Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Her Vow

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Chapter 31:

Her Vow

Jace leaned out over the railing of a pier. His gaze cast out over the enclosed bay of Neo City. The wind blew softly over him, bringing with it the smell of the water. Salt and seaweed wafted up into his nostrils as the soft sound of the waves lapping against the pier and nearby shore mixed with the murmur of the people moving about.

His gaze was pensive as he thought on his life. So much changed in so little time. After 7 years of fighting, running, and working so hard it was the first time he ever truly just stopped and enjoyed life. It was all thanks to those around him.

Balek and Liana. There since the very beginning. Kiera with her jests and playfulness worming its way into his life. Now, Selene. A mystery still, but one he wanted to stay close to. He spent so long, blinded by his own goal that he never stopped to think.

Now, with his thoughts somewhat getting back in order, he knew one thing. He had more to care about now. "Still..." Jace gripped the ring hanging from his neck as a small smile crept over him, "I've not forgotten. I'll save you, mom..." His goal remained the same, even as things began to change in his life.

"Jace?" Selene's voice called out to him softly, "I was able to get them."

Turning his head, he took in the woman who was changing his life. One of them, at least. Selene looked radiant in the afternoon sun. Its rays giving her an ethereal glow. Smiling, Jace took the flurry she held in her hand.

"Strawberry Cheesecake," She stated, moving up beside him as she leaned next to him over the railing herself, "Just like you wanted."

"...Thank you," He responded softly, taking the first bite of the cold ice-cream with chunks of strawberry and cheesecake mixed in, "Mmm..."

He savored the taste as he savored his time with Selene. Next to her, he felt calm. "Is this what love does to you?" Feeling so calm, yet also extremely anxious next to them. It was a strange feeling. Like being in the eye of a storm. Calm, but with raging dangers lurking around you.

"It's no problem," Selene said simply, "Anything you want, just ask."

"Ha...I don't know if I can do that," Jace told her, smiling gently, "I know I probably could, but..."

"It's alright," Her tone was soft, gentle, "Take your time. The offer isn't going anywhere."

He was grateful for her words, glancing towards her. He noticed as she took a bite of her own flurry, that it was the same kind as his. He watched as her eyes lit up as she took another bite. "Adorable..." Seeing her enjoy it warmed his heart.

"Is it good?" Jace asked, wondering about it.

"Mhm," Selene's face softened as she took another bite, "It's my first time having it...I really like it."

"Wait, your first time?" Jace inquired, feeling there was something more to it.

"Mhm," Selene repeated as she nodded, taking a spoonful as she savored it before speaking again, "I wasn't exactly allowed a lot of sweets growing up, so-"

"Hold up," Jace interrupted, suddenly indignant, "You weren't?"

"No," Selene shook her head, glancing over at him, "Is everything alright?"

She spoke with such an emotionless tone. As if that was a normal thing to her. It ignited something inside of him in that moment. "A child without sweets...That's..." Furrowing his brow, his thoughts changed to one thing. Getting her more sweets to try.

"I'll be right back," Jace told her firmly, "I'm going to get you more sweets, so-"

As he turned to leave, he found himself unable. A hand, soft yet strong held his hand. With little effort he was pulled back, his head falling upon something soft and warm. It took him a moment to realize just what it was.

The back of his head rested against Selene's chest. Her arm wrapped around his midsection as she held the hand she had grabbed. Blushing from the sudden contact, Jace looked up in confusion.

"S-Selene?" He asked, flustered.

She smiled softly, her expression burning deeply into his eyes. There was a passion shining in her eyes that ignited something else deep in his heart. That of complete and utter fascination. He felt warm and comfortable within her embrace.

"I have all the sweets I need..." Selene stated softly as she leaned down towards him, her lips dangerously close to his, "Right here..."

With her other hand holding her flurry, she tilted his head with her wrist. Jace found himself unable to resist, and even if he could, he wouldn't. Their lips met in a mix of sweetness from the ice-cream and their own taste.

Standing straight, Jace moved himself into the kiss as Selene held him back against her. His mind going completely blank as all that mattered was this moment. The world seemed slightly more drab as they both reluctantly pulled away. Jace's face completely on fire as Selene's own ears burned up.

"That...was unfair," Jace teased, amused and bashful, "Do more of that..."

"With pleasure," Selene whispered to him, giggling softly, "But truly...thank you for thinking of me."

