Looks Like I Can Copy Anime Characters

Chapter 5: Volume-1: Chapter-5: Ambush (Epilogue)

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Episode-41: Ambush(3)



"Say, we will let all of you go alive if you fight with me, and make a scratch on my body."


Arc told him. To be honest, Arc doesn't know how powerful this folk is, however, he knows Miranda is way more powerful than this, because he fought with her every day, and yet to defeat her in battle.


"Oh, come on! Don't tell me you are a battle freak too?"


The leader told him with an annoyed face.


"Battle freak too?"


Arc asked him with confusion.


"The king is also known for his love for the battlefield, he loves to fight more than anything."


The leader replied.


"I see. Well, will you guys die here, or want to escape, which one you will choose?"


Arc asked him.


"Okay, I will fight with you."


That guy readied his stance and said,


[Slashing Wolf Domain]


When he said that, Arc sensed that, his power level has drastically increased.


This guy's face becomes like a wolf and his body becomes furry.


[Looks like he is strong, so it's his domain, can I defeat him?]


Arc asked Miranda.


[This is a mid-level domain or lower mid-level. Your power just now is comparable to mid-level Domain, so, I guess if you use your skill with the care you can win this.]


She told him.


[I see.]


Arc then looked at the guy,


"Shall we begin?"


By saying that Arc took the initiative and punched that guy. The leader defends his punch with his punch.


This guy is back down a step. Suddenly, that guy moved from that place because SenbonZakura's blade Patel was about to hit him.


The guy runs with his four limbs with great speed and sends a slash toward Arc.


Arc defended that with his Senbonzakura Patel.


This thing not only has offensive ability but also great defensive ability too.


That guy was sending him to wave after wave, it was like a claw mark.


'Looks like, that's why it's called Slashing Wolf Domain.'


Arc used his body to track him down and the Emperor's eye to predict his move and where he will go if he try to attack him.


Arc then went in front of him, and that guy tried to move away from the track, however, Arc didn't allow that and directly hit him with his hand on his neck.


It delivered a fatal blow. That guy was breathing out of air. However, in 3-4 seconds he recovers and stands up again.


'Looks like I have reached my limit. I have to wrap things quickly.'


The leader was readied for another slash, Arc used his Eraserhead, which made him unable to use lash and his Domain also became undone.


He then undid his hardening mode and concentrate all of his ki on his leg, he down to the sitting position, and his leg became like rubber. He then releases him self from that position, which made him spring like a rubber. He used Gomu Gomu No mi, after that, he again used his harden mode when he dashed toward the leader with great speed, he punched his chest.


The sound of bone breaking was audible. His bloody body is crushed on the wall like a bag, after sticking on the wall for a few seconds, he drops to the ground.


Arc went in front of him. He wasn't sleeping yet.


"Looks like you have successfully defeated them. Congratulation master. You have closed the gap, with your generation."


Miranda told him.


"I see thank you."


Arc thanked her and looked at the leader again,


"Now, tell me, who send you to kill me? I need a clear answer."


Arc asked him.


"That is something... I can't tell... even if you kill me."


The leader replied to him with a weak voice.


"Oh, you are playing loyal villain now? I like that. However, you need to tell me who send you, or I will be in peace, and track the person with more care."


Arc told him.


However, the leader didn't reply to anything.


"Was it my dear little brother, or my dearest stepmother? Or Origin Shadow? Who send you, guys?"


Arc asked him specifically. However, that guy was still silent.


"Oh well, I need to use my eyes then."


Arc used Sharingan on him,


"Tell me, who send you?"


Arc asked them.


"I don't know them, however, they were not the person you mentioned, they were not even from our country."


The leader told him after coming under influence of Sharingan.


"I see, describe them."


[Shadow Slip Domain.]


Arc was distracted by someone's voice, when he looked back he saw that the guy who used shadow to battle had come into consciousness.


What peculiar thing he noticed that is he was sucked by his shadow as well as his other companions. He hurriedly looked at his front, however, it was too late, that guy sucked him completely.


Arc smiled bitterly and remarked,


"Even though I won, however, I lost in the final result."



Episode-42: King's Summon



"If you ordered me I would have stopped them, master, but you said not to interfere if it isn't your life concerned."


Miranda told him


"Yeah, I won't blame you for this. I just wanted to check my limit. And I guess I finally did that. For now, I only can fight against one mid-level domain user."


Arc told her.


"Well, it's not like that. It depends on how users use it. Even if a user got a high-level domain they may be defeated by you if he is not that skillful. On the other hand, a low-level domain user may defeat you easily if he is skillful, to be honest, you cannot determine your level of power in this world, a person may defeat you who was weak yesterday."


Miranda told him.


'I see. She is right, like Aizen almost solo everyone with his Shikai, Kyoka Suigetsu.'


"Yes, you're right. All I need to assess that if I am stronger than tomorrow."


He replied to her.


"Yes, master. Would you like to face the 13th-floor boss?"


She asked him.


"Yes, or it will be waste coming this far."


