Live in a Changed World

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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You push the elevator call button and shake your head to try and clear it. On the way down you button the remaining shirt buttons and straighten your appearance somewhat. When you reach the fourth floor, you peek out as the doors open, to see if there's anyone in the hall who will see your mostly pants-less state. Coast is clear. You hurry to your room, but as you turn a corner, there are two teenage girls with beach towels coming up from the hotel pool. Their eyes go wide when they see you, and they start laughing as soon as you pass. Further down the hall one of them calls out "Chewed up and spit out!" then more giggling. At your door you fumble for your key card, then unlock and enter quickly, sighing with relief as you slam the door behind you. You sit on the edge of the bed, kick off your shoes, and remove your torn trousers. You empty the pockets, wad them up and toss them in the trash.

The time is 11:30. You sink back on the bed and grab the phone from the nightstand. A few moments later, you've arranged with the front desk for a third night's stay in the room. Your head feels thick, and throbs a bit. You look for the Tylenol you picked up at the sundries shop a couple days ago and take two of them with water. Nina hasn't returned any of your calls or texts, but you aren't interested in talking with her, so you switch on the TV and channel surf. CNN has some news segments on the female change. They discuss the men's protest movements, and a big one that is apparently going on today in Manhattan. Over 500 men are gathered near the UN building with picket signs. Many are wearing full backpacks, and police, thinking they might contain weapons, projectiles or explosives, are prepared for violence, assembling a riot line in front of the building.

You switch to MSNBC, and they're interviewing men and college students on the street in Chicago regarding the new reports on female pheromone effects. The street reporter is an attractive woman, and many guys are just steering clear of her when she approaches. There are some though who talk with her, including one very vocal dockworker who complains of frequent light-headedness, headaches, and even nausea when he spends time with his wife lately. Those are almost the same symptoms you've experienced around Ms. De la Renta, you think. Though he mentioned nothing about fainting.

You switch it off, draw the curtains, and nap for a while. When you wake up, it's 12:45 and you're thinking about lunch. You go to the bathroom and switch on the light to rinse your face. In the mirror you see Ms. De la Renta's dark red lipstick imprint on your mouth. You grin and feel an erection start to rise immediately. You stare at your face for a while, and the lipstick marks, recalling the shape of her mouth and the way you felt when she kissed you. After a while you realize your cock is rigid as iron rebar, and not planning to just go back down by itself. Clothes off and back in the shower again, you run hot water and jerk your dick furiously to the images of her in your mind. This time when you cum, you paint the shower walls. You sink to your knees, spent and panting, warm water running over your back and neck.

You dry off and clean your face with soap and a washcloth. You look at your body in the mirror, thinking about working out to get it in the kind of shape Mistress likes. You imagine your love handles gone, and washboard abs on your now soft stomach. But didn't she say... body hair? Yes: too much body hair. You examine yourself: there is plenty of hair: chest, stomach, legs, arms, even your back. You decide that after lunch you'll get a body shaver and make yourself more presentable for tonight with Mistress. Maybe even trim the bush a little.

You suspect that Nina might have some other things going on, possibly with other men... what other reason is there for her to not even return your texts? Things seem really crazy out on the streets these days, and since your job is now in serious doubt, and since women seem to be taking all the good positions from men, you need to try and stick with the woman with the greatest means and resources, and who values what you can uniquely offer. There doesn't seem to be a better choice right now than Mistress... or Ms. De la Renta.

You dress in jeans and t-shirt and head to the elevators. You decide against the hotel restaurant, and head to the parking garage. Over to the department store. You buy a nice pair of black dress slacks to replace the ones Mistress ripped off your legs, and an electric body shaver. You see one of your favorite fast food places near the store and start walking across the parking lot to it. Halfway there, you remember your love handles and soft belly. You stop and look around you. There's also a family restaurant in the opposite direction that you know has a good selection of salads. You turn around and head there. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, as they say. You order a Chinese chicken salad, sans dressing, and water. Back in the hotel room, you pull your clothes off in the bathroom and unpack the body shaver.

