Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 101: Chapter 101: The Meaning of Flowers

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Chapter 101:

The Meaning of Flowers

There was a time when Jace couldn't relax. When he was always on the move for one reason or another. Whether it was hiding from his father or doing jobs to save his mother.

There was a sense of guilt that always followed him. It began when he would run away from home, hiding from his father. He left his mother alone out of fear. Of course, she would always smile when he returned, happy that he was safe. Even as she wore a new bruise on her face.

He knew she didn't blame him. He was just a child. What could he have done? He knew this, but even so he wished that he had done more. Took more of the heat off of her.

This guilt only grew when he finally stood up to his father. The result ended in his mother being infected with one of the most dangerous diseases known to this day. That guilt grew heavy. He blamed himself more and more. Pushed himself more and more.

He forsook everything and everyone for the sole purpose of curing his mother. This was only a way to hide himself from the pain. It was only through the constant effort of those closest to him that he was finally able to see that. He still held guilt within his heart, but now he had hope.

True hope. Not just the kind he told himself to keep going when the days were dark and the nights darker.

Everyone held something close to their heart. For the longest time, his mother, was what he held closest to his. Now, however, it shared room with three others. His Angels.

He was sure his mother wouldn't mind, and for that reason is why he was at the flower shop today. He had finished training and had taken a shower, but sent Liana home ahead of him. He gave the excuse that he wanted to take a walk after training since he hadn't done so in a while.

She pouted a little, since she wanted to go with. However, she also knew that food had to be cooked. She wanted him and the girls to have some food in their stomachs, especially after training. She reluctantly parted ways with him, giving him the time alone that he needed.

This was to be a surprise. Now that he had the money he saved up free to use, he wanted to do something with it. It was still strange not having to worry about his mother's hospital bills. His heart still ached when thinking of how much Selene did for him.

He felt a strong need to pay her back but knew she wouldn't accept it. So, he'd make her accept it, even if it was through small things like this. He had made her, and the other two, a promise to do all that he could to make them happy. He wondered what expressions they'd make when he returned.

"I can't wait..." He smiled happily to himself as he perused the many colorful options available. The shop was downtown Westview, or what was considered "downtown" in Westview. Typically, this just meant where all the shops and businesses were located. This particular shop was run by a middle-aged Orc woman.

She ran it with her family, though today she was alone. She sat on a chair behind the counter. Red, wild hair tied bad in a messy bun. She wore a garden apron and casual clothing underneath. Light green tinged skin and cybernetic clear blue eyes.

She wore a soft smile, her small tusks peeking out from her bottom lip. She was currently receiving payment from one of her customers. Jace was waiting patiently to ask some questions. He didn't know a lot about flowers, but wanted to get something meaningful.

For this reason, he had been frantically searching online while waiting for the meaning of various flowers. He walked among the flowers and various other plants as he did. It was a decently sized shop with at least three rows of displays in the middle of it.

The entire place was extremely fragrant. Jace had heard about this shop from his net searches. One of the few who raised their flowers naturally, rather than synthetically. Jace knew that Liana would appreciate it, and he wanted to do something with meaning.

It was definitely more expensive, but he had the money to do so, which wasn't something he could say before. It was so freeing to be able to not worry about the money in his account. To spend it on those he loved, it made it even better.

Finally, the customer was finished and left the shop. The woman running the shop had definitely noticed Jace pacing around. With an amused smile, she stood and made her way over to him.

"Is everything alright?" She asked with a kindly voice, "You've been pacing for quite a while. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Ah, was I that obvious?" Jace laughed nervously.

"Only a little," She joked, watching him with curious eyes, "Is it your first-time buying flowers?"

"...Yeah," Jace nodded, taking a deep breath as he gazed over the colorful petals, "They're for some rather special people in my life. I wanted to surprise them."

"Are they lovers, family, or friends?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Heh, lovers, though I consider them my best friends," He stated cautiously with a short laugh, "They chose me, and I just want to do my best for them."

"Hmm, well, I'm not judging," She winked with a teasing smile, "I can tell you love them, which is refreshing. Usually, I just get people who buy flowers out of requirement, like the one who just left. So, do you know what you're looking for, or would you like some help?"

"Well, I searched a bit, but...I'd like some help," Jace was relieved they were a kind person.

She was more than delighted to help him pick out the flowers with the right meaning. She listened to him as he explained a bit about their personalities. It was to help choose the right flowers for them, though in the end they agreed upon a bouquet that fit all of them equally.

Heliotrope, a purplish flower meaning endless or eternal love. It also held a meaning of devotion as well as salvation. Something all three of them gave him. Mixed in with the heliotrope flowers were roses. White and Pink in color.

Roses were an everlasting symbol used since ancient times to indicate love. White and Pinke combined often meant happiness, joy, and union. Something that very much was the case in his situation.

White roses also held a meaning of eternal loyalty, something he would give to them. Pink roses held a meaning of gratitude and admiration, something he very much held for them. Altogether, they fit what he needed very much.

The only thing he had difficulty with was deciding on one or three bouquets. In the end, he chose three. They each deserved their own, even if they were all the same.

