feet slowly rise off the floor, and soon even your toes are dangling above it. Your mouth is hanging open, and you're hardly able to believe what she is doing. Veins, tendons and muscles on her shoulders, chest and biceps stand out in bold relief on her bronze skin. Her expression is one of mock surprise, as she enjoys your incredulity at her superior strength, mirroring it. You can barely catch your breath, your heart is pumping hard in your chest, and you realize your penis is rock hard and sticking straight out like a ramrod, poking her sternum, just below her breasts.

She holds you there for a few moments, drinking in your sense of helplessness. You become worried when you wonder if she plans to set you down. Your eyes narrow as you start to panic.

She waits a few beats, then smiles and slowly lowers you a few inches, stopping just as your toes are able to graze the carpet. She leans in, and angles her face toward your ear, whispering, "Don't... ever... keep me waiting."

Your eyes still show fear, and you nod vigorously, accidentally banging the back of your head against the wall. You croak hoarsely, "Y-yes. Y-yes Ma'am."

Her smile broadens, and she allows you down all the way. She releases her grip and smoothens the front of your robe with her hands. "Now... boy. Do you have a cock?" She asks.

Your eyes narrow, not knowing what she wants, but you nod your head.

"Okay then... show it to me." She places her hands on her hips.

You look down, reaching down with your right hand, and lift your erect penis up with your palm, as if to present it to her.

She looks down and shakes her head. "No boy, that's... my... cock, not yours. And below it, those are... my balls. Tell me you understand what I am telling you." She looks back up at you.

You nod and say "Yes Ma'am. I understand. These..." You heft your cock and balls for her. "belong to you Ma'am."

"Good boy." She grabs the front of your robe with one hand and drags you next to the bed. She slams you hard against the wall, causing a painting to your right to tilt lopsided, and making you wonder if the room next door is occupied by anyone trying to sleep. She pulls the robe off your shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Placing her hands flat against the wall on either side of you, she presses her bare body against yours, grinding her tits and pelvis against you. Bending her head to one side, she kisses and nibbles your neck. You reach up to hold her waist, but she grabs your wrists and pins them to the wall.

"I'm in control here boy. Don't forget that. Next time you touch me without asking, I'll drop you with a knee."

"Sorry Ma'am."

"Thank me for warning you boy. Must I teach you proper manners, like a dull schoolboy?"

"Th-thank you for your kindness, Ma'am!"

The feel of her tight, supple body rubbing against you and her vanilla coconut scent is driving you wild, and your dick is beginning to twitch. She pulls you away from the wall, turns you, and forces you back onto the bed, climbing on top of you. She slides you up further and grabs both your wrists in her right hand, over your head against a pillow. With her left hand, she wipes her pussy, grips your cock tightly, and slides her hand up and down, coating it with her natural lubrication. You are lying on the edge of the bed, and she keeps one foot on the floor. She straddles you, with her other leg kneeling, folded next to your waist on the bed. Her left hand grabs your throat but doesn't squeeze. She tips her head back and sinks her body onto your dick. You feel the soft warmth envelop it as she lets out a soft groan, sinking all the way down. She sits there for a moment, her eyes closed. Then her pussy squeezes and clamps down very firmly but evenly on your shaft, and you feel a tugging as she lifts her pelvis, taking your lower body with it! The strain on your penis terrifies you, and you struggle with your arms against her right hand, finding them both immobilized. You start to scream, and she squeezes your neck with her left to quiet you but lowers your body quickly.

She starts pumping rhythmically up and down, squeezing your dick tightly, but releasing enough when she pulls back up that you can slide back out almost comfortably. As her pace increases, there is an undulating wave of muscular contraction you have never felt with Nina. It drives you to the edge and keeps you teetering on the brink of cumming, without ever allowing you. She bends down to you and turns your face to one side so she can breathe into your ear, "Males think they conquer a woman by thrusting their shaft into her like a spear... but you see... women today are in complete control. I can do whatever I like to... my cock."

"I can bend it..." You feel your dick folding at an angle inside her, and you grit your teeth against the pain as your eyes go wide.

"I can crush it..." Her powerful vagina squeezes your cock until you nearly whimper.

"I can stretch it..." Your penis is subjected to pulling pressure that seems to come entirely from inside her pussy. She does not lift her pelvis at all.

"Or I can be gentle, and loving." The pressure releases, and a soft undulation begins that feels almost like tongues caressing your shaft. It feels amazing, but ends after a few moments, replaced by firm pressure.

"So far from being stabbed by an aggressive, penetrating intruder... I'm taking a prisoner, and deciding how I want to treat it, fully at my discretion." She bites your earlobe, then turns your face back to meet her eyes. "Now, thank your mistress, boy... for teaching you about the new woman."

"Thank you, Mistress... thank you, Ma'am."

She purrs, "Mmmm, I love that. So trainable. But now it's time for me to take my ransom. She sits back up and puts her hands on either side of you, then begins pumping her pelvis again, and the undulation starts again and builds, but forcing you to the cliff, and then fully over it, with the equivalent of a hard shove. You cum, and cum... it feels like a pint or more, and she moans... then shudders, as she seems to have cum too.

She rolls off you onto the bed and sighs, looking up at the ceiling. Then she turns to you and narrows her eyes slightly. She snaps her fingers, and points down to the floor, commanding, "Off!"

You are still recovering from her vaginal assault, but you pull yourself up and stand unsteadily on your feet, unsure what to do. You turn and say, "Ma'am, is there anything I can do for you?"

"She smiles, "Well bless your heart boy. Yes: first wipe me clean, then fix me a vodka on the rocks, and bring me my cigarettes."

You quickly soak and wring out a washcloth with warm water, and gently clean her pussy and pelvic area. Then you bring her cigarettes, lighter, another small, clean plate as an ashtray, and start fixing her drink.

You hand her the drink, saying "Ma'am. Do you need anything else Ma'am?"

"No, cutie. You can clean yourself too." She tries her drink and seems to enjoy it.

You go to the bathroom, clean yourself off, then return. You grab a blanket from the sofa and sit on the floor at the side of the bed, facing Kerren. She does not smoke but sips her drink and turns to face you. "Would you like to know something about your mistress, boy?"

"Yes, Ma'am, I would please."

She tells you an abbreviated story of her life, which is a harsh, demeaning journey to becoming a junkie, living on the streets and at the mercy of several cruel, twisted men until... the female change starts having its effect. Then, over the course of 3 to 4 months, she is able to kick her various drug addictions to meth, coke and heroin; her physical health starts to return, and the needle marks actually heal and disappear; and her mind clears to the point where she would never consider debasing herself again as she did, horribly, for years. She shows you on the inside of her forearms where her needle marks used to be - now unblemished except for her tattoos.

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