Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Strengthening Feelings

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Chapter 15:

Strengthening Feelings

Jace was incredibly nervous as they made their way to wherever the reservations were. Selene claimed it wasn't far, but if that was the case, that meant it was at a rather fancy restaurant. Rosewood Plaza was the closest you could get to high end in The Warrens. Close enough to New Eden that it was almost a part of it.

Truth be told, this was the closest he ever got to New Eden. Its pristine towers, holographic ads, and vivid lights could be seen from across the river that ran alongside Rosewood Plaza. Even Rosewood Plaza was more well-kept than the rest of The Warrens. It could be said that the Plaza was its own district simply named Rosewood by the locals, but in truth was a part of both Palm Hills and Pendleton.

Closest to New Eden than most, it had a view one couldn't get anywhere else. Holding Selene's hand, every so often glancing up at her, he agreed that the view was amazing. They were embarrassing thoughts, most likely diluted and tainted by holding her hand. He felt so nervous and was worried his hand may be too sweaty, but she still held it tightly.

"This way," She told him as they rounded a corner.

He followed, being pulled along by her gently. The clean walkway was much different from the refuse ridden streets of The Stacks where Jace was from, and even the more well taken care of Westview. It was such a different world for him.

It couldn't hold a candle to New Eden, but the fact he was so close was insane. He kept glancing off in the distance to its gleaming towers. He was a bit nervous and felt out of place. "Should I...even be here?" Glancing at Selene, he wondered how she got reservations to somewhere in Rosewood.

"Does it make you anxious?" Selene asked out of the blue.

"H-Huh? What does?" Jace asked back, a bit confused and caught off-guard.

"Being this New Eden," She spoke quietly, casting a gaze at the city center with a look Jace couldn't quite place.

She seemed to be both sad and angry at the same time. Yet, there was also a longing mixed with disdain. It was hard for Jace to read, but then again Selene had never been too easy for him to read.

"I...Don't know," Jace answered honestly, "I feel so out of place...Even though Rosewood is still in The Warrens, it's so close to New Eden and almost a world its own..."

"...Do you feel you don't belong?" Selene questioned, looking down at him with a blank expression, but he felt there was some curiosity in it.

"Here? Or...?" Jace asked, but she only looked on, waiting for his answer, "Well...I've lived in the Warrens all my life. It's not easy. Those above look down on us, and it's almost everyone's dream to rise in the world."

Selene listened as they walked, softly asking questions.

"What about you?"

"Me?" Jace sighed, looking around at everything, "Rosewood is the closest I've ever gotten to New Eden. I I don't deserve to be here, and that everyone is looking at me with disdain...Yet, one day I'll live there."

Jace passed his gaze once more to New Eden, determination in his eyes.

"Why?" Selene asked it simply, yet there seemed to be something hidden in that one word, "Do you think it is better than here?"

Jace was a bit caught off-guard by her question. Unsure why she would question his reasoning. He definitely did have a reason, but it was the first time anyone seemed to question it. Most passed it off as fancy, or agreed that they had a dream to go there. Selene seemed different. Almost as if she's been there.

"I...don't know," Jace once again answered honestly, "I'd like to think it is. Better than fighting for your life every single day. Clean streets, safety, and..."

His free hand once more gripped the ring around his neck as he thought about his mother. She was the main reason he wanted to go there. If he was there, she could afford even better care.

"...And better healthcare," Jace muttered, taking a breath, "I will have to work hard to afford it and find my place there, but..."

Selene stopped in her tracks, causing Jace's words to trail off. Curious, he looked up at her to see something rather surprising. Her usually stoic face was quite tender and soft. Her gaze passed down to him as she tilted her head.

"You...are doing this all for her, aren't you?" Selene asked gently, "Your mother, that is."

"Mhm," Jace nodded, curious at her sudden change, "I hear that in New Eden, there's a lot better medical than here. The hospital she's at's the only one that can treat her out here. Their prices keep going up, day I'll make it. I have to."

There was a moment of silence between them as he began to think he shared too much. This was supposed to be a date. He shouldn't be so doom and gloom. However, he was relieved when she spoke up. Not in anger, but in a soothing voice he rarely heard.