The florist packaged them carefully to protect them from the weather, and to hide their contents. It was a surprise after all. With everything done and paid for, he exited the shop, excited to see their reactions when he returned.


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Their faces were bright and their eyes even brighter. Jace had been correct in his assumption and was overcome with the joy of seeing their expressions. At first, they were suspicious of him, wondering what tricks he was up to. He had a hard time containing his excitement.

When he presented the flowers to them, their teasing, suspicious faces turned to ones of surprise and joy. One bouquet for the each of them, with a personal, handwritten note that Jace had thought of and returned to the store for the materials. He was extremely proud and happy that his efforts bore the results he wanted.

Liana's face lit up with surprise, a pink blush to her face as she stood with an apron on as she cooked. He had come in, grabbed her by the waist and nimbly placed the flowers within her hands. Kissing her upon the cheek, he left her flustered and smiling.

Kiera was next as he made his way smoothly over to her. He didn't waist a single step as he presented her with her own bouquet. He cupped her cheek and gave her a kiss upon her forehead. She had no words for him, simply burying her blushing face within the flowers as he moved onto Selene.

She was already anticipating, though tried to hide it. She was absolutely adorable as she tried not to look too excited. Her ears were already turning red as he presented to her the bouquet meant for her. She smiled, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt gently, and kissing him softly upon the lips.

He smiled contently, brushing her hair from her eyes and tucking it behind her ears. He then made his way to the kitchen counter, happily sitting down and taking them all in. Their smiles definitely made the effort worth it.

He may not be able to do much, but at the very least this was possible.

"...Thank you, love," Liana smiled, turning the heat down on the stove and making her way over to him, "So this is why you wanted to go for a walk, huh?"

"Mhm," Jace looked at her with gentle eyes filled with love, "I knew you wanted to cook food for us, and so I used that as an excuse to not ruin the surprise. I knew you would not miss your chance to cook for me."

"Cheeky brat..." Liana glared playfully at him, "Using my weaknesses against me..."

"I learn from the best," Jace teased, sticking his tongue out at her, to which she chuckled and returned the favor.

"I'll find something to put these in," Liana walked up beside him as she spoke, "Truly, these are lovely. Do you know the meaning of these flowers?"

Wrapping an arm around him, her hand rested upon his waist as she held the flowers before him.

"A little," Jace nodded, smiling in her direction, "I was looking up flowers and their meaning for hours, and even asked the florist for some help. I think...I think they convey my feelings properly."

Liana looked at the flowers with a gentle look as she nodded.

"Yeah, they do," Liana spoke softly, her tone loving.

Before Jace knew it, he was pulled towards her. Their lips met in a sweet embrace. She held him close, her hand holding his side firmly. As she pulled away, her face was bright.

Turning from him, she went to collect Kiera and Selene's bouquets. Exchanging a few words with them, they gratefully parted with their flowers and approached him. His heart was already racing from Liana's kiss but as they grew closer it picked up speed.

"Honestly..." Kiera mumbled, placing a gentle hand upon his forearm, "You're really sweet when you want to be, huh?"

"Hey!" Jace exclaimed, laughing lightly as she smiled, "I'm not mean or anything..."

"No, you're not," Kiera chuckled as she leaned in close to him, "Thank you for the flowers, Hun."

"I don't need any thanks..." Jace felt embarrassed, his face growing warm, "I just...wanted to do something nice for all of you. As a way to repay you all for what you've done and also...just to show you how much I love and appreciate you all."

"You may not need our thanks, but..." Selene spoke gently, draping her arms over his shoulders, "You have it regardless. It's the first time I've ever received flowers. Liana told us their meaning..."

"Ah...She did?" Jace knew then that he was in danger, trapped between the two of them.

"She did," Kiera mused, whispering seductively in his ear, "So, let us show you our response..."

Their hold on him grew firm, possessive. He was embraced by them as their lips found his face. First, they kissed his cheek then his lips. They took turns, but each time they seemed to grow hungrier, more passionate. He was a complete mess, melting under their attention.

It was all worth it, of course. As they hung on him, they eventually settled down and simply rested their heads against him. Selene held him close, her head resting against the top of his. Kiera's head rested upon his shoulder as she smiled happily.

"Alright, you three," Liana spoke up as she walked back into the kitchen, "As much as I love seeing everyone happy, Jace does need to breath and dinner is almost ready."

Jace was thankful for Liana saving him, though as the girls reluctantly released him, he felt a bit lonesome. It was nice having them so close. However, as they sat down to eat, he was filled with a warmth that was hard to replace.

It was alright if they had to be apart, for they were never far from each other. Through his connection with Selene, he felt something that was curious. It was a warmth that was different than any other before. It was extremely inviting, and as he caught her attention, there was something in her eye.

A glint of something that caused Jace to feel nervous. There was desire there, burning stronger than it ever had before. Jace had no idea what it meant, but knowing Selene, he would probably find out soon. Until then, he enjoyed the dinner with everyone, happy that his plan had worked.


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