Arc told her.




Then they entered the 13th-floor boss. The boss was a goblin on the wolf's back. That goblin boss using archery.


However, after fighting the previous battle against the ambusher this goblin looked pretty easy to crush.


It drops a Madara card.


"So, this system also drops Madara Card?"


Arc muttered to himself.


"What is Madara Card master?"


Miranda asked curiously.


"It's nothing. I was talking to myself."


Arc replied to her.


Miranda didn't ask anymore because she understands that its not something that she should know. She learned from Origin Shadow that, Assassin shouldn't inquire more than their limit.


Arc saw that he need 75 cards more to summon Madara, however, for Goku, he needs 45 cards only.


'Is Kaioken Goku weaker than Madara? I think I should stop thinking about that, I will do that calculation when I can unlock them, there may be something else for the shard numbers' value.'


Arc shakes his head.


"Let's go. I do not want to continue anymore. And I don't have enough stamina."


Arc told her. After finishing his battle Arc took a stamina potion for a full recovery. So, he has enough stamina. However, his mental fatigue was overwhelming him.


"Okay, master."


Next day.


Isaac was in front of him. This time Arc didn't summon him, he came here for his work. Or should be said for King's work.


"So, Father wants to see me, ha?"


Isaac told him that King summoned Arc to visit him.




Isaac replied.


"Is it regarding the marriage between me and that girl?"


Arc asked him.


"I am not clear. I guess he can tell me about that, or he can tell me about other things too. I saw he had a meeting last day with several people. However, I wasn't able to attend it because there is another matter to take care of. Maybe a topic about you also arises, so he wants to talk about it."


Isaac explained to him.


"I see. Okay, I will go. Miranda, take me to my father's throne."


Arc stood up from his bed and sat in the wheelchair. It is strange scenery for any outsider.


"Okay, master."


Then she dragged him toward the throne room. Isaac was following behind him.


"It has been a while, Lord father."


Arc said.


"Call me only father."


No matter what Arc feels uncomfortable calling him father because he used to call his real father regularly, so he felt awkward.


"Okay, father."


"Nice to meet you again. I have called you for two reasons. Before that, I want to tell you that, I know about your certain conditions and power level, I guess you know that I am aware of your condition."


King told him. Arc looked at the whole throne room out of instinct, no one was there unlike the last day.


"Yes, I know. What are your reasons father?"


Arc asked him with a nod.


"The first reason is, that you were out of society for the last 4-5 years, I want you to continue on the Academy, the point where you have left."


King told him.


"I see. However, everyone knows that I cannot walk yet, so it will be odd to everyone that, I am attending the Academy with this condition, as I cannot fight in the public knowledge."


Arc told him.


"Use that sword of yours, you can mobilize it just sitting in one place, no? You can also use Telekinesis, your long days sitting experience forced you to wake up with such a power, you will keep other power unannounced, and you don't need to hide them as well as you don't need to reveal them. That's the trick."


King told him. Arc like the idea to be honest. He wants to check up on students of this world, and taste magic school flavor.


"Okay, I am in then."



Episode-43: King's Summon(2)



After Arc agreed to go to the Academy King nodded and said,


"Good. You need to learn more about this society."


King already decided that Arc will be the next King, So, he doesn't want some people to say that he is not educated.


He was thinking named him as Crown Prince at the end of this year, he could do that earlier, however, there is another thing that matters now most.


"I guess you know the 2nd reason too."


He told that to Arc.


"I can guess more or less. It's about marrying my cousin. I forgot her name to be honest."


Arc told him.


"Yes, her name is Zerin White."


King replied.


"Wait, why her name is White? Isn't she from William's blood?"


Arc asked him with confusion.


"She is from William's bloodline, true. But she got her name from her mother clan."


King replied to him.


"I see. Oh well, should I really marry her, I have already recovered from my sickness."


Arc asked him. On earth, marrying a cousin is considered incest too. Though in his religion marrying a cousin is not forbidden, however, in the ethical viewpoint of current times, most of the family tend to avoid marriage between cousins.


"Well, if you marry her your competitor will decrease, whether she became queen or you become king, the position will remain the same. And you know that your stepbrother wants to marry her too. So, you will be in trouble if he marries him."


King told him.


"Sigh, royalty is really complicated, that's why I don't like it, please forgive my rudeness."


Arc told him with a deep sigh.


"Well, nothing to be sorry about. I don't like it either, despite being a king myself."


King replied with a smile.


"So, when do you want us to marry?"


Arc asked him.


"First week of next month."


King told him.


"That's too fast. Only a week left to the end of this month? Shouldn't we think about our Academy first, and marry a few months later?"


Arc asked him.


"Well, you will go to your respective academy after the second week of marriage."


King told him. Arc was still frowning about the decision.


"Is that girl agreed to that or was she forced by his father?"


Arc asked him.


"No, she will have a summer break from her Academy. So, she said that it will be better to complete this timeline, as she won't be getting any schedule after that in a short time. And you know she agreed to marry you because you cannot move, to make her non-virgin."


