Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Support

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Chapter 49:


"So...About earlier.." Jace mentioned awkwardly, whispering over communications.

"Hun, focus," Kiera instructed over communications, sounding almost amused, "Patrol incoming, wait."

"Hun? Is she teasing me...?" Jace sighed, staying crouched behind some crates. The sound of footsteps was heard as several people passed by.

"Alright, go quickly," Kiera ordered, and Jace moved.

He found himself down by one of the many dock districts. True to her word, Kiera had found him another job that paid just as well, if not more. His mind was still racing and reeling from the previous job just a couple hours before. "Does me?" He wondered, trying to understand.

"Pay attention," Kiera's firm voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

He had been preoccupied, almost walking straight out into the path of one of the patrols. His heart raced for several reasons as he leaned up against the warehouse wall behind some crates.

"Damn it..." Jace cursed himself, taking a breath to focus. She was right. He had to pay attention. Still, he couldn't get the kiss out of his head. His fingers lingered over his lips in reminiscence. Shaking his head, he attempted to clear it.

The job was simple. Get in, steal some data, and get out. All while remaining undetected. Kiera was playing overwatch. Her technomancy was amazing. She could take control of all the camera systems and guide him through the area.

She could even steal the data herself from a remote location, and the only reason she didn't was to give Jace something to do. "She is really sweet..." Jace thought, smiling to himself. She understood he wanted to do something, even if she could do everything herself.

He felt grateful for her help, as well as indulging him. He felt a pull in his heart, further complicating his mind. Did he also like her? "Just...what is going on?" His head was spinning from thinking about it. Selene, Liana, and now Kiera? It was a lot for Jace to understand.

"Hun..." Kiera cautioned, snapping him once more back to reality, "If you can't focus, I'll pull you out..."

"No, I got this," Jace whispered, resigning himself to her teasing, "Just...give me a moment."

"You have about a minute," Kiera informed, her voice seeming tender suddenly, "Take some breaths, then you have to move. A patrol is close."

"Got it," Jace responded, "Honestly, Hun? Really?"

It was all but spelled out for him, but even so there was uncertainty coursing through him. Kiera had always been one to tease him. The moment she knew he couldn't handle women she never let an opportunity pass to mess with him. This could just be another attempt.

With him now being with Liana, she could be taking advantage of that to tease him even further. It's why he avoided being near her usually, and why it was so unusual when he didn't respond to her touch when he had his depressive episode. "That...was embarrassing." Jace recalled that time, shaking his head free of it, though he smiled warmly.

Though it was embarrassing, it was also one of the most precious memories he had. Everyone cared for him. They didn't judge him, and afterwards they were waiting for him. Particularly Liana and Kiera. Though Jace was sure at the time Kiera was only there because of Liana, but maybe he had it wrong?

"Your minute's up, hun," Kiera's soft voice called over comms, "You need to get moving."

"...Alright," Jace responded quietly.

He still wasn't all there, but he couldn't afford to lose focus. He could figure all this out later, though he was sure he had a good grasp of the situation. She liked him but was also teasing him because of it. "Typical of Kiera..." He couldn't help but smile as he made his way swiftly through the passageways towards his objective.


Kiera spelled it out as best as she could for him. After getting him this other job, she began to call him "hun" as a term of endearment and in place of his name. She liked seeing him get all flustered. It was cute.

She realized because of this that all the time she's previously seen him get flustered, she thought it was cute then as well. She always thought she just did it for fun, but now she knew better. Being raised as she was, relationships weren't exactly something she was an expert on. Liana was the first person she ever found a connection to. Everyone else just felt...bland.

No matter how much research she did on dating, feelings, and other forms of love, she never felt anything for anyone else except Liana. She just connected with her on a much deeper level than anyone before. That became an obsession.

Now, she realized it extended to Jace. Both Liana and Jace were blending together as one entity to her. She always saw them together but had connected with Liana first. Were these feelings just lying dormant in her? She didn't know.

"I just know Liana comes first, but if Jace ever needs me...I'll be there." Kiera smiled contentedly, watching him move through the warehouses. He was still trying to sort it out in his mind. With this job being quick to find with her contacts, it was only a couple hours ago that she kissed him. It didn't give him much time to process.

"Hold up," Kiera spoke to him through comms, watching as he hid wonderfully in an alcove as a patrol passed by him, "Perfect, you're doing well, hun."

"Y-Yeah..." Jace mumbled over the connection.

Smiling to herself, she never tired of hearing him fluster his words. It was just too cute. Still, he had a way of being more than just cute. She didn't know exactly what it was, but thinking back to when she kissed him, she was reminded of it. The way he held himself, his genuine nature as he gave up something he needed for her sake, without even asking questions about it.

She was sure he was curious, but despite that he knew it was important enough that she couldn't tell him. That selfless kindness finally made her act. She could no longer hold her emotions back. He just had a way about him. "It's no wonder he stole Selene's heart so quickly..." Kiera was pleased he found someone like Selene.

