Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Chapter 4: Volume 1: Chapter-4: Test and Shop 3

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Episode-31: Betrayal



Adam knows that Miranda another name Ellis is an assassin who came here to kill his brother. So, he had deep trust that, she will assist him in this case, because there were many times she assist him to beat his brother.


However, he never thought she will say that in such a critical case.


"You don't have to worry about anything. No one will do anything to you if you say the truth. So, tell them about the black mask of your master."


He still believe that there must be something wrong and that, she was not taking his side. However, he doesn't still get the warning from Origin Shadow.


"Yes, you don't have to worry about anything. You can tell them the truth, Mira."


Arc said.


"He didn't lay any marble, or should I say how could he do that without using his hand?"


Miranda replied with a question.


"He makes you do that."


Adam told her.


"No, I didn't do that either."


She said.


"What? Looks like you lost your mind, Miranda."


Adam said.


"I can vouch for His Highness first prince Arc William too. On the contrary, Prince Adam tried to punch him first."


Isaac said.


"Isaac, you were never on my side, who will believe you? And why did you say, I tried to punch him first, he provoked me first, he started to bully me just because I am not from the direct bloodline and bad mouth my mother, that's why I lost my control. Isn't it my duty to protect my mother's honor, King Your Highness? Can't I do that much as a son?"


He asked the King with fake tears.


The whole hall was silent after hearing his passionate words.


"Do have any kind of testimony regarding your complaint? Do you know anyone who can testify for you?"


Arc asked him.


"Of course, it's my sister, however, I know you won't take her on account, because in the end, our mother is the same. You will just rant about it."


Adam told him with a scream.


"As my queen said before, please, moderate your tone, my dear brother. Okay, because I am your elder brother, I am allowing you to prove yourself. No matter, who he or she is, testimony is a testimony."


Arc told him. It should be said by the King, however, instead, Arc was allowing him to testify for him. It shows how great of a personality he held in his hand.


"Okay, sister, please, say everything about that situation."


She came forward and told them everything about him, and it was exactly what happened that time, she didn't lie about anything.


Her conversation was enough to prove everything that, Arc had no hands to injure Adam, as well as he tried to raise his hand against Arc for such a trivial thing.


"Who do you think is guilty?"


King asked her.


"Of course, it is my 2nd brother who is guilty. He raised his hand on his first brother many times, it wasn't a new thing."


She said.


"What are you saying? I never have done that."


Her sudden statement put him in a difficult situation.


"You did that many times brother, I told you that this wasn't the right thing to do. If someday it is discovered by anyone we will be in deep danger."


She said.


"What the..."


Adam just couldn't why she was saying that, who was his number one ally? Even Queen became flustered after seeing that, she also knows that her daughter will never take Arc's side because she was brainwashed about him from childhood Adam was the one, who didn't hate his brother at first, what her daughter doing from the beginning, however, she kept her mouth shut.


"What she is seeing is that true, Prince Arc?"


King asked him.


"Yes, Your Highness, he did that many times. I was in a nightmare for many days, it was a living hell for me."


Arc told him.


"Miranda the maid, what he was saying, is truth?"


King asked her.


"Yes, it's true, His Majesty the second Prince has done that many times to His Highness the first Prince."


She replied. Then he turned toward Adam.


"Is their complaints against you valid? Do you accept that they are talking about the right thing?"


King this time asked Adam himself.


"There is no way, it's true, Your Highness. I guess there is something wrong with my sister, maybe she is threatened by them... Or may organization..."


Before he could finish someone interrupted.


"I told you that keep your voice in moderation."


It was the Queen.


"I as your mother know what kind of person you are. Based on your personality, I do think you can do that, however, neither of us has a solid testimony. However, it is still clear that you tried to attack the First Prince in the morning. So, I am recommending to King that put a curse coaler on him for one year, and cut all the supply in this period."


Queen recommended to King.



Episode-32: Lessen The Punishment



After hearing the Queen, everyone understood how furious she was. However, no one can guess what she was furious about, after all, she loves her two children so much.


"Okay, as Queen said, we don't have enough testimony to prove that Prince Adam was torturing Prince Arc while he was sick. However, we can guess somewhat about his aggressiveness from today's event. So based on that, I like to say as the King of this nation, as a prince, I don't think, this is an appropriate thing to do, even if you don't become a king, a prince might have to shoulder many burdens. That's why to educate the second Prince I am punishing him for one month for what my Queen has proposed to me. Which is, he will not have any allowance, as well as was put under a curse, where he could only use half of his peak power for six months."


The king announced.


"As well, please apologize to the First Prince, after all, he is your elder brother."


King said.


Hearing that, Adam has no way but to apologize to him.




"Sorry, what?"


Arc act like he didn't hear it. Which made Adam more annoyed.


"Sorry, elder brother."


Adam repeated albeit against his will.


"Okay, How can I not forgive my little brother? However, you still need to learn. But in my heart cannot bear to see you suffer this long. So, I beg His Majesty that, you please, cut his punishment down to one month, I hope you will show your mercy on us by considering this."