King told him.


Well, Arc knows about this information beforehand anyway.


"Okay, everything is fine by me. However, I am thinking that the attacks will come towards more frequently than before. You may be don't know yesterday a bunch of people attacked me."


Arc told him.


"Yes, I know that, they have attacked you in the dungeon. I already have sent the correct rescue team to help you, but it seems you were enough to defeat them alone."


King replied to him.


"You also stock me there. Yes, I was talking about them."


Arc replied to him.


"Well, there will be a strong guy who will try to kill you when you come back from the dungeon, what will you do? Do you want to fight with him, or let me take care of him before he could engage you?"


King asked him.


"Of course, I want to face him. But please, back me up from the shadows. Hmm... but how do you know he will attack me?"


Arc asked him.


"I have my connection. Because of this, I am a King, becoming a King is not an easy feat, son. We require connection and be ready for every little conflict."


King replied to him.


'Well, it's perfectly logical to have a network like this for a king.'


Arc thought inwardly.


"Well, what about my dear stepmother, won't she interfere with our marriage."


Arc asked him. He meant by the frequent attack is his stepmother and siblings.


"Of course, she will try that. But I don't let that happen. She has no idea how much authority Williams and Whites have."


King replied to him. He chuckled and continued,


"I have confidence that she won't be your greatest threat to usurp the throne. Our noble also won't be a threat, our major enemy is outsiders."




Arc asked him.


"Those who attacked you yesterday were outsiders. Queen or your siblings didn't send them, they are unrelated to our country, Queen or noble."


King told him.


"Then who they are?"


Arc asked them.


"I will tell you about them later. Or they will explain to you by themselves, you need to chill for now. Not all information is good to know earlier."


King replied.


Arc sighed long for the second time. He thought his father was right. Not everything he needs to know, at least for time being it's not good to know. However, he was still curious about them.




Episode-44: Crash Landing on You(1)



Arc returned from the throne room. Miranda was dragging him by the wheelchair.


Both Miranda and Isaac were outside of the throne room while Arc and his father were conversing.


"What is my father's power Isaac? I have heard he is one of the RanKings. 9th Rank in this world."


Arc asked Isaac.


"Your father has three power, which calls domain. Do you know about the domain, Your Highness?"


Isaac asked him.


"Yes, I know that."


Arc replied.


"Having three domains doesn't mean you can become RanKings, or there would have been 30 to 40 RanKings, that means you have to possess a great power to recognize as RanKings. Your father's first domain is the Williams family heirloom, White Moon Domain, all Williams has the potential to awaken this power, the second one is Sword Titan, King can manifest a huge sword with magic, and the third one is Dragon God Armor, a heavy armor that made with dragon scale manifest around his body but that's not the domain, the domain is a visible red transparent dragon appeared surrounding him, it's both defensive and offensive and perfectly match with Sword Titan."


Isaac told him. He then continued a few moments later,


"Well, I guess there is another magic power that your father has, once your father said that, he has power that is far greater than domain, and that power was the reason he is King now. Though he never mentioned what kind of power he has, and what is the name of that power, he said it better not mention to anyone or it will affect anyone's mentality."


Hearing Isaac Arc instantly thought,


'Does he have Geass? Even I would have never revealed that to anyone if I have a similar kind of power.'


Arc then thinks about something.


"I see. Will I inherit William's family domain then?"


He asked.


"Yes, you already inherited it, the only thing you need is to awaken it, though not all of the Williams could awake that, however, all of them have the potential in them."


Isaac told him.


"I have to research it then."


Arc said.


"What are your domains, Isaac?"


He was curious about his power.


"I will show you when the time comes. My both domain is related to physical skill. I can only manifest them in the real fight."


He told him.


"I see. Maybe someday I will force you to open your domain when you fight with me."


Arc told him.


"Haha, considering your growth it's not that far when you force me to use my domain. By the way, using domain costs heavy physical and mental fatigue, so most people refrain to do that, they use them as the last card."


Isaac told him.


"I understand. I guess I need to also practice basic magic of this world, however, it seems no matter how many times I try I cannot do that."


Arc muttered.


"You just came out from your sickness, I think when you recover fully you can use normal magic, even if you can't use normal magic, the magic and ability you have are far greater than you think."


Isaac told him. Arc didn't reply to him just nodded.


Later that day, at noon, Arc was sitting in a wheelchair. He sensed that nobody except Miranda was present there.


So, Arc thought about doing some practice. He then stood up.


Arc was thinking about using his flying ability. He can do that with sand, however, that's not what he wants, he wants to fly freely.


So, he was thinking about the method that he can fly with. He was thinking, of using Gomu Gomu No Mi to jump, then using Telekinesis will float and move his body. He can float one meter with Telekinesis, so he was thinking he could do the same.


He then springs up his leg and jumps higher, and it was successful for him. However, he was not as skillful as Luffy, so it was only three meters up from the surface.


'It isn't enough.'


Arc thought. Then he activates his boosted gear.


