Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Chapter 3: Volume-1: Chapter-3: Lil Adam

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Episode-21: Buying from Shop 2

[I am in front of the tunnel.]


When he said that, Miranda came out of the tunnel.


[Any troubles?]


He asked her.


[Sir Isaac had visited you. I said you are in deep sleep, so he didn't check anything and went away.]


She replied.


[This is troublesome. If Isaac comes into my room every day, one day he will know we sneaking out of the mansion. He cares for me so much, at least in front of me, so I guess he won't take it as a good thing if we do this type of thing behind his back.]


Arc told her.


[I was thinking the same thing, master.]


Miranda replied to him. She felt at risk when she saw former head butler Isaac came to check his well-being. To be honest, he was the reason that Origin Shadow never took direct action. He was someone who couldn't be taken lightly even for such an organization.


[He is too strong for me to handle. He called the right hand of the King. Though he is a butler, he has the rank of Marquess. It is rumored that he possesses authority even Greater than Grand Duke.]


Miranda told him. Arc didn't see in his dream or remember that he was such a great man.


[I have decided.]


[What did you decide?]


[You will see due time.]


Arc said with a mysterious smile.




When they returned to his room, Arc told her,


[You will call Isaac after 10 Am in my room.]


[Okay, sir.]


Miranda replied


[Today we will spam rabbit dungeon. Let's go there after dinner.]


[Okay, sir.]


Arc went in front of the window and looked outside. He saw his sister on the street of this mansion. She was walking alone. She had a premium-looking cellphone in her hand. Now, then he thinks about it, he has yet to use any e-devices here.


He went in front of the Television and open it. It has no image on it but a static sound of a typical TV. Looks like he doesn't have a cable connection.


When Miranda returned he told her,


"We need cable connection on the Television. Please, arrange it by tomorrow."


"Okay, I will do that."


Miranda replied. Now then Arc thinks about it, she became an Okay girl, where she uses okay with him in every word.


Well, Arc doesn't feel ashamed of it, because she was the person that try to kill him 18 times.


After finishing his dinner they went to the dungeon.


"Don't you eat anything?'"


Arc asked her.


"Of course, I do. I am a human after all."


She told him.


"Ah, I never saw you have eaten something, that's why I asked."


Arc told her.


"We maid have a separate place to eat, master."


She told him.


"I see. But you are not actually a main, are you?"


He asked him.


"My profession isn't a maid, however, I have got training on how to be an excellent maid, every work of ours must be close to perfection even if it is not 100% accurate. Being a maid assassin is one of the common things."


She told him.


"I see."


After finishing their dinner, they dive into the dungeon.


Arc was continuously killing the rabbit, Arc finally got the way to earn full SP on the dungeon. Earning full SP he needs to clear the dungeon first to last. He only did that once on every floor and later only killed the boss, so that's why he is getting half SP.


After earning 15,000 he stopped and took a rest. Before they continue he was taught various techniques of sword art.


As usual, Arc was catching her every movement with his Sharingan.


"As expected, you are catching things faster than expected. You do have talent in sword art."


Miranda complimented.


"You think so? Well, I am trying to work hard, as you suggested to me the previous time."


After he finished his practice with her, they again spam the 6th floor until Arc got 27,000 SP.


'I didn't get any character shard again. That's a pity. I want more shards and awake at least one strong character as backup insurance.'


Arc thought.


He opens shop 2.




20% Health Recovery- 600


20% Stamina Recovery- 600


Two Tomoe Sharingan- 12000


Boosted Gear- 15000


Normal Zanpakto(Random Card)- 7000


Gomu Gomu no Mi- 20000


Telekinesis - 15000


Emperor Eye- 10000


Hardening Quirk- 7000


*To be eligible to buy the shop-3 you need to buy at least 3 things except for the potion and 1 most expensive ability/skill/product


Arc didn't think much and straightly bought Two Tomoe Sharingan and Boosted gear. He loves both of these abilities. One is the famous eye's second form and the other one has the ability two boost users' power.


He thinks that this gear can boost his ki when he will need it most.


Boosted Gear- A Sacred Gear, among all the original 13 Longinus, which holds the Welsh Dragon, Ddraig's soul, making it a Mid-Tier Longinus. A left-handed red gauntlet doubles the user's powers every 10 seconds.


There is an upgraded sign in the skill list for this skill. Arc tapped it.


To upgrade boosted gear to Scale Mail you required 50,000 SP and the dragon trial after you paid it.



Episode-22: Last Geass

'it looks like that I can upgrade this boosted gear of mine individually.'


Arc looked at his new boosted gear which just appeared on his hand.


'Yes, this looks cool. I am going to like this very much.'




It's already started to boost on his own. This made him more impressed with it.


"What kind of power did you awake again?"


Miranda asks her master.


"Hehe, it's another hidden power of mine. This will boost my energy every 10 seconds. Isn't this cool power?"


Arc told her.


"If this thing has this kind of power then you have got another level of respect from me. You are amazing after all."


