Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Conditional Work

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Chapter 48:

Conditional Work

Liana had told her what was going on. Jace was impatient and antsy. Worried about his mother's medical bills. Though they could help him easily, they all knew he wouldn't just accept it. At least not now. There was a lot to work on before he would be comfortable with that.

Kiera was more than happy to watch over him. She couldn't resist Liana's puppy dog eyes, let alone leave Jace to his own devices, especially when he was still recovering. She was at an impasse, and one she couldn't escape from. Not that she wanted to. In truth, she was more than happy to spend time with Jace.

Out of the three of them, she really didn't have much time with him. It was a strange feeling, wanting to spend time with him alone. She always saw him when Liana or Selene was around. The only time she was ever alone with him was on the rooftop when he asked for her help.

She wanted more of that. Though, without just needing her help. Selene teased her incessantly about it, which was well deserved considering she always teased Selene. The three of them were getting along well, which was a relief for everyone.

Jace was the only one who didn't know about Kiera's feelings, and now it was her who was on the receiving end of the teasing she once gave to Liana. Kiera didn't mind, however.

"Jace," Kiera cautioned, "You know I'll drag you back if you overdo it, right?"

"...Right," His sheepish grin was unfair to her heart, "I promise, I'll take it easy."

"So, what's the job?" Kiera asked, eyeing him from the corner of her eye.

"Retrieval," Jace explained, leaning against the railing of the walkway they were currently on, "That building over there. Highrisers nicked a very important case. It's biometrically locked, and apparently capable of withstanding a nuke."

"That's...a sturdy case," Kiera was rather impressed, but along with that came scrutiny of the job, "Jace, this doesn't seem like an easy job..."

He shifted under her gaze, his eyes averting themselves from her.

"No, but..." Jace sighed, "It was the highest paying one."

"...Jace," Kiera said his name softly, yet slightly admonishing, "You could take easier jobs."

"I know, I know," He said, understanding the issue, yet still pleading, "I just thought...If I do this one job with your help, then I can go back to recovering sooner."

"" Kiera asked him curiously.

"Yeah..." He said nervously, looking towards her with pleading eyes, "Since Liana said you'd be watching over me, I thought...maybe you could help me so I can return to recovering sooner. If...that's alright with you?"

Kiera's heart skipped several beats as his gaze was almost on par with Liana's whenever she wanted something.

"...You cheeky bastard," Kiera muttered, shaking her head in disbelief, "You won't ask for our help with money, but you will for a job that earns it?"

"Well, if you put it like that..." Jace laughed lightly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I's different. Baby steps, you know? Please, Kiera. Help me with this."

His words were completely unfair. Not because of the literal sense, but because she felt weak to them. The genuine way in which he asked was just like back on the roof. "Did Liana teach him those puppy dog eyes?" She growled to herself, grumbling.

"Alright," Kiera took a step towards him, pointing at him warningly while keeping eye-contact, "I'll do this for you. You just make sure you don't do anything ridiculous."

His grin was bright and grateful. It near blinded Kiera with his unadulterated happiness.

"Thank you, Kiera," He told her, placing a firm hand on her shoulder, "I know it doesn't make much sense, I just-"

"Jace," Kiera interrupted gently, "I get it. Baby steps, right?"

"...Right," He nodded, his thankful smile all the repayment she needed, "Thank you...again."

It wasn't like Kiera didn't understand. It made a lot of sense if you knew Jace. He couldn't just sit around and do nothing. Even if he had someone carry him through a job, he was at least doing something.

Liana had asked her to watch over him, and this way she could not only watch over him but ensure his health. She could be happy with that. Of course, that had always been the plan, not that he needed to know that.


Even though they predicted him asking for help with the job, Jace was still Jace. He couldn't just do nothing, especially when someone he cares about is perceived to be in danger.

"Heeey~ Girlie, you looking for a good time, huh?" One of them called out to her as they approached, a slight Spanish accent to their words.

"Yeah, come over here," Another called, whistling, "We'll show you a good time he can't, huh?"

Soon, they were both surrounded as they continued to ignore them. Kiera was ready, but Jace was faster than she expected. As they went to reach for her, they ceased to exist. Jace's hand outstretched, the smell of ozone in the air. Lightning tore through the man, with Jace's eyes darkened in a deadly fervor.

"Don't. Touch. Her." Jace warned, the others around them back up in surprise.

Kiera's heart skipped a beat for how much emotion was in his voice and the look in his eye. His reaction caught her off-guard, reminding her she was important to him. Even though she felt touched by his reaction, she was also quite furious. That was a lot of power he just exerted after being told not to do something ridiculous.

Kiera sighed, collected herself quickly, her eyes glowing red. Those who weren't killed were drawing weapons, but this time it was Kiera who was faster. Her vision covered by screens of text connected to all of their implants and cyberware. Electrical feedback caused them all to short circuit, followed by their weapons becoming overheated, glowing red.

Dropping their weapons along with their bodies malfunctioning, it took short work to kill each of them with a single shot of magic through the head. Jace seemed quite proud of himself, but Kiera had to have a word with him. Pressing him up against the wall, she stared him down firmly.

"Jace..." She growled, fighting through her blush, "I told you...Don't. Do. Anything. Ridiculous."

"S-Sorry..." Her apologized nervously, "I know, I promised. I was trying not to react, but when they went to grab you I just..."

