Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Trash Disposal

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Chapter 28:

Trash Disposal

Kiera was busy with her work, and so Jace took it upon himself to visit Liana while she was gone. Of course, Liana insisted. She'd not have him disappear for days again on her, and a part of him didn't want to. He had kept his distance because of his feelings, but he couldn't.

Every moment with her was amazing. Brighter than it had been before. Jace preoccupied his time with small jobs here and there. Little runs while Kiera searched out information on the Spider. He was worried, but with Liana's help he was able to distract himself.

Him and Balek enjoying a nice homecooked meal as Jace returned to a bit of normalcy. Balek was glad to see him up and about again, to which he had agreed. There wasn't much for Jace to do except continue going forward. He was simply worried that one day they wouldn't be around to wait for him. That they wouldn't pull him out if he fell again.

"Nonsense," Nadine chided him as he explained his concerns to her, "I know my daughter and husband. They'll not just abandon you."

"I know, I just..." Jace sighed as he leaned back in the couch of his apartment, "It's a fear I still have...But what are you doing here again?"

"I told you, you're like a son to me," Nadine crossed her arms, floating in the center of his living room, "I watch over my family, and you...your feelings called me after your visit to Liana."

Jace groaned as he saw that devious, sly smile spread across her face.

"You finally realized it," Nadine teased him, appearing by his side in a puff of teal vapor, poking his cheek as he grumbled, "You love my daughter."

"Y-Yeah...What of it?" His eyes unable to look her in the face, "That a problem?"

"Not at all," Nadine stated matter-of-factly, "Just curious what you'll do about it."

"I don't know..." Jace admitted as he straightened up, "She has Kiera and...well..."

"You'll figure it out," Nadine told him, floating back to the center of the room on her back, "Honestly, my children are such a handful, but...I'm glad to see you realizing there's more to life."

"...Yeah," Jace smiled softly, sighing contentedly, "It's daunting though, that's for sure. I used to be so confident, but now...I worry if I'm making the right choices."

"You are," Nadine cemented, "Any choice made for the sake of others, and of course yourself, is the right choice in my opinion."

"But what if-" Jace's words were cut off as Nadine gave him that "really" look.

"They'll make their choices, and you, yours," Nadine smiled as she began to fade, "Remember, Jace. I love you, and I'll remain in touch."

"Thank you..." Jace smiled gratefully towards her, "I love you too...please don't strain yourself."

"I won't," Nadine giggled as she finally disappeared, returning to either Balek's or Liana's.

Sighing, Jace thought on her words, grateful for her council. She thought everything would work out, but Jace wasn't so sure. He definitely hoped it would, but-

"Jace!" Nadine's voice popped up as her head appeared through the veil, "Liana's. Now!"

His heart raced as fear entered him. He wasted no time in asking what was wrong. The urgency in Nadine's voice spurning him to action.


Jace's legs carried him hard and fast to the Westview Complex. He saw it looming before him as he pushed off from the roofs of buildings. Nadine flying beside him. This was the first time she ever manifested for so long.

"What's going on?" Jace asked urgently.

"They're trying to break in," Nadine spoke grimly, her expression hardened, "I heard them talking about wiring the elevator."

"Who?" Jace ran through the list of possible enemies he could have made, but none of them should know where Liana lived, let alone his relation to him.

"I don't know," Nadine admitted, "Three guys. Two humans and an orc. Heard them describe her to a tee."

"Shit..." Jace urged his legs on.

"Hey! I know it's a rush but remember to breath!" Nadine chided, furrowing her brow, "You won't be of any help if you waste yourself here."

"Right...Sorry," Jace realigned his energy and breathed, "Hold on, Liana...I'm coming."

Jace had never felt such fear in his life. Who were these men? What did they want with Liana? Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

"Go on ahead!" Jace ordered Nadine, "See where they are."

"On it!" Nadine disappeared through the veil.

Ghosts, a hell of an entity. Capable of traversing distances quickly, so long as they have some connection to the place. In some cases, it was people. Therefore, they could go wherever the people were. At the moment, he was very grateful for her. Landing across the street, Nadine appeared before him once more.

"The place is near empty," Nadine told him quietly, even though she didn't have to whisper, "They're inside, near the elevator."

"Alright...go to Liana now," Jace told her, his eyes shimmering neon blue as he made his way towards the building.