Miranda praises her master.


"Well, I don't want to continue tonight anymore. let's go to our home already."


He said it with a smile.


"Okay, let's exit then."


Miranda reply him.


Arc opened his two tomoe Sharingan. He was feeling more power in these eyes.


He can perceive things more clearly with these eyes. Two tomoe Sharingan is the stronger version of one tomoe Sharingan. Even after this, his genjutsu will be still weak.


Next day.


Arc likes the morning. Every day is a new start for him. Every day is becoming a new journey and new power for him. He really likes it.


"Miranda told me to meet with you. Is there something wrong, master?"


It was Isaac who asked that. Arc decided on a thing. Who will be his next pawn?


Arc looked at him straight and said,


"Obey my every word."


And use his remaining geass on him. This directly hit on the eye of Isaac.


"Your wish is my command."


Isaac bows to him like a perfect Butler.


"Do not tell anyone that I have required not even my father."


Arc commands him.


"Okay, master."


"I will go to the dungeon every day do not let anyone know that I am going there."


Arc told him.


"Okay, master. However, I will recommend you to stay at home until you recover fully."


Isaac showed his concern.


"Do not worry, I am fully fit now. I can stand on my two feet move my two hands and use my power."


Arc told him with a smile.


"That's wonderful then."


Isaac showed a happy face.


"Well, do not tell my father."


Arc commands him again.


"It's a pity you would have been happy to hear about your recovery however if it's your order then I just need to comply."


He replied with a bow.


"Good, see you later then."


When Arc told him, he left the room with a bow.


Miranda visit inside the room and ask,


"What have you done to him, master? He never obeys words like this except for one person and that is the king. However, he is complying with your every word, and I don't think he was lying about hiding things. You must have done something."


She told him.


"Mira my darling, your master is just too charismatic that anyone likes to follow. Well, aren't you following me too?"


He asked her with a smile.


"Yes, you are not wrong, however, I think you are something else master."


She returns a smile on him.


"Now then we get rid of this obstacle we can freely make movement than before."


Arc told her.


"Yes, it seems like it."


She replied to him.


"What about Ariana? How's her movement these days?"


He asks her about his step-sister.


"Well, I think she is normal. But recently I do not smell any kind of bad plan on her, or at least she does not share her plan with her maid anymore."


Miranda replied to him.


"I see as long as she behaves well, I will let her be on her own."


Arc told her.


Arc knows what is happening with his step-sister. He believes that she won't interfere with him anymore. Now, his only direct rival, his stepbrother remains. He needs to do something about him.


When he thinks about it, his Sharingan and opened automatically.


'This eye really can smell owner naughtiness.'


According to Tobirama Senju, the stronger the hatred stronger their Sharingan eyes are.


And the result can be seen in the anime itself. So, he wasn't wrong.


'So, who should I hate to make these eyes of mine stronger? Or rather can it be activated without buying it from the shop.'


He doesn't have the answer to this question yet. To know this he needs to practice more to awaken and upgrade power.


'Regardless of the method, I need to be strong in this world. This world is no good for a weak man.'


He already guesses that to survive this world he needs to be equally powerful or more than powerful against his opponent.


And also he wants to taste his power. He wants to see that, how far it can go. And how strong he can become.



Episode-23: Sell

Arc went to the adventure guild as Adolf again. He sold his loot there.


"It looks like this loot is from the 5th and 6th floor, and the quantity is greater than usual, did you dive on that two floors continuously?"


The receptionist asked him.


"Yes, I want to be slow and steady."


Arc immediately replied. Hearing that receptionist nodded her head.


"Well, everyone has their own tactics of hunt. You need to wait until we examine this product. Please, wait at a table there."




Arc nodded and Sat at a table.


'Looks like they are not giving money to people blindly, maybe there are also scammers who are bringing the fake thing and trying to sell them I guess because this is the main reason they are always examining the product before buying. And also there must be a quality checking issue like every normal human they don't want to buy the damaged product at the same price as the best product.'


Arc was thinking while waiting at the table.


"Hey, brother! I guess you are new. Want to join my team?"


Someone came here to recruit him. He was a bright young man. He saw his loot and came here to propose Arc for joining his team.


"Sorry, brother I want to be a solo for now."


Arc rejected him immediately.


"Are you sure? Because you cannot progress much alone."


He told him.


"Yes, I know. When I will need a team I will approach you or some other guys on my own for now I want to see my range of capability."


Arc declined him politely.


"That's a pity then. Please, reach us when you decided to join a team. You have talent I can see that so I am pretty eager to recruit you to our team."


That young man said and went back to the table that he was waiting on.


'Looks like they have already a big party.'


Arc thought inwardly. If it was a normal case he would have been joining their party however he has the circumstance so he will refrain from joining any party for now.


"Mr. Adolf our assessment of your product is finished. You can come here and take your payment now."


The receptionist calls him to take his payment. He got 10 silver coins. Now then about it, he does not know how the currency works and how there valuable in this world.


"Thank you very much see you later."