His words trailed off as he scratched his cheek bashfully. He seemed to be genuinely sorry, and his words felt genuine as well. "He really reacted...instinctually?" It wouldn't be farfetched, considering how he was, but even so it was reckless.

"Even so, Jace, I can handle myself," Kiera told him firmly.

"I know you can..." Jace smiled knowingly, "You're impressive. I just didn't like the thought of them touching you, even if you destroyed their arm in the process. I don't know why..."

"This boy....damn it," Kiera felt herself blushing even more at his words. Did he not realize the words he said affected others? Was it because she was important to Liana, and he was being protective, or was there more? "No...I'm overthinking it." Kiera reasoned with herself.

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"Just...let me do the fighting from now on, alright?" Kiera told him, to which he nodded swiftly, smiling that damn smile, "And...thank you."

Jace relaxed, seemingly relieved she wasn't to upset with him.

"If you do it again, this mission is done," Kiera huffed, turning her face from him as she could no longer hide her blush, "Now...let's go."

"Yes, ma'am," Jace called after her happily.


Turrets tore the ranks of Highrisers apart, their control in Kiera's hands. It was a simple trick, as they barely had any security on them. She smiled to herself as Jace watched on in awe. She couldn't help but feel pleased about his reaction. Feeling like she wanted to show off a bit.

It didn't take long before all the Highrisers lay riddled with bullets, convulsing due to cyberware malfunction, or just plain fried from their implants being tampered with. Kiera took deep breaths, centering herself as they walked across the atrium. Sunlight filtering down among the bodies, and all was peaceful.

"That's...impressive," Jace's praised made Kiera all the happier, "Honestly, I knew you were strong, but damn...I have a long way to go."

"Don't push yourself," Kiera warned him, "Take your time, and don't be afraid to ask for help."

"...Yeah, thanks," He smiled gently, nodding in her direction.

It was a simple thing to enter the room where the case was and retrieve it. After all, bullet holes had torn a hole in the wall, allowing them easy access. It was found among the bodies and rubble, completely unharmed.

"Damn, they weren't kidding," Kiera raised an eyebrow, impressed, "It's high tech as fuck. Though...I could get in it."

"Please don't," Jace laughed, "We need it for the job, but..."

"But?" Kiera asked, curious.

"Could you find out what's inside?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

"Oh, of course," Kiera's eyes glowed, screens appearing before her.

Slowly, her expression turned from amusement to a stark seriousness. "This..." Kiera felt her heart sink. She couldn't let this case be returned. Not like it was, anyways. This held details very similar to the experiments done on her. "How did the Highrisers get this?" Kier looked towards Jace, who returned the look with one of curious concern.

"Everything alright?" He asked, "You seem...upset."

"Because I am," Kiera answered with a sigh, "I...can't let you return this."

"What?" Jace asked incredulously, "Why not?"

He was getting angry, which was understandable, but to explain it now would cause some problems. They were still doing experiments, trying to recreate what they lost when she escaped. The first thing she did was destroy all the data they had so they couldn't replicate the experiment.

Now, right before her was proof they were still trying, and they were really close. If she left it alone, it wouldn't be long before they would begin their experiments again. "Is this some cruel stroke of luck?" Kiera wondered, shaking her head.

"Jace..." Kiera leveled with him, "I promise I'll tell you more when the time is right, but...please, don't fight me on this."

She couldn't tell him, but couldn't give him the case. She knew how much his mother meant to him. This job was his way of paying her back for raising him. A way for him to feel like he did something to help keep her alive. If he didn't complete this job, then he'd feel like he was failing her.

"...Alright," Jace stated, sighing.

"Jace, I...Wait, what?" Kiera was about to defend herself but was taken by surprise with his answer.

"I said...Alright," He didn't seem as angry as she thought he would, and instead just leaned back against a wall that wasn't completely destroyed.

"But...the job?" Kiera wondered, feeling something begin to stir in her.

"It's just a job," He shrugged, looking out of the window of the room, "I need the money, but this seems important to can I ask for your help, twice no less, for something important to me, only to say no to something important to you?"

He turned his gaze towards her, her heart catching in her throat. His face was so soft in the light, his smile so kind and genuine. The natural lighting hit him in such a way that it took her breath away. She didn't know what to say.

"Do what you need to do, Kiera," He told her, his eyes were gentler than she ever remembered, "I'll find another job. You'll help me, right?"

In that moment, Kiera didn't need to think anymore. Didn't need to hesitate. "This damn man..." With swift, purposeful strides she made her way over to him. Catching him by surprise, his eyes widening at her sudden approach.

Reaching her hand up, she firmly held the collar of his shirt. Pulling him to her, she kissed him with a rough passion that ran deep. It was different than Liana, but no less sweet. Pulling away, she smirked in satisfaction. "That was cathartic..."

"Of course, I'll help you," Kiera stated, pushing him back against the wall, her hand lingering on his chest, "Now, let's get out of here."

Turning on her heel, she left him there dumbfounded and breathless.

"W-Wait!" He called after her as she grabbed the case, "What was that?"

"Hurry up!" She called, ignoring his question, "We have a job to find you!"

"Hold on! Kiera? Kiera!"

She smiled to herself, hearing his footsteps hurry to catch up behind her. He was silent as he fell in line next to her. She felt amazing. Wondering if this is what it was like for Liana and Selene. She'd have to spell it out to him eventually, but for now she was satisfied with this.


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