Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: To Catch a Spider

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Chapter 23:

To Catch a Spider

Jace sat cross-legged on the roof of his apartment building. Taking in the sounds of the city, no music in his ears. It was part of the training Nadine once taught him. He had an issue with sensory overload. Too many sounds, too many smells. It could be overwhelming.

His mother got him the musical implants with tactile activation one year with the help of the Vesela's. Another thing he owed them. Of course, he knew they didn't think that way. It was a mindset he lived with for years. Another product of his father's influence.

"Don't owe anyone anything," He told him in the rare moments he wasn't yelling, hitting, or starving Jace, "They'll use it against you. Make sure you pay everyone back. Don't ever be in debt."

Jace was realizing his father's words were more for himself than for Jace. He had been in massive debt, and they came calling after his incarceration. Jace took care of them. Made sure they knew he was not responsible for his father's debts.

In and out. He breathed deeply. Nadine taught him he had to remove all distractions. So, no using his music during meditation. He had to take in the entire city. Feel it and let it run through him. It was difficult, but for the last seven years he continued to do so.

During his meditation, his thoughts often wandered. Neo City, the City of Dreams. So it claimed. It existed or several centuries now. Built as a hope for those looking for a new life in the changing world. A shame for those who immigrated only to find themselves under the heel of corporations.

Just like the rest of the world, corporations ruled. Especially in Neo City. The dreams of those who wish to better their lot in life still lived on. Jace was one of them, but he wasn't exactly blinded. Corporations weren't all great. They cared for nothing but earning the money which flowed into the pockets of their elite.

It was their lifeblood. Yet, they were the only ones who could heal his mother. He either had to earn enough money to afford it or catch the attention of a corporation which won't just imprison and experiment on him. For now, Jace had his life here.

He had been looking towards these dreams for years. Focused solely on getting out of what he considered a shithole. The Warrens. He was so blinded by his determination that he failed to see what was around him. Those who cared for him.

The Vesela's being at the top of that list, followed by the staff of Radiance. They cared for Jace like family, and they were. He came to care for and love this place he called home, but never really considered it one. His mother was in a coma, and that's all that mattered to him. Until now.

It was still at the highest of his priorities, but now his eyes were open to so much more. It was terrifying. He found a life here when he wasn't looking. A place that was his home, genuinely and truly. "I will still move forward, but now...I have more to think about." Jace couldn't fathom leaving behind all those who helped him.

There was, of course, one thing he had to take into consideration. Black Suit, the fixer who suddenly grew rather generous and accommodating after screwing Jace over twice, had told him about the one who spilled the information about his mother. A Spider.

"Why is it always so difficult?" The Spiders were a hacker, tech organization in the form of a gang. Based right here in Westview. One of them sold this information to Black Suit in order to acquire some tech that Black Suit came into possession of.

The problem with that is that the Spiders were tight knit and secretive. Finding them wasn't exactly a walk through the park. Black Suit never met them face to face, so they had no idea who the Spider was. He had a few leads, but it was worrying. Messing with the Spiders could be dangerous. You had to be careful navigating their web.

Which is why Jace did something that he was extremely anxious of. He called Kiera. She wasn't a Noble, but she had connections even Jace didn't understand. She always seemed to know things going on everywhere. You might ask yourself why he didn't ask Balek or Liana for help, and you'd be right. He very much could.

However, the anxiety he felt when thinking of doing so was still difficult. Not to mention, facing Liana right now with his feelings in turmoil would be a disaster. He needed a cool head right now. Selene didn't help that either. He still thought about that kiss. He never thought a person could feel so soft.

Blushing, Jace lost his concentration of his meditation as the sound of the city returned to him. He had been so lost in thought that he had gone into a strange sort of trance. He felt lighter, more free. Yet his mind was still chaotic. The meditation helped, at least a little bit this time.

Leaning back on his hands, he gazed out over the city. Cars flew by in the distance, several nearby. The noonday sun obscured by the cloudy sky. A little bit of blue shown through their white fluff. Jace kept this place a secret. Only he and Liana knew of it. It was a bit nerve-wracking inviting Kiera here.