Thanking her Arc left the adventure guild.


Now, he will go to dive into the dungeon. He was thinking of not spamming the 6th floor anymore and progressing on to the 7th floor and higher.


He met with Miranda in front of the dungeon.


They went inside the 6th floor and then continue to the 7th floor. He met a few people here. Few people tried to approach him. However he remains silent with them, he just exchanges hi hello that's all.


[Looks like you are already a popular master.]


Miranda told him with a smile.


[Well, I have sold the 5th and 6th-floor loot which made another adventure impressed because I have just registered in the guild just a day before.]


Arc replies with a smile.


[Yes, that makes sense.]


Miranda replied.


[Say with my strength which floor I can clear without your help.]


Arc asked her.


[I guess you can clear 20th with your current strength.]


Miranda replied immediately.


[Didn't you say you can also solo until the 20th floor?]


Arc asked her because he thinks that Miranda is pretty strong.


[Yes, I can only solo up to the 20th floor. The reason is after the 20th floor there are many kinds of traps and riddle start which is sometimes hard for the adventure to progress, even many adventures die on those floors without even fighting with monsters because of those traps.]


She explain why she was unable to solo after the 20th floor.


[So, this dungeon is not all about killing monsters. Well, that's fun too. we won't feel any boredom while doing it.]


Arc said. After going up to the 7th floor he saw there are flying bats he at first kill them with his blue flame and the iron sand.


He a to experiment he is boosted gear. The monsters are so easy to kill that he didn't find the opportunity to open his boosted gear.


[Should I climb toward the 20th floor already?]


He asked Miranda.


[I guess you should progress slowly. Because that will make your foundation and basic stronger than any other man.]


Miranda advised him.


[I see you are right. And will be troublesome if I climb the dungeon with the great speed it will make me known throughout the adventure guild which may cause trigger of investigation of my background. So, I guess I should refrain from this.]


Arc said that while deciding to progress on the dungeon with a balanced pace.




Episode-24: Cousin



'Damn! This guy is too strong, let alone attack him, I can't even touch him. On the other hand, every time he touches me it always seems I am losing stamina.'


Arc was fighting with Isaac. He asked him to train with him, as it seems he didn't get any ki increments after he got them. So, approach Isaac.


However, Isaac is out of the league for him. Even if he cannot beat Miranda, he can at least put up a fight with her. However, against him, he got no chance.


Arc looked at his stamina collection, he has only 2 potions left.


He consumes those two and said,


"Okay, Isaac. I have enough today. It seems I am out of my wit now."


He undoes the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet said to Isaac with a dry smile. No one likes to have this kind of result.


"Okay, young lord."


Then Arc seat in the wheelchair and Miranda was grabbing it. By the way, they are in the basement. No one comes at this hour, even if they come there is a way to get alert before and evacuate Arc from there.


"What's your assessment of me, Isaac?"


Arc asked him.


"You have gotten strong, Your Highness, you are even stronger than Adam Williams. The thing you hold is that boosting ability is great, however, you couldn't make a major movement when you are boosting, For some reason, if I make you busy your boosting got slower or stop. So, this is the drawback your red gauntlet has."


"Your eyes perception is really good, you try to copy my movement, however, because of your physical and strength limit you can't complete the process. Your other ability of eyes, disabling someone's magics or skills, also has a drawback like you cannot do anything about who has pure physical skill."


"The blue flame is good, but I am impressed with your ability to manipulate magnet and sand, if you can perfect it, it will be a great offensive and defensive ability for you because you don't need a weapon and shield to defend you immediately."


Isaac finished his assessment of him.


"You are right. I need to become stronger than now. To do it, I need someone that can assist me. So, please help me to grow from now on."


Arc told him.


"I will be happy to do it."


Isaac bowed toward him.


Arc made a happy face.


"By the way, what are your recent report to the King about my improvement?"


Arc asked him.


"You got recovered. We know you could move your hand and feet as soon as we see you, we are not fooled. We can see through many things, however, His Majesty said, to let you do that pretense until you feel like it. It is good for you too."


Isaac replied. These words somewhat bomb like him, in the next second he came to normal because people of this caliber aren't easy to fool.


"So, who did he support?"


Arc asked him.


"To be honest he supports all of his children equally. He loves them all. However, if it is in terms of taking the seat of the nation, he really can't rely on your step-siblings. On the other hand, you are crippled. So he was in confusion and worried for a long time. But when he had you are making a recovery slowly he became somewhat loose. That means in the end his support you most to inherit the throne."


Isaac told him.


"I see that's good to hear. What about my stepbrother? What kind of person is he and how much backup does he have?"


Arc asked him.


"Hmm... he wasn't a bad boy until people forced him to become the king. He started to change, especially after when you got crippled. He also becoming toxic against you day by day. Even after you are crippled you are still being supported by many that is where his jealousy triggered."


Isaac replied him.


"I see."


"So, you are not counting your sister in the equation? She has a bad impression of you."


Isaac asked him.