Nadine disappeared as Jace made his way inside. Just like Nadine said, there was absolutely no one around. It was normal for nighttime. People were either out in the city, or in their homes now. Slowly, Jace made his way towards the elevator. Channeling a subtle power into his feet, silencing his steps.

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"Damn it...hurry up!" A deep voice whispered as Jace grew near.

"This is a bad idea..." Another one, slightly higher in pitch whispered, "What about that girl? You know what she can do..."

"Shut up!" A third whispered, his voice more neutral in depth, "I told you...haven't seen her in a couple days."

Glancing around a corner, he saw them. Just as Nadine said. Two humans and an orc. They all looked like they were from the streets. Dressed in the typical fashion. All about mid-twenties. The orc having slightly greenish skin. The neutral tone had fair skin, while the higher pitched one looked like he hadn't seen sun in years.

As he watched, he listened more to see their motives. The orc and high-pitched human kept a lookout as the third tinkered with the elevator keypad.

"I can't believe we're doing this," The high-pitched man spoke in excitement, "I've always had my eye on her, but to think we have the chance!"

Jace's blood boiled as he realized their implication. Just as he did, the elevator dinged open as the neutral toned man emoted in triumph with a clenched fist.

"Got it!" He exclaimed.

"Relax. Breath. Think." Nadine's words echoed in his head as he took her advice. Feeling the power inside of himself, he was a lot better than in previous days. His meditation along with him going easy with his magic had allowed him to recover.

Bending the light around himself, he became one with his surroundings. As they made their way into the elevator, he went with them. They were none the wiser.

"What about that guy?" The deep voice spoke up, causing Jace to smirk.

"Oh, you mean me?" Jace dropped the cloak as the elevator doors closed.

"Shi-!" It was their last words as all that followed were muffled screams.


The elevator doors dinged open as Jace stepped out. Brushing his hands off as he let out a deep breath. "Fucking perverts..." Jace growled, collecting himself as he made his way towards the door to Kiera and Liana's apartment. Knocking upon it, he heard movement on the other side.

"Coming!" Liana called from the other side.

Nadine appeared beside him suddenly as she motioned wordlessly behind him. Glancing back, he cursed himself as he saw the elevator doors struggling to close. The head of one of the men preventing it as it simply bashed against him repeatedly.

The sound of the door unlocking sent him to panic as he channeled the power inside of him. With a swift kick, a gust of wind picked up, stronger than intended as the body flew back against the elevators walls.

"Honestly, Jace, if you would just take the damn apartment key..." Liana told him just as the door to the apartment opened.

Propping himself against the wall just as soon as her door opened. He smiled sheepishly as he attempted to prevent the elevator from being seen. Acting as natural as he could.

"Yeah, well...maybe someday," he told her, glancing over at Nadine quickly who simply rolled her eyes as she shook her head amusedly before disappearing.

"Right..." Liana looked to where had had glanced, "What are you doing here so late?"

As keen as ever, Liana knew something was up. She tried looking behind him, and Jace had to think of something quickly.

"I just...I missed you," Jace admitted, which wasn't a lie, "Wanted to check on you since you're here alone."

Her eyes paused, turning their attention to him. Her expression softened just as the elevator dinged close. Letting out a sigh of relief, he relaxed as he stood a bit straighter.

"Well...Now that you're," Liana motioned him inside, "Let's have some tea, yeah? You're staying the night."

"A-Alright..." Jace blushed lightly, but made his way inside.

He contacted some cleaners to come quickly clean up the mess in the elevator. They were discreet, no questions asked. It was money well spent. He felt more at peace now that he was there to keep her safe. Liana could fight, of that Jace knew.

However, against the odds it wouldn't look good. Besides, he didn't want her to sully her hands. Smiling fondly at the back of her head, he followed her inside.

"Jace..." Liana stopped halfway down the hall, "Thank you...It's been lonely here."

"No problem..." Jace felt his heart ache at her soft, quiet voice.

"Do you can stay until Kiera returns from her work?" Liana looked back at him.

His breath caught in his throat as her eyes were illuminated by the soft glow of the hallway. Her pleading expression dug deep into his heart. She was on the verge of tears, her eyes like glossy little pools. "Those puppy dog eyes are so unfair..." Jace couldn't win against it, nodding in response much to her delight. "I'll keep her safe, Kiera."

"Right! The tea!" Wiping her eyes, she smiled brilliantly as she all but skipped into the kitchen.


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