Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: The Date Begins

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Chapter 14:

The Date Begins

Rosewood Plaza, 7pm. Jace arrived early by about half an hour. He paced nervously as he fussed with his clothing. Liana and Kiera helped him pick out some new clothing, despite his hesitance to buy some. He argued with them, but eventually relented in allowing them to pay.

"You have to make a good impression!" They said as they forced him to try on various outfits. Eventually, they settled on something similar to his usual style. A dark, asymmetrical hoodie. It fit his form quite well with the zipper being along the right side. It opened near the top into layers like that of a dress shirt if unbuttoned. The collar pulled back slightly as it hung freely.

Hanging from his neck was something Liana insisted he wear. A memento of his mothers. One of her last gifts to him. It was his mother's wedding band. A smooth, beautiful silver ring. Hung on a well taken care of leather cord.

She gave him the ring as a means to put it in better hands. As a way to remind him what it truly meant to love. To not give it to just anyone. Liana insisted him to wear it as a reminder of that. It was a sobering gift, and one Jace kept well taken care of. As it should have been from the start.

He fumed at the thought of that man. His jaw clenched as he held the ring in his hand nervously, gripping it. He recalled his mother's loving smile as she insisted he take the ring. She told him to "hold it close to your heart" and so he put it on a leather cord. It was a symbol of many things. Above all, it was her wishing him to find the happiness she couldn't. No, it was to say that he was the happiness she found even in the darkest point in her life.

Jace had to take several breaths so as to not tear up before his date arrived. Truth be told, he was incredibly nervous. Even after all the prep work that Liana and Kiera did with him. His hair was brushed and tied back neatly. He had taken a shower beforehand, made sure all his clothes were clean. Going over all the advice they gave him.

Be polite, but don't let her walk over you. Offer to pay if you can, but don't argue if she insists. Thank her, and tell her you'll get the next one. They said it was the effort that mattered. It took a lot of to remember every single detail they told him, and a lot of it was already escaping him in his anxiety.

The most he could do was be himself, that among all the advice, he remembered. He didn't know why Selene had asked him out so suddenly. They barely knew each other, but maybe that's how it was? Jace had no experience otherwise. The only thing he did that she was late.

Looking at the time, it was now 7:15pm. People walked by him in the plaza. They looked, but didn't mention anything. He stood near a streetlight, pacing nervously. The soft glow of businesses illuminated the rest of the street, with the plaza lights giving enough to not put everything in total darkness. Thankfully, the night wasn't too cold.

"Just...where is she?" Jace became concerned, wonder if she had set him up. However, that was quickly illuminated as his eyes widened. Looking over towards the sound of approaching footsteps, he saw her. His mind went blank as he was stunned by her appearance.

The first thing he noticed was she came as herself. As Selene. Something he wasn't expecting. The second was her hair. Its light lavender locks tied slightly back. Her bangs were braided and wrapped around behind as the rest fell gracefully around her.

Her ears, slender and pointed, ran along the side of her head held back most of her hair. Her golden-brown skin glowed softly in the light of the street. A comfortable looking black sweater hung off her left shoulder just slightly, showing off her sleek collarbone and muscle tone of her shoulder. It was half tucked into jeans that shaped to her legs well.

She didn't wear high-heels, but instead comfortable looking boots. A nice belt, with a golden buckle wrapped around her jeans. Overall, it was a simple outfit, yet as Jace looked at her he couldn't help but be mesmerized. She was beautiful, and perhaps it was this situation, but she was even more so.

Was it the glow to her skin? The shimmer in her eyes? Was it the way she walked with nervous purpose towards him? He didn't know, but he knew one thing...he was not ready for this date. His heart raced a million miles an hour as he became tongue-tied.

"Selene, you...nice, look, night..uhm," Jace realized his words weren't right, trying to hide his face in his hand as she raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused.

"I look...nice tonight?" She asked him for clarification, to which he nodded, "I see...Thank you."

Jace saw as she smiled a beautiful, yet small, smile. Her being late completely left his mind, but thankfully she was prepared.

"I hope I didn't make you wait too long," She looked around at all the people walking about, her gaze emotionless, "I...wasn't sure what to wear."

"Is she...being honest?" More than that, her face was emotionless, but Jace wondered if her glancing around was her being nervous. She was in much better control than when he last saw her, or perhaps he had just been imagining things. "It seems...Marian is closest to who she is."

"I-It's alright..." Jace fumbled, a light breeze picking up, "I'm just glad you made it. I was...well, I was getting a bit worried."

Jace laughed awkwardly as he held his hand to the back of his neck. The breeze came with a pleasant smell as it blew past Selene. It was soft, like dewdrops. A light floral scent with it. Selene looked at him, appraising him as she looked him up and down.

