Live in a Changed World

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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"Congratulations Ma'am! You must be so excited."

"I am boy... very much! The property is not occupied, and the sellers have agreed to let me begin demolition immediately, even before escrow closes, under conditions that are easily met. What I am looking for is someone like yourself who has construction experience with high end residential projects, to act as liaison between the builder architect and myself. This is a very large ambitious project with some unusual features, and I just won't have the time to give it the attention it deserves. Is that something that interests you?" She pulls on her cigarette, allowing the smoke to escape slowly from her lips and nostrils.

"It's very exciting to me Ma'am, but the specifics of my new position as your assistant..."

"Are irrelevant." She cuts you off. "I know this might be painful for you to hear, but your new position as my assistant at the bank... is a concession Ms. Matson felt compelled to make because she thought it would be... cold... to simply fire you. I have no need of an assistant beyond a basic secretary and someone to fetch me coffee... which is what your function will be if you remain at the bank: an overpaid coffee boy. You will serve at my whim in the office, but not receive any protections, or other... benefits... of a more intimate relationship with me."

You shift uncomfortably in your seat. "I see." You clear your throat. "So, what sort of compensation... or benefits would this construction liaison position entail, and what happens once the project is complete, if I may ask Ma'am?"

She looks into your eyes directly, takes a sip of water, then places the cigarette to her lips. She inhales, the ash at the tip glowing bright orange... and blows the smoke out directly at you. "First, let's review the plans. I want to be certain you understand some of the unique requirements of the project."

You kneel on the floor to see the plans better, and leaf through the large sheets as she describes her specifications. This house is enormous. 27,000 square feet not including the guest house, pool cabana, and an underground garage for a dozen vehicles, all on a 4 acre lot. The property itself must be worth 20 million dollars! On top of that, the construction is easily another 25 or 30. Her net worth must be... staggering to afford something like this. There are a few unusual features, just at first glance. The master suite is over-sized, even for a house this big. It has an attached private gym which is 600 square feet by itself. Immediately next to the master suite are two bedrooms sharing a single bathroom, whose entrances are just off the master suite vestibule.

Even more odd, adjacent to the underground garage are a dozen 10 foot square rooms with industrial-style roll-up garage doors facing the parking area. Each room has its own sink and small bed, but all share two full bathrooms, what looks like a cafeteria, and a gym they access via a corridor that connect them all. You ask her about these bedrooms, labeled "DK 01 through "DK 12" on the plans.

"Have a seat boy." She takes a long drag from her cigarette, holds it in for a few seconds. Demi Lovato sings: time for me to take it... I'm the boss right now...

You sit. She leans back, blowing a stream of smoke to the ceiling, then looks into your eyes. "Brian, I'm a woman with plans and objectives. But I also have indulgences, vices. I will reach my goals... as I always have. Exceeded them actually. But along the way I fully intend to satisfy life's urges... to scratch the itch. Do you know what I mean?" She takes another drag on her cigarette, blowing it back out straight at you.

"Yes Ma'am, I think so."

She smiles. "Good. You are aware that women have changed... quite a bit... over the last couple years. I don't think It's an overstatement to say that the die is cast, and we are rapidly taking our place as the alpha gender. Does that match your understanding Brian?"

The same phrase Nina used. "Well Ma'am... it seems impossible to deny."

She nods her head. "Of course." She studies her long fingernails. "I make no apologies for my vices." Her green eyes flick up to meet yours. "My sex drive is... ferocious. I will have boys around me... cute, well-hung boys... men... at all times when I am at home or traveling, to feed my appetites. I require that all boys who serve me in any way be of the highest possible quality, sexually... and be ready to serve me in... any way I demand... at a moment's notice. This would include you, make no mistake. Do I make myself crystal clear?" She reaches across to the ash tray, tapping out ash from her cigarette. Her massive tricep flexes.

You swallow and nod your head passively. "Yes..." Your voice catches, and you clear your throat. "Yes Ma'am." She smiles.

