Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 51: Chapter 51: Respectfully, Sir

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Chapter 51:

Respectfully, Sir

"St.Claire Industries has gone into lockdown," The News Anchor, a decent looking woman with cybernetic lines running across her face stated, "Eyewitnesses report seeing a one-armed man attack Kenneth St.Claire, CEO of St.Claire Industries and head of the St.Claire Family.

"This comes shortly after St.Claire Industries went dark almost two weeks prior. Reports coming in state there is internal strife within the company. What does this spell for us, who rely on their products? Empyrean Industries has made an announcement in response."

The screen flashed from the news anchor to a press conference. Standing at the podium was a prim and proper looking Orc woman. Her slightly green skin flawless in the light of the cameras. She wore a form-fitting business suit, showing off a well-defined body. She had an air of calm and authority only experienced representatives had.

Her hair, chestnut brown hair tied back in neat bun spoke of professionalism. As she spoke, small tusks, like fangs, could be seen. Her voice was strong, yet light enough to give her an air of dignity. As if she was raised for this express purpose.

"Thank you all for coming," She spoke to the reporters, deep blue, cybernetic eyes looked out over them, "I am Aileen Vargas, representative of Empyrean Industries. We all know the recent news about St.Claire Industries. You all also know that we have been longtime rivals. Our companies have always competed in the market."

She gave pause for the reporters to take in her words, just like an expert speaker would.

"Even so, our hearts go out to them in this trying time," She spoke with sincerity, an expert in covering the truth with her voice, "We will not lie. We hope that St.Claire recovers quickly so that we may once more compete with each other. A healthy rivalry can lead to many innovations and amazing products for our consumers. We have always viewed our rivalry in this way.

"With that said, we, Empyrean Industries, shall double our efforts of production to ease the burden of St.Claire. We want to let the people know to not worry. You will still receive the same great products. Food, clothing, tech, and more without any impact on your daily lives. We ask that you remain patient while our rival company collects itself. The corporate world is not always kind."

There was an uproar from the reporters, many clamoring to ask questions. She thanked them for listening and began taking questions. Many mundane, others more hard hitting. Aileen wouldn't say much more on the matter except that Empyrean would pick up the slack during this time that St.Claire organizes itself.

Kenneth stared at the screen, his face completely stoic. With him was Joel Abernathy and several of his guards. Joel was the head of the Abernathy Family and Abernathy Technologies. Currently, his face was impassive, but Kenneth knew his thoughts.

He was an older human man. Well into his late 70s, but with technology and healthcare as it was, he looked no older than early 40s. Even so, his cropped dark hair was graying along the sides. His cool, grey-blue eyes looking out from a strong face. Lines of cybernetics stood out against his pale skin, running from the corner of his eyes, down along his cheeks, and following his neck before disappearing beneath his well-kept suit.

"Mr. St.Claire, I am sure you're aware that-" Joel spoke, but the pressure in the room condensing silenced him.

"Careful with your words, Mr. Abernathy," Kenneth's cool gaze passed over him, "We are friends, are we not?"

"So we have told ourselves," Joel took it in stride, unfazed by the interruption, "Which is why, as your friend, I shall give you some advice. Friends don't threaten each other. We have yet to sign the agreement. People know I have come here."

Kenneth gritted his teeth, the taste of iron in his mouth as he attempted to calm himself. This man before him was not dumb. Far from it. Kenneth always thought Joel was too smart for their own good, but at this moment there was a begrudging respect for them.

"It was not a threat," Kenneth spoke calmly, "Merely a suggestion. Everything is going as planned. It isn't the first time I've been attacked. Even you have been attacked by assassins."

"...Yes, however," Joel sighed, shaking his head, "Was he not one of your strike team leaders?"

"He was, yes," Kenneth admitted dismissively, "Just another pawn."

"Pawns should not attack the King," Joel stated simply, the tension in the air growing, "Get your house in order, Kenneth. This merger must succeed. Don't forget your promise to me."

"How could I forget," Kenneth smiled begrudgingly, "But don't you was you who asked me."

