Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Date Prep

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Chapter 13:

Date Prep

Selene couldn't believe she had just asked Jace out on a date. She had never lost her cool like that. Something about it all bothered her. She didn't like being so...not in control. Still, she was feeling excited for the first time in her life. It was a unique experience that she had never felt.

It was an oddity she would examine thoroughly in the coming days. Her behavior surprised even her as she staked out Radiance for Jace. She knew now that's why she went there, even if she didn't register it. She wanted to explore them more. See where it took her.

Jace was an interesting individual. Someone who wore his emotions in the open. He cared for those around him, and was quite shy despite his seemingly tough exterior. He reacted quite easily to being teased, and that face of his she wanted to see more of.

There was, of course, one thing she was curious about. This...Liana. Jace spoke of her like family, but he wore his emotions in the open. There was something there that even he didn't notice. Something when he spoke of her. Perhaps she was thinking too much into it, but whenever he talked about Liana, it was different from when he talked about his mother or Balek.

She was quite sure he had no idea of it himself. After all, whenever he said she was family, he believed it. Selene was thrilled with these new emotions. Still, she had to temper them. Her training kicked in as she began to compartmentalize them all. Separating them and addressing them with a logical gaze.

It was difficult, her heart made it all a mess. She knew one thing. She wanted to get to know Jace more, and to feel more things. Was she only using Jace? Thinking about it caused a slight pain in her heart, but perhaps it was true. If that was the case, would he come to despise her if he knew?

"No..." Selene leveled with herself, "Relax. Breathe. Focus...That's what this date is for."

She nodded to herself. Returned to her normal, more logical side. She began to plan for the date. There wasn't much time, and she had no idea what to do. Immediately, she went to the net. Searching for what you do on dates.

"Walks in the park, dinner, sometimes a movie. Then..." Her thoughts trailed off as she got to the final thing on the list:

Often times near the end of a date, if you feel it's going well, or they do, they may attempt to lean in for a kiss. Do not feel pressured to return this gesture. You are well within your bounds to say no if you are uncomfortable. However, for most in the dating world, this lets them know how well the date went and if you want to see them again. From this blogger to you, I say go for it! Give them a kiss that will leave them wanting more. Don't let them take the initiative. You know what you want, and they do to!

If you've followed all the steps here, they'll be putty in your hands! Best of luck!

"A...kiss?" Selene tilted her head at the notion, her imagination running away from her.

Jace looks away sheepishly, glancing over at her as they stood together. He had to go, but he was hesitating. Selene notices this, grabbing him by the collar as his cute face turned a bright red. Her hand to his cheek as he looked away.

"Don't be nervous," She told him, looking him in the eyes, "I have you."

"B-But-" Jace wasn't able to get another word out as she pulled him up for a kiss.

Their lips locked and-

Selene's stoic demeanor broke as her ears grew hot, becoming bright red as she shook her head free. The scene in her head disappearing as she hid her face with her hands. This was the first time she ever felt so embarrassed, but...she didn't hate the thought. She found herself smiling more often, and as she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw how alive she looked.

"I...can't wait," Selene thought to herself as she splashed cold water on her face.

She had to remain somewhat stoic. She had the power here. She would have the power. She wanted to see how many more expressions he could make, and even if she's seen them all...she wanted to see them more. Calming herself down, she was content in her plans.


Liana's heart raced quickly as Jace told her something important. He wasn't sure who to turn to, and so turned to the only people he knew. Balek, Kiera, and her. She felt Kiera's comforting hand on her knee under the table, and saw the look in her fathers eye as he looked towards her.

"A...Date?" Liana asked, acting confused, "Really?"

"Y-Yeah..." Jace looked down, showing a bit of apprehension.

He was feeling anxious, she knew this. Her own anxiety entering into her mind as she tried to control it. She held no right to hold him back, and a part of her was happy for him. However, her own feelings wouldn't let her remain completely calm.

"That's amazing!" Liana exclaimed, smiling happily as she panicked inside, "You've been working so hard you never had time to think on it. Did something change?"

"I...Don't know," Jace admitted, looking up at her sheepishly, "Are you...okay? You seem a bit angry."

Liana cursed herself for the bit of tension in her voice. Truth be told, she was terrified. Someone else asked him before she ever had the courage to say anything. Now, doing so would only seem like she was trying to get in his way. She couldn't let that happen.

She wanted to see him happy, and that was her goal now. She had to control her own anxiety. Taking a breath, she shook her head.

"No, Jace," She smiled gently, using the love she had from him to give it genuine warmth, "I'm just...concerned for you is all."

Jace blushed light at her words, causing her to smile even more genuinely. He was a soft-hearted boy underneath his hard exterior. One of the reasons Liana loved him.

"Thank you..." Jace whispered, taking a deep breath himself, "Truth be told, I'm nervous. I've never gone on a date before. Let alone ever thought of it...I mean, I've been so busy working, as you've said."

Looking at her, there was a softness in his eyes. It caused Liana's heart to skip a beat.

"Honestly..." Jace fidgeted a bit, "I don't know why, but...I hoped to get your approval. You've all been the closest to me, especially you, Liana. So...if you don't think this is right, then please tell me. I...I really don't trust myself with this stuff."

Liana's heart both swooned and broke at his words. "That's so unfair, Jace..." Liana silently lamented as she could definitely not hold him back now. He cared so much about her opinion that he went to ask permission when he had no reason to.

There was an ounce of her that believed he may hold feelings for her, but was too dense to see it. Jace wore his thoughts and feelings in the open for those who knew how to look. Liana knew how to look, but she also knew that Jace was dense enough not to realize it, and also sweet and caring enough to genuinely want her opinion because she was family to him.

