Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 102: Chapter 102: Longing and a Favor

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Chapter 102:

Longing and a Favor

Selene's heart was on fire. Jace was all that was on her mind. She found her watching him subconsciously, her heart racing every time he drew near. "What is happening?" She was baffled by this sudden development.

It wasn't that she didn't feel anything from Jace before, but that everything was now suddenly amplified. So distracted by these sudden, new feelings, that she had failed to bring up the topic of moving with everyone. It was extremely hard for her to concentrate.

It didn't help that through her connection with Jace, she could feel his warmth. "Can he...feel this intensity from me?" She was worried he might, as one day he looked at her curiously. After a moment, he smiled that smile of his. So boyish and charming.

In that moment she felt like she had ignited into an inferno. She did her best to control herself and he didn't say anything about it. She had to learn more about this connection of theirs so that she would be better prepared for it.

She was reminded of the time at the hospital when she could hear his thoughts and truly know what he was feeling. It wasn't some vague sense or amalgamation of guessing from the "temperature" or "texture" that they felt. They had not been able to replicate it since, but that didn't mean it wasn't possible.

Right now, however, she didn't have to worry too much about it. Jace was out on a job, so their connection wasn't as strong from this distance. Still, she knew he was alright at the very least, which was a relief.

Selene was currently on the lofts terrace, leaning against the railing. She looked out over the city, staring absentmindedly in his direction. She was out here to try and cool off, but even the chill of the winter air wasn't helping.

Sighing, she sensed them approach, a small smile curled her lips.

"Came to join me?" She asked without looking.

"If you don't mind," Liana stated, stepping up next to her on the right, " he in that direction then?"

Selene glanced at Liana who smiled gently at her. "She's perceptive as always." Selene mused, nodding in response. Kiera placed a light hand on Selene's shoulder, stepping up on her left. They all stared out in that direction in silence.

Selene could only guess at why they were there, but she was glad for the company. Liana crossed her arms on the railing and rested her head upon them. She had a dreamlike look upon her face. It appeared as if she was content yet thinking quite deeply. After a while, she spoke.

"Selene..." Liana's words were soft, almost quiet, "Don't you think it's time?"

"...Time?" Selene asked, feigning ignorance, "I don't know what you mean..."

"Yes, you do," Liana smiled, chuckling softly, "Those flowers of his really affected you. You said it was the first time you've ever received such a thing, right?"

Selene's ears went bright red, burning hot as she was reminded of those flowers. It was true. It was the first time she ever received something like that, and with such an intent behind them. Now that she thought about it, she had been feeling this way ever since Jace gave them to her.

She had been holding herself back a lot when it came to him. She had work to do and was away a lot of the time. These days, she had found more time to spend with him, but even then, there was always something she had to do.

"...Yeah, it was," Selene finally said, mumbling her answer, "They were so lovely."

"They were," Kiera nodded, leaning on the railing as well, "I'll admit. Even I was surprised."

"He put a lot of thought into them," Liana added, her eyes full of love and pride for him, "He's come a long way. It's only natural that things progress quite a bit after he did that..."

Liana turned her gaze towards Selene, causing her to take a sharp breath inwards. The look Liana gave her was intense and purposeful. She knew what Liana was going to say before she even said it. It had been on Selene's mind for a long time now.

"Don't let it build up," Liana told her, standing and reaching a hand to her arm, her touch was gentle and understanding, "I know how that feels. It's like your heart is about to burst. Your entire body feels warm."

"That's exactly how it is..." Selene breathed, her heart quickening, "I always thought about him, but now it's like I can't stop."

"Tell me about it," Kiera sighed, scratching her head, "It was like an itch that wouldn't stop at first. It only grew as time went on."

"Look at you two," Liana teased, her eyes twinkling, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way."

"No, sweetie, you're not," Kiera told her, though mischief danced in her eyes, "You just took forever to tell him and do anything about it."

"Hey!" Liana exclaimed, though she couldn't deny it and simply pouted, "I...eventually did."

There was a moment of silence as the three of them looked at each other. Then, they laughed. Kiera and Liana pressed themselves against Selene, relaxing against her.