"You...look good as well," She stated coolly, "And...I did not mean to worry you. I wasn't setting you up."

"Right..." Jace felt a bit embarrassed, standing there unsure what to do.

"So...Shall we get going?" Selene asked as she turned to walk away.

Jace was flustered as he hurried to catch up to her. She stood about half a head taller than him, his gaze glancing up at her from the side as they walked. There was silence between them as Jace tried to figure out what to do or say. That's when he remembered something.

"If you are out walking...take her hand!" Liana told him, nodding affirmatively, "If she doesn't want that, she'll pull away, but don't be discouraged!"

Glancing down at her hand, it swayed by her side. So close yet so far from his own hand. Taking a breath, he slowly reached over. His fingers just barely brushing the back of her hand. It startled her as she looked down at him.

"Ah, sorry," She stated awkwardly, "Did I get to close?"

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"Oh, uhm...No," Jace shook his head, his mind a complete fog right now, "It's just..."

Taking the plunge, he went all the way. Taking her hand in his, he held it firmly as she looked down at him in surprise. His entire faced heated as he couldn't bear to look her in the face.

"I-I heard holding normal on a date," Jace felt truly embarrassed at his inexperience, hoping she didn't get upset.

"Is that so?" She stated calmly, her hand tightening around his, "I see...Then that's fine, isn't it?"

"Y-Yeah..." Jace nodded, holding her hand which felt softer than he remembered.

He was too busy looking away in embarrassment to have noticed her ears burning up. She was grateful to have got it under control before they continued on their way.

"So...where to?" Jace asked, not prepared at all, "I figured you'd have a plan, if not I can-"

"I do," She told him, interrupting him softly, "Dinner reservations. If that's alright?"

"Of course," Jace smiled awkwardly as he held tight to the ring hung from his neck with his free hand, "I...look forward to it."

"...Good," Selene's voice seemed to crack a bit, breaking from its usual monotone response.

If Jace didn't know any better, that crack in her voice sounded...happy. Then again, she asked him on this date. Surely she wasn't doing it just to play around, right?


Liana and Kiera watched from a distance, both agitated as he waited there far longer than the mentioned time. However, their agitation turned to shock at the appearance of his date. Both weren't expecting the beauty that appeared before him, not that they didn't think he couldn't get someone like that. He was a kind and wasn't exactly ugly.

He may not be conventional, but that didn't matter much to them. Her simply outfit was exactly the perfect type of outfit for this date. Nothing too extravagant, but just nice enough for that wow factor. They were actually rather impressed. Either Jace was dealing with a pro, or someone did their research.

"She's fucking hot..." Kiera whispered, glancing over at Liana who eyed her sideways, "What? It's true. Of course, not as hot as you, sweetie."

"Oooh, nice save," Liana teased, giving her a wry smile, "But you're not wrong. You saw him stumble."

"Ha...yeah," Kiera and her both knew of how easily he could get flustered, "Honestly, you think he'll be okay...Oh! They're moving!"

They weren't close enough to hear what was being said, not without enhancement, of which Liana refused to use. She may be spying on them, but she respected his privacy enough to not listen in. She'd simply watch, make sure he was safe and get a feel for this woman.

Kiera also refused to use magic, as it could alert Jace. Not to mention, Kiera felt someone strange from the woman. A power inside of her that made her nervous. She believed the woman to be Ascended.

They made their way shadowing the two of them. Liana watching as his hand brushed hers, and though she felt a tug in her heart, she cheered him on silently. "Come on Jace...grab her hand." It looked dour for a moment as the woman recoiled, surprised.

However, Liana saw it. The slight twitch in her hand. She wanted to go for it, but before she could, Jace took her hand in his. In typical Jace fashion, he grew way too embarrassed as he avoided looking at her face. Liana, however, saw it all.

Her eyes widened in surprise as her previous calm face turned into a nervous mess before she composed herself. Even from this distance, Liana and Kiera could see her ears turn red. Just as quickly, she returned to normal as her hand tightened around Jace's.

While Liana was still a bit cautious, she was feeling a bit more relaxed. This woman wasn't a pro, someone who just did this to break hearts. She had no idea what this woman had in mind, or if she really liked Jace or not. She'd have to watch them more, but currently Liana saw two awkward individuals unsure of how to go on a date.

"'s kind of cute," Liana muttered, amused.

"Sweetie?" Kiera questioned softly.

"Nothing," Liana wrapped her arm around Kiera, "Come on, let's hurry up. They're getting away."

Kiera smiled softly, nodding in agreement.


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