Thirty minutes later you've shaved all the hair from your legs, stomach and back, (which was not easy), and are thinking about your chest and arms. You decide you don't want to shave it all off in those areas, and use attachments to raise the blades. This plan works on your chest, but your arms are now stubbly and prickly. You realize you need to use a regular safety razor to get them smooth. You shave your arms clean, and then your legs and stomach too when you discover they are also still prickly. You trim your pubes, sort of like you did your chest hair. Then you take another shower to wash off the loose hair. While in the shower, you shave your face. The whole process takes well over an hour, and now your skin feels over-sensitive and cold. It's 4pm. You see a text from Nina, with an animated GIF of a cartoon woman wiping sweat off her dripping face.

"Sorry sweetie! I've just been immersed in writing this takeover bid for work since U left and just now checked my phone lol! U must think I'm a bitch and I guess you've maybe decided to stay a third night? Anyway I can talk if U want. Give me a call or text so I know if you're coming home to have dinner with your GF! Love!"

You text back, "Just got out of the shower. Yeah I'm staying tonight 2 but back tomorrow morning. Don't work 2 hard."

You worry about how to make the best impression tonight. What should you wear? Hard to decide: whatever you choose will probably get ripped off you, so maybe dressing down is the right choice? On the other hand, you feel it would be rude to show up in crappy casual clothes, and might imply you weren't taking this opportunity seriously. In the end you decide to try and look your best. You drive back to the department store and choose a loose print silk shirt, tight pants and cool but casual loafers. If nothing else, she'll like the way your package bulges at the crotch. You eat dinner at the hotel, choosing a light meal because you might end up feeling dizzy around Mistress again, and want to reduce the risk of vomiting.

Back up in the room, you brush your teeth, change into the new clothes and make sure you drink some water. You check the time, and head for the glass elevator to the penthouse floor. Though the brightly-lit city looks gorgeous from the elevator, you are too nervous to enjoy it much.

You press the intercom call button at 23B. A few seconds pass and the door opens. It's a young slender guy wearing Speedos and flip flops. His dick bulges in the tiny suit. He has layered peroxide blonde hair on top. Bottom is dark brown and razor cut. "Hi, I'm Toby! You must be Brian." He says.

"Yes... hi Toby. Um is Ms...?"

"Oh Mistress will be along shortly. She's down in the fitness center, you know..." He pantomimes lifting weights over his head with a silly grin on his face. "She asked me to apologize for her, but... " He looks at his watch. "She should be back any minute now. I'm supposed to greet you, and... would you like anything to eat or drink while waiting for Mistress?" He leads the way down the staircase to the living room pool area. The pool rim lights are slowly cycling through a spectrum of brilliant colors, from deep green, to blue, to purple, to red...

You follow him downstairs, noticing that he is walking with a limp, and now can see that he has a large red welt on his neck with some broken blood vessels. "No thanks." Music is playing on those hidden speakers: Babylon sisters... shake it!

"Oh well, let me know if you change your mind! Are you the construction guy? I know she's looking for a master chef too, but haven't heard if she has any candidates yet. I don't have any real skills that give me a strong shot at one of the top spots. Unless you count Resident Evil 2 and shitty guitar licks! But... I'll be happy if I can become a second-stringer! Better than being on the street I'll tell ya that! And there's no Mistress like Ms. De la Renta, that I can tell you! I've been through the wringer, and it's scary out there."

"Yes." You say, stepping from the bottom step to the floor.

"Yes what?" Toby turns around, looking confused.

"Yes... I suppose I must be 'that construction guy'."

"Oh!" He puts his hands to his mouth. "Forgot I asked! Anyways, make yourself at home... sort of, if you know what I mean. You can have a seat if you like. There's veggies and dip over here at the bar." He sits at the bar and grabs a celery stick.

"Toby, how long have you known Ms. De la Renta?"

"Hmm, not long. About a week and a half. She swept through a Sotheby's office in Beverly Hills with this entourage of like, east coast looking guys, and I was there waiting for a job interview for a job I probably wasn't gonna get. This... this goddess just strides out like she owns the place, with like four guys behind her... like, swept along in her wake. They were all wearing suits but you know... they weren't... owning it? Like they were wearing Daddy's clothes or something, I don't know. Anyways, I was just staring at her through the glass doors like 'What was that?' So she sends one of the suit guys back in and he tells me," Imitating a deep voice, "'Mistress would like a word with you sir.' Well that was pretty freaky, but I come out with him, and she was just this brick shit-house looking woman with these crazy model cheekbones and the hair and the boobs and... well you know.