"Jace..." Liana called his name softly, taking a deep breath and looking at him with genuine intent, "Of course it's alright. You don't need my permission, or anyone's. However, if anyone does mess with you, I'll take care of them."

Liana's words were laced with steel near the end. Kiera cleared her throat as she drew everyone's attention.

"Ahem, I think you mean...we will, sweetie," Kiera told Liana as she then looked towards Jace, "We want you to be happy. So, I hope this date goes well for you. Remember, you can always come to us. So..."

Kiera suddenly got a bit flustered, trailing off as she shifted in her seat. Something Liana rarely saw. It was intriguing, and something she'd have to ask about later. For now, she was grateful at the backup.

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"Jace," Balek told him firmly, "Dating can be difficult. Just know...there's always others out there if it doesn't work out."

Liana nearly kicked her father under the table at his insinuation. Luckily, he was smart enough not to glance at her when he said that, and so was saved the wrath of her foot.

"...Thank you guys," Jace's face grew tender as he seemed to lose all tension in his shoulders, "Really, that's such a relief. I don't know why I was afraid and so nervous..."

"Hey, it's alright," Liana tried cheering him up, "I was nervous too when I met Kiera, because she..."

Liana trailed off as she realized what she was about to say.

"Liana?" Jace questioned as he looked towards her in concern.

"Ah...fuck it, let him figure it out." Resolving herself, she said what she was about to say.

"Because..." Liana held tightly to Kiera's hand under the table, "She wasn't...isn't my first love. It was nerve-wracking, but...I ended up happy nonetheless."

"You...loved someone else?" Jace's eyes were wide with surprise, "I...had no idea."

"No shit..." Liana chuckled to herself, but she didn't blame him. She watched as he shifted suddenly, his brow furrowed.

"Can I...ask who it was?" Jace inquired, and Liana swore she heard a bit of hostility in his voice.

"Is he...upset?" Liana could swear that hostility was for some reason. Whether jealousy or because his perceived family member had someone they liked and he was unaware. Jace was protective of his family, after all. Now that she recalled it, he had always been really protective of Liana as well. One of the other reasons she came to adore him.

When he first met Kiera, he was extremely taciturn with her. Giving her scrutinizing glares and barely interacting with her. On the edge of outright hostility. He warmed up to her over time, but Liana remembered it in this moment. She tried not to get her hopes up.

"You can..." Liana smiled, leaning forward, "But that doesn't mean I have to answer."

"...I guess not," Jace adjusted himself as he sighed, "Are you...still in love with them or...?"

Liana's heart jumped in her chest as she very much was still in love with the person. To ask it so brazenly was quite cheeky on his part, but he had no idea who it was. So, she'd tease him a bit. Let him figure it out with the clues she gave, and if the opportunity arises...she'd tell him outright.

However, she'd not get in the way of his date, or him dating. She had no say in that when she was already dating Kiera. She'd be a hypocrite at best.

"If I said yes...What would you say?" Liana's expression turned curious.

Jace mulled it over for a moment before he grew serious.

"Well...First I'd ask why they aren't with you," He furrowed his brow in thought, the way he does when something doesn't make sense, "I mean...the fact they aren't with you says something. So, either they denied which case, they can fuck off. They didn't deserve you. Or-"

"Jace," Liana laughed lightly, "Don't think so hard. It's simply that...I didn't confess to them."

"O-Oh..." Jace felt a little silly after going on his small rant, "Well, in that case...I'd ask if Kiera knows she okay with that? Cause, I think I'd feel a bit threatened."

" silly boy," Liana melted at his absolute naivety and innocence. He couldn't recognize his own heart. She knew now that look of hostility from before. What it meant. He felt threatened by Kiera. He felt threatened by this unknown love of hers. Most likely passing it off as protectiveness over family.

He felt it and used that feeling now for his answers without even knowing it. All while going on a date himself. He knew subconsciously but couldn't recognize it. He loved her. Liana felt even more confident in her feelings now. Even if he dated someone else, she was incredibly happy. He had fallen in love with her without ever realizing it.

"No," Kiera shook her head, hugging Liana to her, "In fact...if that person ever realized it, I'd be happy to welcome them. All I want is Liana to be happy."

"You know..." Jace thought for a moment, pondering, "You've always wanted Liana happy, which makes me grateful. I'm happy she found you. I...Also want her to be happy."

"You want me happy?" Liana giggled, leaning against Kiera, "I'm glad. Which is why...I'll help you with your date. Because I also want you to be happy."

Jace blushed as he nodded, grateful for her help. He left them then, as he had a job to do, but once he returned, they would sit down and figure out how to prepare him for his date. As he left, Balek turned that knowing, amused, and concerned look towards her.

"I know, I know," Liana dismissed, "You were right...someone else came along, saw that, didn't you?"

"...His sudden concern about your mysterious first love?" Balek chuckled, shaking his head, "That boy was never honest with his heart except when it came to his mother."

"It's not his fault...he doesn't know," Liana spoke softly, "If he did...he'd definitely show it."

The three were in agreement with that. They knew Jace was an open book. As much as he tried to hide things, there wasn't much that got past them. He always reacted to his emotions, no matter what they were. Suppressed or not.

Her father left shortly after Jace, after ensuring that she was really okay with the new developments. She spoke correctly when she said she wanted Jace to be happy. No matter what came of it. She was grateful Kiera would accept him into their relationship should that ever happen.

"So..." Kiera looked down at Liana, mischief in her gaze, "We're spying on the date, right?"

"Oh, most definitely," Liana nodded without a doubt, "There's no way we're not."

Kiera laughed lightly, hugging Liana too her as they shared a small moment. For even without their feelings for him, Jace was still their boy. Kiera and Liana had always looked out for him. Like two big sisters, or perhaps like birds watching their chick fly for the first time. A protectiveness that would never leave them.


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