Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Second Date

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Chapter 30:

Second Date

Palm Hills Emporium. A vast, multi-story complex of shops, stores, and restaurants. It was a complex mall situated both inside and out. With five different wings containing the various shops. In its center was the Palm Hills Plaza. A large water fountain poured gently into itself as many people milled about.

Foliage filled in various planters and plots of land to give the area a little bit of green. Advertisements in the form of holograms flashed along the buildings and various stages along the plaza. The low murmur of chatter filled air as Selene stood anxiously near the fountain.

Kiera helped prepare her, but she was still quite nervous. She never really wore dresses before, save for when her parents showed her off. To compromise looking good for Jace and feeling good for herself, she compromised with Kiera.

Instead of a full-on dress, she wore a sleek, dark grey tunic with bell sleeves. The tunic came down to just above her knees. A nice leather belt fitted around her waist, hanging slightly diagonal. Black leggings were worn underneath. It was comfortable and capable of breathing while allowing her to move and look great.

Around her neck she wore an intricate black choker she had laying around that Kiera immediately told her to wear. It wasn't large or ostentatious, and almost looked like lace. Selene had honestly forgot she even had it. Bought back when she first took up the mantle of Rosalie.

Her hair was done up in a high, yet loose ponytail. Strands of her hair fell down, framing her face. She fussed with herself as she waited. She was earlier than last time, as she didn't want to be late again. With Kiera's help, she was there much earlier than Jace.

"H-Hey..." His familiar voice resonated deep into her heart as she turned to face him.

Her breath was taken away as her eyes took him in. The light of the days sun seemed to illuminate him in a golden halo before her very eyes, but as she blinked that halo disappeared. Perhaps just her overactive mind right now.

He wore casual street pants with a long sleeved, small V-neck black shirt. His sleeves were currently pushed up to just below his elbows. This revealed his slender, subtly defined forearms. The hair upon them lit up softly in the sun.

His golden hair tied back in a half ponytail. Its loose strands falling and framing his face as he looked at her with those blue eyes of his. Just a slight hint of green within them. Around his neck hung that same necklace with the ring on it from the previous date.

Her heart race as she looked up him, his awkward nature causing him to rub the back of his neck nervously as he greeted her. She realized just how lithe he was, with a slightly athletic build. As she smiled in greeting, her eyes caught something that sent her heart cold.

Upon his left forearm she saw it as it caught the light of the sun. A diagonal white line running along his forearm. "A scar..." Immediately, she moved quickly towards him as she took his left hand. Becoming flustered, his face turned red as she touched him.

"S-Selene?" He asked curiously, "Is something wrong? I...Ah..."

He noticed her looking as her hands traced gently along the scar. Her expression twisted in concern. She analyzed it, knowing it had been a horrible wound at the time.

"...Who did this?" She asked, fearing in her heart that it may have been him.

He had been in so much pain growing up. She recalled the story about his father, and everything else she found out by listening. Yet, she didn't think he would do such a thing. Not while his mother was still alive.

"A Yakuza..." Jace told her softly, her eyes lifting to his face to reveal the gentle smile upon it, "A job in Little Asia got me caught up with one of the Techno Dragons."

She calmed down as she listened, grateful he was still around. She wondered if he had any other scars. Her heart aching at the thought, but with his life it was very possible.

"They're very good with their blades," Jace laughed lightly, but to Selene it wasn't as funny.

He wrapped his fingers in hers, entwining their hands as he gave hers a reassuring squeeze. It was comforting to her, but she was still worried.

"I was still learning," Jace continued, looking down at her as she held his hand up for her to examine his arm more closely, "Got caught unaware. I simply reacted. Brought my arm up, but was too slow in creating a shield. Tore straight through to the bone. Luckily...I kept my arm."

"...I see," Selene answered quietly.

"Is...something wrong?" Jace asked in concern when she said nothing more.

"No...Yes? I don't know," Selene admitted honestly, "I know you are a runner, and it's dangerous, but...seeing this concerns me."

"I'm sorry..." Jace apologized, though there was no need for him to do so, "If you wish, I can cover them up?"

"No," Selene immediately answered, giving him a firm look, "They are a part of you, Jace. I want to get to know everything about you. Including your scars. Just...Please, be careful."