You cross your legs, aware that your cock has again become erect while you were focusing on Ms. De la Renta's words and movements. She notices and says "Don't do that Brian. Don't hide that from me. One of my pleasures is seeing the effect I have on the weaker sex. Why do you think I dress this way? Please uncross your legs so I can see your beautiful erection."

The weaker sex, you think. You comply but are feeling uneasy at being sexually objectified like that. "Yes... Y-yes Mistress... I mean Ma'am."

She sits forward, pleased. "Yes boy, you may call me Mistress. You may have saved me some time there. You live in a world now boy, where you hold none of the cards. While you may appear to be a good choice for this construction position, that is but one of the job qualifications. There are others. I must like your cock, and your body, and you must be... exceptional at pleasing me sexually, willing to serve me in any way I require without complaint. And... have a high tolerance for pain and discomfort."

Your eyes flick up, your brow narrows.

She notices your consternation and shrugs. "I am capricious. One day I might snuggle up to you in bed. On another I may punish you for failing me. I can be a generous woman, but fail to deliver, or worse: attempt to deceive me... and I may hurt you... break you... make an example of you. My hope is that your cock and sexual skills are sufficient for you to occupy one of the two top... male... spots in my household. My two prime boys. If so, you will have the privilege of occupying one of the two bedrooms adjacent to mine. You would enjoy the best I offer males: accompany me on business and vacation travel; eat the same premium quality food I do; wear nice clothes; receive some weekly spending money; and sometimes share my bed... but would also be expected to serve me with the highest devotion... and unmitigated perfection.

The living quarters at the garage are for the second string talent. Boys who might spell you or my other prime boy if I need variety, or in those cases where you are temporarily exhausted from serving my... voracious sexual appetite. Any of those boys can take your place if you fail me, or if one proves worthier than you, in which case... you become the second stringer, sleeping in the dog kennels."

She stretches her big shoulders and arms one at a time, probably to relieve them from stiffness after last night's workout. You see a network of swollen veins on the undersides of her arms, and as she stretches, her shirt rides up, exposing more of her midriff. Her well-developed abs are lean and vascular. Her teeth clench as she stretches, and you see her jaw muscles bunch.

"Ma'am... um, Mistress... I..."

"What is it boy? If you have a question... spit it out!"

"Are you talking... about a... a harem Ma'am?"

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She laughs. "Call it what you like. In Chicago I had a few regular boys - nothing like what I'm planning here, but some were very good, dependable boys, with satisfying cocks. The talent in LA is exquisite though. Ultimately it made more sense to leave them behind and start with a fresh batch in my new city. They were heartbroken, poor dears. But they know Mistress's desires come before their needs. I do hope they stay safe though, it can be tough for a young man in a big city. Sadly, some ladies are undisciplined, and will tear boys up wantonly as you know."

"Well, what do you offer boy?" She snaps her fingers. "Come here. Let me see... your most valuable quality."

You stand up slowly, looking at your feet. She motions impatiently for you to hurry up, ordering: "Now."

You approach her, looking down, embarrassed because it's clear what is about to happen.

She places her cigarette between her lips and reaches out with one hand, grabbing you by the waistband of your trousers. She jerks you to her roughly, then pulls quickly down, tearing your trousers off with a quick downward yank, your suit pants destroyed.

"My expectation is immediate compliance. If you make me come get you again, you may not like how I choose to do it. Understood?" You meet her glare hesitantly and nod. "Yes Ma'am."

She pulls your briefs down to your knees. Your erect cock springs up and bounces before her.

She blows out some smoke, chuckling softly at your bobbing dick, and turns to stub out her cigarette in the ash tray, saying, "Unbutton your shirt." She stands to her full height, so close her breasts brush your chest, causing you to sway backward. You quickly pull your necktie off, tossing it to the seat, then begin unbuttoning your shirt. Her patience is limited, and just before you finish, she grabs your shirt and yanks it open wide, popping the last button. She pushes it down your arms so it rests at your elbows. She pokes and kneads your chest lightly, then grabs a handful of skin and fat at your belly and lets go. She grabs your head with both hands, one at the back of your neck, and the other holding your chin. She tilts your head back and pinches your jaw where it hinges, causing enough discomfort to force you to open your mouth. She examines your teeth and tongue, turning your head to one side, then the other as needed for a thorough inspection. She nods and releases your head, then reaches down with one hand and grabs your shaft, giving it a firm squeeze, then letting go. Then squeezing again.