Anyway she was so, so nice and I just wanted to curl up in her lap and go to sleep dreaming about her but she likes my vibe and tells me to come here," He points to the floor with both index fingers, "that night, so I do and she meets me at the door but walking down to the pool I passed out or something because I wake up on her sofa and she like, carried me there and I feel really bad but she tells me it happens a lot to guys around her and..." He takes a breath before continuing, "that I would get acclimated to her after a little while and start to feel better and not faint. Anyways right now I just come when she calls and I'm hoping I can be one of her regular boys."

"Thanks Toby, so she says you have to get acclimated to her, huh? That happened to me too."

"Oh yeah I stopped feeling dizzy and sick after my first 3 or 4 times with her. She says it's because of the change. And I have felt funny around some other girls too, but never like with her. Whatever that is, she's got like the Super Saiyan version or something." He goes back to the veggie dish and dip.

You get up and walk around the pool to the edge of the balcony. The view is beautiful and the sky is just dark enough for the city lights to sparkle. You walk back to the seating area along the other side of the pool. Beyoncé is singing I break chains all by myself, won't let my freedom rot in hell. The door at the upper landing opens and Mistress bursts through. Her hair is tied in a ponytail and she's wearing a loose red t-shirt and clingy white leggings. "Mistress is here boys! Sweaty, hot and ready to trot!" She carries a purse and has a towel over one shoulder.

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Toby jumps up, "Hi Mistress! Would you like anything? Can I give you a back massage?"

She breezes down the stairs. "Thank you Toby Goodnight! Brian if I were you I'd start removing those clothes or I'll have to rip them off your body!" You quickly start unbuttoning your shirt just as she reaches the bottom of the stairs.

Toby calls "But Mistress, I..."

"Thank you Toby! Mistress doesn't have time for you now boy! Brian: gin martini dry with an olive!" She disappears behind a door, slamming it behind her.

Toby looks resigned but calls, "Bye Brian, nice to meet you! Good luck with the Succubus!" He trots up the stairs toward the door.

You hear Mistress's voice from behind the door call "I heard that!"

You get your shirt and shoes off and start looking through the bar for the ingredients to Mistress's drink. You are no mixologist, but find a Bartender's Bible in one of the drawers. Chilled glass, 3 ounces gin...

Mistress blasts through her bedroom doors with her hair down and brushed, no leggings, but still wearing her t-shirt, wet and heavy from her sweat. It is long enough to hang just below her crotch. As she nears the bar, you concentrate as best you can on her drink, but her breasts bounce beneath the shirt as she walks and your cock starts to rise. The muscles in her thighs dance as she approaches. She sits at the bar and rests her elbows on the counter, beaming at you with that dazzling smile. She is no longer dripping with sweat, but her skin shines with moisture.

"Mistress, you look radiant as always." You say as you start to shake her martini. Your erection is bulging.

She leans forward to see your crotch better. "Thank you boy, I like what I'm seeing down there, the big bulge you're creating just for me." She gets up and moves to join you behind the bar.

You pour her drink into the chilled glass and pop a skewered olive into it, handing it to her and backing away as she rounds the end of the bar. "Mistress... will you please allow me to take my own pants off this time?"

She accepts the glass and nods but moves closer. "Be quick about it. I finish these in the blink of an eye." She tips the glass into her mouth just as you unzip your pants and start dropping them.

"Finished." She sets the glass down and pursues you, forcing you to back into the corner of the bar as you hop on one leg to remove your pants.