Arc said with a begging tone toward the King.


"Okay, if it's the victim who requested this, I can comply with that. His punishment will be cut down to one month. Duke Agra, please take the measure. The court will end here today, I will see everyone tomorrow. Have a good day."


Saying that King left the room. Queen followed him immediately without looking at Adam. But he sure looked at Arc, though he doesn't know what kind of menacing glare she was showing him because of the veil.


Arc nodded toward her with an amicable smile.


Queen then looked at another place and started to follow the King.


On the other hand, despair got dominant on Adam's face.


[Let's go, Mira, we need to go, I am hungry for food.]


Arc told her.


"Okay, master."


She took him to his room straight after that.


"Did you know that she would take your side?"


Miranda asked him.


Isaac was also there.


"Yes, I know that very well, you see, I don't get mixed with a mess that I can't solve."


Arc replied to her with a smile.


"You had a great plan. Because Princess Adriana vouched for you, so even Queen was in no position to make a move against you. You made a checkmate against her."


Isaac told him.


"And decreasing Adam's punishment and yet you punished him anyway, which made the old generation impressed on you. They will clean the fog of confusion and take sides in your faction for sure."


Miranda said.


"Hmm, how did you know that I have done that for this particular reason?"


Arc asked her.


"More or less, I somewhat understand what did you do back then."


Miranda replied.


"If you get that, aren't those old dudes also aware of what I am doing?"


Arc asked her.


"Y-yes, I guess, they will somewhat understand this too."


Miranda replied.


"Well, that's what I show them in first, I let them see through my work, even King and Queen understood what I did back there... That means, they will know that I am not someone that anyone can take lightly."


In the end, Arc showed fake pity for his stepbrother. Many people understood this many people didn't. And that fines for either way to him.


Someone knocks on Arc's door.




The person entered the room. It was none other than his little sister.


"Come, Lil Adriana."


Adriana entered his room.


"There is something I want to ask you."


She told him immediately after she entered the room.


"What is it, Lil Adriana?"


Arc asked him.


"Why can't I talk against you even if I try?"


She asked him. So, she already figures out that, some outside force is doing this to her.


"I do not know."


Arc replied to her shortly, then again continued thinking something,


"By the way, thank you for your backing."


Arc thanked her. She got slightly red after hearing my thanks.


"You don't have to thank me. The only thing now I am thinking is, how will I face mother? I guess she is super pissed with me."


She told him. Well, even Arc can guess that she will have a hard time against her mother from now on.


"Why are you so afraid? All you need to say is you have joined my faction instead of Adam."


Arc told him with an innocent smile.


"Like, I can tell this to her now. Oh well, I will take my leave now."


Saying that he exits the room. Even Arc knows she cannot say that, so he smiled at her back. People have a hard time facing their destinies, no one can escape that, her destiny was to meet him and from the day she was born, she was trained to go against him, her destiny was sealed back then, and in the end, she is at her end already.


Episode-33: Goblin and Ki beam



The 10th-floor Main Boss was a centipede.


It was the hardest dungeon Arc has faced yet.


However, he tried to finish it without using any visual power. Those monsters wouldn't be a thing if he uses his eye powers.


"This was hard. I lack speed, to be honest."


Arc said.


With boosted gear, Arc tried to increase his speed. However, it was not increasing to his satisfaction.


Though Telekinesis covered his speed portion for now because he can move objects in a few fights. The other thing he discovered is that he can fly with Telekinesis however, he cannot move with a speed. But this ability is still cool to him because he can fly one day if the right skill comes to his hand.


[Congratulations! You have got Zoro Shard. To activate Zoro you need 44 cards more.]


It was a finishing reward. Roronoa Zoro, also known as Pirate Hunter, who joined Luffy's team and one of the most important members of that team, Arc really liked his sword style. Especially, how he uses three swords style, he wants to learn that from Zoro. Though Arc can guess it will take time to develop such a neat skill.


"Oh well, it is still too far away to activate him, we need 44 cards more."


Arc muttered. Hearing his low voice Miranda told him,


"After the 10th floor, Humanoid and beast type Monster started to appear. A few of them possess a certain level of intelligence. So, I guess, the gear will be changed from now on."


Miranda's words picked Arc's interest.


"So, you mean there will be the monster that can walk? Interesting! They will be more fun to fight."


Arc and she went to the 11th floor without continuing to the 10th floor again.




Arc tilted. By their looks, it looks like Goblin, he only saw them in Anime, but they are still good-looking there. However in reality they are gross looking.


"I don't like their skin. Call me racist I don't care."


Arc told Miranda.


"No, you are right no one like their skin."


Miranda told him.


"Many female adventure's nightmares is this thing. You know, hobgoblin, they are the higher race than this, **** both men and women."


Miranda give this information to him.


"I understand the rapping part of women because they are this evil, but I never thought that they would **** also men."


Arc told her. Then he remembers the goblin slayer anime. Those goblins raped the girls.


"They are a monster however they still got the intelligence of a close to human child they are also naughty like them."