You are quiet, and don't know where to look or what to do with your hands. You look down and are standing so close now that you see her green t-shirt, stretched as tightly as it is, is somewhat translucent. You see hints of her dark brown areolas through the fabric. Your cock begins oozing precum as your excitement rises. She sees this and uses the tail of your dress shirt to wipe it off. She looks at you and says "It's certainly responsive. Do my tits excite you boy?"

"Oh yes Mistress. I have... never seen anything like them."

She nods and returns to inspecting your cock. She turns it to one side, then the other. She touches the fingers of one hand to her jeans, at her pussy, then brings them up to your face. Her fingertips are glistening wet. She slips them into your mouth. You suck and clean them. Sitting back down, she turns you sideways, cups your balls in her hand and hefts them. "Yes, you have a quality cock boy... very good size, rigid, clean, weighty testicles... responsive. I'm pleased."

"Though I'm not at all happy with your body. Far too much body hair and fat everywhere, and too much mass in your lower body compared to your chest, shoulders and arms. I like my boys to be lean and well-conditioned. I'm not concerned with strength and muscle size so much. I like symmetry and just an all-around athletic appearance. But you can fix those things, and I am getting ahead of myself. If you wish to continue this... evaluation... to be one of my boys, the final step is performance based. What do you say?"

You swallow, and nod a few times, goosing your courage before you speak up. "Yes Ma'am. I want to continue."

She smiles. "Good!" She looks at her phone to check the time. "Can you come back this evening? I'd prefer to do this right away, but I have a meeting with my builder shortly and other things on my schedule later. Could you return at 7?" She stands, extending her hand, but holding it with palm facing down.

You quickly pull your underwear and shirt up, and take her hand. Your dress slacks still lie torn at your feet, the cuffs around your ankles. "Yes I could Ma'am. Thank you for the opportunity."

She doesn't withdraw her hand, and you realize she expects you to kiss it. You bend and kiss her hand. "Mistress."

"Charming! You're a fine boy, Brian." She hands you a couple crisp, new hundred dollar bills. "This is for your pants... I'm sorry about that. I'm an impetuous girl... just something to get used to I'm afraid."

You accept the notes and nod. "Thank you Ma'am, that's very kind." You throw your jacket on, slip the bills in a pocket, drape your tie over your shoulders and stoop to grab your torn pants to carry so you don't trip over them.

She walks you to the bottom of the steps, holding your elbow. "If you think of any more questions you want to ask me, please do so tonight. You'd be wise to ask them before the... proceedings begin. I won't be answering them once they do." You nod, "Yes Ma'am." as you manage to get a couple shirt buttons buttoned.

She stops at the steps and turns to you, placing her hands on your shoulders and neck. She pulls your face close, bends and kisses you full on the lips. "Until tonight at 7 sharp."

You didn't expect a kiss, and your head swims with delight. You deeply inhale her scent through your nostrils and smile. "Yes Mistress, thank you Ma'am. Tonight." You stumble on the first step but catch yourself and continue up the curved staircase. You swoon slightly and your vision blurs for a few moments, but the handrail keeps you from losing balance. As you near the top, Mistress calls up to you, "If you see Bill my contractor in the elevator lobby, please send him down dear."

You open the door, and see a big barrel-chested guy wearing a sport coat and open collar waiting at the door. His eyes glance down at your pants for a long moment, then back up. He smiles oddly and nods.

You nod and start to walk past him, then turn and quickly say "If you're Bill, Mist... um... Ms. De la Renta says you should just come down." The door hasn't closed yet and he catches it, nods to you and goes through.

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