"...I'll take the best care of her that I can," Selene held his gaze, and he saw the determination in them, one of the few moments anything reached those beautiful eyes of hers, "Until that time you get there. I'm sure you'll make it. Just..."

"Just...?" Jace inquired, his heart raced at how soothing she sounded.

"Don't overdo it," Selene's voice took on a soft tone, surprising Jace as his heart raced even more, "You'll get there. I..."

She cut her words off sharply as she clenched her jaw. Looking away, she seemed to compose herself and return to her normal, usual stoic self.

"I am confident in you," She stated simply, leaving Jace feeling a bit sheepish.

"Th-Thank you?" Jace wasn't sure if that was the proper response, but he was happy to hear she had confidence in him.

Why was he so happy over someone he barely knew? Perhaps it was just nice to hear. Continuing their walk, they finally made it to their destination. Jace immediately felt underdressed. There before him was the sign for the fanciest restaurant in all The Warrens: The Medallion.

"Th-This..." Jace stared dumbstruck, "Are you sure...this is the right place?"

"Yes," Selene told him, "Is there a problem?"

There was a slight waver to her voice, almost like she grew nervous. Jace was too busy focused on the golden writing of the restaurants name to really understand the reason her voice quivered. It was a large, four story building with a soft golden glow coming from its sign.

From inside, crimson curtains blocked the view into the first floor. Yet, a golden glow could be seen peaking around them. The higher floors were unable to be seen through, giving its clients privacy. Everything about The Medallion was as high class as you could get in The Warrens. They even had bouncers and greeters outside of the restaurant.

Two large individuals in sleek black suits. Their hair well-kept with cybernetic eyes passing over those who walked before the building. On their lapel was a single golden circle pin with the letter M etched into it.

Nearby was a podium with a well to do looking greeter. Her hair was tied back in a neat, tight ponytail. Black pants, a white dress shirt, and a black vest. The same circular pin with the M pinned on the vest. She stood with her grey-green cybernetic eyes looking out over the line before her podium.

Her skin had a golden hue to it of the metallic kind. Jace could only be overwhelmed. "H-How the hell did she get these reservations? And in just three days?" Glancing over at Selene, he finally saw the nervous look barely evident upon her face.

"Are you okay?" Jace turned his shock into worry, concerned about her nerves.

"Yes..." Selene nodded, collecting herself, "Did I do too much?"

"N-No..." Jace looked at The Medallion, "I'm just...surprised. You really got reservations here? I feel underdressed...Like I shouldn't be here."

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Suddenly, Selene's face grew hardened. He felt like he said something upsetting, but instead she turned towards him. Taking his face in her hands, he blushed immediately.

"W-What is it?" Jace felt uncomfortable as she looked down into his eyes.

"You...Why do you think that?" There was a hint of anger in her voice.

"W-Well...I'm from The Stacks," Jace looked away nervously, incredibly self-conscious of her hands on his face, they were so soft, "Places like this...I-"

"And you want to go to New Eden?" Selene raised an eyebrow, and her accusation hit deep in his heart, "You'll face this a lot more over there."

"Y-You're right, but..." Jace felt weird suddenly, why did she say this as if she cares?


Selene didn't understand how or why she felt the way she did. In the short amount of time she knew Jace, she knew he was a good, kind individual. The way he cared for his mother was incredible and unselfish. His reaction to the restaurant worried her.

She thought it wasn't enough, or perhaps was too much. Which one was soon revealed as Jace told her how he felt. This restaurant was said to be the absolute best to take someone out on a date. Thinking back, she recalled saying it was expensive and one should be cautious when taking a date here. It was to impress them, but reservations could take quite a while to book.

She gave it no thought as cost didn't matter to her, nor the reservation. She was easily able to make the reservation. She realized the sudden difference between the two of them. The sheer contrast and it sort of humbled her. In the moment he felt like he didn't belong, she became angry.

She didn't know where this anger came from. It was new to her, but she didn't like him feeling that way. "Why?" She asked herself as she took his head in her hands. "Why do I feel this way? Like I want to show him more. Give him more."

She questioned his resolve. He wanted to go to New Eden, but if he felt out of place here...he'd feel even worse over there, and she hated that. She wanted him to feel good, a surprising revelation for her. She didn't really understand why. She knew she liked him, but was it to such an extent that she'd feel this way?

