Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Girl Talk

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Chapter 36:

Girl Talk

Kiera arrived with Jace's spare clothes, though it took her a bit. This gave Selene and Liana plenty of time to talk and bond. Talking about Jace's scars made Selene realize just how much he went through in his life.

He always tried to defend that which he cared about, even if he didn't believe it himself. He has said he never stood up to his father and blames himself for a lot of what his father did. However, she now knew that wasn't the case. He had stood up to him.

Jace's guilt came not from never standing up to him, but rather that he was never able to stop him. He took a lot on his shoulders, but how could she blame him? He was in such an environment for most of his life. That does things to people. Selene knew that very well.

Even with the Vesela's offering to help, him and his mother just couldn't see a way out. They were terrified, and in such a situation Delilah still defended him. Stockholm Syndrome, or at least one of the effects of it. They lived so long with them that they couldn't see a life without them.

In some, sick sense of the word, they still loved them. That love, however, was false. It stemmed from fear. The Vesela's hated standing by, but what could they do? Sure, Nadine could have ended the life of their abuser, but that itself could have lasting effects on both Jace and his mother.

Distrust could be created between the two families. Delilah could have possibly even charged Nadine with murder. That was how deep into denial and protective mode she was. Nadine couldn't heal such sickness of the mind. It could only be overcome by themselves.

It, unfortunately, came through Delilah almost dying. Liana had been attempting to talk to Jace about convincing his mother, but he was reticent to do so. He himself had been affected. His father's words engraved deep inside of him.

"A failure...a disgrace and burden," Liana told her, sighing sadly, "To this day, he still holds those hidden scars. He knows it's not entirely true, but those things don't just go away. They burrow inside, festering and feeding on every single mistake and insecurity."

"Depression..." Selene muttered, nodding in understanding, "Feelings of guilt manifest in the most tormenting of ways..."

"Mhm," Liana nodded, "It can wear on you. Especially those around you. I am ashamed to admit that it was wearing on me. Thanks to Kiera, I was able to find the strength to continue."

"...Would you have left him?" Selene asked quietly, hear heart heavy, afraid of her answer.

"No," Liana answered without hesitation, "My love is not that weak."

Selene was relieved to hear that.

"Then...what do you mean by the strength to continue?" Selene questioned.

"I became depressed," Liana admitted, smiling despite her heavy words, "I felt like I was failing him. No matter what, I just couldn't get through to him. I felt weak, a burden, and just a distraction. One of the reasons I never confessed..."

Selene began to understand through this interaction more about Jace and those around him. Liana was so heartfelt in her care for Jace that she began to wonder why Liana ever got together with Kiera.

"So...why did you begin to date Kiera?" Selene asked what was on her mind.

"At first, I didn't," Liana told her, "She showed up one day. Confessed on the spot. I had no idea who this random woman was, or how she even knew me. Let alone a confession of love?"

Liana chuckled to herself.

"But, she was persistent," Liana shifted slightly as they waited for Kiera to return, "Eventually I began to understand just what she was...even if she hides it. She was, obsessed. I told her I couldn't love anyone other than Jace, but she told me that was fine. As long as she could be in my life."

Liana's fingers traced along her collarbone, drifting down to her chest, over her heart. A tender smile upon her lips.

"That proved wrong," Liana laughed, "I fell for her, my sunshine. She accepted me, and I her. She told me that she'd help me get through to him. After all these years, it seems to be finally working. Though, it may have been more to the hospital's decision than our own efforts, but-"

"No," Selene interrupted, shaking her head, "While I've no doubt that was the final straw, if it wasn't for you being there throughout everything, he'd not be able to piece it together. I know how he talks about you. You've gotten through to him. He's just dense."

"Ha! Ain't that the truth," Liana smiled brightly, near blinding Selene with her radiance, "Honestly...thank you. You're a part of this. Jace is stubborn, and without all of it...he may have already worked himself into the grave."

They agreed with each other to ensure that never happens.

"He's finally realizing how important he is to others," Liana smiled softly, "Yet, I still find him in this situation..."

Selene understood, though they all knew it wasn't because he tried to overdo it.

"Well, we'll have to ensure that he understands..." Selene smiled mischievously, "Just what it means to worry us."

"Is that so?" Liana matched her smile, "I almost feel sorry for him...almost."

"Well, it's his fault," Selene teased, shrugging, "Stealing three hearts like this..."

Glancing at him, he looked so peaceful despite being unconscious. Though he had fallen into a sleep thanks to some herbs that Liana prepared. It had drifted him from the dangerous state of being unconscious, into a more peaceful slumber.

"True enough..." Liana chuckled softly, "Still, to think he stole even Kiera's heart. I know she loves me the most, but it makes me happy regardless."

"I'm glad you think so, sweetie," Kiera's voice spoke up from the open doorway, "I see you two have been is he?"

Selene was surprised she didn't notice her, but then again, she hadn't exactly been actively sensing. "Still...I should be more alert." Selene resolved herself to be better.

"Sleeping now," Liana told her, "I gave him Sopor Nox. That same thing I give you."

Selene wondered what she meant when Kiera spoke up.

"I have nightmares like Jace," Kiera told her, noticing her curious gaze, "Liana gives me a herbal tea of Sopor Nox. A herb mix that induces peaceful sleep."

"I see..." Selene felt like she was closer to the both of them now.

"Set the clothes on the chair," Liana motioned, "The three of us need to talk..."

Nodding, Kiera pulled the clothes from the bag and set them upon the empty chair. With one last look at Jace, ensuring he was resting well under the covers of the bed, they left to talk.


"So...What happened?" Liana asked, her heart heavy, "I know about the bomb, but...The Spider, what happened?"

"I am curious as well," Selene agreed, looking towards Kiera, "While I was caring for Jace, she was venting her anger."