Miranda continued after showing the stick in their hands,


"Look at those sticks coated with poison."


There are two goblins. Each of them got a stick on the hand. Arc activates his Sharingan, also Emperor Eye. He cannot take them lightly. Boosted Gear appears on his hand.


This time he won't use blue flame and magnet release. He will use Hardening, Gear, and Ki which is natural power for him.




Eraserhead will not work on them because this goblin doesn't have any magic or skill.


Both of the goblins ran toward him while pointing their stick toward them.


Arc already predict their movement. One tried to attack from his sideway, he kicked that goblin and crashed it to the ground. It was combining the attack of Hardening Quirk and Ki.


As for the other one it was coming from the front.


"Now, I will show you my new technique."




Arc didn't kill it but slapped its head with his Emperor Eye and Sharingan combine ability. Of course, this head slap didn't kill them.


He was just buying another 10 seconds.




That goblin again runs after him with the stick pointing toward him.


Arc point he is gauntlet toward it, energy beam started to form from his gauntlet.


And he shoots at it. When that hit the Goblin it vanished from there instantly.


Ki can be used to enhance the combat abilities of the user. Usually to increase their strength. Advanced ki users can also emit plasma from their bodies in the form of beams, blades, discs, rings, spheres, or explosions.


However, no matter how much he tried he couldn't able to use it because he was not an advanced ki user. Then he remembers one of Issei's signature moves, where he releases a beam of concentrated demonic power. It is often used in tandem with Boosted Gear to increase its destructive potential, once destroying a mountain.


This means Arc doesn't necessarily need demonic power to release the beam, the gauntlet work as a medium to increase the destructive potential. So, he tried it, and he was a success. He can potentially shoot Kamehameha, Getsuga Tenshō, or Gran Rey Cero with this gauntlet.


"The beam that you released during the training with Sir Isaac. It really got potential. I am impressed with it master."


Miranda told him.


"Yes, however, it also consumes a beat of my stamina. But still affordable I guess. I won't use it against them anymore, it will be a waste of energy."


Arc told her.



Episode-34: Gomu Gomu No Mi



After mess killing the Goblin Arc finally got 20,000 SP. One Goblin gave him 200 SP, He started this Dungeon with 5600 sp, So, he killed more than 70 Goblin today.


"Looks like now I will achieve the Gomu Gomu No mi."


And he bought that. A purple devil fruit appears in front of him.


'Do I need to eat this?'


Arc touched the fruit. As soon as he touched it, it dissolve into his body. He was in his hardening mode, his hardening instant got undone.


Gomu Gomu No Mi- [It's a devil fruit from One piece that Luffy has eaten in the original show. It has the ability to stretch your body like rubber. Using this ability will undo your, hardening and scale mail ability.]


[To upgrade this to second gear you need 90,000 SP.]


Arc tried to stretch his hand with another one, and surprisingly he can extend it long. When he lets go of his stretch hand, it just slaps the air as a rubber band does.


'This is the same age as Luffy's base power. I will very much like to open the gear of his. The power impact behind the gear really does impress me.'


Arc was a person who liked to watch transformation power so much, from his childhood he always liked those anime most, which characters can transform, well, that doesn't mean he doesn't like other anime if it is a good story he like any genre anime except Yaoi and Yuri.


"What the! How did you do that, it is as if you have no bone in your hand."


Miranda asked him.


"This is also one of my power, my dear. I just awake it now. This will make my body similar to rubber."


Arc told her with a smile.


"You have awakened new power yet again, master. So, this is a rubber power, you can stretch any of your body parts like a rubber?" [***Don't get the wrong idea of his private part, she purely asked out of curiosity. She is innocent, at least for now.]


She asked him. Arc stretched his mouth and fingers to answer her,


"See, my mouth and fingers also act like a rubber. It will be a great power to shift my gear in mid-battle."


Arc told her. Then he suddenly remember about the next shop's condition, so he opened the shop.




20% Health Recovery- 600


20% Stamina Recovery- 600


(X)Two Tomoe Sharingan- 12000


(X)Boosted Gear- 15000


Normal Zanpakto(Random Card)- 7000


(X)Gomu Gomu no Mi- 20000


(X)Telekinesis - 15000


(X)Emperor Eye- 10000


(X)Hardening Quirk- 7000


*You need to defeat the shop stage opponent to open the shop. [Go]


'So, there will be a portal to fight against someone, and after I win, the new level of the shop will open?'


Arc thought inwardly.


"Let's go home."


Arc told her.


"You want to go home, without defeating the boss?"


She asked him.


"Yes, I will do that later, there is something more important thing I need to do."


Arc replied to her.


"Okay, let's go then."


She always carries him like the first day of the dungeon when they are in front of the pond, it is an easy process to sneak outside.


"Say, is it annoying to take me out and in like this every day? Don't you feel sometimes irritated doing that? Carrying someone who can walk on their own."


Arc asked her.


"No, on the contrary, I am really happy to carry you like this. I don't know why, I feel strange happiness while doing this. I know that it won't be long before you will walk out in front of everyone."