"W-Well..." Jace looked away sheepishly, "I just found it unfair...a child should have sweets, and now that you're grown..."

"...Grown, huh?" Selene's eyes glanced downwards, an amused smile upon her face.

Jace realized where she was looking, immediately growing embarrassed and self-conscious. As if on instinct and pure reaction, he shoved his flurry into her vision.

"H-Hey...!" Jace muttered, shifting in her embrace, "Come on..."

The sound of her giggling lit up his heart as he slowly removed the cup from her face. Her expression was so soft and angelic that he was reminded just how beautiful she was. Sighing, he calmed himself down as he rested against her.

"Honestly, Selene..." He whispered to her, "Please don't tease me like that..."

"Why not? It's cute seeing you flustered," She spoke boldly, much to his embarrassment, "But I apologize if I've made you uncomfortable..."

She sounded genuinely remorseful about it, but he simply shook his head.

"No...It's alright," He told her, gazing out over the bay with her, "It's just...I'm not great with women. No experience. I get...flustered easily. Liana always teases me about it, and Kiera. Not to mention..."

Freeing his hand from hers, he moved his hand to the ring upon his chest once more. Her hand gripping his side as she held him to her. He could feel her eyes upon him. He didn't mind being teased. Though his thoughts turned to the meaning of the ring he wore. To find happiness.


Selene's heart was racing. After brunch, they decided to take a walk around Palm Hills. Heading to the bay was one of the suggestions Kiera had given her, and the articles online stated that the Bayview Pier was a perfect date spot. They weren't wrong.

It was filled with other people who seemed to be couples, or groups of friends walked around. Stalls and shops lined the path there, as well as upon the pier itself. She saw him eye on an ice-cream spot but didn't ask for anything. So, she took the initiative and asked.

It was the right decision as he waited for her to return. She, of course, got the same thing he asked for. Not just because she never had it before, but because it was his order. She wanted to get closer to him, and what better way than having the same thing?

That, again, was the right decision. It was absolutely delicious. She had never had something so sweet and savory at the same time. Though it did lean more into the sweet category.

However, what the sweetest thing was, was Jace. Seeing the look of indignation as he vowed to get her more sweets was adorable. She wouldn't let him go. Pulling him to her, she felt his weight against her body, blushing deeply but on a mission. Despite her attempts to control her reactions, her ears gave her away.

Still, as their lips met, the entire world melted away. In that moment, it was just the two of them. Her mind thinking only of his touch. The taste upon his lips. The sweetness of the ice-cream mixing with his natural taste.

As she reluctantly pulled away, it was as if the entire world became monochromatic, but with him still by her side, that color slowly returned. This felt right to her. Even though he mentioned Liana and Kiera, she felt nothing but grateful. "They also know this side of him..." She smirked, looking forward to making up for the time she didn't know him.

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"Hey, I've been wondering..." Selene asked him softly as she held him to her, "That wore it last time as well."

"Ah...yeah," Jace's smile turned melancholic as he looked upon the ring, "It' mothers."

"Your mothers?" She questioned, feeling her heart ache.

"Mhm," Jace nodded, "Liana told me I should wear it to the last date...and now I chose to wear it to this one."

His words seemed to hold a deeper meaning. Piquing her interest.

"...Why?" She found herself asking, though her tone came out more emotionless than intended.

"Well..." Jace seemed embarrassed as he looked away for a moment, as if in thought, "It's a bit embarrassing, and I...Hmm."

Jace took a breath as Selene listened to him. He took a moment before he explained what the ring meant. How his mother wished him to find happiness. It was her wedding ring. She wanted him to find a new meaning for it. To remind him to not be blinded.

He spoke softly, slowly as he poured his heart out to her. He was nervous, unsure what to do with the ring, but after Liana had told him to wear it, he found himself choosing to do so on his own. When he heard about this second date, he was reminded of the ring once more.

"I guess..." He looked up at her, his smile unfair as she found herself swept away by the genuine nature within it, "It felt right to wear it when I'm with you."

His words resonated inside of her. They were without malice or hidden meaning. She didn't need to hear anything else. That was it. She let herself give into the impulse she felt.

Setting her flurry aside, she wrapped her arms around him then. He was perplexed for a moment but realized that she was hugging him. He relaxed into her as her heart solidified. "I will ensure your happiness..." Selene promised to herself and to him in that moment, a silent promise, but one that would never break.

