Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Date Interrupted

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Chapter 16:

Date Interrupted

The restaurant was more high-class than Jace could have ever believed. Dark wood floors well swept with intricate carpets of dark colors. The designs were fantastically detailed images depicting leafy vines. Deep greens and dark browns. The walls depicted medieval garden vistas, and everything was illuminated by a soft, warm glow from the lights.

As soon as we entered, there was a server waiting to escort us up to the very top floor. Jace's heart nearly dropped in his chest as the door they walked through verified their identity in glowing letters: VIPs Confirmed.

"V-VIP?" Jace whispered to Selene, looking over at her for clarification.

"..Yes," Selene looked at him, unwavering, "Did I go overboard again?"

Jace shifted slightly, his hand adjusting in hers as he held it even tighter. It was then that she realized...he was nervous. He put on a brave face, but he was definitely feeling out of place. For some reason, it warmed her heart. She held his hand back, as she did he smiled lightly.

"No...Maybe," Jace laughed lightly, "But...if you say it's okay. Sorry I'm so awkward."

"Cute..." Who knew how many times she had thought that word since this date started, but it was true, "You're fine, Jace."

She reassured him the best she could, leading him after the waiter. This section was a bit quieter than the rest of the restaurant. People talked in low voice, some couples on dates themselves, or businesspeople having a dinner of some sort. There were private rooms of course, but Selene had booked something else.

She was glad she had when Jace's eyes lit up. On the fourth floor of The Medallion was said to be a beautiful view over the Neo City River. Lit by the soft glow of the Rosewood Plaza lights, New Eden glowed in the distance across the way. The calm waters of the river sparkled like the night sky.

Certain transportation boats passed lazily, giving a certain unrushed feel to an otherwise busy city. The waiter left them alone to settle in. Selene's heart beat in her chest as she saw another side of Jace. His awe and wonder were replaced with a sudden jolt as he almost sat down. Hurriedly, he rushed over to her chair and pulled it out for her.

"...Thank you," Selene whispered to him, placing a grateful hand on his shoulder, "Though it isn't necessary."

"I just..." Jace smiled sheepishly as he helped to push her in after she sat down, "Was told this was a proper thing to do if we went out to eat..."

"Those two again?" Selene inquired to which Jace nodded as he made his way back to his own seat.

She got a table near the window of the fourth floor. It was one way, only allowing you to see from this side. It allowed privacy for its customers while allowing a view. It was also cut off a bit from the rest of the restaurant by some dividing walls. This allowed them to eat with relative ease as prying eyes couldn't easily watch them.

"This...are you sure it's okay?" Jace looked out over everything, his gaze passing around the restaurant.

The table itself was decently designed with lion claw legs and a nice, white cloth over the top. There wasn't a centerpiece, as it was just a table for two, but on the walls hung sconces of old design with candelabra's giving a soft glow from bulbs instead of flame. It was nothing compared to what she knew existed elsewhere, but for Jace it was more than he ever thought. She wondered how he'd react to a real high class restaurant.

"Maybe one day..." She found herself musing, much to her surprise, for that meant she intended to see him more. No, not just that, but for the brief moment she thought that, it meant she'd one day introduce him to her own life. That was a terrifying thought, because in that moment she realized something. He was afraid he'd hate her.

"Jace," Selene spoke softly, "If you're uncomfortable by anything...let me know."

"W-Why would I be uncomfortable?" Jace smiled nervously, "I admit...this is all new to me, but..."

He shrugged, but his movements didn't go unnoticed by her.

"You're twitching a lot..." Selene told him blankly, "Is it a habit?"

"Ah!" He caught himself fidgeting as he nodded, "Yes, a bit. I'm in new territory. I may just be on high alert."

"Please, try and relax," Selene told him as reassuringly as she could, "This is a date. I hear...I hear they are supposed to be nerve-wracking, but-"

"Wait.." Jace interrupted as he looked her in the eyes, "You...heard? Is this...your first date?"


Jace saw for the first time a clear display of embarrassment on her face. At the moment he asked his question, she froze up as her ears grew quite red. Her usually stoic demeanor dropped as she shifted around in her chair. Her eyes darting away from him before slowly making their way back.

She seemed quite shy as she held her hands before her in her lap. Looking up at him as she seemed to almost shrink away. After a moment, she nodded.

"I-Is weird?" She questioned, furrowing her brow as she almost pouted.

"...So cute," Jace thought involuntarily at her reaction. Her usual stoic attitude was such a contrast to this side to her. Yet, there was still a hint of it as she tried to collect herself. Her pout almost defiant to the embarrassment she felt in this moment.

"No..." Jace finally said, feeling a bit relieved, "It's...mine as well."

"I-I see..." Selene composed herself as she went silent, back to her usual standoffish self, "So...your first date and mine..."

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"Are the same..." Jace finished, nodding.

For a brief moment, he saw a smile appear on her face. It seemed relieved and even reached her eyes. He loved to see it, as whenever it reached her eyes, they seemed to sparkle so beautifully. As if she was alive.