A blanket, some pillows for comfort, and bricks to hold everything down. It was his own little spot. There was even a small maintenance room he used for storing everything. No one used this place. Which worked just as well for him.

A U-shaped brick structure surrounded the area Jace sat in. Part of it was the maintenance shed he used as storage. The rest was used to provide room for stairwells, or elevator shafts. It provided a nice, secluded view. As it was situated nearby smaller, or similar sized buildings, there wasn't much fear of being seen.

The sound of footsteps coming from the stairwell caught his attention. His gaze going towards the door as the steps got closer, the sound of a key being produced. With the door opening, he came face to face with Kiera. He held his breath, waiting for Liana to be right behind her. Only releasing his breath the moment she closed the door, indicating Liana wasn't with her.

"Thanks for coming," Jace greeted her, motioning for her to sit down on one of the many cushions.

"Yeah, of course," Kiera shifted her weight a bit awkwardly before making her way to sit down.

She was a bit toned down from her pink and purple dress. Wearing regular jeans and sneakers, but still held a bit of color in her shirt. A pink crop-top with a black jacket over top. Her hair was tied loosely back in a ponytail, and today she had a small skull and crossbones painted upon her right cheek with three tears under her left eye. In her hand, she held a square black bag that looked like a cooler.

Cautiously, she sat down, placing the bag next to her as she looked out over the city. She seemed pensive as she looked out. The sign of Radiance could be seen not too far from here. Westview had its charm.

"It's a good view..." Kiera commented, but glanced out of the corner of her eye at him, "Do you come here often?"

"...Whenever I need to clear my head," Jace told her, "Not many people come up here, and I have the only key. Well...Liana does as well."

"And now me," Kiera said softly, to which Jace nodded.

"Yes, I hope you don't mind?" He asked, watching her closely.

"...No," Kiera smiled, her expression turning devious, "To think you'd let me in. Are you sick or something?"

Jace laughed lightly, wondering that same thought himself. He would have never trusted her before now, but he felt she was a part of his family. She had always been there, even if it was just because of Liana.

"I'm glad you came alone," Jace sighed, gazing out over the city, "I apologize to ask something like that."

Kiera didn't exactly like being away from Liana or keeping secrets from her. It's why Jace had expected Liana to come with her, but the fact she didn't warmed Jace's heart. Even more so with what Kiera said.

"No, don't apologize," Kiera shook her head, "Thank you for thinking of me, but I am fine. Liana absolutely insisted I go alone, so..."

"Ah..." Jace felt a bit conflicted as he realized Liana knew Kiera was meeting him, "Of course she'd know..."

He found himself smiling despite that, grateful to Liana for respecting his wishes. She had always been like that. Jace couldn't recall how long it was since she started doing that. Every time he thought further back, she was there. She was still considerate. She was the one who showed him this spot when they were kids.

"Is everything alright?" Kiera asked after he didn't say anything for a while.

"Right, sorry," Jace shook his head to focus, ", it's not."


Kiera was nervous meeting with Jace. The first time she ever felt such a way with him. He had asked her to come alone and given her a key. Liana was absolutely delighted when she found out. "It means he's trusting you. Go." Liana had insisted she go alone.

Whatever he needed, he didn't want Liana or Balek informed. Liana had a clue of what it might be. He needed help. He wasn't ready to ask Balek or Liana, and so he turned to the next closest person. Kiera.

"What about Selene?" Kiera had asked to which Liana rolled her eyes.

"He is cautious," She said, giggling as she finished preparing some food, "She is something new in his life. He has fears he deals with. Not wanting to lose what he has."

"But he-" Kiera had been about to protest, saying that he won't, when Liana gave her a knowing look.

"Sunshine, I know," She smiled with a smile only she could have after years of learning everything about Jace, "Here, take this with you when you go. I'm sure he hasn't eaten. Besides...aren't you happy now that he trusts you more?"

Giving her the bag with the lunch she made. Kiera blushed lightly at her accusation before shrugging. She was, in fact, happy that he called her for help. That he trusted her enough to do so. Liana was her first love, and always will be her priority, but she couldn't deny the affection she felt for Jace.

Sitting here with him now only confirmed it. Something seemed to be troubling him, and she wanted to help. He shifted nervously before her, trying to find the words to say.