She replied to him with a happy face.


"I see. I sometimes think you are not like Albedo, however, sometimes I realize that you do act like her to some extent."


Arc told her.


"Who is that Albedo person, master?"


She asked him.


"I will tell you about her soon."


Arc replied to her.


"This piqued my curiosity, to think there is someone that I can be like."


She told him.


"Many people are similar to one another, it's not a big deal."


Arc told her.


"I see."


They already reached his room while they are having the conversation.


Arc seat on the table and asked her to make coffee for him. She gave him a cup of coffee. After drinking he told me to Miranda that,


[If I vanished from here don't worry, I will meditate my power, if nothing happened then tell me that, I didn't vanish, okay?]


Arc told her.


[Okay, master, though I don't know what are you talking about, however, I will do as you said.]


She replied to him.




Arc opened the shop and press the Go.


He instantly transfers to another place. It was a stone room, there was a door. And he felt a strong menacing aura behind that door.



Episode-35: Hollow



After teleporting to his systemic world, Arc was going toward the iron door at a steady pace, he was afraid that something comes from that door and attacks him without any warning.


Arc opened the door slowly. Behind the door, a human figure albeit not a human was standing there.


"You are making me wait human, come here fast and die."


Arc looked at that horrific figure. He knows he is in the fictional world, however, in the end, he is just a normal human from the earth, and there is no way he will take every creepy being normally.


Arc tried to retain his nerve, and asked it,


"Are you a hollow?"


"Yes, I am a hollow, an Adjuchas, you can call me Bull Sardina."


It replied to him.


'Bull Sardian? Now I think about it, its hollow mask looked like a bull.'


Adjuchas are the second classification of Menos. They are smaller than Gillians and far fewer in number. They are much smarter and stronger than Gillians and are often the ones who lead Gillians into battle. Adjuchas are commonly solitary creatures, rarely joining into groups. They are powerful enough to challenge a captain of the Gotei 13. (Anime Source: Bleach)


'I am facing this level thing on the first trial, come on.'


"I am giving you the chance to attack me first. Come here and try to defeat me."


He told Arc with an arrogant voice.


Arc hardened his screen and equipped boosted gear.


"Hmm, is this hand you Shikai? Or it's your Resurrección... No, it doesn't feel like it, it seems another kind of power, well, whatever, come human, let me devour you."


When it said that, Arc run toward him with great speed and punched his mask while jumping. This thing is almost 10 feet tall. Arc was 6 feet and 2 inches, so he didn't have any problem reaching there with his normal jumping ability. In fact, with his buffed body he can jump more than a normal human can do.


However, his hand was defended by his fist, and it punched him back with another hand. Arc got to fly away, and almost buried into the wall.


"That's hurt, you know?"




Arc has more than 100 hp, but he has yet to use any of the portions that he got from the reward. Among them, there are 20% and 40% potions too. He got a 40% potion from the 11th-floor goblin's drop.


"You got power boy. I have to say that."


Then the hollow itself comes running while pointing its horn toward him. Now then Arc thinks about it Ichigo also was a bull form hollow. Though he was powerful by far.


Arc opened his Sharingan and Emperor Eye. He predict his movement and went out of his trajectory.


His Emperor Eye is absolute, he can predict anyone's move, even if it is Isaac, however, even if he can predict his move doesn't he can avoid it because Isaac is too strong to do that.


"Looks like you are good at dodging brat. I am impressed."




Arc was back to his base form and switch to Gomu Gomu No Mi form. He saw touches his hand, it is still hard, however, other parts of his body are like rubber, which means he still can use a partial hard thing, however, they won't be turned into rubber. Arc grabbed a stone pillar of the room and hurriedly went back while grabbing him, his hand became stretched, and he then release his hand toward the hollow.


Then he punched him again. This time it was heavy for it and made it back down a few steps.


"Oh, you have gotten slightly strong than last time. Looks like I cannot give you chance to grow anymore."


Saying that it pointed its horn toward him.


Arc guessed more or less what was coming, it was also thanks to his knowledge and Emperor Eye. He then gathered all the iron sand in front of him.




It releases cero on him. Arc moves from the trajectory where the iron sand defends him from the cero. Iron sand changes its trajectory and it is crushed toward the wall.


"What! What kind of power is this?"


The hollow asked him.




"And what that sound of Boost, what kind of power it is?"


It asked him again.


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"Well, you see, you guys always have a habit to underestimate people too much. That's why you guys lost every time."


Arc told him.


"What are trying to say?"


It asked him.




"I mean..."


Arc pointed his gauntlet toward him, he then use Eraserhead on it, then tie his feet to the ground using sand which is mixed with Iron.


The hollow noticed that something is condensing on the hand of Arc. it tried to move but sand is powerful, so it tried to use cero on Arc, however, it couldn't do that.


"What the!"


Arc then shoot the beam which looked blue.


"Blue Flame Ki Plazma."


Arc mixed the Blue Flame with his Ki beam.


[Congratualtion! You have passed the test. Shop-3 is open now.]


