Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Upon Waking

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Chapter 37:

Upon Waking

Jace had a dream. A dream where he couldn't protect those he loved. Their faces disappearing one after another in excruciating ways. Fear entered his heart as he ran to save them.

Balek went up in flames, screaming in agony as he reached out towards Jace. Nadine disintegrated, her arm outstretched just inches from his. Kiera went up in a cascade of butterflies, smiling sadly as her eyes begged for his help.

Liana smiled, happy to see him. That happiness turned to fear as cracks began to appear across her body. She called for him, but as his finger came in contact with her, she fell apart. Selene's face, ever serene turned to agony as tiny holes began to appear in her before finally, she exploded into tiny pieces.

Then, his mother. The worst of them all. Black veins crept along her body. Black sludge poured from them, beginning to engulf her. He pushed through, trying desperately to reach her, but to no avail. Her face falling beneath the surface as the veins took her.

They turned on him then. He found himself struggling to stay afloat. Failing to keep his head above them. He couldn't breathe, his lungs were on fire. "I couldn't save them...I couldn't..." Panic began to set in as he struggled against the dread.


Waking with a cold start, sweat clung to him as a gentle hand placed itself upon his shoulder.

"Shh, it's alright," A familiar voice called to him, "You're safe."

Jace's eyes took in who spoke. The woman who stole his heart for the very first time. His childhood friend and closest person to him after his mother. Liana.

She sat on the edge of the bed next to him, her beautiful face in a tender, soft smile. Her eyes shown with worry and care. In that moment, Jace didn't pay any attention to his condition nor his surroundings. His mind fresh with the nightmares that plagued him.

"...Liana..." He called quietly; uncertain this was reality.

"Yes?" She questioned, smiling gently.

With the sheets falling off his body, he wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her into a firm, warm hug. "This is real..." Jace could feel the warmth of her against him. He could feel her body and the way she relaxed as one of her arms wrapped around his back.

"...W-What is this for?" She asked quietly.

"I...don't know," Jace attempted to lie.

"Really now?" Liana saw straight through his attempt.

"...No," Jace sigh, taking in the slight earthy scent of Liana, "I had...a nightmare. Everyone I ever cared for or loved...disappeared in front of me."

"Well...This is real," Liana whispered to him, her arm tightening around him, "But, perhaps you should get dressed now? Then we can talk."

It was then that Jace realized he could feel her hand against his skin, and in fact could feel her clothing against his skin as well. Pulling away, he realized much to his embarrassment that he was almost completely naked. Only his underwear saving him any dignity.

"I-I...Oh..." His face went flush, his cheeks growing hot as he covered himself with the bedsheets, "S-Sorry..."

"It's okay..." Liana turned her head from him, "I'm just glad you're finally awake."

He couldn't tell, but he thought he saw her smile and blush ever so slightly. Taking a breath, she turned her gaze back to him. Her face looked completely normal as she smiled.

"There are clothes on the chair there," She motioned to them placed neatly upon the chair, "I'll wait outside while you get dressed, alright?"

"Y-Yeah..." But before she could get up, he reached a hand out to her, "Liana...Thank you."

He didn't know exactly what happened. The last thing her recalled was the burning heat as the hallway exploded. It strained against his barrier, penetrating and breaking it. Usually, that wouldn't have caused him harm, but something permeated into him through his magic.

Kiera's face in worry was the last thing he saw. Yet, she was nowhere to be found. Was she okay? What about Selene? He didn't know, but knew he couldn't have gotten to Liana without help, and he knew that Liana had to have helped him.

"...Don't mention it," she said, patting the back of his hand before getting up and exiting.

As she did, Jace was completely at the mercy of his embarrassment. It's not like she hadn't seen him without a shirt before, but before he hadn't realized his feelings for her. Now, he was even more self-conscious and aware of himself.

"Damn it..." Jace cursed himself silently, "Honestly...and she smelled really nice."

Her smell was like that of plants, with a soft scent of dirt and flowers. An earthy scent that even now lingered in his nose. Blushing deeply, he tried to compose himself.

Standing from the bed, Jace made his way over to the clothes, passing by the standing mirror on his way. Catching his reflection from the corner of his eye, he stopped for a second to take himself in. Not out of vanity, as he wasn't exactly a model or anything, but out of reminiscing.

He was scarred from head to toe. Though his legs held few scars compared to his torso. He was fit, athletic in build. Lean, yet still could be considered underweight. Even in the last seven years, he had yet to gain the weight he never had when his father was around.

Often going hungry or scrounging for any scraps. "How could a man like that exist?" Jace wondered, anger rising in him. Jace had worked hard for all these years, so whatever he ate just disappeared into the energy needed to survive.