"Yes, she wants to make me worry anymore. She is out of the equation right now."


Arc replied to him with a smile.


"I see, so you know something that we don't."


Arc nodded toward him.


"Well, I won't pry into your private matter however your siblings aren't the only rival you have to count your cousin from your mother's side. She is also from a direct bloodline. So, she will be a concerning matter for you. However, your father found a solution."


Isaac told him.


"What kind of solution?"


Arc asked him immediately.


"That is your father proposed to your uncle Domingo to give his daughter's hands to you. And that is not a new thing. Your mother proposed to him as soon as your cousin was born. And the thing is your uncle Domingo has soft spot for his elder sister, so he agreed to her proposal. However, this matter had faded over time, until a couple of months ago."


Isaac told him and continued,


"You may have noticed that your uncle is coming to our house for the last 2 days by the way he also knows that you recovered. So, he was thinking this is the right time for your wedding. And on top of that Adam faction pushing your uncle to give her daughter's hand to Adam. It is a vital decision if you marry her you will be the first one to win the race or should I say you will have the clear victory on the throne race if you marry her."



Episode-25: Random Girl's Challenge

"Looks like I am in a pretty difficult situation. But, I guess you are right. I need to marry my cousin to ensure the throne."


Arc told Isaac.


"Yes, the fun fact is, your cousin doesn't know you have recovered from your illness. Your uncle said if she knows that, you have recovered she may decline to marry you. I don't know why, but maybe it involved her academy. I heard, only virgin girls can perform the art of Frozen skill."


Isaac replied.


"What a strange academy! Well, I understand her part. I guess maybe she cannot continue with her academy if she doesn't remain a virgin. This means, if I am a cripple, I cannot have sex with her at my own will, so, she will have safety. Which also means she won't marry my stepbrother anyway."


Arc said.


"You are correct, Your Highness."


Isaac nodded.


'That reminds me of Xia Qingyue from against the god, she couldn't accept Yun Che because of Frozen Cloud Asgard. I hope she isn't like Xia Qingyue, on the other hand, it will be fun too if she is like that.'


Arc thought.


"Okay, I will think about this in the future. I want to rest now, see you later Isaac. Let's go, Mira my dear."


Arc told Isaac, hearing that, Isaac bowed toward him.




"Adolf! I challenged you to a duel."


On the ninth floor, Arc saw someone call him by his Adventure guild name, and throw a challenge. He even doesn't know why, she just came in front of him and Miranda, then shouted it from there behind.


"Who is she?"


Arc asked Miranda.


"I do not know. I have never seen her."


Miranda replied.


"Okay, then let's ignore her."


Arc replied and started to walk again.


"As you wish, sir."


Miranda also started to follow him. When that girl saw Arc didn't give a sh/it on her challenge she ran in front of them and said again with a loud voice,


"Adolf, I challenged you to a duel."


"Who are you?"


Miranda asked her.


"My name is Ikra. I am a C rank adventure, I want to challenge him, and prove to him that I am the strongest in the guild under the rank of B."


She told her.


"Okay, I admit my defeat, you are the strongest."


Arc told her and started to pass her. She was shocked by his instant admittance of defeat and couldn't talk for a few moments just opening and closing her mouth. The girl is out of her state after a few seconds and blocks their path again.


"W-wait, you cannot ignore like that, this is not gentlemanly defeat, you need to face me like a man, and then you win or you lose."


Ikra said.


"Master, should I?"


Miranda told her.


"No, let me handle this."


Arc then told Ikra,


"Okay, I will fight against you, after this do not obstruct our way."


He told her.




They stood by facing each other. Miranda sighed and signaled,




The girl point her hand to the sky, where three orange magic circles appeared. She then down her hand toward Arc.


From those three magic circles red color fire missile came out and directly came toward him with great speed. Arc immediately opened his Sharingan, and dodge the falling flame.


'Should I activate my gauntlet?'


Arc thought.


'No, I shouldn't rely on its boost, I need to master basics first.'


He saw that he won't be able to dodge one, so he defended it with the sand shield. Now, he can control a considerable amount of sand, which can defend him from magical and physical attacks. Though it's not as strong as Gara's Shukaku's sand shield, the iron mixed sand is pretty difficult to dismiss. However, it was pretty easy for Isaac, it just he is too strong for him. If he is level 5 then Isaac is now at level 90.


On the other hand, Arc doesn't think that this girl is much stronger. so he thinks this shield is enough to defend against attack from her.


"What's this power of you? You can manipulate sand? Well, that doesn't matter at all."


Saying that she open another three magic circles in the sky. She is using them like an automatic rifle. The attack quantity has increased, but Arc was still able to keep up with her iron sand.


'I think I should avoid prolonging this.'


Then he opened the erasure on his eye, and use it on Ikra. Her magic stopped, and it seems she cannot use magic anymore.


"Whoa, what did you do? Where is my magic?"


Arc didn't reply to her and coated his Iron Sand spear with a blue flame. She noticed that, when his eye color glowed and his hair became straight upward, she couldn't able to do anything,


"Is this some kind of disability magic?"