Episode-36: Shikai (Senbonzakura)



[Congretulation! You have got one Shikai card and 5 Ichigo Shard.]


Arc got these two extra rewards after defeating the hollow. Shop-3 also opened in his shop tab.




30% Health Recovery- 900


30% Stamina Recovery- 900


Three Tomoe Sharingan- 25000


Shikai Card- 25000


Chidori- 5000


Crush- 25000


Spirit- 30000


IQ- 10000


Gate- 40000


Kiro Kiro no Mi- 10000


Cero- 12000


Twilight Heal- 25000


Paper Bomb- 500


Cancel Pain- 50000


Critical Over- 25000


Animal Path- 7000


*To be Eligible to unlock the next shop you need to buy the products with 200000 SP. Potions, Shikai Card and Paper Bomb won't be counted in this condition.


Like always, he is seeing really very interesting power on the board, however arc got no SP on him, and it looks like his stamina is also at the end of the rope. And don't feel like recharging energy with a stamina potion. He wants a nice sleep for that. Suddenly he got outside of the space that he was in just now.


He saw Miranda standing there just as he saw her last time.


"Did anything happen to my body?"


Arc asked her. She waited for 5 seconds before replying,


"No, nothing happened. You just said that a few seconds before, did you do something in the middle?"


When she said that, Arc understood what she meant. It is possible that time froze for him in this world while he was on trial grounds.


"No, it's nothing. I just evolved my potential that's all."


Arc told her.


"Can anyone evolve their potential? No, I got what you mean. So, you will have more ways to grow isn't it?"


She asked him.


"Yes, you are right. I will have much more power than before."


Arc told her.


"I see that good then. Do you want to continue tonight anymore?"


She asked him. If outside heard this they might get the wrong idea, however, she meant about his meditation.


"No, I have done enough today, there is a mental barrier to how much people can do one day, so I exceed that."


Arc said. He was guessing he may regain his mental health if he drinks potions, however, he won't do that, because when you are tired mentally, sleep will be more comfortable than normal. Arc didn't sleep peacefully for a long time, he just saw random dreams every day. He knows he will see even tonight, however, he is guessing tiredness may save him from the dreams fatigue that he was getting continuously every night.


He will apply Shikai on Senbonzakura later. All he want just, for now, was a good sleep. he drop onto his bed and went instantly to sleep. However, the dream was still haunting him.


On the next morning, The first thing Arc did is took out his Zanpakto Senbonzakura. It is a regular katana. It has a simple cross guard, with an open frame much like a four-pane window. It has a bronze guard, with lavender hilt-wrapping, and a white sheath.


He combines his Zanpakto with his Shikai Card.


[Congratualtion, you can activate your Shikai on Senbonzakura.]


Shikai: Senbonzakura releases user abilities from his sword form with the command "Scatter".


Shikai Special Ability is, upon release, Senbonzakura's sword form separates into a thousand tiny blade petals, which fly toward Senbonzakura's target. Senbonzakura can control and direct the blade petals by slashing at his target with the hilt of his sword. The blade petals themselves reflect light in such a way as to resemble cherry blossom petals and possess enough cutting power to instantly defeat a Tōjū.


Arc went toward the training basement with the help of Miranda. He then took the sword in front of him and said,




Senbonzakura's blade separates into a thousand tiny, slender blade fragments, which fly away from the hilt, leaving only the sword's handle in Byakuya's hand. While the blades are supposedly too small to be seen normally, they reflect light in such a way as to resemble cherry blossom petals.


Arc moves the hilt of the sword toward the dummy that was standing in the corner of the room. It was a wooden dummy, the thousands of Patels shred that wooden dummy into countless pieces.


"So, this is the amazing power of the Senbonzakura."


Its Shikai is strong as usual, fun fact it is as if he was controlling sand with his hand.


"So, this is your new power, Your HIghness."


It was Isaac.


"Yes, pretty strong, isn't it?"


He asked him.


"Yes, it is. It's like a thousand blades, this can be a vital power against the enemy. You are getting strong day by day. Will I report that to his majesty?"


He asked him if he can relay this information to the King or not.


"Yes, but personally."


Arc permits him to do so. It wouldn't do any damage if King know this because he knows this will be known by him sooner or later from other sources, so, he don't mind telling him this.


"Let's test this power first. Can you train me, Isaac?"


Arc asked him.


"Of course, I come here because of it."


Isaac replied.



Episode-37: Domain



The dropping rate has increased after Arc 11th floor. He also saw many adventures here and there.


So, he could observe the various kinds of power that they have.


"Say, how many magic or physical skill does one can have?"


Arc asked Miranda.


"Well, I guess 3 or 4. It's hard to see people have many abilities, or trying to master more than 3. Because they cannot enter the domain in their lifetime if they are busy learning new power every day. However, talent like you is different who seems to achieve power without any prior training of 2-3 years."


Miranda replied.


"Domain? What is it?"


Arc asked her.


"Domain is the advanced level of skill. Whether magical or physical, those who practice one technique within a sufficient margin they can enter a domain."