His thoughts turned to Liana as the white lines upon his shoulder drew his attention. His hand lingering over their lines. That was the first time he ever came close to dying. Yet, his body had just reacted. "Did I love her even back then?" Jace wondered, but the answer was obvious.

Yes, he did. Seeing her about to be in danger tore at his heart. Even if it cost him his life, he wouldn't let someone harm her. She was a light in the darkness. He just never realized it. "What a damn fool..." He couldn't help but laugh, knowing how many people agreed with him. After all, he has done many foolish things.

Tearing his eyes away from the mirror, he finally got dressed. Though he grew flustered when he saw there was also clean underwear waiting for him. Even though they left his on, the mere thought of them going through his underwear drawer was embarrassing.

"Well, we're all adults...right?" He muttered to himself, trying to rationalize it.


Liana leaned against the wall outside of the room that Jace was in. Her face completely red as her body felt hot. "How could he just suddenly hug me like that?" She fumed, trying to hide her embarrassment behind anger. "Still..." Her expression softened as she recalled just how genuine his face looked.

He had such a nightmare that he felt so relieved to be back to reality. "Lost everyone he cared for and loved, huh?" Her heart ached at such a thought, and only served as fuel to steel herself. She knew his deepest fears and hoped to alleviate them even if only a little.

"Even so..." She whispered out loud, "It's unfair hugging me when you're like that..."

It's not that she hadn't seen him without a shirt before. She had to care for several of his wounds, but this time it was different. Was it because she was finally going to confess? Or was it that he rarely made the first move to hug her before?

"Cheeky bastard..." Liana whispered, sighing as she pushed herself up, "Not that I hate the change though..."

Glancing towards the door, she took a breath and headed downstairs. It had been easy for her before to control herself. She had held back all this time, but now she was finally going to go through with it. She never thought it would be like this.

Her father was right, someone else had come along. Selene, a mystery to her who was almost as strong, if not stronger than Kiera. Even Kiera stated how strong she was when they were alone. Liana didn't know everything about Kiera either, and knew she hid things from her.

She had nightmares, but never told her about them. It was the one thing Kiera kept from her. She knew it wasn't out of malicious intent. She could feel Kiera's guilt when she avoided the subject, but that was fine for Liana. There would come a time when she told her.

It honestly reminded her a lot of Jace. He always kept things to himself, but now that he was changing, so too was her heart. It grew hopeful now. Beating fast in her chest, she felt the anxiety. She wondered at if he would accept her feelings.

Selene had arrived into his life, and had even told her about his feelings for Liana. Much to her surprise, Selene had said she didn't mind. She had been sure there would be some issue, but instead, Selene accepted her.

"This is crazy..." Liana smiled, whispering as she began to prepare something quick to eat.

Her long-time feelings would finally be realized. As much as she knew Jace, she was unsure how he would react. She imagined he'd be happy, but would he accept it? "He'll probably mention Selene..." Chuckling softly, she began to put together some sandwiches.

Kiera had always been there for her and had been super supportive. It was one reason Liana loved her. She couldn't replace Jace, and always felt guilty about her feelings. Kiera, however, always reassured her. "My sunshine..." Liana thought fondly.

"Something smells good," Jace's voice caught her attention, not realizing he had come downstairs.

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"Ah, it's just some sandwiches," Liana replied, looking towards him.

His hair was pulled back, tied in his signature half-ponytail. Kiera had grabbed him a simple, oversized sweater and sweatpants. Something simple and nothing extravagant. Yet, on him it looked amazing. Perhaps that was just her heart adjusting how she saw him.

"Still..." Jace said quietly as he sat down at the kitchen island, "You always did make the best food."

Liana hid her blush, cutting the food into halves. "Saying things that make me happy..." Sighing to herself, she turned her attention to him. With the plate of food, she set it before the both of them. Her eyes taking him in. He seemed to be rather quiet.

"Everything alright?" She asked quietly.

"...Yeah," Jace nodded, though his eyes betrayed him, "I'm just thinking..."

"About what?" Liana inquired as she walked over to the fridge to grab some drinks.

"Everything," Jace chuckled softly, a pleasant sound to her ears.

Liana didn't want to pressure him too much but understood to an extent. He spent so long fighting, and this was the first time in his life he was taking it slow. Though to those outside it might not seem like it. He was awkward, kind, and clumsy. He fumbled around in the dark trying to find his own path, ignoring the hands held out to help him.

He was foolish, but not out of malice. He was inconsiderate, but not out of choice. Everything he did, he did with a kind heart. He did with those he cared for in his mind. He just never understood what his choices truly did. He always thought it was for the best, but now he is realizing just how wrong he was.

Still, she admired him. He worked hard to help his mother, and now he was finally seeing that burden lifted. He always tried to make up for his mistakes. So, right now he was most likely wondering one thing. How could he get stronger so as to not worry those around him.