He then boosted it 20 times, he thought it was enough to fly high.


He transfers all of his boosted power onto his legs. Then he uses his springing ability and jumps into the sky.


"Wow, I have really flown in a high sky."


He saw the landscape with a drone so many times, on a plane too, however, it was a different feeling, it has the freedom of a bird.


He is enjoying this moment. For the first time, he thinks that he is breathing fresh air in this world.


"Ah, crap,!"


Arc forgot to use Telekinesis and started to drop at a great speed. He was dropping on random places.


Arc used his Telekinesis at the last moment, however, he still crashed into something or someone.


'Shit, it will reveal my identity. He saw a thin towel in front of him and hurriedly cover his face.'


Then he looked at whom he was fallen onto. That person has yet to see him because she just stood up.


He instantly got petrified after seeing her.


Episode-45: Crash Landing On You(2)





Arc thought inwardly to see the woman in front of him.


Her big eyes were sucking him in like a deep lake. Her brows line couldn't be the more perfect shape.


Her nose was little but pointing like a tip of a spear. Her lips were mid-size which perfectly matched her face.


Her hair was so satisfying to see, which was stuck with her milky white skin. Her breasts were big but not too big.


Her breast, waist, and hips were perfect for any straight man. No man can resist her navel. Her thigh was perfect, he don't want more perfect than this.


By the way, the woman was naked. It was the pool. This was well-protected to bath. However, because of his loss of control, he crashed on the most delicate part of the glass which was semi-transparent, and that's how the incident happened.


The woman didn't react to see him. She was calm. She was thinking something about him.


Arc knows that she was assessing his identity. His boosted ability still in the present, he again used spring on his leg and got outside of that bathing room from the same place where he crashed into.


This time Arc control his power and landed in his courtyard.


"I was almost goner. I am safe because nobody was here."


Arc muttered.


"Looks like you have experienced something odd, master."


Miranda asked him.


"Oh, how did you know?"


Arc thought she might have seen him fall in that bathing room.


"Well, you are hiding your face with a towel you see."


Miranda replied. Arc then remembers that his face was hidden by a towel.


"Ah, I almost forgot about that."


Arc really forgot about that, because he has never seen such a beautiful person in his life. She totally made him fall under her enchantment.


"Well, nothing, I made a mistake while practicing, then this unfortunate event happened. By the way, Miranda, I heard from my father someone will attack us tonight. We have to be careful about that."


Arc tried to shift the topic elsewhere.


"This is a concerning matter, if it is a warning from his highness this might b serious."


She told him.


"Do not worry father told me that he will back me up from the shadow."


Arc told her.


"Then that's a relieving matter then sir."


Miranda told him.


"How can father tell that there will be an attack in the future? Does he have some strong network truly?"


Arc asked her.


"Well, he is king after all. Even though this country is not one of the five strongest countries in the world, however, it is yet a powerful country with thousands of years intact."


Miranda told him.


"I see."


Arc didn't question about that anymore. However, it was still fishy to him. Something is odd about it.


'Could that old man prophesied the future?'


Arc thought about that.


'There is a possibility. Oh, well, I will think about that later.'


Arc then went to lie down on his bed. He was thinking about what kind of opponent he will face tonight, he was excited about that, to be honest. He likes to fight stronger opponents.


Arc then suddenly stood up.


"Miranda, inform Isaac that we are going to the dungeon under the pretense of roaming around the city."


Arc thinks about something and continued,


"We will come back from the gate to, tell him to make up some story behind it."


"Okay, sir. But why this early?"


Miranda asked him.


"I need to get a few more strengths to face that new foe."


He told her.


"I see. Okay, I will tell him at once."


When Miranda was about to go, Arc said,


"Wait! you don't need to go. I just tell him this with my telepathy."


Arc told him.


'What the hack happened to me today? Is it because of that woman? Seeing that woman made me this numb in my brain."


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Arc was thinking to himself how distracted he became seeing her.


'And my cousin is supposed to be the number one beauty, what would I do if I saw her?'


Arc was thinking about her cousin's appearance seriously for the first time he was aware of her.


'Sigh! Why I am acting like this? Arc then slaps himself with both of his hands and continued his job.'


He gave the message to Isaac that he told Miranda just now.


[Okay, master. I will spread the news that you have met an old friend of yours that's why you were late this night.]


Isaac told him.




Arc then got ready to dive into the dungeon.


Little did Arc know that he really failed in love with battling the stronger people, or he liked fighting himself. He was a pure battle junkie.


Episode-46: Ambush (4)



Arc and Miranda were leaving the dungeon steadily. In Arc's body, there is no intention to move faster.


"King didn't tell me, where the attacker will attack me. I am sure he won't attack me near our mansion. So, I guess that guy will ambush us in the middle of the city. But my sixth sense is telling me that, maybe he will attack us as soon as we live this dungeon."


Arc analyzed the future larking danger.


"I am thinking the same. That guy won't attack in front of the mansion."


