Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Lunchtime

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Chapter 47:


There wasn't a day that went by when Jace didn't think about his father. Quentin. Often affectionately called "Quen" by his mother, or as a nickname by his friends. It was sickening each time he remembered that bastard.

The hell he put him and his mother through outweighed any good that man ever was or did. In truth, he wasn't always like that. At least, his mother told him he wasn't. All of Jace's early memories were of his father getting angry. He thought it was normal until he met Balek.

Balek changed everything it meant to be a father to Jace. Quentin had beaten the timidity into Jace. Taught him what it meant to be a "man". Jace didn't want to be that kind of man. Why would he hurt the people he loved? It never made sense, but that's all he knew.

He was grateful to Balek for being different. Seeing how nice he was towards Nadine and Liana changed Jace's whole perspective. That was until Quentin got it into his head that Balek wasn't a real man. That he was weak.

It made Jace question everything. The more Quentin influenced him, the more reclusive Jace became. He couldn't believe that Balek was weak. No, he wasn't weak. The one who was weak, was Jace. Being manipulated and afraid of this man who called himself his father.

A small smile crept across Jace's face. It was a smile not for Quentin or even himself, but for the memories of his true family. Ever since he was young, Balek had always been kind to him. Nadine always cared for him. Liana was always there for him. His mother...did anything for him.

Taking a deep breath, Jace fell into a meditative trance. It was getting easier to let the negative thoughts wash over him. His father left marks deep inside of his heart. Reaching all the way into his very soul. Those marks couldn't just be erased, at least no easily.

For now, they could be lived with. Dealt with in a way that allowed him to free his mind. The mana throughout his body resonated with him. He felt each warm breath followed by the cold rush as he exhaled guide him along this path. It was as if everything was so much clearer.

"Lunch is ready," Liana's sweet voice called to him.

Smiling even more, Jace slowly opened his eyes. Looking towards the sound of the voice, Liana was as beautiful as always. A peaceful presence in this chaotic world. Standing, he made his way over to her. With her back to him, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug from behind.

"Hey there, sweetie," Liana smiled up at him, leaning back into him, "You're getting better."

"All thanks to you, and the advice of your mother," Jace felt relaxed holding her in his arms, "I still find it a bit weird to call her mother..."

"Heh, well you don't have to," Liana told him, "I'm sure she appreciates it regardless. As for me..."

Smiling mischievously, she spun around in his arms, throwing her arms over his shoulder as she faced him. Jace felt heat enter his cheeks as he blushed, a light wind bringing with it the pleasant smell upon her.

"I'm quite happy with this change," Tilting her head, she looked deep into his eyes, "You've gotten quite bold...Though, you still blush."

"...Well," Jace couldn't help but blush being next to such a beautiful and amazing woman, "That may be, but..."

In a sudden movement that caused her to blush, he lifted her with ease, placing her upon the table. Pressing himself close to her, his cheeks burned red. His forehead pressing gently against hers. His hands resting firmly upon her hips.

"You like it," He breathed, causing her to blush even further.

"...I do," She smirked, "Now...are you going to kiss me, or just stand there?"

Before he could answer, she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to her. Their lips locking in a passionate, sweet kiss. Both of them savoring the moment.

"Now..." She breathed, pushing him reluctantly away, her hand lightly upon his chest, "Eat, before it gets cold."

"Heh, alright," Jace smiled bashfully, helping her down from the edge of the table.

Liana had made Japanese style Chicken Curry for lunch. As always, it was delicious.

"Kiera's been eating like this, huh?" Jace mumbled, smiling slightly, "I can't say I'm not jealous."

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"Well, it's not like you couldn't have eaten like this," Liana teased, "I offered many times to bring you food, and invited you over. So..."

"Right, I'm sorry," Jace felt a little bit sheepish, but she wasn't wrong.

"Jace, don't be," Liana said sweetly, "That changes from now on. You'll never be hungry again."

"...Thank you," Jace's heart was filled with warmth as he held back the sudden tears forming in his eyes.

He had been so stubborn, insisting on taking care of everything himself. That's what he was taught, and he didn't want to burden those around him. Still, thinking back, Balek and Liana never let him truly go hungry. Those days when he wouldn't eat for days were no longer his truth.

That thought alone, the thought of those days being behind him, finally broke the dam on his tears. They flowed warmly, silently as he savored every bite of food. Liana didn't say a word, just ate along with him with a kind, loving smile on her face.

He recalled the day he had the stir-fry she made in his apartment. He cried then too, but for a multitude of reasons. It wasn't a pretty cry. This was just a silent appreciation as he felt the love within the food and her words that he never noticed before. It was over quickly but was very cathartic for him.

"Liana, truly..." Jace finished the last bite of food, his stomach full, "Thank"

Liana blushed deeply, smiling happily. It was a bit awkward for him using affectionate terms, but it felt right. This was the first time in so long he was ever able to feel like the world wasn't crashing down around him. Still, there was the anxiety of his mothers hospital bills.

"Next month is coming quickly..." Jace stated as he helped to gather the dishes, eyeing Liana cautiously.

"It is," She agreed, eyeing him back just as cautiously, "You're worried about the hospital fee?"

"...Yes," Jace shrunk a bit in embarrassment, but couldn't deny the truth, "I'm a bit short of the funds I was able to save, thanks to you taking me in and feeding me, but-"

"Jace," Liana interrupted, placing her hand upon his forearm, "Relax."

"I just can't seem to," Jace smiled awkwardly, placing the dishes in the sink and turning towards Liana, "I need to do something."

"You're still recovering," Liana told him, placing her hands upon his hips, "We can help."

"...I know, but..." His words trailed off, and before he could say what was on his mind, he felt a gently hand upon his cheek.

"Alright, you're stubborn," Liana sighed, smiling playfully, "I know you won't rest if you don't do something, and you won't take direct help. Not yet, anyways. So...I'll compromise."

His eyes lit up at her words, but as they did, she held up a finger in warning.

"Don't get your hopes up," She told him, though her eyes shone of amusement, "My condition is simple. You'll take Kiera with you. If she thinks you're doing too much..."

"...She'll pull me back," Jace nodded, sighing as he understood their concern, "Alright, Liana. Thank you."

"Well, if you're that thankful..." Liana looked up at him, her eyes full of yearning.

Blushing deeply, Jace was at her mercy. He couldn't argue with her after being given some leeway to work. Not only that, but he was helpless against her charms now. Her lips found his, and every inch of him, as he found every inch of her. It was a small price to pay, and one he would gladly pay for the rest of his life.


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