Her gaze was so genuine and soft as she looked up into his eyes that he had no other reaction than to blush. "...Cute," Selene sighed, content in being able to see such a sight.

"I won't tell you not to run," Selene told him, "But if you get hurt...I will make sure you recover. No complaints."

Jace smiled warmly then, his blush deepening. She didn't know what he was thinking right now, but she could tell he was happy with her words.

"Yes, ma'am," Jace told her, causing her ears to burn as she realized she liked hearing that response, "I'm thankful that I have people like you around who care. It's...strange for me, but I'm getting used to it."

"You've always had people who cared," Selene told him gently as she finally put his hand down, but still kept ahold of it.

"...I know," Jace nodded, looking towards her with those gentle eyes of his, "So...what's the plan?"

"Brunch," She smiled, feeling it finally come naturally to her, for being with him brought out all these sides she never thought possible to herself, "I know a place around here that serves some good breakfast food."


Jace felt nervous just like his first date. Selene was a beautiful, intelligent, and strong woman. He was definitely outclassed and felt so out of place next to her, but at the same time he felt oddly at peace. When he saw her his heart raced. She looked absolutely stunning, but found himself tongue-tied, unable to utter a single word.

Her concern was endearing and warmed his heart. He found himself falling more and more for this woman. A single thought went through his head in that moment, "I don't want to see her upset..." It was the same way she felt for Liana. To see either of them sad or upset tore at his heart.

He had no idea how to deal with his feelings, but as Liana pushed him to meet with Selene, he wondered if it would all work out somehow? Of course, Liana had Kiera, and whoever that mystery love of hers was. That thought still tore at him as he still tried to piece it together.

For now, he was focused upon Selene. Putting all else to the side as he was led by the hand to a beautiful restaurant that felt way too good for him. Harborview Cuisine. Not as fancy as The Medallion, but along the same high quality. Upper Middle-Class individuals sat at tables decorated in white cloth.

Harborview, as it was abbreviated to by the locals, was situated on the highest floor of The Emporium. Its name was exactly what it meant, for the large bay windows allowed for a stunning view of the harbor. While Palm Hills wasn't exactly safe to swim in the water, its views were spectacular.

Efforts were being made to clean up the water, but the Highrisers made that difficult. Still, the stunning vista drew Jace's attention as they were seated at a table for two.

"Once take me somewhere amazing," Jace told her, absolutely in awe, "Honestly...How am I going to top this?"

"Don't worry about that," Selene told him, dismissing it as she sat down, "It is my treat. In the future...I hope to treat you more."

Jace blushed at her words, feeling unworthy of such excess.

"But that's-" Jace shifted around in his seat anxiously.

"My choice," Selene interrupted, eyeing him with a gentle smile.

"But still..." Jace was appreciative, but he felt like he owed her, "I just...I feel like I owe you, even though I don't."

"Of course you don't," Selene almost scoffed at the implication, causing Jace to feel a little silly, "I like you, and I will care for you. That means taking you out to places like this."

"I know, I just-"

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"Jace," Selene interrupted gently, "If you wish to repay me...then enjoy your food. That is repayment enough. Just enjoy it."

Her words were the same as Liana, which caused Jace's heart to fall even harder. It ached with both love and fear. "Is it really enough to just enjoy it?" Jace had his doubts but couldn't say anything to that point.

"If that's what you wish..." Jace told her, smiling as he looked at the menu, "Then very well. With you, I'll definitely enjoy it."

Jace immediately realized he said that last part out loud, his face burning up in embarrassment. It was the truth, but he meant to simply think it. From over the menu, he saw her ears turn red as her eyes slightly widened. "...Adorable," He was glad to be able to see such a reaction as he relaxed a bit from his own embarrassment.

"Yes, it's what I wish..." Selene told him, attempting to hide her own embarrassment.

Ordering the Eggs Benedict with some French Toast and milk, he was quite satisfied with his meal. He was half-way through eating when Selene cleared her throat.

"Jace..." She spoke nervously, which caught his attention.

"Yes?" He asked her, uncertainty entering his heart, "Is something wrong?"

"No," She shook her head, steading herself, "I...don't want to hide anything from you."