Miranda told her opinion, and both of their conclusions were the same.


"My father never did tell me why are they attacking me. And who is that person? Looks like I have to know myself then. Hopefully, nobody major attacks me."


Arc told her.


"I do not think someone major will attack you. If so King wouldn't have told you, he may take the measurements before you know."


Miranda replied to him.


"I see."


Arc said.


'I guess the King is a really strange person. Or is it just a concern for his child? He never came to meet him for the last 4 years, in his paralyzed timeline.'


Miranda and Arc got outside of the dungeon.


Both of them stand still after they got out. Because they already sensed that 'person'.


Arc looked at that particular place and called,


"Come out. No need to hide in the shadows."


A man with a handsome face came out from the darkness.


"You are..."


Miranda got astonished.


[Do you know him?]


Arc asked him.


[Yes, he was Origin Shadow's one of the regular customers. His name is Stoinis, he isn't from this nation. But he never revealed where he was from either.]


Miranda told him in the telepathy channel.


[Do you know his power level? Or what kind of magic and weapon he uses?]


Arc asked him.


[Not really, he always just came empty-handed so never saw his weapon. He never pick a fight against us or he never did fight in front of us, so we have no idea about his strength.,]


Miranda replied to him.


"You are Miranda Elies, aren't you? I heard you have betrayed the Organization."


Stoinis asked her.


"I didn't betray the Organization I just left it."


Miranda told her.


"Even though I am not a member of the Organization, I know that those who don't leave without clearance from the Organization master is still called a traitor. Am I right?"


Stoinis asked her.


"Well, it's true, but I don't do what is not my style, so I left the guild, and never did a single conspiracy against them. You are an outsider so you won't understand."


Miranda replied to him.


"So, you are a stonny boy. I have heard that you have some kind of grudge against me, can I know, what is it?"


Arc asked him.


"Stonny boy? What kind of name you have given me? Oh well, of course, it's related to your throne, anyone can guess the reason."


Stoinis replied to him blatantly.


"Oh give me a break, I know that your goal isn't exactly that. If so, you didn't come here sneaking to kill me. Because Queen her highness isn't that foolish enough to do that. Everyone will suspect her first of killing me like this, so her child will never become King, instead, my cousin will be the one who will inherit the throne."


Arc told him.


"You are not a fool. Well, people will still suspect that you have been killed by her faction anyway."


He told him with a gentle green.


"Trying to be pretty boy, eh?"


Arc told him.


"So, what's your real reason anyway?"


Arc asked him.


"You have one thing that we need. That's the real reason."


Stoinis replied to him.


"Well, can't we sit here and negotiate? I guess this will be the peaceful way."


Arc asked him. There is nothing that has importance for him except for his life itself.


"It's your life."


That guy said it. Arc touch his forehead and said,


"And I thought except this I can trade anything."


"Oh well, our negotiations end here then."


Telling that he creates a spear out of nowhere, the electric charge flowing surrounding the spear.


He throws it toward Arc. Arc predicted the trajectory and shot a mini plasma bomb made of ki toward him.


It was also easy for Stoinis to dodge it. In fact, he is the second fastest character he met after Isaac.




Arc started to boost his body again.




Arc releases his Senbonzakura toward him. He was swiftly dodging the attack. He clearly recognized the miniature blade of this Shikai.


After dodging a few times he stood up on a stone and threw the light spear again targeting him.




Arc used his Telekinesis on the light spear, however, he couldn't control them, however, those got discharged as soon as he used telekinesis on it.


"I see, you are not a pushover, ay, son of King Austin."


Stoinis smiled madly.



Episode-47: Ambush (5)



After exchanging several moves against him, Arc understood that this guy is strong.


Though Arc was using Senbonzakura with great speed, that guy dodged those with ease.


[Who is stronger? You or this guy?]


Arc asked Miranda.


[Maybe I am the stronger one... No, it depends on our domain, I am not sure who is stronger.]


Miranda told him.


"I see."


Arc was amazed at his speed.




Arc then uses telekinesis to hit him with a nearby rock. However, with his great speed, it looks like it was easy for him to dodge.


Though Arc was able to trace him with Sharingan and was able to predict his move with the Emperor Eyes, he was losing against his speed.


Arc then creates numerous bullets with iron sand and shoots toward him.


That guy made a lightning shield to defend him from this attack. While he does that Sand from his behind grabs him and he instantly uses SenbonZakura's Patel attack on him.


Those panels look like damaged him successfully because there was visible blood flowing from his body.


"You bastard! Heh, looks like I underestimated you, so that's why I let it happen to me."


The electrical charge surrounding his body increased and he vanished, the next time he appeared in his Hurtless Area. Senbonzakura was late to reach here, Hurtless Area where it does not cut anything within 85 cm of Byakuya unless he himself allows the blades to enter the area.


That guy kicks him with an electric charge. Arc flew down a few meters away from that area. The good thing is Arc's Gomu Gomu No Mi was on, that form made him sustain the kick greatly.