With his head in her hands, she once more kissed him deeply. So taken by the kiss, Jace lost his grip on his flurry. Only Selene's quick reaction stopped it from falling completely. Still, she never pulled away, or lost connection with him. Setting it next to her as she enjoyed the rest of this moment.

"Jace..." She whispered to him as she pulled reluctantly away, "I will make you happy."

His face quivered, uncertain as his eyes darted away as if looking for an escape. He was traumatized by his past, afraid of the future. She understood that. She realized it in herself as well.

Her family raised her in a way that chained her. Shackled the emotions inside of herself. She would no longer be held back.

"I...Would like that," Jace finally answered, his gaze into hers was determined, yet afraid, "I also...will make you happy. Or at least...I hope to."

He was trying to be strong, but she knew he was afraid. She would cleanse that fear from him in any way she could. He had already made her the happiest she's ever been in her entire life. She looked forward to more of it.

"Oh, you have," Selene cupped his face, a twinkle to her eye, "Leave the rest to me."

Her gentle touch seemed to shatter what remained of his defenses as his eyes began to gloss over. He wanted to believe her. She could sense it. She would make it a reality.

As if another weight fell from his shoulders, he fell into her, where she happily embraced him. Her gaze passed over the bay, back towards the city. New Eden looming over everything. She made a vow right then and there. "They wanted an heir...they'll get an heir." She would make the life he and those around him deserved.


"Are you jealous, sweetie?" Kiera teased as she watched Liana over her drink, taking a sip from the straw.

"N-No..." Liana poorly lied as she looked away sheepishly.

"Oh dear," Kiera propped her head against her palm as she smiled mischievously, "You really are..."

Kiera glanced over across the pier from the table they sat at. Many people walked around, so it would make it a little bit more difficult for Selene to detect them. "You chose the right place to tell her, Kiera," She praised herself.

Selene and Jace had walked away after that rather intimate embrace. Truth be told, Kiera herself was moved by such an action.

"And you're any better?" Liana pierce through her facade.

Kiera looked towards her, seeing the eyes she came to love so much in the previous years. They were now poised in the look which made her knees weak. The kind that saw through her. Kiera felt the heat in her cheeks rise as she turned her eyes away.

"I...don't mind," Kiera pouted, "I have you, and that's what matters."

"Awe, aren't you sweet," Liana reached over the table towards her, pinching her cheek teasingly.

"O-Ow!" Kiera exclaimed, laughing lightly, "Come on now..."

Liana's hand grew gentle as she cupped Kiera's cheek. Caressing it tenderly, Kiera felt Liana grow quite serious. Glancing over at her, she saw the look in her eyes. Kiera's heart swooning once more for the one she loved.

"However, you're right," Liana smiled softly as she sat back, removing her hand from Kiera, "I am jealous...Though I do not hate her. I want her in his life."

"...I do as well," Kiera nodded, knowing she was good for him, "It would be hard to keep her away otherwise."

Liana eyed her knowing, sighing as she looked off in the direction they went.

"My jealousy is just that..." She trailed off, leaning back as she touched her lips, "I wonder what it's like..."

"Come now, you're going to make me jealous," Kiera teased, but she understood that feeling, as a part of her wondered as well, "I'm sure you will, however."

"Oh, I will," Liana said without hesitation, "As for you being jealous..."

Standing, Liana moved smoothly around the table. Her fingers gliding along its surface. Kiera felt her heart beat rise as she got closer. Liana moved her fingers under Kiera's chin, her eyes filled with love and passion.

Kiera was impatient, but Liana knew that. She knew just how to get to Kiera. Her whole body quivered at her touch. Smiling deviously, Liana leaned into her, their lips locking together in a passionate kiss.

It left Kiera breathless, wanting for more. Liana held her head against her stomach, caressing her hair soothingly. Kiera made a vow to always love Liana, and to do anything she wished. Of course, she wouldn't forget her own desires.

"I've made up my mind," Liana whispered, "After you deal with the Spider, I want the house to myself. Understood?"

Kiera had, of course, told her about her job for Jace. She couldn't lie to her. She felt guilty but would make it up to him somehow.

"Of course, sweetie," Liana wasn't about to deny her, "I will make sure it's done."

"Thank you, Sunshine," Liana kissed the top of her head, holding her against her as they enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together.


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