"Jace," Liana smiled softly, "Take your time...I know you may feel rushed, but you have people around you who will help."

"...Do you read minds?" Jace laughed, grabbing one of the sandwiches, "Sometimes, I wonder just which one of us is Jace..."

"Heh, I've just known you a long time," Liana told him, pouring him a glass of juice, "You'll get stronger, but you shouldn't rush."

"...Yeah," Taking the glass she passed to him, he gratefully accepted it, "I just...what happened?"

"Mana Bomb," Liana explained as she took a seat across from him, "You know what those things do, right?"

Nodding his head, he frowned. "It must be a blow to him..." Liana thought, knowing how he tried his best to be strong. A Mana Bomb wasn't just precise, but specifically made to attack Ascended. The flames it produces burns the mana within one's body.

Selene and Kiera were fine, as they were much stronger than him. He never knew just how strong Kiera was. Now, he was finally coming to that understanding. On top of that, he now knew to what extent he was injured.

"...My mana's burned out," Jace whispered, his face completely dejected, "That son of a bitch..."

Anger rose in his tone. Liana's heart felt for him, as his only way to care for his mother was running. That required his Ascended abilities. Without those, he couldn't do anything. At least, that's what he thought. Liana could see it in his face.

"Yes," Liana admitted, not sugarcoating it because he hated that, "So, you need to rest. Which is why you'll be staying here so I can keep an eye on you."

Shifting sheepishly under her stern gaze, he nodded.

"I'll be in your care," His smiled pierced her heart, a blush entering her face.

"Right, up for now," Liana scratched her cheek as she tried to compose herself, "Kiera brought some more clothes as well so you won't be without some."

"...When will she return?" Jace asked curiously, "I should thank her. The last thing I remember was her concerned face. I assume she helped me get here?"

"Concerned? Heh, and she tried to downplay it," Liana laughed lightly, shaking her head at Kiera trying to act tough, "It'll be a few days before she returns, and it wasn't just Kiera that helped."

"Ah!" His face lit up as he slammed his fist down on the table, "That's right!"

Liana's heart gave a start at his sudden excitement.

"You!" He aimed his sandwich towards her, "You knew!"

"Kn-Knew what?" Liana grew nervous under his scrutinizing gaze.

"About Selene!" He protested, pouting slightly, "You had me say so many embarrassing things...thinking you didn't know..."

"Oh..." Liana blushed, chuckling delightfully, "I mean, it was fun seeing you squirm. I take it Kiera told you?"

"Yeah..." Jace calmed down, his somber face from before gone much to Liana's relief, "I guess you know about the Spider as well then. Kiera doesn't keep secrets from you."

"I mean...yeah, I know," Liana nodded, "But, you don't have to worry about that."

"What do you mean?" Jace looked over at her curiously.

"Well, Kiera seemed to be quite angry..." Liana laughed lightly, delighted at imagining Kiera's tantrum, "The Spider and their AI are no longer around. The information on your mother is wiped, and...Black Suit is in for some interesting visitors."

"Black Suit?" Jace's face turned from confusion to anger as Liana explained about Black Suit's betrayal, "That fucking bastard....Agh!"

Jace held his head in his hand. Liana knew how much it must hurt him to hear this. Making her way around to him, she hugged him from the side, wrapping an arm around him.

"Hey, you couldn't have known," Liana reassured him, "You put your trust in them. That's only human."

"Yeah, but I should have known," Jace mumbled, sighing in frustration, "People like him...I shouldn't have kept him alive."

"Well, he won't be for long," Liana spoke quietly, "Selene seemed quite intent on finding, those two are out there right now."

"Selene?" Jace looked over at Liana, "Really?"

"I mean..." Liana grew anxious suddenly, "Was I not supposed to say that?"

"Well...She is strong," Jace pondered, and Liana could feel his worry, "I may just be worrying for no reason..."

Smiling tenderly, she realized he was worried for her safety. He was kind to a fault. Pushing his head down against her shoulder, his eyes widened in surprise. Soon, however, as her hand brushed his hair, he relaxed against her.

"She'll be fine," Liana comforted him, "Don't worry. Kiera is with her as well. If anything, you should be sorry for Black Suit."

"Ha!" Jace laughed genuinely, "Honestly? You're probably right. Kiera's scary as she is, so I can't imagine her truly being angry. That's terrifying...As for Selene, if someone can anger her? I have a feeling there's nowhere for them to hide."

"You don't know the half of it..." Liana thought to herself, amused. They may try to hide things from Liana, but she was sharp. She knew just what type of people Kiera and Selene were. Their murderous intent did not escape her when they left, even as they teased her.

"Alright, enough worrying!" Liana let go of Jace, making her way back to her seat, "Eat. Rest. Or I'll make you."

"...Yes, Ma'am," Jace nodded, his smile brightening her day.


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