"Oh?" Liana turned her attention towards Kiera, amused, "Is that so?"

"Yes," Selene smirked, "She was quite upset Jace was hurt."

"Do tell," Liana insisted, teasing Kiera playfully, "Seems like someone cares for him."

"I...Oh, come on now..." Kiera blushed under their gazes, "You know I care for him...I guess I just realized how much. Still, you're my number one, always."

"Yes, yes," Liana chuckled, flattered, "Still, I'm happy to hear it, but...I'll repeat the question. What happened?"

Kiera rolled her eyes playfully towards Liana. She knew that Kiera's first love was her, but she wasted no time in teasing her about her feelings for Jace. After all, there was a time where Kiera said she'd never fall for anyone else.

"Well, setting aside your teasing, sweetie..." Kiera shot her a knowing, amused look, "I did what I had to. I made them pay."

"So...they're dead?" Liana asked, to which Kiera nodded, "Alright, but...what about the information?"

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"Wiped," Kiera nodded, confident in her answer, "I made sure anything they had on Jace's mother was gone. They had some backups, but their security was weak."

"That's technomancers for you," Selene seemingly impressed, "So, no one has the information then?"

"Well...Black Suit," Kiera seemed hesitant to speak, "It seems Jace didn't reign him in as much as he thought."

Selene's expression grew dark, as did Liana's.

"What do you mean?" Liana inquired darkly.

"Black Suit set him up," Kiera admitted, sighing in frustration, "That damn bastard...He offered the Valkyrie for the Spider to dig into Jace. That's how they acquired info on his mother."

"So...The Spider didn't have the info beforehand?" Liana frowned.

"No, Black Suit paid them to investigate," Kiera explained, shifting as she crossed her arms, "He thought he could use the information against Jace, saw how that went."

"Yeah..." Liana thought for a moment, "So, Jace gets Black Suit under control, only for Black Suit to send him after The Spider."

"Right," Kiera nodded, though her expression grew grim, "Unfortunately, Black Suit lied. He knew who the Spider was. Even had a direct contact to them. Apparently, the Spider contacted Black Suit. Informed them of Jace's arrival. And then..."

"He betrayed him," Selene's expression darkened further, and even Liana could feel the pressure coming from her.

"Selene..." Kiera cautioned, and the pressure eased up, "I know how you feel, but relax."

"How?" Selene stated simply, her tone cold, "You want me to just let them go?"

"Oh, hell no," Kiera scoffed, "You really think I'd let that happen? Oh no, I've had a ping on them since we left."

Selene's expression lit up as she grabbed Kiera's hands in hers.

"Where?" Selene seemed almost too excited at the prospect, "Tell me."

Kiera became weak under Selene's earnest gaze.

"A-Alright, can't look at me with those eyes," Kiera looked to Liana for help, but she simply shrugged.

"You're on your own, Sunshine," Liana smiled, "You seem to have made her really happy."

"Mhm," Selene nodded enthusiastically, "It means...I can help Jace."

Liana's heart was pierced by her words. So genuine and earnest, she couldn't help but smile.

"Then, it seems you two should get going," Liana insisted, "I'll take care of things here. Besides, I wanted time alone with him anyways."

The two of them looked towards her, Kiera with a knowing look.

"Are you going to...?" Kiera questioned, to which Selene looked rather confused.

"I'm not sure about that," Liana said quietly, "At least, not yet."

"What is it?" Selene inquired.

"You took his first kiss," Liana told her, smiling gently, "Of which I hold no grudge. It was"

Selene's ears grew red as she smiled shyly.

"I am still...untouched," Liana blushed heavily, embarrassed, "So...I would like to go first in this."

Selene's eyes widened in surprise, looking between Kiera and her.

"But you two..." Selene's words trailed off as Kiera shook her head.

"We've made out, and have gotten handsy," Kiera smirked, causing Liana's cheeks to grow warmer, "But, never further. At least with her. She's done plenty to me, however."

Liana punched Kiera in the arm playfully, glaring at her in embarrassment.

"A-Anyways. I...want my first time to be with him," Liana attempted to compose herself, though she felt insanely embarrassed, "Kiera promised me to never take it or go that far. She's kept that promise."

"...I see," Selene responded quietly, her eyes cast to the floor in thought.

"Are you upset?" Liana inquired, concerned.

"No," Selene shook her head, looking up with gentle expression, "I am just surprised, and while I would like to take his myself...I think it appropriate that you do. After all, I'm...Let's just say my first time was taken from me."

Selene grew really quiet, her eyes distant. Liana's heart seized in her chest, unsure what to say.

"Take care of him," Selene smiled, finally meeting her gaze, "I'll have him one day, after all."

"I will take care of him," Liana told her, though she couldn't shake her words, "But...what do you mean by taken?"

"Ah...Don't think too hard on it," Selene dismissed it, "My first time was taken from me. Let's just say it was...required of me."

Though she tried to be nonchalant about it, Liana could hear the bitter resentment in her voice.

"Required?" Kiera asked, a tinge of anger in her voice.

"Yes," Selene stated, refusing to elaborate, "I'll leave it at this. I've never felt the touch of someone I love, and so when I do...Well, I look forward to it."

Taking a breath, Selene composed herself. Making her way to Liana, her hand fell heavily upon her shoulder. As they held each other's gazes, a silent understanding was had between them. With a smile and a nod, they agreed.

"Now then," Liana ushered the two of them towards the door, "You two have some trash to clean up. Then spend some quality time together, alright?"

"Alright, have fun sweetie," Kiera smirked teasingly.

With her face burning, Liana defiantly pushed them out of the door to the sound of Kiera's light laughter and Selene's gentle smile. Taking a breath, Liana returned to Jace's side. Patiently waiting for him to wake up.


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