She paused and continued,


"Those who have one domain, are known as fast-class experts, those who have two domains are known as Alumni. All of the RanKing has three domains and the top 3 guys of the RanKings have 4 Domains. As for the number, one guy in the Rankings achieved the next stage of the Domain, only a few could see that power, and no one revealed the name of that advanced Domain, however, I heard that if someone releases it, they also affect the climate."


Miranda told him.


"I see "


'So, Domain is like Shikai or Even Bankai level power. Sounds interesting.'


Arc thought. Then he remembers something,


"Say, do you have a domain?"


Arc asked her.


"Yes, though I have only one domain, another one is still in the development phase. In the next two years, I guess I can finally be Alumni."


She told him.


"I see, I will like to see your Domain. What about King and Isaac? How many Domains do they have?"


Arc asked her.


"His Highness is a RanKings, 9th ranked. He has three domains. Lord Isaac has two domains. However, I heard he is good at another art, even though he didn't achieve domain at it, he is still good at using that."


Miranda told him.


"No one has three domains outside RanKings?"


Arc asked her.


"Of course, there are many. However, these 10 RanKings are recognized by World Association as the strongest, and all of them are members of World Association, even in World Association there are members outside of RanKing has three domains."


Miranda replied.


Now he understood what Ranking is, they are just a bunch of people officially known as the strongest. Not actual ranking. They are just good guys for the alliance or not.


"By the way, does your domain related to your sword style? Because I only saw you use a sword."


Arc asked her.


"I didn't achieve domain yet in my Origin Shadow sword style. However, I have awakened my bloodlines domain."


She told her.


"So, there is a bloodline domain. By the way, why didn't you kill me with the domain?"


Arc asked her.


"It's not I didn't, it's I can't. Using a domain is forbidden when I am assassinating someone, in fact, not only our Origin Shadow but also other organizations don't use it. The reason behind this is, the domain is the thickened ability of the magic. A huge power surrounds you, so it also makes other people notice that someone activate their domain. So, the assassin does not use the domain if you are not in a bad situation, like the assassin that came to your room a few days ago, activate Shadow Origin Divine Domain to escape."


She told him.


"I see. So, what's your domain name? Can you show me that here?"


Arc asked.


"Actually no, if you want to see my domain you have to go far place from here. I cannot use it in the dungeon, the attention will be sought to other adventures, I cannot use it on your house either, because I am just a maid, and the last reason is, we cannot use the domain in the royal city, it's a crime because if we damage the building we need to face severe punishment."


She explained to him with a smile.


"I see."


Arc understood what she meant. She has her own bindings.


"My domain name is Piercing World Needle. However, if you want to see this I can show you here."


She told him.


"No need honey. Use it when I am in danger."


Arc told her.


"As you wish master."


After that Arc moved to the boss room of Goblin. The boss was a goblin with a huge body and a huge sword. It wasn't a hobgoblin but a big size goblin.


In the dungeon, he used Senbonzakura Shikai all the time. He did the same here as well, he fought the boss with Senbonzakura.


He had an overwhelming win with this. Looks like this floor is really easy for him.


The good thing is he got another Goku Shard by killing this monster. Looks like the boss after the 11th-floor drop shards even if they are from the regular floor. It would be another level thing if he can summon Goku. He can't imagine how powerful his Kaiken might be.



Episode-38: No Monster?



Further, he is progressing, and the larger his SP earnings are, however, the shop items also becoming expensive.


Like Arc already got 10K points before a couple of hours, because each goblin gave him 200 SP. However, he is still not capable of buying the item that he wants first.


He wants three tomoe Sharingan first. However, it is 25000 SP. So, he was thinking if he can get it tonight.


After beating Wolf boss from the 12th floor Arc finally achieved 25000 SP and instantly bought the final version of under Mangekyo Sharingan, three tomoe Sharingan.


Arc also got access and knowledge on this power pretty well.


"Something changed in your eyes it seems. You got for coma instead of two now."


Miranda told him.


"Yes, my power has evolved. Do you want to see the power of this masterpiece.,"


Arc asked her.


"Yes, I do master."


She told her.


"Well, you asked for it."


Arc told her. She was looking at his eyes straight.


She suddenly saw the world in front of her has changed.


"Where am I?"


She muttered. She was in a kid's park. On a roller coaster.


The roller coaster started its journey, and it then took her ride on the jig jag train line.


It felt real. She never rides on roller coasters, however, this sensation in her chest was real.


"Does he have the power to teleport?"


She muttered.


Then she suddenly came back to the place where Arc and she were just before.


"What just happened?"


She asked him.


"It was genjutsu, in our terms, it was a world of illusion, I sent you the place where you wanted to go most but couldn't go in your childhood. So, it was a roller coaster where you wanted to go, ha?"


Arc replied to her with a question.


"Yes, I wanted to go to Wonderland in my childhood, I always saw that on television normal kids at my age were enjoying on that roller coaster it made me jealous. However, that's not what I am concerned about if it is illusion why it feels like more than reality?"


She asked him.