"I haven't," Joel told him, looking towards his guard who leaned to whisper in his ear, "It seems I must leave now. Kenneth, I look forward to good news. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Joel stood, looking towards Kenneth with an assessing gaze. Kenneth held it firmly, unflinching, unmoving. With a final sigh, Joel turned and left the room. The doors closing behind him. The moment they did, Kenneth lost his cool.

"That bastard dares stand against me?" Kenneth raged with power as the table that had sat between them shattered, crashing into the ground.

The pressure in the room grew heavy. As Kenneth looked towards the screen, Aileen's face paused upon it. His rage grew as the screen cracked. Everything began to become difficult ever since he talked with his daughter. Over half of his company turned against him, refusing to work.

He wasn't going to be pushed around. Part of him was rather proud of his daughter. She had gathered many allies, but he was still the head of the family. She had a long way to go before she would be the perfect Heir. The first thing which had to go was attachments.

She wanted to take what was his? He would take what was hers. A boy she was seen with twice. He knew she was a doctor somewhere in the city, demoted to a nurse. It was a stain upon the St.Claire name, but she was smart enough not to use it...until she did.

It took him a lot to find her number the first time. Why did she make such a stupid mistake as using the St.Claire name after all this time? There was only one factor that changed. The boy. He had to be honest. He didn't know much about them.

His daughter covered the boys tracks well. Any information on him was hidden and even Kenneth's best hackers had a hard time just finding out his location. Even so, it was all he needed. The strike was a success, or so the leader had reported. Then, he attacked him when his back was turned. It didn't make sense to him.

"Why would he attack?" Kenneth had taken care of them, given them anything they needed. They weren't close, but Kenneth knew the importance of taking care of those you wish to use. Manipulation was the name of the game, and Kenneth was a master at it. From a young age he learned how to manipulate people to his own purposes.

From conning the maids into giving him more treats, to convincing them to do things for his pleasure and entertainment. When coercion didn't work, force worked just as well. Though Kenneth's favorite tactic was blackmail. A cruel smile spread across his face as he recalled all the fun he had back then.

He mellowed as he grew older, but he still partook in his own fun. At one point, his daughter was taught such techniques. Her ability was quite useful. In truth, he missed it. Seeing them lose their memories of what happened to them, the pain they went through, the torture...but seeing they were still afraid. That unknown fear often drove them insane. Kenneth relished that feeling.

He was sure his daughter had something to do with the attack, but how? Did she win the leader over? "No, he wouldn't have killed the boy...unless he lied." Kenneth would have to verify the information, but it didn't make sense to him. Re-Write changed memories, erased them. It couldn't control an entire person...could it?

"Sir, your medicine," A prim and proper voice called.

Kenneth's gaze turned towards a man with an appearance that befit the voice. An older Elven gentleman with gray hair slicked back and fair skin. A lean build that fit the butler uniform perfectly. Glasses with thin frames placed delicately upon his nose. He had an air of sophistication about him, the perfect image of a butler.

"...Thank you, Arthur," Kenneth stated, taking the two cups upon the tray he held out to him.

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Arthur had always been there for Kenneth. The man was a masterpiece. His skills were top notch. Born into the Mercer family, they had a long-standing tradition of serving the St.Claire's. Kenneth had always appreciated Arthur. One of the few rare instances he did.

Always producing the most loyal and dedicated servants. Always working for the betterment of the family. For Arthur, he's served Kenneth for as long as he could remember. Being his personal attendant since he was a child. All St.Claire's had their own attendant from birth from the Mercer Family.

From the two cups, one was small like a shot glass. It contained pills which counteracted the strain of magic upon him. Lately, his migraines were getting worse. Dizziness was always an issue, but Arthur was always there. The second glass contained water to down the pills.

With both taken in quick order, the cups were placed back upon the tray. Arthur nodded respectfully, turning to return the tray to a side table. Kenneth sat back in his chair, his eyes closing as he tried to calm himself. " forced my hand." Kenneth taught her everything he knew, but she was still too naive.

"Sir, may I speak my mind?" Arthur inquired politely.

"Of course," Kenneth answered, waving his hand lazily, "Speak."

