Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Chapter 13: [Volume 2] Chapter-4 (Part 1)

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Episode-81: Marriage (1)



The next day Arc was sitting(in a wheelchair) in front of the gate. Many people were also waiting behind him.


Everyone was waiting for King and Queen to come. And they finally showed up.


A maidservant appeared in front of the Queen with a golden plate, yes it was made of pure gold. She took the content that was on top of that plate. It was a golden bracelet.


Arc already knows what she gonna do, so when she came in front of him, he forwards his hand toward her.


She opens the hook of the bracelet and puts that on his hand. It's a kind of ritual the bride wears a golden bracelet on his marriage day, though, not everyone can afford it.


"I wish to god that, your next season of life will be filled with happiness."


She said. Arc smiled and nodded. Then his father(the king) came in front of him, put his hand on Arc's shoulder, and said,


"Praying for the best."


Arc also toward her with a smile.


"Okay, take him to the car now."


King told Miranda and Ariana. Inayat also was behind him.


They took him to the car. It looks like a Mercedes Benz Maybach S class. It was a different car that he was riding all these days, it is a brand new car which was gifted by his father. From now on it will be his personal car.


Of course, the comfortable in it is on another level. It was 5 seat car, two in front and 3 in back. The seat was luxurious, and the interior of the car was also top class.


Arc sat in the middle, on both sides Ariana and Inayat were sitting, and in front, Miranda was taking a seat, the driver was none other than Isaac.


Queen came in front of the window. Looking at Arc she waved. Atc waved back.


"Let us departure then."


Isaac announced. He started the car and exit the gate. Then he stops the car to give the other cars a chance to leave from here. There were more than 300 private cars here. Of course, it was an event involving the ruler of this nation, so the participant of this ceremony will be also from a great background.


When a few cars left Isaac to restart the car, a few cars and bikes came in front of them, it was the bodyguard's car, and behind their car, there was the car of the King and Queen, then again the car of bodyguards. After that other relative and invitees cars.


Many people gather around the street to see this grand march.


"So, Princess Zerin married that disabled prince after all."


One of the onlookers from the street said.


"Yea, I don't want to believe it's happening."


A person said.


"Why that trash should be the one."


A guy said out of frustration. There was a police who was guarding that place to avoid terrorists or mental problem guys attacking them.


He then looked at him with hot eyes. The guy who cursed prince just now fall on his ass after getting heavy pressure from him.


If it was another time, the police would have beat the shit out of him, however, even he himself believes that it was an unfair wedding.


He then sighs, in the end, duty is a duty, he cannot speak like those civilians.


"Those gazes aren't speaking well about me."


Arc remarked.


"Who cares about them, Your Highness? Civilians always follow the directions that showed by an influencer. They act like a puppet to them. If anyone showed you sympathy and a loving boy, civilians also would have done the same too. They are just easy to manipulate tools. I am sure someone was spreading around how bad it is the wedding of you and the Zerin White. So, people got to start to hate you without rationality."


Isaac told him.


'No matter which world you go to, politics and its people are the same.'


Arc thought.


"Yeah, you are right, I was not thinking about it. I was thinking about how her plan worked. She is good at making people depressed, if I wasn't like this, I really may have been caught under her evil plan."


Arc told him.


"Well, she became a queen after all. So, she has her own level."


Ariana replied.


"What do you think about your mother?"


Arc asked her. She didn't reply instantly, she was thinking about what to say, then replied,


"She is indeed a bit forceful, however, I never hated her how she acted against me. At least she never abandons me. Yes, she kicked me from Adam's faction but not from the house. I hated her crafty personality, but not her. She is my mother after all."


Arc nodded.


"I am satisfied with your answer. But I will kick her ass, even if it is only once."


Arc told her.


"Well, I won't stop you."


She replied with a laugh.

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Episode-82: Marriage(2)



When the wedding car stood in front of Domingo's Castle, Arc saw many people gather around the car to welcome them.


Miranda and Isaac got off and help Arc to get out of the car. Everyone looks at him curiously. After all, he will marry one of the most beautiful ladies in this nation.


When they saw Arc, they didn't disappoint with his looks. He got his gene right. If he was normal, at least in face and fairness wise they were a perfect match.


No one in here commented anything, at least not in the presence of King, unlike civilians, those who got invited were known where to talk and where to not.


Some young boys and girls standing up in front of the gate with red ribbons. Arc saw a familiar face. The four girls from the previous day who attacked them the day before yesterday.


He looks at them with a taunt for a second. Which made the coldness in their heart colder. The four girls noticed that Yuri Schwarz was behind Arc Group.


Tracking their eyes Arc also looked behind, be also saw her. He then smiled at her. She squints her eyes.


'Well, Inayat was right, after all, they do have emotion in their face.'


Arc thought. By the way, everyone was making a ruckus about the cutting ribbon event. In this event, if the groom's party doesn't gift the bride party money, they won't give the scissor. It's a fun game where money matter and is trivial.


Strong bargaining was happening there. In the midst, someone said, "Our groom functioned half, so what you will do to get this amount of money?"


It was none other than Adam himself. Then he said with a smile,


"Just kidding."


However, hearing his party pooping joke everyone's excitement went down the drain.


King then went in front of the gate and gifted the bride's party with a large amount of money. The excitement again returned to everyone's faces. King then looked at Adam with cold eyes, Adam didn't dare to look at him, he was looking another way.


King then sighed and look at the Queen. He saw that Queen was looking at Adam with unexpected eyes too. 'So, it wasn't her mover?'


Everyone then gives their attention to cutting the ribbon. When Arc cut that with scissors everyone started to clap. And the bride group finally let them enter. It was a common event that was held at almost every wedding.


They were led to the open place that was staged for marrying. It was so an aesthetic place. Arc liked the environment as soon as he saw that.


Miranda, Ariana, and Inayat were helping him sit down on the stage. Arc also saw many girls following them.


"So, how do you feel about marrying, Brother-in-law?"


A girl came in front of him. She asked him with such a smiling face Arc was surprised if she really was talking with him or not.


"Yeah, enjoying these events really much. Which sister in law are you? Sorry, I don't remember you."


Arc asked with a smiley face too.


"You never saw me before, I guess because this is the first time you have seen me. My family does not live in this country. I am Masha White. The cousin of Zerin."


She introduced herself.


"I see. Nice to meet you. Please, take care of me from now on."


Arc told her.


"Of course, of course, even if our sister doesn't do that we will take care of you, Your Highness."


Masha said jokingly. She looked like a cheerful person. Arc likes a person similar to her, who could blend into society pretty easily. Their survivability ability is higher than anyone.


"Then I am depending on you."


Arc replied with a wink. She also winked at him. Ariana pinched him.


"You came for marrying but you are flirting with other girls already, I see, this habit of yours never changes, brother."


"Wait, that was just a joke, Lil Ariana."


Arc replied to her with a whisper.


'So, original Arc was a playboy?'


Arc thought. Then he saw other girls and young boys coming to the stage with happy faces. One of the girls asked,


"You are taking brother-in-law for yourself, that's not fair Masha. Share him with us too."


That girl cheerfully said.


"Yeah, it's unfair to steal him before us."


Another girl said.


"You ladies, don't give our brother a tough time. Do not worry brother in law, we boys team with you, we are brothers in arms from now on. We won't let bully you."


One of the guys from the bride said.


"Yes, yes. We are with you."


Several boys toned his voice. Then the girls and boys start debating who is the best for Arc. He was surprised because he never thought he will get treated like this from the side of the bride's family.


Then he smiled at thought, 'Not everything I should treat negatively. There are positives here and there too.',

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