Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Not Yours to Touch

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Chapter 22:

Not Yours to Touch

Selene went about her day at the hospital as normal. The previous night, however, stuck in her mind. She rarely spoke out of turn but with her guard down she let slip that she knew about Jace's mother. How could she, someone who just met him, know about her? On a first date at that?

She knew Jace kept it a secret, because she did a bit of digging herself into him. While listening in at the club, the staff were silent to outsiders, but talked together in hushed whispers. They were all a tight knit family. Taking care of Jace and his mother since he was young. It was curious how he ever thought he was alone.

From his upbringing, however, she knew why. His father was abusive, constantly ridiculing him. That could, and would, affect a young developing mind. He grew up being called a burden, blamed for everything bad that happened by his father. The times he spent at the Vesela's were times he felt like a burden. This only further distanced himself from everyone around him. This was what Liana explained to her, and what she deduced herself.

She was disheartened for breaking her own secret so easily and revealed how she came to know Jace beforehand. Liana asked if he knew, to which she said he did. In fact, she had told Liana that he asked her to ensure they could see his mother. This had made her incredibly happy. It was the first time Selene ever received a hug from a woman. At least one that felt so warm and that she didn't mind.

Liana had embraced her, thanking her even though it was all Jace. Selene just made sure that it would happen. Which brought Selene to thinking about him. That was what was most on her mind. She missed him. Her heart ached. It was painful.

"...I still feel his lips on mine," Selene, disguised as Marian, stopped as she passed one of the wards. Glancing out of the window over the city from the hospital. Her reflection staring back at her as a small smile curled her lips. Her fingers touching them ever so lightly.

"Is that Marian...Smiling?" A very grating voice to Selene's ears caught her attention.

They were a smooth talking, self-assured individual. While their voice was clearer to others, for Selene it was nothing but annoying and grating. Helen, a nurse practitioner. Auburn hair, fair skin, and green eyes. Soft, objectively attractive features.

For a human, she could be considered good looking, but to Selene she was just an annoyance. For the longest time she had been flirting with her. However, Selene knew the truth. It started out as a dare. Marian was a distant, cold individual. Helen was bragging one day to her colleagues, claiming it was easy for her to get anyone she wanted.

Said it would be fun to "break her icy exterior". So, they made a bet. After being turned down so often she became obsessed to the point of hounding her any chance she could get. Selene's smile immediately faded as she stared coolly at her.

"Awe, don't be shy," Helen cooed, smiling brilliantly, "I knew I'd get through to you one day."

"No, you haven't," Selene told her, attempting to move past as she had a job to do.

"Now, now," Helen cut her off, placing an arm in front of her, "Don't be so shy. You don't have to lie to me. If it's not me, who's got you smiling? I'll need to thank them."

Selene side-eyed Helen, her gaze icy. She had no time for this. Jace's mother was waiting for her care. Gritting her teeth, she couldn't cause a scene in the middle of the corridor.

"That's not your business," Selene told her, "Now, move your arm. I have work to do."

"Oooh, cold as always," Helen narrowed her eyes challengingly at her, "But let's say I don't, what then?"

"I'll move you," Selene stated simply.

"I'd like to see you try," Helene said confidently, "Come on. Don't be like this. Let me show you a good time. I'll make you forget about-"

"You won't," Selene interrupted, growing annoyed.

"Oh yeah?" Helen sneered, "What's so good about this mystery person? I've been nothing but nice. They're probably just using you. I bet I'm way better than them. Just let me-"

With her insulting Jace, an anger arose in Selene as a bit of her aura released. Surprising Helen as she recoiled from the sudden pressure. This gave Selene the opening she needed. Making her way past as she didn't want to kill Helen out in the open, and if she stayed...she would.

"W-What? Hey, wait a-" Flustered and angry, Helen reached for her, but the mere thought of her touch sickened Selene.

"Don't," A single word uttered from Selene powered by the magic inside of her.

She could feel Helen's hand mere inches away from her. She was thankful this corridor was rarely used, but she didn't have much time. There were others approaching. Turning towards Helen, Selene gazed upon her pathetic form. Frozen in place, unable to move or speak. Only listen and see.