"Take your time," Kiera told him, hand on the bag with the food, "You can think about what to say as we eat."

"Eat?" Jace looked at her in confusion.

Setting the bag between the two of them, she began to pull out dish after dish. A cheese and sausage quiche, a salad to share, along with some sliced meats. On the side, Liana had packed some simple juice and water. She had reminded Kiera to ensure he was hydrated.

"Did...Liana make this?" Jace asked quietly as Kiera set it out before him.

"Yes," Nodding, she watched as his face softened, "Told me that you probably haven't eaten. It seems she was right. You're practically drooling."

"...Heh, sorry," Jace wiped his mouth as he took a slice of the quiche, "Please tell her thank you for me."

"You can tell her yourself," Kiera stated, raising an eyebrow in his direction.

"I...Guess I can," Jace avoided eye-contact nervously, "I must seem all out of sorts."

"A bit," Kiera wasn't going to lie to him, but she didn't mind.

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There were times he was like this in the past, but it had been worse. He'd forcibly push everyone away. Leaving, hiding, or otherwise avoiding them, So the fact he even called her here was a miracle.

"You know, this quiche..." Jace cut a piece of it with the fork provided, "Nadine used to make this for me when she was alive. Anytime I felt sad, or conflicted. She just always knew."

Kiera never knew this before, so she learned something new. She had wondered why Liana had been making it, as they rarely ever ate it. She could only smile at her love's thoughtfulness. Liana had done something for Jace because she knew he was struggling.

"It seems Liana knows something is up," Jace sighed, taking the bite into his mouth as he closed his eyes in food pleasure, "Mmm...damn good."

The two of them ate in silence as Jace continued to enjoy the quiche, of which Kiera also partook. It was just as delicious as Jace made it out to be. She found herself understanding why this was such a comfort food for him. Nadine may be dead, but she was still around. Her memory lives on, as does her presence. Kiera felt at peace knowing that. She had been a big influence on Liana.

"So...The reason I called you here," Jace finally said after finishing a drink of water, "I...need your help."

There it was. The call for help. Kiera felt her heart race as she looked towards him with calm eyes. She didn't want to push him, or he'd retreat into that shell of his.

"What do you need?" Kiera asked simply, "And why me?"

"I...Don't want to get Balek or Liana involved," Jace answered, seemingly genuine, "I know I can go to them, I know...I just..."

She watched as he fought with himself inside of his head. Shaking himself free, he looked at her with clear eyes. Such an intensity sent a jolt to her heart. "Well that's new..." He looked determined, yet the quivering of his lip before it steadied out was admirable.

"My mother," Jace let out, leaning back on his hands, "I keep her secret, except from Balek and Liana...and you. I'm a runner. People hold grudges."

"Right..." Kiera nodded in understanding, "Has something happened?"

"Yes..." Jace admitted with heaviness in his words, "Information was leaked about her to Black Suit. He knew about her."

"Knew?" Kiera raised an eyebrow at that, but her heart raced with what he was getting to, "What happened?"

"I...made it clear it was best to be on my good side," Jace chuckled dryly, "But that leaves the one who leaked it...A Spider."

Kiera began to form the picture the moment he mentioned a Spider. They were slippery, and could be dangerous. They traded secrets for money, but more importantly tech. They loved their tech, and were expert hackers. Well-hidden, and if you weren't careful, you'd be caught in their webs. Also, they were allies of the Nobles.

"You need my help finding them," Kiera stated, to which Jace nodded.

"I could ask Balek or Liana," Jace admitted once more, but his gaze held hers steadily, "But...I'm not comfortable enough to do that, and the Spiders are dangerous. Allies to the Nobles. You know Balek was a part of them."

"I do," Kiera nodded, hugging her knees to her chest, " can I help?"

"You know things," Jace told her, causing her blood to grow cold, "I don't know how you know things...but you do."

He was observant, more than she gave him credit for. She was always ahead of the curve. Finding information, learning things. Of course, it all pertained to Liana. She had to be aware of anything dangerous, or anything going on in order to better keep her safe.

"I can't find that Spider by myself," His words held a guilt to them, "I wish I could, but I can't. However, I...have people who can help."