Arc then stood up from the mud cloud and tried to remove the dirt slapping his chest.


Stoinis narrowed his eyes. He again came in front of him with great speed and punched him on his Solar Plexus, Arc almost lost his breathing air.


Taking the opportunity, that guy kicks him on his head. Arc again flew a few meters and crashed on the ground.


Miranda was watching but she didn't interfere with it. Because Arc ordered her not to.


Arc again stood up again. It was as if nothing happened to him. He didn't make a single painful expression on his face. It was as if he was not getting any pain.


Stoinis again appeared in front of Arc and stab a lightning spear in his legs and then kicked him. Stoinis felt that he was kicking a rubber not a human.


This time Arc didn't crash on the ground he was standing on his feet.


Arc took out the light using sand. Then he drinks five 10-potions. Which healed his wound.


"What the hack!"


Stoinis exclaimed.


"Are you even a human? How can you don't have any pain? Are you even human? What kind of body have you got?"


Arc smiled widely. The reason Arc had dived into the dungeon earlier was to buy cancel pain, which was the most expensive card in the shop.


This is the ability of Great Demon Lord Rimuru from That Time I got reincarnated as Slime. Rimuru can cancel the pain sensation; so he can fight without fear or bodily hindrance.


This means Arc can nullify pain with this skill, and more importantly, it's a passive skill, not an active one.


However, there is no way Arc will relay this information to Stoinis. He just smiled and said,


"Your attack was just like kids, no matter how hard you try to attack me, the output pain was just a scratch."


Arc's clear intention was to provoke him.


"Now, you have done it."


Stoinis grinned at him madly. Then he again came in front of him, and this time he stabs more than 8 lightning spears in his body.


Like before he kicked him. Arc, however, grabbed the shoulder of Stoinis.


He was in Gomu Gomu No Mi mode. His hand made him spring back toward him. Arc already prepared a Ki bomb in his hand, before Stoinis anything could understand, Arc released the beam when he spring in front of Stoinis.


With the edge of the beam, that guy flew from that place.


After the impact, it seems that guy survive, yet his body was bloody. He was breathing roughly, on the chest area, there was no cloth because it got vaporized by the beam.


"To think that such power exists, this is the first time I was close to death, you bastard!"


Stoinis said. He didn't waste any more time and said,


[Lightening Dragon God Domain.]


His whole body is surrounded by greenish-white light. And made a humanoid lightning form where his eyes were the only part that was visible from his previous appearance. He looks like an alien to Arc.


[Be careful, master. This is his strongest form. I have heard that this Domain is really overpowering because it got blessed by the Lightening Dragon God, so this domain was named after him.]



Episode-48: Plot Armor



This appearance made Arc fall in concern.


"Was it my luck that I have got 'that' thing? I would have already lost if I wouldn't have that."


Arc was muttering to himself. He telepathy with Miranda,


[Miranda, be ready to help me after the first attack he delivers.]


[Okay, Master.]


The electric charge was flowing through Stoinis's whole body. Arc surrounds his body with sand. Though he is not as good as Gara he still wants to check his defense. However, his thinking was futile, because as soon as that guy move, he was inside that sand. He did nothing but touch him, which made him electrocuted.


Though Arc wasn't feeling any pain, he felt weak, and also got a burning smell on his nose. Arc then step back and stood in a safer place.


But he couldn't do that because that guy was already behind him. He made a hole in his chest.


Miranda was about to interfere however, she was late to do that.


She already activated her domain to fight against him. That guy wanted to make another hole on Arc however, he wasn't able to do that because of Miranda's attack.


While Miranda and Stoinis were fighting, Arc was thinking in his mind,


'So, this is my limit, huh! I am stronger than I thought. Well, I got carried away too. If I didn't have that, I would have died. Though I am not feeling pain, my body is getting weaker.'


He hurriedly drinks five 20% hp potions. His body instantly healed. If it wasn't for Miranda he may not have chance for using this potion, he may have died before he could use them. Arc then uses a stamina potion on him.


Arc then cracks his neck. Looks like he got ok again.


"These potions are cheating. However, sadly only I can use that. If I could use that outside, I may able to heal my allies."


Then Arc thought it was good in its own way because if he could able to that, that meant the enemy will want that badly, and his life would be more miserable and annoying.


Arc then called Stoinis.


"Hey, Stoinis have you heard about Plot Armor."


Stoinis stopped on his track and looked at Arc, Miranda also looked at him, but the difference between their face was that Stoinis was surprised, whereas Miranda know what is going on.


"The hack! How did you manage that? I thought I made a hole in your chest, you would have died already now."


Stoinis asked him.


"That's not what I asked. I asked, did you ever heard the terms Plot Armor."


Arc asked him with a smile.


"Plot Armor? What is this? I never heard of it."


Stoinis replied.


"Rather why should I listen to you more than I need?"


Stoinis said, then instantly came in front of him to attack similarly like before. However, Arc did already what he need to be done. The thick reddish black aura came out from his body and tremendously a crescent moon reddish black aura hit him. It was so heavy hit that he bashed a hundred meters from there.