"That's what its strong point is. I do not know if anyone can use illusion magic however I can assure you that my illusion magic is one of the two great power in history ever seen."


Arc told them while glorifying his words.


'The other one is Kyoka Suigetsu, the sword Soske Aizen.'


Arc thought.


"I am sure this power is incredibly powerful because people cannot say if it is real or fake. Use it on someone and show him the nightmare, they will be done for. because in one to one you will get the upper hand while your opponent is still on the Wonderland."


Miranda told him.


"Exactly your analysis is right. But every power has a weakness a great man said this. So, I cannot get cocky with this power either."


Arc told with a smile. He was thinking about Itachi Uchiha.


"I see, do not worry I am with you if you need any backup I will be always beside you."


Miranda told her with a smile. Arc smiled back at her.


"Well, let's go to the next floor then."


They were on the 13th floor. Arc was expecting a new kind of enemy. He wants to taste his visual power badly. As time is passing he is growing with great speed. For now, he doesn't know his limit. The Goblin and the wolf are too weak and Isaac is too strong so he can't exactly scale his strength.


However, to his surprise, he saw no monster there.


"Something is wrong, isn't it?"


Arc told Miranda.




"There should be monsters here. But I am not seeing any. Could it be a trap Dungeon?"


Arc suspected.


"No, Dungeon in this level cannot hold a trap. I guess something strange is going on. We have to look at it further. Or are you want to quit for today, master?"


Miranda asked him.


"No my pride will not allow it. I will explore further in this Dungeon. Let's go."


After going a few deeper areas, Arc finally saw the reason behind the monster's disappearance.


"Looks like you are finally here, Prince."


There are 7 people here.


"Yes, I am here. Trust me I think that you guys don't have a good motive at all, who are you guys? And why do you know me?"


Arc asked them.


"Well, the source doesn't matter. And who we are also doesn't matter. What matter is, we want to finish you off here, IF ANOTHER FREAK LIKE YOUR FATHER COME TO THE POWER IT WILL BE HARD FOR US."


The guy who looks like the leader told him.


"I see, there is no doubt you are from our opposite faction. Did Queen send you guys?"


Arc asked him.


"We have no obligation to tell you. Well, everyone does not wait for any chartering, let's finish him off already. I do not want to waste any more time for him we have more work to do."


Hearing the leader everyone ready their stance to face him. Though their mouth underestimates him, it's not looking like they are taking him lightly.



Episode-39: Ambush (1)



The man who comforts Arc was a boxer. He uses various moves with boxing to punch him.


"You are good at dodging, ay kiddo?"


The boxer asked him. Arc didn't reply to him.


Seeing that, the boxer gets flustered. He tried another few moves, but he couldn't touch him at all.


Arc wasn't using Sharingan, but only Emperor Eye, so, Arc could do more than this.


"Tsk! He is losing his temper. Pooran you go, help him."


The leader told another one to join the boxer. After taking out his sword, the new guy Pooran run toward him and tried to slash his sword at him.


Arc hardens his body and punches the boxer on his Solar Plexus which made that guy roll into the ground, then he activates his Sharingan on the other guy who was with his sword.


He went under genjutsu, Arc didn't wait for him to come out from the illusion he was seeing and punched him too.


The impact of the punch effect on him more than the boxer because this guy was in a state of stun.


Arc was feeling satisfied to face them because he can finally understand the scale of his power. Arc then stood up, he already predicted that an attack was coming, and he hurriedly went another way from the trajectory.


It was the only girl on the team. She shoots out non-elemental power, it may be pure magic power condensed in it. In their team, there was a long hair guy, he forward his hand toward him, and instantly a magic circle appeared in his hand, from that magic circle countless wind waves came attacking him.


He was predicting a move and all however, there was one guy who came out of nowhere from the shadow and tried to slash him, because he has greater reaction speed he could avoid that, however, that also made him fall under a trap, he was almost hit by the magic power that the girl shot toward him.


Of course, there was Miranda, she couldn't let that happen, and defended him.


Arc thought, he would have gotten into a mess if Miranda wasn't here, because he wouldn't be able to do anything.


"Ah, thank you. You save me there."


Arc thanked Miranda.


"Of course, I will save you, master."


Then she looked at all of them with dense killing intent, even the leader's skin was affected by that. He understood if this woman join the fight, he wouldn't able to achieve his goal, instead, severe casualties might happen.


"Shall I kill all of them, master?"


Miranda asked him. Even Arc was affected by her killing intent, he was thanking himself that, he used Geass on this girl, so she is on his team.


"No, I was just careless."


Arc told her while standing up straight.


'Damn it! I was relying on the Emperor Eye too much, I understand what Akashi Seijuro meant back then, He was strong because he has Emperor Eye, it is because Emperor Eye had a perfect host to use. You outta know use the shit you have, or you may cause a mess around everywhere.'


Arc then looked at everyone, the other two that he defeated at first were standing now, they are injured but it looks like they can continue.


Arc took out his Senbonzakura.


"I am serious now."