She asked.


"You have lost. Admit your defeat."


Arc told her. She saw she has no other way to escape this.


"Yes, it's my loss."


She admits her loss.


Arc finally breathed with relief. He then blinks several times. It's really hard to see without blinking, however, Eraserhead will get undone if he blinks.


Episode-26: First Zanpakto

"Why are you obsessed with fighting to be stronger under B rank? You can just aim for B rank, then you will be the stronger."


Arc told Ikra.

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"Now, then you think about it I guess you are right."


She said while she was grabbing her chin.


'I guess there is something wrong with this girl.'


"But how did you lock my all of the ability? I cannot just use them at all."


She asked him.


"It's one of my abilities."


Arc won't say which ability it is.


"I see, that's how you are hunting monsters all day long in this dungeon, no wonder you have such a powerful ability. however, the activation method is strange, you need to straighten your hair. I don't know how you do that, however, that's really strange."


Hearing her Arc looked at Miranda.


[She is really dumb, isn't she?]


[Yes Master, you are right she is just dumb.]


Miranda replied to him.


"Okay, now please excuse us, we want to face the 9th floor Boss, see you later."


Arc told her.


"Okay, the 9th-level boss is a skeleton. he will throw the bones on toward you guys. I guess with your speed, you can those them easily. Regardless best of luck, see you on floor 14."


Saying that the girl started to run.


'What kind of exit this is, she can't just go there normally?'


Arc thought.


"I still don't understand what kind of motive she had. Is it only to fight you, master?"


Miranda asked him.


"Who knows? But I don't think she is from our rival faction."


Arc told her.


He then faces the skeleton with his boosted gear. He didn't try to use any long-range attack but only a physical attack.


It was really easy for him to defeat it.


Last two days he is not buying anything from the shop, so his total SP got up to 40,500.


He thinks that he needs to better control his power and also needs to manage his power well like what ability he uses on which opponent. He understood that while fighting with Isaac.


Up until now, he is only fighting with weak opponents like these monsters, Miranda never was serious against him. So he never knew what is the boundary of his power. That's why he asked Miranda to fight seriously with him from now on.


He still has a long way to go with his sword art. so he is thinking to buy the Zanpakto now.


But the problem is he will have a random sword. Well, if it is the system he can't do anything about it.


"Do you want to dive on the 10th floor, master?"


Miranda asked him.


"Yes, I want to but I do not want to face the Boss today. I just want to try something new."


He replied to her. Then both of them when to the 10th floor but they didn't start to fight instantly because he was checking up his shop and thinking about which ability he should buy first.




20% Health Recovery- 600


20% Stamina Recovery- 600


(X)Two Tomoe Sharingan- 12000


(X)Boosted Gear- 15000


Normal Zanpakto(Random Card)- 7000


Gomu Gomu no Mi- 20000


Telekinesis - 15000


Emperor Eye- 10000


Hardening Quirk- 7000


Because Arc has enough money he bought all of the remaining abilities except for gomu gomu no mi. He will buy that later.


He saw that a card appeared in front of him. It was the sword card. He touched it.


[Congratulation! you have received Senbonzakura.]


Arc was shocked after receiving it. Because he really likes the ability of this sword. After all, he was really impressed by Byakuya Kuchiki when he saw him for the first time. At first, he thought that Byakuya was a villain, and he somewhat have a unique aura on him.


Its ability also really does impress him. Shikai of Senbonzakura releases his abilities from his sword form with the command "Scatter".


Shikai Special Ability is, upon release, Senbonzakura's sword form separates into a thousand tiny blade petals, which fly toward Senbonzakura's target. Senbonzakura can control and direct the blade petals by slashing at his target with the hilt of his sword. The blade petals themselves reflect light in such a way as to resemble cherry blossom petals and possess enough cutting power to instantly defeat a Tōjū.


Bankai is Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms), Senbonzakura activates his Bankai by dropping his sword blade-first into the ground. As the sword phases into the ground, two rows of a thousand giant blades rise up behind him before separating into a billion-blade petal. (Source: Wiki)


when are checked his Zanpakto skills then he saw the limitation page. Which is he cannot use two Zanpkto at once. He needs to deactivate one to use another.


He checked his shop then he saw there are no crosses appearing on the Normal Zanpakto card there. It means he has no limits to how many times he can buy the Zanpakto.


Arc then came back to Senbonzakura skill he saw that to upgrade to Shikai he needs to buy a Shikai card. That means he will find the Shikai card from the upper shop.


[Author Note: Now I will talk about why I do give the source about the skills, you see I am writing what anime I have seen so far. Still, I am not 100% knowledgeable about other skills, so I read about those skills on the internet, and try to understand their ability better. But I cannot just write them here without crediting them, can I?]



Episode-27: Flirting with each other.

Now then, the most expensive thing he bought tonight is the Telekinesis. This is an ability that he can move things without even touching them.