"Hahaha, what is this, I thought I only exist in Ichigo's, but another boy's body, interesting."


Saying that a white hair man licks his lip. That man has the same face as Arc, however, he different was his skin color was white as a paper sheet as well as his hair is also white, and there was a half mask on the right side of his face. This guy was Arc but wasn't Arc. It was Inner Hollow Ichigo Kurosaki Zangetsu.


"Oh well, I may help the boy, because I am already here."


Saying that he vanished from there and reappear in front of Stoinis.


"What the! What are you? Are you a monster?"


Stoinis asked.


"Haha, call me, whatever you want, monster, hollow, shinigami, or human, in the end, you are dead meat."


Saying that he twisted his body and released, "Getsuga Tensho!"


Stoinins stood up hurriedly and tried to escape from the trajectory. However, he was too late to do that, and directly hit by it.


"Oh time limit, end. Hehehe. Looks like I have to exit now. But I really enjoy this little experience."


Saying that the inner hollow was undone as the mask of Arc fell down and his white hair and skin came back to normal.


Arc went in front of him. He saw that guy was severely injured from Getsuga Tensho. Arc couldn't stand anymore and dropped his knee on the ground. Not only he has physical and stamina consumption. He also got mental fatigue.


"Would I kill him?"


Miranda came in front of him and asked him.


"Do as you please."


Miranda took out her sword and was about to discount his neck from his body. However, he was instantly taken by someone. Arc looked at him. That guy told him,


"Arc William, we really did underestimate you. You are powerful alone. Well, we are called Ambush. In the future, we will meet again soon."


Saying that he vanished. Arc didn't open his mouth, just narrowed his eyes where he was before.



Episode-49: Before and After



A few moments before Arc faces Stoinis.


Arc went to the 17th floor from noon to night. His only goal was to gain more SP from the dungeon. He was successful to do that. Then he bought the Cancel Pain with 50,000 SP which was the most expensive of shop 3.


Cancel Pain grants Rimuru immunity to pain, giving him the ability to shrug off attacks. This is crucial in controlling the momentum of a fight and was used by Rimuru to full effect in his fight with Hinata Sakaguchi. During their fight, Hinata hit Rimuru multiple times with her sword, Dead End Rainbow, which attacks her opponent's spiritual body. Rimuru's ability allowed him to ignore that pain and keep fighting her to a stalemate.


However, there was a difference between Rimuru and him. Rimuru was a slime, if his body part was cut by someone, he could regenerate it. However, in the end, it will give him the courage to fight against a strong opponent. The setback of this ability is, he won't know if he is got hidden critical damage somewhere, because he won't feel any pain because it's a passive skill of his.


"Well, every good thing has a side effect."


Arc muttered.


"Shall we proceed to 17th-floor boss, Mira my dear?"


Arc told her.


"Ok, sir."


Arc then went to the boss's room. It was big fat cyclops. It was holding a huge hammer that jump in front of them while hitting the hammer on the ground. The most interesting part about this is, you don't have to be directly touched by it, even if you are 3 feet near it, you will get injured by the shockwave.


But he was easy to beat with Senbonzakura. Because except for jumping high, it wasn't that agile creature. So he easily won.


He didn't get any potion drop this time but two shards and a card.


"Wow, I got two Goku shards. I have 4 shards total now. Looks like to have Goku I have to dive 15-20 more and more."


Arc spoke. Though Miranda doesn't know what was he talking about, she remains quiet anyway because she believes that he was talking about some kind of power of his.


Arc then looked at the card. The name of this card is Plot Armor. Arc saw a description on it.


[You will get a plot armor card. This card will randomly choose an overpowering character according to who you are facing. Remember the same character may differ by their appearance and power scale depending on their enemy's weak or strong. This will save you from danger even if you can't kill them, or are too overpowering to you.]


Arc's eyes got shined after seeing this.


"It's a cool card."


Arc then touches the gacha card, and it then reveals the character of Plot Armor. It was Ichigo's Inner Hollow, Zangetsu, also known as White. (Manga Reference)


Description: It can go to the initial mask hollow to Vaste Lorde depending on your enemy's strength. Your enemy can be one or multiple, it will calculate the power and release according to that.


Arc was then interested in Vaste Lorde and thought if he could release that. They are extremely rare in number, and it is said that their entire number within Hueco Mundo can be counted with the fingers on one's hands. The combat capabilities of a Vasto Lorde are said to be above those of the captains of the Gotei 13.


Arc then shrugged and thought well, he is getting too cocky these days.


"Miranda let's go outside. No need to hurry. Opponents will wait for us by taking their sweet time."


He and Miranda then started to walk slowly toward the exit of the dungeon. And that's how presents appear.


The man who is from the organization Ambush took Stoinis from there.


"Miranda takes out the wheelchair, I do not want to stand up anymore."


He need mental rest because he was fighting from noon to night. Miranda took out the wheelchair from her adventure card, he then sat on it while putting his all weight on it.