Telling this, he activates his boosted gear on his left hand, the good thing for him, is he can make appear boosted gear in both of his hands, so it was easy for him to use the sword comfortably. He has yet to learn to grab a sword with the gauntlet skillfully.


"Help me, when I can't defeat them, and I am on the verge of losing my life."


Arc channeled his ki on his body as much as possible. For the first time, he was feeling that the aura of ki was affecting his body hairs. It's like they want to get out and show them visible auras. This means Arc has improved his ki more than before, even though he tried he couldn't do that. Well, he is training hard, so he needs some kind of reward.




"Okay, if you say so."


Miranda went away from his front and gave him the opportunity to face them once again.


"Thank you."


Seeing Arc the leader told them,


"Everyone be careful something changes on him."


The leader saw that his energy increased more than before. Everyone nodded toward his leader's words because most of them also sensed that his power increased much more than before.




On the other hand, Arc was thinking that he needs to increase his speed more now, he wants to see if he uses boosted gear on his leg if he could increase the speed of his body, It would be better if he use Gomu Gomu No Mi on his body, but because, he wants to go hard form against them, he can't use even partially for now.




This time Arc dashed on the first.



Episode-40: Ambush (2)



Arc went in front of the Boxer first, and the boxer tried to punch him, however, he could hit the air only, Arc ducked down and delivered him an uppercut with his gauntlet, and he was KO'ed instantly. It was mixed with Ki and hardening power in it.




The girl who was attacking him with pure magic tried to attack him with that magic again, Arc made an upper part of the umbrella in front of him.


He could successfully block it. The girl didn't flustered she tried to use another magic, however, Arc used his Eraserhead first, she was mobilized to do it, then he put her under the genjutsu.




The guy who was constantly barraging him with wind bullets before tried to do the same, Arc defended his attack with the same iron sand umbrella, then he made a spear with the iron sand, and the blue flame lit on that, he then through it toward him, that guy tried to put a barrier on that, however, he doesn't have an idea that Arc can use telekinesis, Arc moves his body slightly, which make him avoid the magic barrier and it hit directly on his shoulder.




This time his attack was all a critical hit for them. No one among them could stand up on their feet this time.




Now four left including the leader.


In this team two guys yet attack him. Arc guessed that they are heads of theirs. So, they won't join the fight unless the team is in a drastic situation.


Arc was looking for the boy who was attacking him in the shadows. He is the dangerous one. If he can defeat him, other people are visible to him to fight.


Arc sense something moving on his behind. He hurriedly turns around. Though he doesn't have speed, he has good reflexes, and this body with ki is giving him a great enhancement in this part.




Arc already predicted his move. He then uses all of the iron sand to catch him. Currently, he had an amount of Iron Sand that can cover a grown man's full body.


However, that guy tried to leak out from his sand using his shadow techniques. Arc already predicted this, so he used Eraserhead.


That guy got flustered when he saw he can't use his power, Arc then punch that guy using his fist.


Looks like he got fainted.


Arc then looked remaining three... no four. He finally understood that the other guy who wasn't fighting with him was not a fighter but a healer.


He was healing those who has fallen.


The girl also seems like gotten back from Genjutsu.


"Looks like I am too inexperienced to fight. Well, whatever."




"Looks like I am ready for the gear shift."


Arc used all of his accumulated boost on his body. The ki on his body is now visible with eyes. A white aura was surrounding his body.


"What the, he became powerful again."


This time leader got surprised.


Arc suddenly vanished from the spot and when he reappeared it was when he punched the solar plexus of the healer. The healer instantly fainted. Arc confirm that their team won't able to heal anymore.


He understood why the leader wasn't moving up until now because he was guarding the healer. The healer is the main force behind their power, looks like this guy has a high-level healing ability.


However, in the end, no matter how skillful a healer is, if he cannot fight, he is useless, and the team is useless when the healer is their main force because if the healer failed, all of them will have to face hard times.




Arc won't deal with others anymore, the shadow was his main concern, but that guy is down, the healer is down and the wind bullet user already severely injure, looks like he cannot fight either, among the other four of them, the boxer is also looked like he is not feeling well in his stomach.


Arc made his hilt down toward the boxer, the boxer couldn't avoid it, he was cut here and there. That guy was down in his own blood.


The guy who use a sword came in front of him, and swing the sword, Arc using Emperor Eye grab the sword with his gauntlet and break it. He then kick him, and he heard the sound of a rib bone breaking.


Arc didn't do anything to the girl, because she had yet to have her normal condition. She can't fight anymore tonight because she is mentally ill now.


Even the leader understood that they are not in a good position.


"Looks like you are the one, who was saved for the last."


Arc told him.


"Yeah, looks like I have to move now. But even if I win against you there is that woman, she is dangerous I know it very well, by her aura. So, I am thinking now, if I should fight anymore."


That guy replied.


"What you don't want to play the last villain? Boooooo... That's boring, and by the way, you cannot defeat me either, want to test your luck against me?"


Arc asked him to face him. He has enough battery, so he thinks he can fight comfortably against him if he is weaker than Miranda.


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