Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Anxious Visit

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Chapter 24:

Anxious Visit

Westview Apartment Complex, 30th floor loft apartment. Only one on this floor. The elevator dinged, opening to reveal a corridor at the end of which was a door. Stepping out of the elevator was Jace, wracked with anxiety. He paced outside of the door, trying to compose himself. It was Kiera's apartment, and where Liana lived with her. Right now, she would be here alone.

Jace held tightly to the bag containing the, now empty, food containers. "Shit...Never been this nervous." Jace had always thought he kept a cool head. Working hard, always under pressure whether from hospital bills or a fight for his life. Yet, this was where he grew the most nervous.

It was scarier than any fight he's ever been in. More terrifying than a raged out, roided Techno Dragon hell-bent on killing you. "That was a fun warehouse..." Jace thought back to several years ago during a mission in Little Asia. Paid to "retrieve" something for the client. Ended up on the other end of a rather large, very pissed off Yakuza.

Jace rubbed the back of his neck, recalling the impact his body made against the warehouse floor during the fight. His body took many hits over the years. More than most, having both the scars and experience to prove it. "Yet, here I am...scared to death of seeing Liana..."

Jace couldn't help but laugh. He had never been afraid before. Not of her. Now, his feelings were in the mix. He didn't want to ruin anything with her. She was family, but now he realized she meant more than that to him. As he paced, a message came across to him.

>From Kiera: Did you drop those off yet?

Jace stared at the message, leaving it on read. He didn't know how to respond as he recoiled at her uncanny timing. His heart raced as he tried to settle himself. "She's your best friend...your family. You got this. Just knock on the door...Easy, right?" He could only chuckle to himself as it was anything but easy, even as he tried to psych himself up.

>From Kiera: Jace. Knock on the damn door.

>To Kiera: Alright, Alright...

>To Kiera: ...How'd you even know?

>From Kiera: I have my ways...Look up.

Jace glanced up at her words to notice a small, well-hidden camera aimed monitoring the area. It was something he never noticed before, but had also only been over to their place a handful of times.

>To Kiera: Ah...Well...

>From Kiera: Just do it.

>To Kiera: I am...I am.

Jace wasn't about to ask why they had a camera watching the corridor. He knew this city, and knew that Kiera was protective of Liana. It was dangerous, even if this was one of the more secure buildings in the area. After all, you never knew just who, or what, may attempt something.

Standing before the door, he quietly thanked Kiera for the little push she gave him. Most likely checking the camera feed when he didn't respond. Once again, he was predictable. Raising a hand, he hesitated for a moment before he knocked. After a moment of no response, he knocked again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He heard the sound of the door unlocking as Liana's voice rang out from the other side, causing Jace's heart to race, "What are you even doing knocking, Sunshine? You know you can just-"

Liana, believing it to be Kiera on the other side of the door, called out to her. Only realizing her mistake when she peeked around the door. Her eyes landing on Jace as she froze there for a second.

"H-Hey..." Jace gave a half-hearted, awkward smile as he gave a small wave, "It's, uh...been a while."

Liana's eyes narrowed in on him as she hid partially behind the door. Looking him up and down as she examined him. He shifted around uncomfortably under her scrutinizing. He didn't exactly mind it, but it did make him more self-conscious than normal. "I-Is my hair alright?" He found himself worrying about needless things.

Slowly, she opened the door and stood before him. A long, black keyhole dress adorned her figure with black tights underneath. Her dark hair tied back in a loose bun. She stood there with one hand on her hip as the other held the door.

She gazed at him silently. The green of her eyes, like emeralds flecked with violet, felt as if they could cut him. It was only a few moments, but for Jace it felt like an eternity.

"I-I brought back the-" Jace held up the bag to show Liana why he was there, but his words were cut short.

"Did you eat?" She asked him coolly.

"I...Y-Yeah," Jace looked away nervously as he nodded.

"Was it good?" Her words seemed cold, but Jace's cheeks were warm.

She was checking in on him, as she always did. She didn't care about the dishes, but that he ate and enjoyed it. "Honestly...That's unfair..." Jace could feel his heart falling even harder.

"Mhm..." Jace nodded, smiling awkwardly, "It was really delicious."

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"...Good," Liana let out a deep sigh as her expression softened, and before Jace could do anything else, he was in her embrace.

Reaching out, she pulled him down as her arms wrapped around him. Jace felt himself react immediately. His heart near leaping from his chest as he fought against the urge to pull away. Almost as if sensing his intent, her arms tightened more. The slight smell of earthy tones entered his nostrils.