Several anime characters do have this ability. Mob from Mob Psycho 100, Saiki Kusuo from the anime The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, and Tatsumaki from one punch man are notable users.


He tried to move a stone with his telekinesis ability and he saw he was successful to do that. This ability is perfect for him because when he will act as a disabled he can move things for attack or defense.


He cast a monster rabbit by throwing the big stone. Now he wants to check up on his Emperor Eye.


The Emperor Eye enables its user to see another person's body with extreme detail, such as breathing, muscle movements or muscle contractions, body tension, rhythm, sweat, etc. allowing the user to predict future movements.


Coupling this with the Sharingan The skeleton, bat and rabbits can't even make the first move he defeats or kill them before they make any move.


As for his last move, this is the power of Eijiro Kirishima from my hero academia. This makes his body harder, this skill also has both oftensive and defensive ability. It goes pretty well with Dragon Ball Z Ki, Arc just destroys a stone with just a punch that he couldn't able to do before.


"You have activated new powers again master?"


Miranda asked him.


"Yes you can say so and these powers are really cool, you know?"


He replied to her with an excited voice. Miranda Sai after seeing that. He always does that when he gets a new power. It's like a new toy to him. but she is happy because eventually, he is getting new power.


He didn't go toward the Boss that day. He went back to his home.


"So, what do you think what do you do if I marry that girl?"


Arc asked her.


"Of course, I will be so jealous, however, this is a diplomatic issue, it's not actually you are marrying him for real nor that women want to marry you for your body. So I am fine with it."


Miranda replied.


"That's cool then."


Arc reply her with a smile.


"More than that I guess when your brother returns he will make a fuss about it."


She told him.


"Well, I guess you are right, I heard that he is coming back tomorrow. Let's see what kind of plan he has in his head."


Arc told her.


"Well, I don't think so he has any plan on his own head. he is not good at that, however, he is a follower and his mother maybe have some kind of plan."


She replied to him.


"I see. I never met their mother for a long time. Do you know where is she?"


Arc asked her.


"She never went out from Queen's palace. even though I have didn't so her for ages. By the way, she was known as one of the five most beautiful women in our nation."


Miranda told him.


"Of course, she will be, after all, she is none other than the queen."


Then he pause for some moment and asked,


"Who are those other four then?"


Arc asked her.


"In public opinion, the number one was your mother before. but for a long time she is on hiatus, in truth she terminal ill, so people remove her and place your cousin at the first, the second one also from the frozen academy that your cousin goes to, it is her master, the third place is the current queen, the fourth place is daughter of Marquise Isaac, that means nonother than your Butler Isaac, and the last one is the principle of the frozen academy."


Miranda replied to him.


"I see but I am confused about one thing."


Arc told her.


"What are you confused about, master?"


Miranda asked him tilting her head.


"Where are your name on this list? I am sure that you must be one of them."


Arc asked her.




She failed somewhat flustered after hearing his world.


'Yikes, I am doing this kind of flirt for the first time in this world.'


Arc thought inwardly after seeing her face.


"Well, you see I am hidden from the public people for my profession, not many people know me, so they never got the opportunity to rank me on the list."


She replied to him anyway.


To be honest for Arc, she is really beautiful, she is more beautiful than his ex-girlfriend from earth.


"I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life."


Arc told her with a great smile. He has a really good and fitting face in this world so he is smile is really pretty to see. That also worked on Miranda. She has fallen for his smile.


"You are the most handsome person I have ever seen, Master."


This time it was Arc's turn to get flustered.



Episode-28: GPS

"Did you call me, master?"


Isaac came into his room and go to Arc.


"Yes, I have called you to know something and to do something."


Arc called him via telepathy. He told him to come in soon.


"Please say, master."


Isaac told him.


"How much does my father know about my ability?"


Arc asked him.


"He knows that you have recovered and you can walk and speak too."


Isaac replied him.


"I see that means he knows about me everything. Okay, call my father and tell him that I can speak now. And spread it everywhere."


Arc told him.


"I understand why are you telling me to spread it, however, why are you making me say that to His Majesty because he already knows this."


Isaac asked him. He has experience eye and mind. He guesses that Arc wants to tell everyone that he is recovering slowly instead of full recovery. It may be a trap he is arranging now.


However what he does not understand is, why you want to tell his father again who already knows about his recovery.


"You see that device you have got there, that cell phone, I have no trust in such electrical things, it may have a bug there, no... I believe there is a bug. So, when you tell that, some people will also know about this, and they will come at me, of course, to kill me."


Isaac took the cell phone in his hand and look at it for a few seconds.


"I never thought about that. I am too old to understand this kind of thing, so I have never considered about that. Now then you tell me about this I guess you may have been right."


He told Arc.


"Yes, I guess, this thing was leaking information about me previously that's how they were able to track you guys and try to kill me because, with this, they know when and where will be your position."


Arc told him.


"How does this work?"


Isaac asked him.


"Give me your phone and I will show you."


Arc asked for his phone. Isaac gave him.