The two of them were very similar, her and Selene. With their powers and connections, they would ensure both Liana and Jace's well-being. Even though Kiera could do this job herself, she knew how much it meant to him to do something himself. She just had to watch over him and watch over him she did.

Every movement he made, she watched closely. Captivated by him. It reminded her of the first time she fell in love with Liana. She watched her every waking moment. This time, however, she didn't have to just sit on the sidelines.

"You're doing great, hun," Kiera spoke, watching as Jace entered the door Kiera had opened for him, "Second floor, room at the end of the walkway. Careful, there's a single guard there."

"...Thanks for the heads up," Jace responded softly, music to her heart.

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She watched as he made his way quickly up to the second floor. Moving quickly, yet as quietly as possible he found himself before the door. It was locked, a red light over its handle. Jace was waiting patiently, much to her delight.

He wasn't rushing ahead, and seemed to be more focused than before. Though, through the cameras she didn't miss him blushing slightly when she had spoken to him. "How adorable...Let me get that door for you." She made short work of the weak security on the door, and within a moment the red light turned green.

Jace made his move quickly, opening the door and making his way up behind the lone guard. They sat at a desk, a security terminal before them with many screens. It was amusing to see the guard watch the looped footage without a clue. Jace was easily able to knock them out with a shock to the back of their neck.

"Wonderfully done, dear," Kiera praised, much to his blushing face

Grumbling to himself rather cutely, Jace removed a data disk from his pocket and inserted it into a port on the computer. Kiera ensured the coast was clear, and with Jace making his way through the area quietly, there were no problems. Within a few moments, the data was downloaded and ready to go.

"Now, get out there," Kiera instructed, "I'm sure you're hungry. My treat."

She watched fondly as he made his way quickly from the area without any problems.


"Hun!" Liana exclaimed, sulking as she put her face down on the table, her arms outstretched over it, "Ugh! Why didn't I think of that!"

Jace sat across from her at the restaurant they found themselves in. Nothing too fancy, but good enough to get their own booth. Next to him was Kiera who was smiling rather brilliantly. She was quite pleased and amused with herself.

"You may use it if you wish, sweetie," Kiera mused, placing an arm languidly over Jace's shoulder, "I'm sure he won't mind."

"...Kiera," Jace protested meekly.

"Yes, hun?" Kiera teased, causing him embarrassment.

"Nothing..." Jace mumbled, sighing as he resigned himself, "So...this is a thing now?"

Liana looked up towards him with those soft, gentle eyes of hers. A serene smile creeping across her face. She looked to be rather pleased, and Jace found it hard to defend against.

"Yes, Jace," Liana told him, still laying half on the table, "Honestly, I didn't think she'd move this fast. It's kind of unfair..."

She pouted, shooting a look towards Kiera who simply laughed lightly.

"I wanted to tease her more about it..." Liana mumbled, placing her face back into the table, "It's unfair!"

"Come on, sweetie," Kiera coaxed gently, "Imagine the teasing we can do together though."

"What?" Jace grew rather confused, a chill going up his spine.

"...You're not wrong," Liana answered, peeking up at Jace.

He could see the mischief in her eyes. The chill growing deeper as he felt himself to be in danger. Kiera pressed herself against him, unashamedly ensuring he felt the softness of her body. Liana grew a wide, amused smile as Jace blushed deeply.

"Alright, Sunshine," Liana warned playfully, "Relax. You'll give him a heart attack."

"Don't want that, do we?" Kiera sighed playfully, but much to Jace's relief she settled back, giving him a bit of space, "Sorry, Jace. It's just too fun."

"...I see that," He mumbled, shaking his head trying to gather himself, "So...I see what Balek meant now."

Liana giggled and Kiera smiled. Balek's words echoing in his head. "My condolences and congratulations, Jace. Good luck." He finally understood what he meant. Selene, Liana, and Kiera. All of them liked him, and all of them were extremely good at teasing him.

"...I'm in danger," Jace felt his heart pound heavily in his chest. It wasn't something he minded but was something he definitely wasn't prepared for. He felt like a small cub before three lionesses. "No...Tigresses." Jace mused to himself, laughing lightly.

"Alright, that this is a thing," Jace couldn't help but try to accept it, "I'm hungry, so..."

"Order whatever you want, hun," Kiera informed him, "My treat, remember?"

"...Yeah," Jace nodded, grateful, "Thank you."

As the waiter came, they ordered their food. Kiera's arm wrapped around Jace, she teased him the entire time, but in a more relaxed way than before. Liana looking on with a pleased, radiant expression. She was obviously incredibly happy, and for Jace, that meant the world.

He felt that no matter what difficulties would come, he had the most amazing support network possible. The only one missing in this moment was Selene, though he didn't know if he could handle the three of them together right now. The mere thought of it caused him anxiety. Even so, he looked forward to it.


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