Arc saw Isaac and several masked men came down in front of him. Seeing those masks man he wanted to scream, are you guys ANBU Black Ops? Though he controlled him.


"That power of yours, that may be high-class Domain, I never knew that you have that power."


Isaac asked him.


"No, this power is one-time power. It's not like I can use it all the time. However, I believe in the future, I will master it."


Arc told him with a smile. Then asked him,


"So, you guys were the one who was our backup."


Arc asked him.


"I was here, but only to observe your strength, I wasn't sent here to back you up, this five Royal Ninja was hiding to jump on the dire situation. They are one of the protector teams of the king, even the weakest one is stronger than the opponent you face just now, master."


Isaac told him.


"Well, that's a relief to hear."


Saying that, Arc close his eyes, and a few seconds later he got asleep.



Episode-50: Next Volume?



Next day morning.


Arc was reading the newspaper. He read the news about the disturbance at the entrance of the Dungeon, but it was just an onlooker from far away.


"It was the king, who didn't let the news reporter get closer."


Miranda told him.


"I see. However, someone captures my Getsuga Tensho."


Arc saw a photo of Getsuga Tensho.


"Well, it doesn't matter. Because I won't be able to use this anytime soon."


He then said while closing the newspaper. He called Isaac to come here.


"Have you ever heard the name 'Ambush'?"


Arc asked him.


"Yes, they are a foreign organization. However, they also influence our country."


Isaac replied him.


"Did you guys know that the attacker of tomorrow was from an Ambush?"


Arc asked him.


"No, I don't know that. However, His Highness maybe was aware of them. He may think that their identity was irrelevant to reveal to you, but he will take care of them of his own accord."


Isaac told him.


"I see. I guess they won't leave me alone, will they?"


Arc was thinking about why they are attacking him.


"Is there something with me that they want? They said they want my body."


Arc asked him.


"This is not something I could reveal to you, Your Highness. Only King and Former Queen have the right to tell you, I am extremely sorry."


Isaac told him.


'Is it for plot's sake or something?'


Arc thought inwardly. He didn't talk about this topic or Ambush anymore, instead, he asked,


"Where is the Academy? The place where I take my education."


Arc asked him.


"It is far west from us."


Isaac told him.


"Do I have to stay there or anything?"


Arc asked.


"You don't have to if you don't want to. It is not that far from here, in our royal car it will take just about 30 minutes."


Isaac replied him.


"I see. I want to stay in the dorm then. Until I made my real status in public."


Arc told him.


"I see. Yes, you can do that. For that, we have to talk with trusted people of the Academy."


Isaac told him.


"Good, do whatever you can for that. I know you guys can do this."


Arc smiled. He then checked up on his shop.




30% Health Recovery- 900


30% Stamina Recovery- 900


(X)Three Tomoe Sharingan- 25000


Shikai Card- 25000


Chidori- 5000


Crush- 25000


Spirit- 30000


IQ- 10000


Gate- 40000


Kiro Kiro no Mi- 10000


Cero- 12000


Twilight Heal- 25000


Paper Bomb- 500


(X)Cancel Pain- 50000


Critical Over- 25000


Animal Path- 7000


*To be Eligible to unlock the next shop you need to buy the products with 200000 SP. Potions, Shikai Card and Paper Bomb won't be counted in this condition.


Arc was interested in IQ. This may help him in his academic life. He is also interested in Gate. Gate is teleportation magic. It will help him a lot. For now, Arc will work to get those two skills first.


"Did my father talk about me recently to you?"


Arc asked Isaac.


"Yes, it was about your marriage with your cousin."


Isaac replied.


"What was her name again?"


Arc forgot her name again.


"Zerin White."


"Oh, I remember. She better be a good person. If not, I will have to eliminate her. No matter who she is, a nuisance is not allowed in my life. At least not at this stage."


Arc told him. If she was power greedy like her stepmother and turns against him, it will be a great deal of pain in the ass for him.


"I heard she is a cold person. I never heard about her more than this. Frozen Academy is reputed to hide information about its students. However, I never heard that she was a scheming person openly, but I can't tell about what's inside her mind, you have to explore that on your own, master."


Isaac told him.


"Hehe, do you really think understanding a woman's mind is that easy?"


Arc asked him.


"I have yet to understand my wife and daughter so, I do not have the correct answer for that."


Isaac replied.


"Well, you already did reply to my question, what do you think Mira dear, you are a woman yourself."


"A woman's mind is always changeable, you never know what they want because they change their mind in a few span of time. Unlike most of the men who stick to their goal like glue."


Miranda replied.


"You are not wrong, at least technically."


Arc then leans on the wheelchair. Then he again remember the woman he saw yesterday. He never thought he will experience something so beautiful in his two lives. That scene was just sticking in his mind. Arc then shrugged his shoulder and said,


"In the end, a woman has their own charm because they possess this kind of nature."


Arc smiled. Then he thought, 'then my next volume title will be marrying the cold princess and academic life?'



To be continued

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