"That wasn't bad, but next time make it drier boy." She moves in on you. Her scent is powerful, and you feel your face and ears flush, your hands start to tingle. You still have only one pant leg off. She crowds you, pushing her firm body into yours. She grabs your waist and lifts you up onto the counter like you weigh no more than a child. She claws at your underwear, pulling it partially down your legs, but gouging your hip and thigh painfully with her nails as she does it, causing you to yelp. Your erect cock points upward at an angle. She reaches up and tears the shirt off her chest, shrugging it off behind her. When you see her massive powerful shoulders, huge naked chest and breasts, you feel new blood surge into your penis. It lurches, and she smiles at this. She scoops you up in her arms, your hard cock resting in her deep cleavage. She turns around and heads toward the pool, carrying you in front of her. Your pants are still hanging off one of your legs. She launches you into the air, toward the middle of the pool. You land back-first in the water.

The water is surprisingly warm, and you are able to take a quick breath as you hit the surface. You kick off your pants and get your underwear most of the rest of the way down your legs when your head pokes back up through the surface. Mistress is standing just inside the pool on a broad shallow step. She dives in then swims down, kicking to come up beneath you. It's just shallow enough here to stand, and she pulls you back to the shallow end with her. She sits on that broad shallow step, her back to the pool edge, feet planted, knees up. She guides your head to her partially-submerged pussy, which is unshaven except for some trimming around the edges.

"Show me what you can do boy. Make Mistress happy." You are still feeling the effects of her scent, but immersion in the water is helping to counter them. You put your lips to hers and start exploring with your tongue. Her outer lips are already swollen and open. You lick around the outside, shifting focus to the clitoral area as you pass. You get your fingers involved too, gently opening her lips wider, and using an index finger to put some light pressure and vibration on the hood of her clitoris. After a short time her clit emerges fully and you give it more attention with your lips and tongue. It's quite big and thick. She writhes on the step and pulls you further into her snatch, using her legs and heels against the back of your head and neck to keep your mouth fully engaged.

As you pleasure her, you notice some odd sensations. Odors seem to get stronger. You first notice the strong chemical odor in the pool water, but soon, despite much of her being immersed in water, you pick up her scent again, only this time it seems much more pleasant than before. As you breathe in deeply to get more of it, your vision starts to distort. Shapes seem to bulge toward you with more... depth, as if you had been living in a flat world and now you are entering a 3-dimensional one. Colors seem more vibrant, and you become fascinated with the component parts of colors and textures, and are able to break colors and textures down into those parts easily. You realize you are sensing Mistress's heartbeat, and to some degree the movement of fluids through her body.

This inrush of sensation is startling. You jerk your head back, and briefly feel the subtle motion of your brain sloshing in your skull: forward, then back. Ms De la Renta places her hand on your head and turns your face toward hers. She studies your eyes for a moment, and smiles. "Yes, this is good. You've connected to me boy, strongly. You're feeling funny, aren't you?"

You nod your head slowly.

"You're tapping into part of what women are experiencing now with the change. That will only occur during periods when you're under my influence, but it strengthens the bond. This is a very good sign. I'd hoped this would happen. I could tell from the first time we met that your compatibility to me was high, and then when you fainted in the gym it confirmed I was on the right track."

"Does this have to do with... pheromones, Mistress?

She nods. "Yes boy. You are highly susceptible to my pheromones in particular which I believe are very strong to begin with. But enough talk, I need your cock inside me."

To your surprise, you realize that you still have a full, rigid erection.

"When you connect with me this way boy, under the influence of my scent... you will maintain an erection until I take you. If we separate before I do, you might maintain that kind of erection for a half hour, maybe longer, after my scent fades."

She scoots out to the edge of the step, taking you with her. Lowering you below the step, she grips your back and buttocks and guides your hard member into her pussy. As she pumps her powerful pelvis into yours, you feel her vaginal muscles grip your cock, drawing you deep inside on each thrust, then releasing. The grip is so strong that you're sure if she didn't release you, you wouldn't be able to pull back out without severe damage or self-castration. It seems the vacuum seal of the water adds strength to the connection between penis and vagina. She can pull you inside her without even any need to grab your buttocks with her hands.

After only a half-minute of thrusting, you feel your climax begin. Your body shudders, your vision dims, and almost all sensation becomes focused on your cock and testicles only. Your ejaculation is powerful and even a little painful. It feels like it goes on for a full minute, though that's hard to tell with your now-diminished awareness.

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