As they laughed together, they shared a mutual bond and trust. Even though Jace was what connected them all, they had all grown close in their own ways. A connection that was just between them.

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It was a warmth Selene had never had before and one she cherished. This bond she held with these two was comforting. She knew she could trust them. Which is why she was grateful for their counsel. Because of them, she now understood these feelings welling up inside of her.

"So, you don't think he noticed, do you?" Selene wondered aloud, a bit worried.

"Jace?" Liana inquired, her face skeptical, "I think you forget who he is. He's an idiot, but he's our idiot. If he did notice, I'd be surprised."

"He's perceptive, but..." Kiera added, looking away doubtfully, "He's quite dense at times. So, I think he may just believe that you're distracted rather than what's actually going on."

"He'll only realize it once it happens," Liana mused, laughing to herself, "Though, he's been learning from us, so..."

Their words were right. Jace was surprisingly dense at times even though he was insanely perceptive and aware at other times. It was part of his charm. She could relax easy knowing that he was most likely unaware of how she was feeling and her plans for once they moved.

Selene knew it was time. She had waited for what seemed like forever. In truth, she had been afraid, if only a little. Unpleasant memories lived in her head, but it was time to make new, more pleasant memories. To overwrite them, if you will. Which was a bit funny, considering her ability was Rewrite even though she wasn't going to be using it.

"It'll be alright," Liana reassured, pressing closer to her, "He loves you, and truth be told? So do we."

"That's right," Kiera smiled, cozying up to her even more as well, "So, knock 'em dead, yeah? Well, not literally."

Selene smiled, appreciating their words. Together, they gazed out in Jace's direction. They would continue to talk for a while, with Selene informing Liana about the move. A plan was set in motion. All they needed was the main ingredient.


Jace sneezed, wiping his nose upon his sleeve. It was chilly, but until now he had been just fine. "Is someone talking about me?" He wondered but dismissed it. He had a job to do, but something in his heart was stirring.

It was comforting feeling the connection with Selene. He wished he could feel Liana and Kiera the same way, but he wasn't sure it could be replicated. He knew next to nothing about the phenomenon. For now, he was content to know that in Selene's direction was also Liana and Kiera.

Taking a breath, Jace focused himself. Stretching, he felt his muscles release their tension and energy course through him. The job was a simple retrieval. Some little birds stole something they shouldn't have, and it was Jace's job to get it back.

This meant he had found his way back to Pendleton where the birds took up roost. The Sparrows had taken something from The Nobles, and they wanted it back. Only, it wasn't an object or any kind of item that could be replaced. No, the job was very clear to Jace.

>Fixer: None, Personal Request.

>Type: Retrieval

>Brief: Her name is Evelyn. She goes by Evie. Her safety is top priority. Bring her back safely.

>Reward: Discussed Upon Completion

Jace's heart sunk when he saw the job and he was all the more determined to complete it. It came directly from The Nobles to him. They had personally called upon him to do this job. After he accepted, he received a personal message.

>From [REDACTED]: Arc, we haven't met, but I've heard about you. They say you're capable and many Nobles vouch for you. Including someone you may know, Balek.

>From [REDACTED]: He was a good Noble when he was with us, and still is in a sense. I'll get straight to the point.

>From [REDACTED]: Those bastards took my daughter. I would go to war if not for the Elder Council tying my hands. Those old bastards are strong on tradition. So, I reach out to you.

>From [REDACTED]: Please, return my daughter safely to me and I'll reward you with whatever you need. Including my eternal support. This, I promise you.

>Message Alert: Messages will be deleted in 3...2...1...Complete.

The messages were automatically deleted from his inbox. Down to the very digital code as if they never existed in the first place. It was obvious this person was a high rank in The Nobles, and someone with access to an impressive hacker. Most likely a personal Spider.

Kiera had helped to increase his personal security, but as the message came with the deletion attached, it didn't count as a personal attack, so it wasn't prevented. Jace didn't mind, of course. He knew the importance of secrecy. He was also aware of what he had to do.

The Sparrows had crossed a line. If the Noble's Elder Council wouldn't act, Jace would gladly do so. The Nobles had always been good to him. It was time he returned the favor.


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