"Look, there is a function called GPS tracking system. With this, you can track the map of the road and also track your own position. this GPS system also can reverse track you. If someone invented this thing that means there are also hackers, and hackers can do anything."


Arc told him.


"I see. Even though you are bed all these years you are still good at it master. However, now that you have warned me about these things now I really don't know that, if I should keep that to myself."


Isaac told him.


"You should keep that to yourself."


Arc told him.


"Why should I? Didn't you say that it can locate my location? Isn't it dangerous to keep with me now?"


Isaac asked him with confusion.


"Yes, it is dangerous, but you can also use it reversely. Like what if you buy another phone, and use it secretly?"


Arc didn't need to tell him any more than that.


"I fully understand my lord. I will make someone buy a phone for me today."


Isaac told him.


"Good, now make a call to my father. by the way, don't tell him this GPS thing because I want to see what extent can my opponent go."


Arc told him.


"Okay my lord I will do that."


Saying that he made a phone call to the king.


"A good news to my lord that our young Lord can speak now."


He told him with an excited voice. That means he put a great act.


"Yes... Okay... Okay, sir."


He finished his phone call.


"What did he say?"


Arc asked him.


"He is going the same route as you he is telling me to spread it everywhere to make them our enemy also know that."


Isaac replied with a smile.


"I see, by the way, have ever told him about my full recovery on phone?"


He asked Isaac with a serious face.


"No, I have never told him that with the phone because even the wall has ears, so secrets like this cannot be shared in an open place."


Isaac replied to him.


"That's great then, though you are not good at electrical devices however you still know what to say where, and when."


Arc replied with a smile.


"I am a warlord even though I looked like a Butler. You can put trust in me, master. I will assist you in a war without any concern for my health and life as well as my family because my family understands what to do and what not to do."


This time he made a deep bow.


"Do not worry I have great trust in you."


Arc says that in his mouth however in his mind he thought,


'Well, I have put you to my Geass, you better follow me even cost of your life.'



Episode-29: Lil Adam

"Looks like my little brother coming toward this way."


Arc told to Miranda.


"Yes, he was back home an hour ago."


Miranda replied to him.


"Well, let him come here. I guess he will do something interesting."


Arc told her.


Not long after that, he met his stepbrother Adam William. Ariana was with him.


"Yo, the useless brother of mine I have heard that you have recovered, is it true?"


He asked him with a sarcastic smile.


"Yes, foolish brother of mine you are right, I have recovered. How are you? I have seen you after a long time."


Arc asked him.


"I am fine. Wait... who is calling me a fool?"


Adam asked him.


"Of course, I am the one who is calling you a fool."


Arc replied to him with a smile.


"I see your mouth become stingy because you have recovered just now. Don't be overconfident, just because you can speak, that doesn't mean you are a proper man remember you are still a disable who cannot walk on his own and need a lady to drag you."


I am saying with a cynical voice.


"Well just like me, because you can walk on your two feet, you are still a fool and kid who hide under his mummy's sleeve, you need to grow up my little Adam. Or my boy Adam cannot become a man let alone a king."


Arc told him with a sarcastic smile.


"What did you say? I see you need a lesson. Let me show your place, you moth&#&#r."


Adam lose his temper and ran after him by throwing his fist, he never beat him in the public, it was the first time he going to do that, you forgot that his mother forbids beating him in public. Or he will have to face the consequences.


However, Arc was waiting for just this moment. He will make his temper lose. Which will be resulting him raising his fist toward him.


Arc took out a few marbles with Telekinesis from his pocket, then he drop those on the ground.


"What the! Where did those come from?"


Adam noticed that how are you was too late to retreat. He stepped on those marbles and got his face smashed on the ground.


"How embarrassing! My little bro still cannot step like a grown man, you are still a kid, aren't you, after all? And what did you tell me a few seconds ago, that I still cannot walk with my own feet?"


Arc told him.


"It was you who did that, I think I need to punish you severely now."


Adam told him with anger face.


"You will punish me, your older brother? Kid nowadays where is their ethics? Well, I don't think it's your fault, it was your mother's fault who raised you like that."


When Arc said that Adam tried to immediately kick him. However, this time Arc didn't do anything but Isaac came between them and defend Adam's leg with his hand.


"What Isaac what are you doing here? I made sure that you are not here!"


Adam said immediately he stopped what he was about to say more.


"Ah, my foolish brother almost spell the truth. What were you saying? What did you make sure, my little brother?"


Arc was right after all. This boy was tracking Isaac with his phone. That is how he got the opportunity to bear him in past, when Isaac wasn't around him, Adam came to his room and beat him brutally.


"That's I was saying nothing and it is none of your business."


Adam understood that he can't do anything now. So, he turned around and I want to leave.


However, he has fallen again on the ground smashing his face. It was by coincidence. Arc didn't do anything. That guy was just foolish enough to step on the marble again.


"You, why you did do that again?"


Adam asked him.


"I didn't do that, it was you who fell by on your own. Stop blaming others and accept your foolishness."