At this, he cast a gaze over her. He was reaching out for the first time in his life. She found herself happy it was her he first reached out to.

"Also..." Jace looked away nervously, "If I put myself into danger when I'm still recovering..."

"...Liana would be sad," Kiera finished his sentence for him.

"Among others..." Jace shifted around, looking out over the city, "This is new to me, and I'm uneasy. Please, my mother means everything to me. I can't let the information of her get out."

"What will you do with this Spider?" Kiera asked cautiously, "Will you kill them?"

"I..." Jace paused as he suddenly began to think, slowly he answered, "I want to, but...if I can just get them to erase the data, or somehow get them on my side..."

"And if you can't?"

"Then...Even their webs won't save them," Jace's eyes flickered neon blue, shimmering with power as his intentions were made clear.

"You know it'll cause tension, right?" Kiera mentioned as she rested her head on her knees, taking him in.

"...I do," Jace nodded, meeting her gaze, "That's the other reason I called for you. To prevent that tension, I need to prove this information. That it was, in fact, a Spider."

"Get the Spiders to turn them over themselves?" Kiera was impressed he thought this far ahead, "It is possible...they know that you are under Balek's umbrella. Many of the Nobles, ex and otherwise, have watched you grow up."

"Mhm," Jace nodded, "But I can't go directly to the Nobles without proof. A single fixer isn't enough evidence. If possible, I'd also want to not involve them. The two gangs keep a relative peace in Westview. If they were to be at odds..."

"I understand," Kiera released her legs as she pushed herself up from the floor, dusting herself off.

"Then...?" Jace looked up at her with uncertainty.

"...I'll help you," Kiera smiled confidently, "On one condition."

"W-What's that?" Jace's face grew concerned as Kiera smiled mischievously.

She pointed towards the containers that the food and drink came in.

"You return those to Liana," Kiera told him, hands on her hips, "She should hear from you. It's been a couple days. She was worried enough to make you this quiche. The least you can do is thank her in person."

"But that's-" Jace seemed to catch himself as Kiera raised a defiant eyebrow.

She knew his feelings for Liana now. He realized them that night. He was avoiding her because of that, but Kiera wouldn't have it. She wasn't as soft handed as Liana. Liana put on a brave face, but she still wanted to see him. So, this posed a perfect opportunity.

"...Alright," Jace stood up, nodding, "I'll do that then."

"Deal?" Kiera held out her hand towards him.

Looking at it cautiously, he took a step forward. His hand hovering for a moment before he closed it in a fist. Shaking his head, Kiera furrowed her brow in confusion. A slight annoyance entering her for but a brief fraction of a second before she found herself in Jace's embrace.

Her eyes went wide at his sudden boldness. A light blush entering her face. This was the closest she ever got to him, despite that time at the bar. He had never, in all the time they've known each other, hugged her. He had a slight scent of ozone, but nothing unpleasant. A hint of a sea breeze carried its way to her nose as he held her tightly.

"J-Jace?" Kiera exclaimed in surprise, unsure what to do, but she didn't hate it.

"I...Thank you, Kiera," Jace whispered to her, "I apologize if this is uncomfortable, I'll-"

She felt him about to pull back, and she just reacted. Her arm went around him, preventing him from going anywhere. He had always been so nervous around women. Her especially, but for him to do this meant something. This was really important to him, and as he wore his emotions on his sleeve, they were also in his actions.

"No, it's not uncomfortable," Kiera told him, attempting to calm her own heart, "Just make sure you bring those dishes back to Liana, alright?"

She waited a moment, composing herself before letting him go. He backed away sheepishly, his face red with embarrassment. "'re the one who hugged me." Kiera smiled amusingly as she headed towards the door. Stopping for a moment before looking back at him.

"I'll find them, Jace," Kiera told him with full confidence, "Your mother will stay safe."

Looking over at her, he smiled sheepishly as he nodded. He was quite the handful, putting everyone through so much over the past few years. Yet, he was trying. That was something Kiera could appreciate.

Steeling herself, she left him there to clean. She would keep her promise to him. Not only because she wanted to, but it would make Liana incredibly happy. Also, after such a could she not live up to his expectations?


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