"Excellent," Arther responded, sounding pleased with his answer, "Then if I may make a suggestion, sir."

"What is it?" Kenneth asked, furrowing his brow, "I already told you to...speak...your mind."

Kenneth felt suddenly drowsy. The world felt like it was spinning.

"Then, please..." Arthur's tone shifted to a cold professionalism, "Retire, sir."

Kenneth opened his eyes just in time to see the sliver of metal flying towards him. It took everything he had to move out of the way. Flipping over the chair, he landed haphazardly upon the floor. His gaze rose to Arthur who stood near the tray he had placed down.

"Ah, I should I have increased the dosage," Arthur stated nonchalantly, pulling his white gloves tighter over his hands, "Or perhaps I've gotten slow in my old age. I apologize, sir, but could you stand still?"

"W-What is the meaning of this?" Kenneth gritted his teeth, rage filling him, "This isn't possible! Arthur? He's attacking me? Why!?"

"Please, sir. Do not look at me like that," Arthur sighed, almost saddened, "I am simply doing my duty as a Mercer should."

"The hell...does that even mean?" Kenneth struggled to stand, the world spinning before him, "I trusted you!"

"I do apologize, sir," Arthur stated, several needles appearing between his fingers, "As I've been given permission to speak freely, allow me to say this...You are unfit to be the Head of the St.Claire Family."

The vehemence in Arthur's voice along with the cold glare shook Kenneth to his core. His closest and most trusted confidant was betraying him. No, was trying to kill him. The mere thought of this drove him to the edge. Reaching deep down into himself, he pulled every ounce of power he had.

"Oh dear," Arthur's eyes opened slightly wider as Kenneth glared towards him, "You should take it easy, sir. If you push yourself, you'll-"

"Shut up!" Kenneth ordered, his eyes glowing a fierce, deep violet, "You will pay for this betrayal! The entire Mercer Family will fall!"

"Sir, please calm yourself," Arthur informed him, "You're going to-"

"I said, shut up!" Kenneth growled, the room growing heavy, "Die!"

Raising his hand, he sent a heavy blast of energy towards Arthur, intent on killing him.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that sir," Arthur nimbly, with acrobatic finesse, dodge the attack.

Jumping into the air, he floated almost like a feather as he twisted into a flip, landing perfectly on top of Kenneth's desk. The counter behind where Arthur had been completely destroyed and decaying fast.

"I see I cannot reason with you," Arthur shook his head solemnly, "Sir, I would say it has been a pleasure working for you, but I am not one to lie. Consider this my resignation."

The room continued to grow heavier, the desk under Arthur began to fall into the floor, cracking slightly under the pressure. Arthur stood against it, his expression stoic.

"I'll kill you!" Kenneth forced himself to stand, the ground under him cracking, "You'll not escape!"

"Sir, in your state..." Arthur shook his head, "I am afraid I cannot stay any longer, or you may just kill us both. Consider it my last service to you. Even though I was ordered not to kill you..."

"Who?" Kenneth asked that one question, watching as Arthur deftly made his way towards the door.

Arthur paused by the door, glancing back with a look that broke something in Kenneth. A look of disgust, disappointment, and pity. "What right does he have to judge me?" Kenneth was struggling to hold himself up. Arthur was right. He would kill them both if he continued.

"I am not inclined to tell. My family has watched for generations as you and those before you sullied the St.Claire's great name," Arthur's words were cold, piercing Kenneth deeply, "With each generation getting more depraved than the last. We are duty bound to protect the St.Claire's. Including their reputation and name.

"We have followed out of tradition and duty, but you are no longer the St.Claire we made that oath to. It pained me seeing you grow up. Watching the degenerate and pathetic person you have become. The Mercer Family shall always serve those of the true St.Claire name. Thank you for allowing me to speak my mind...sir."

With his final words said, Arthur left, leaving nothing but that expression burning in Kenneth's mind. As the door came to a close, Kenneth unleashed everything he had. Roaring in rage as the entire room was tossed. As if an entire storm blew through, and at its center knelt Kenneth, out of breath and the world crashing down around him.


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