Arc told him.


"Damn... Yoooouu!!!"


However, that was all Adam could say. Because he couldn't approach arc. Isaac was between them.


"You Bastard, now you have done it. I will report that to father. That you made me drop on the ground just you wait."


Saying that he ran away from there.


"He is acting like a little gangster. Well, I have done enough bullying on my brother, now what you will do my Lil Ariana."


He asked his step-sister who was silent all the time.


"I will go back to my room now."


She touched her hair and turn back, unlike Adam she was avoiding the marble she got enough lessons from him.


Ard nodded and said,


"Good girl. Unlike your brother, you have got a good brain on your head."


Ariana stopped when she heard that from Arc's mouth. However, she didn't react and then back toward where she was going.



Episode-30: Throne Room

"Do you think our father will deal with that?"


Arc asked Isaac.


"I guess, he will listen to him. Then he will call you, it would have been different if it was before however now then he and everyone knows that you can talk then he has no way but to call you."


Isaac told him.


"I see, that's good then. I didn't see my father for ages, I should meet them, at least once a month."


Arc told him.


"He will ask for a testament. Of course, I and Miranda will be standing with you however, that's not enough. Queen won't agree with the decision."


Isaac told him.


"Well, I don't worry about that much. I have my way to handle this."


Arc told him.


"Well, I know this much that you won't do things if you are not ready to handle it."


Isaac bowed towards him.


"You have habits of bowing so much, haven't you?"


Arc asked him with a smile.


"I only do that to King, Former Queen, and you, Master. I just slightly nod toward other Royalty. In the end, I am a Marquise."


Isaac told him.


"I see. Why do you follow the King so much?"


Arc asked him.


"Your father and mother have done me great help, it was even before their marriage. So, I vowed toward them that, I would never betray your father and your mother, and later I vowed that, I don't let you down either."


Isaac replied him.


"I may potentially be a bad guy. Even after that, you would have followed me?"


Arc asked him.


"I can never think that the son of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen can be a bad person. I cannot even dream about it."


Isaac told him with absolute belief.


"Sigh, okay, let's see, what our father does, no more importantly, what our current Queen does."


Arc said while bending his neck.




"It has been a while, Royal Father."


Arc greeted his father the king.


"I am really happy to see you, Arc. How are you feeling? By the way, you can call me father straight."


The king, Austin William told him.


"Thanks, father. I am really fine."


Arc replied to him. Not all of his children can call him father. His step-siblings must call him father in front of everyone on the throne.


By the way, King is not alone here, his Queen and Subjects are present here, and of course, his step-siblings are also here.


"So, I guess you already know why I called you, Prince Arc."


Now, King switches to the ruler mode.


"I can guess more or less."


Arc replied.


"Please, Queen elaborate on what the complaint was about."


King allows the Queen to express their complaints about him.


"Price Arc, it has been a long time."


Before starting her complaint she greeted him. Arc thinks it is just to show that, she isn't on bad terms with him.


"Yes, Your Majesty, the last time I saw you was when our Great Grandfather died. How are you?"


Arc asked her.


"Oh, I am fine, my dear son. I have prayed for your fast recovery, and I am happy to see that you are recovering, it's all thanks to the Almighty God."


She said the. By the way, he couldn't see her face, it was covered by a veil.


'Yes, you did pray alright, for my early death that is.'


"Ah, thank you, Queen Your Majesty, I am really glad that you have prayed for me."


Arc replied.


"Okay, the reason we called you here, I believe it was just a misunderstanding or mischievous between siblings, however, such an act is forbidden in Royal Palace. So, if the culprit apologized for what they did, I will consider lessening your punishment."


Queen told him.


"Please, state my sin, Your Majesty."


Arc told her.


"I heard that you have bullied 2nd Prince Adam William, is that true?"


She asked him.




Arc replied immediately and then continued with a chuckle.


"I was just having a nice chat with my little brother, it was a fun chat, I could never do such a shameless act in our Royal Palace."


"What are you saying? Fun chat, my ass, see what you have done to my face, my nose still feels aches."


It was Adam. Arc saw there is more wound there than what he saw last time.


"So, you think that I who is your brother would do something like that?"


Arc asked him.


"Yes, you did that."


Adam told him with a shout.


"Please, keep your tone and word in moderation, we are in front of His Majesty the King, 2nd Prince."


It was Queen who warned him.


"I am sorry, but he is a bad guy."


He told her by pointing at Arc.


"My dear brother, how did I hurt you, did I use my hand or feet?"


Arc asked him.




"Did I use any magic?"




"Then how?"


Arc asked him.


"You through the marble on me. Which made me fall."


He told Arc.


"Silly me, how did I through marble on the floor if I cannot use my hands or feet?"


Arc asked him.




Then he was lost for words because he already said that, he didn't use his feet or hand. Then how did he throw those?


"You lay that before, yes, you lay that trap. Your maid is a testament to that."


Adam pointed at Miranda.


"Master didn't do such a thing."


Miranda replied immediately.

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