"...Right?" Jace stated cautiously.

"I...met with Kiera," Selene watched for his reaction, to which he was obviously surprised, "To be fair...she actually sought me out."

"H-How?" Jace was obviously confused as they shouldn't know about each other, but then again it was Kiera.

"Well..." Selene seemed nervous as she shifted under his scrutiny, "Uhm, are you upset?"

"No...just confused," Jace admitted, "How do you know each other? I just told Liana about you a while ago. Kiera wasn't around so..."

"Ah, well..." Selene took a breath as she smiled softly, "I was rather surprised myself. Did you know she's an Ascended?"

"Yes," Jace stated without hesitation, of course he knew, "What about it?"

"She's strong, Jace," Selene told him, which wasn't quite a surprise to him, "Almost as strong as me."

"What?" Now that definitely surprised him.

"I know..." Selene held up a hand as if to comfort him, "She seemed to be a bit protective of you, sought me out me."

"That damn brat..." Jace fumed, but a smile curled his lips as he felt touched by her concern, "I swear, she knows and can find anything..."

"Exactly," Selene stated, causing Jace's attention to peak, "Which is why she asked me for help..."

"Help with...?" Jace's heart raced as he hoped it wasn't what he thought.

He didn't want to drag Selene into this, as she was one of the good things in his life now. She was strong, but if he scared her away or showed his weakness, then wouldn't she stop being interested? These were fears in his heart. A man had to be strong.

"No...that's my father's teachings...even now that bastard holds a grip on me..." Jace sighed in frustration, hating the things that man ingrained into him. Selene seemed concerned at his sigh, and immediately he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Sorry, just had a thought I didn't like," He told her, "What did she want help with?"

"...This," Reaching across the table, she placed a shard before him, "I was more than happy to help. After all, if I can do really only need to ask."

Jace looked at the shard before cautiously taking it and plugging it in. His vision immediately popped up with an address and a message from Kiera.

>Heyya! It's me, ya girl, Kiera! :P

>Ha! Jokes aside, Jace. I'm sure it's a surprise that I know Selene. Liana does too. Sorry for >hiding it! I promise you, we didn't do it on purpose. Your first date...we sorta spied it out!

Stopping the message half-way, Jace eyed Selene with a rather amused expression. He could hardly be upset. Shaking his head, Selene's expression told him she knew nothing about what the message said.

"So...our first date," Jace whispered, "You met them then, huh?"

"I...!" Selene's ears turned bright red as she knew her lie was caught as she nodded, "She told you then..."

"Yes, in the message," Jace leaned back in his chair, sighing, "That's typical of them...but honestly, as upset as I should be for them spying, I'm more endeared. I'm sure they did it out of curiosity and because they were worried..."

Selene nodded affirmatively.

"Did you...know beforehand?" He asked her, curious.

"I...sensed them, yes," Selene played with the tendrils framing her face as she looked away sheepishly, "I didn't say anything because I wanted you to enjoy the evening..."

" can I be mad when she looks like that? Ugh...adorable," Jace really couldn't be mad as he laughed, "Well, thank you. I really did enjoy it. It's something I remember to this day..."

At that, he instinctively licked his lips as he remembered that night. Blushing as he returned to the rest of the message.

>So, don't be upset at Selene! She's amazing, so take care of her! Enough of me being nosy.

>Jace, about what you asked...Me and Selene found them. Give her another, hot kiss like >before, will you? She worked hard. ;)

>Okay, I'll stop teasing you. Oh, btw....thanks for protecting Liana.

Jace found his face unbearably hot as she shut down the message and ejected the shard. "That woman..." Glaring at the shard, his expression softened as he looked towards Selene. "Another kiss, huh?" He couldn't lie, it would be nice.

"Selene," Jace called to her sweetly, "Thank you. I suppose you know everything then?"

"Yes..." Selene nodded, her ears a light red, "Your mother's information, right? I'll make sure to better protect it,'re welcome."

She smiled happily, and Jace was taken aback as his heart completely melted. Upon her face was the most heartwarming, and earnestly proud smile he ever saw. She was so glad he wasn't upset, and happy that she helped him. "Selene..." In that moment, he knew he couldn't let her go.


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