"I don't care about your complex," Selene told her with a frosty venomous tone, "But you should have never compared yourself to them. You will never show me anything. In fact, you will forget this whole thing. Save for the fear...For now."

Selene's eyes glowed a deep, dark violet as she grew close to Helen.

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"Consider yourself lucky," She told her as her hand cupped her cheek, immediately Selene felt disgusted, "You finally feel my touch. Let me make one thing very clear. I will kill you for that. It will take no effort. So, live the rest of your day in bliss. A mercy you do not deserve."

Selene's hand tingled as a violet light encompassed it like a glove. Helen's eyes went blank as they widened in pain, unable to let out a single scream. Selene took a step back, her skin itching from touching her. Helen's eyes came back into focus, just as three individuals in hospital staff clothing rounded the corner.

"Hey! Helen!" One of them exclaimed, "Oh, and Marian is here!"

Giving one last disgusted look towards Helen, she turned and walked past. The itching in her hand growing worse. The three looked towards her, then back at Helen who was staring there, dumbfounded.

"Marian turn you down again?" They laughed as they interacted with Helen.

"Y-Yeah..." Helen's voice quivered, a fear she didn't know permeating her.

Selene was radiating an anger unlike any other inside of herself. To think that Helen would compare herself to Jace without even knowing him. Let alone insulting them all in the same breath. The audacity she had to try and touch Selene. Only Jace, and those she allowed, could do so.

Immediately, she found a bathroom and scrubbed her hand till it was raw. Finally feeling free of touching that disgusting woman. She wouldn't have long, however. After today, Helen would no longer a problem.

For now, she calmed herself. There was a very important job she had to do. That of caring for Jace's mother. She could make no mistakes in this.


Helen's heart pounded heavily in her chest. All day she was absentminded. Overwhelmed by this unknown fear. She sensed something horrible around every corner. Looking over her shoulder. Her colleagues began to worry. They thought maybe the stress of the job was getting to her.

Recently, she was having trouble outside of work. Flirted with one too many individuals. Spurning them whenever they got the chance. They warned her she should choose and go with it, or have them all. Playing with them would only get her in trouble.

She had dismissed it, finding the thrill in getting what she wanted. The one she could never crack was her. Marian. She became obsessed with trying, but she stayed clear of her. Something inside of her told her it was better to remain at a distance.

Looking over her shoulder, her shift was over. The night air as she went home brisk against her skin. She hurried along, her feeting carrying her ever faster. Shadows. Sounds. Everything was around her as she grew even more paranoid.

She saw someone, or thought she saw someone. Soon, she began to run. She could feel the eyes upon her. The gaze of death. Her heart pounding faster and faster. Her legs hitting heavily upon the ground. "Why? Why is no one reacting?"

As she ran through the streets, the people she passed all gave her looks as if she was crazy, but otherwise ignored her. They couldn't see what she saw. Couldn't feel the fear she felt. Those glowing, deep violet eyes.

Turning a corner into an alley, she stumbled and ran. Leaving the purse she dropped as its contents scattered across the ground. Her vision narrowing as she made her way into the darkness of what her fearful mind thought was safety. That was always their mistakes.

As she went deeper into the labyrinthine passages, those eyes followed her. She couldn't escape, and soon she could no longer run. She barely registered the pain as the ground came closer. Her body falling hard upon the cold earth.

"I told you," A voice reverberating with power echoed coldly through the night, "I will kill you."

Helen looked up weakly to the shadowed form of a person. Glowing, deep violet eyes illuminated in the darkened face stared uncaringly down at her. She could feel the warmth leave her body as the blood pooled forth from her chest. It was hard to breath.

"W-Who..." Helen whimpered, reaching towards the figure.

There was no response as the figure watched silently. The eternal night taking her vision, and finally her last breath. Helen's heart beat its final pulse. They'd come to deduce her attack was caused by a disgruntled lover who was promptly arrested. The evidence damning, despite their claim of innocence.

For Selene, it was hitting two birds with one stone. Helen was no longer a problem, and a dangerous gang member was off the streets. No longer a problem for Jace in his runs. She slept soundly knowing she had helped him.


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