"You stubborn fool..." Liana whispered into his ear, "I'm glad to see you."

Jace heard the relief in her voice and felt all tension leave his body. As if his anxiety just disappeared. His entire body relaxed as he just sort of fell into the hug. As he did, her hold on him loosened. Though his heart raced wildly, and he attempted to not press his body too much against her.

"Come on," Liana told him as she let him go, "Bring those in. I've just made some tea."

"Oh, that's alright, I-" Jace rubbed the back of his neck nervously but catching the look in her eye he knew better than to refuse, "I mean...yeah, I'd love some tea."

"Perfect," Liana smiled triumphantly as she motioned him in.

Making his way inside, she closed the door behind him. The lock resealing itself. Looking around, the vastness of the apartment always awed Jace. There was a decent sized entry that led into the living room. The floors were all wooden, with crimson rugs decorating it. Golden, intricate designs were embroidered upon them.

It all had a very rustic feel to it, belying the modern tech hidden in its walls. Wooden, purposefully stained walls decorated the vast majority of the apartment. Pendant lights hung from the ceiling, but with large windows overlooking the city letting in the natural light, there wasn't much use for them at the moment.

A large, L-shaped couch sat before a thin tv screen in front of some of the large windows. Right now, it was currently off. The shades were open and gave a gorgeous panorama of Westview. Just to the left of the living room was the kitchen, and sure enough there was tea being prepared. A soft, light aroma permeated throughout the entire apartment.

A large island counter with a nice wooden countertop separated the living room from the kitchen. On the far wall were stairs leading up to the second level where most of the bedrooms were. Three of them to be exact. With two other rooms on the lower level. A full bath was on each level as well.

High ceilings with a railing for the second floor let you look over the living room and kitchen. Jace didn't exactly know what Kiera did, with Liana telling him he had to ask her. He just never had the courage to do so, but perhaps now he might be able to.

Whatever it was, it allowed her to give Liana a good life. She deserved it. She would never have to worry about food or a place to stay. Of course, now that Jace thought of it, neither did he.

Balek and her were always there for him. He just never accepted it. A part of him just couldn't allow it. Always having to fend for himself, even though they were right there to help. That sense of guilt and need to repay any help he received was ingrained deeply into him. Even now it urged him to pay Liana for the food she stocked up on in his apartment.

"I was definitely a fool...still am," Jace made his way over to the island counter, setting the bag upon it as he took a seat on one of the stools. Liana made her way around to take care of the tea. He was lost in his thoughts as he watched her. Every movement she made caused his heart to ache.

Closing his eyes, he couldn't continue to sit here and do nothing. His mind would go crazy, and so before Liana could complain or say a word, he got up from his stool and began to unpack the lunch bag. She eyed him, but remained silent. At least for a while.

"You know, you don't have to do that," Liana told him simply, preparing the cups for tea, "I'll take care of it later."

"...I know," Jace told her, "But I can't just do nothing..."

She watched him as he began to unload the empty dishes, placing them in the wash. While there wasn't much to do with the appliances in the apartment doing all the work, he could still load it up. He was thankful she didn't say anything, allowing him to do something. Even this little bit allowed him to trick his mind into thinking he did something to repay her.

"I wonder...if she knows that?" Glancing over at Liana, Jace wondered this thought. It wouldn't surprise him if she did. She had always been observant and knew a lot about him. Always there, always knowing. At times he felt she knew him better than himself. Something he had always been grateful for.

"Come, sit at the table over there," Liana motioned with her head towards a small table.

It was situated in a corner of the living room. A nice nook with cushioned chairs, and a great view of the city. Potted plants decorated the corner, along with many other facets of the apartment. Liana had always had a thing for plants and used them for various things.

The cabinet Jace stopped by as he made his way towards the table made him reminisce. Jars filled with various plants, herbs, crystals, and more decorated its shelves. It was completely full of them. These were one of the many uses her plants held.

Jace remembered a time when she was extremely self-conscious of her beliefs. In a world of magic that could be seen, hers was a kind that went unseen. Through food, herbalism, incense, cleansing, and more, Liana put forth her energy. Filled with her hopes and intentions.

After all, she was for all intents and purposes, a witch. She wasn't an Ascended and didn't have magic. At least, not in the typical meaning of this world. She had a way of taking care of things. Putting forth the energy into the world and making it come into reality.

He barely gave it much thought anymore. It was just something she was, and so why did he need to always think about it? Liana was Liana.


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