"Thank you," Jace whispered suddenly.

"For what?" Selene asked in surprise as she relaxed a bit.

"For the opportunity," He told her, smiling gratefully, "To be the first date to a beautiful woman...and in such a nice place. I couldn't even fathom it. Honestly, you're a bit hard to get to know, so I was surprised when you asked me out."

Selene's face went completely blank. Her face stuck in a stoic, frozen pose as she just stared at him. Jace began to wonder if something he said was wrong when he realized he had said she was hard to get to know.

"O-Oh, I didn't mean that in a bad way..." Jace attempted to assure her, thinking that's what she was staring at him for, "You just...I mean, it's not that you're hard to know. Just that you-"

"...Beautiful?" Selene whispered, seemingly coming back to her senses, "Y-You really think that?"

Jace was shocked at her surprise at this. Did she not know how she looked?

"I mean...yeah?" Jace felt embarrassed as he admitted it, realizing he said it so easily before, so why was he only now embarrassed? "I'm sure you know that, right?"

To his surprise, she nodded, which even further confused Jace. Why was she so surprised when he said it, but she knew how she looked?

"I am very confident in my appearance," Selene told him, her face still slightly blank and her voice sounding like she wasn't completely there, "I...know I'm not bad looking. I feel self-conscious because Dark Elves are often looked at strangely, even among Elves. I just..."

She seemed to compose herself as she took a breath. Holding her hand to her chest, she looked out over the river as she seemed to contemplate something.

"I guess...I was just surprised," She told him, her voice taking on a pensive tone, "I've been told that I am beautiful by many people. All of them with some sort of agenda...whether I am Marian, Rosalie...or myself. I hide partly because of that."

Jace listened to her speak, knowing that if he interrupted now, she may not continue. Ever since he met her as Marian, he felt like she was hiding something. At first, he felt like it was just a High Elf being a High Elf, something he hated himself for thinking. Not everyone was the same.

Yet, her words were so clinical and without emotion. However, she knew when she did something others thought was strange. She was aware of her oddities, even as she attempted to hold fast to her proclivities. He found it rather cute, in all honestly. In this moment, he realized he wanted to get to know more about this woman, and so he listened.


"I want to be honest with you," She told him, her heart racing, "I don't know why. This is the first time I've felt this way...ever."

She found herself shocked by his words. He believed her to be beautiful, and there was no hint of malice or some kind of agenda. It came from such an honest place. She had been so shocked, even her embarrassment couldn't catch up. Her heart soared with the words he spoke, happy to be his first date and to be seen as beautiful by him.

He was the first one to ever say it and truly mean it with no other motive. He said it so easily, but grew so shy afterwards. It was adorable, and it was all she could do to contain herself. She had never in her entire life met someone like him. Even before the food arrived, she had decided. He would be hers.

"All of this was really sudden for me, as I'm sure it is for you," She continued, noting the two disgruntled women across the street from The Medallion, "I...was raised to control my emotions, but instead it killed them. I became a nurse to help people and hopefully feel something. Nothing. I became Rosalie to live a different life. A relatively normal life as a woman, or so I heard it is."

She felt her heart race as she hoped Jace was listening. How weird he must think her to be. Telling all of this on a first date was definitely a huge red flag. She was dumping all of this on someone she didn't really know, all because she finally felt something. Was this really okay?

"I don't know why I tell you these things," She admitted, clenching her hand over her chest, "This is all new to me, and I-"

As she said these words, she looked towards the complimentary glass of water left there for them before the waiter had dismissed themselves earlier. Taking it, she took a hearty sip before setting it back down.

"Selene," Jace interrupted her for the first time, "Relax..."

Reaching across the table, he took her hand in his. The sudden touch sent a jolt through her body. Not an electrical shock, but it may as well have been. His touch was so kind and tender. Did she deserve such a touch? She was only using him to feel all these wonderful new feelings.

No, that wasn't it. She heard them. The movement nearby. She knew that her father would make a move the moment she used her family's name to book this restaurant. It wasn't that she was using him. This short evening made it clear to her she actually liked him.

It was that she recalled her past. The things she has done. The fate her father wanted for her. The real reason she ran away. Taking his hand in hers, she squeezed it tightly. He couldn't fight this fight. He wasn't weak, and she didn't see him as such. She saw him as inexperienced, and above all...someone precious to her. Someone she wanted to get to know.

"Thank you, Jace," She smiled genuinely for the first time, and seeing his blushing face as he took her smile in was reward enough for this date, "I'll tell you more...but first, I must use the restroom. If you'll excuse me."

"O-Oh, of course," Jace nodded sheepishly, letting go of her hand to let her get up.

It felt suddenly empty without his touch, but there was something she had to do. To send a message. Turning from Jace, she hid from him the emotionless and deadly glare in her eyes. He wasn't exactly innocent when it came to killing, but that didn't mean she wanted him to see this.


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