If he felt uncomfortable, she'd make him feel comfortable. It was that thought that steeled her resolve. Looking up him, he was quite dashing in the golden light of The Medallion. She wouldn't reveal who she was...not yet. Anxiety filled her heart for the first time in her life whenever she thought of telling him.

"I...also don't think I have the funds to-" Jace began to squirm between her hands, but immediately she squished his face instinctively to get him to shut up.

"Who said you had to worry about that?" She told him directly, "I invited you. I will pay."

"But that's-" Jace attempted again, and she found herself narrowing her eyes in on him as she squished his face again.

His fish-like appearance was quite cute as a small smile crept into her face. His cheeks were red with a blush, and for a brief moment she thought about kissing him. So sudden was that thought, she found herself caught off-guard. "Why did I just think that? It's too early..." Catching herself before she blushed too much, she released his face and turned.

Clearing her throat, she took his hand back in hers. Glancing down at him, he looked rather sheepish. "Soothe him." Her thought went through her head as she thought of a way to do so.

"Jace," She spoke softly, "Sorry for...being so sudden."

"I-It's alright..." He spoke uncertainly and shy, "I'm just...not great with physical contact. Especially...especially with women."

He blushed, but his hand gripped hers tightly. "...Cute." She found she liked this side of him. Though he didn't do great with physical contact, he was trying so hard. He also wanted this date to go well. Selene had done so much extensive research to figure out the right outfit, restaurant, and more. It was comforting that he was trying as well.

"I-" Selene began to speak up when Jace shook his head.

"Don't apologize," Jace told her warmly, "I'm just...I've never been close to a woman before. Even those I know cause me to be nervous and conscious of things..."

"...Liana?" Selene asked when he mentioned women he knew.

Immediately, she saw the blush appear in his cheeks as he nodded.

"Y-Yeah...and Kiera," Jace told her, smiling fondly, "I've known Liana since I was a kid, and Kiera for a couple years now. Still, I can't get use to it. They sometimes tease me about it, but I don't mind."

"You don't?" Selene felt a bit of jealousy enter her heart.

The jealousy came from not being able to see how he reacted to them, not that they had been close with him. Simply that she had missed that. It was a strange feeling.

"No, I don't. They worry about me," Jace told her as he shook his head, "I care for them a lot. I'm grateful they give me their time. They've helped me a lot. Even helped choose this outfit. Otherwise, I would be even more underdressed."

He laughed lightly as he motioned to his outfit.

"I'm definitely glad they helped with that," Jace told her.

"Why is that?" Selene's heart waited for his answer.

"Because..." He looked up at her with eyes full of anxiety, "You liked it..."

Her heart was not prepared for his answer as he smiled so sheepishly and looked away. Her ears grew heated as her eyes widened in surprise. "This boy..." Selene felt herself want to see that smile even more. " happy I liked it?" She found herself amused at the prospect, and in that moment, he was even cuter than before.

"I see..." Selene pondered a moment, gripping his hand tightly, "I do, yes. You really do look cute."

She said this to see his reaction, and sure enough a blush entered his face. His smile grew even more shy as his shoulders shifted. As if he was trying to hide himself but couldn't. It was quite adorable to her.

"Come on," Selene pulled him along, past the waiting line, "Our reservations away. I have them for 7:45pm. It's 7:40pm now."

"R-Right, but...the line?" Jace motioned towards the obviously disgruntled people.

"Don't worry about them," Selene told him coolly, "You're with me."

Jace didn't understand what that meant, and Selene didn't expect him to. As they approached the podium the woman waiting their turned towards them with a brilliant smile. Before a single word could be said, Selene had already sent the reservation, along with her Family Crest to them. Immediately, the woman's face became even more genuine as she waved them through.

"May you have a pleasant stay at The Medallion," Her light, musical voice greeted them.

Jace was in awe as they were immediately let through. She didn't like using her family's name, or their crest, but if it meant seeing his happy face, she was inclined to do so. All these new feelings she felt were extraordinary. She had never felt so happy seeing someone else happy before.

Finally, her family's name could do something good.


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