Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 52: Chapter 52: Ingredients Shopping

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Chapter 52:

Ingredients Shopping

Kiera had told Selene that it would be a good idea to check in with Jace, if only once after not seeing him in so long. She understood that Selene wanted to keep her distance. Keep him safe behind the scenes, but that could only go so far. Despite Selene's hesitation and insistence, she was no match for Kiera's words.

Selene currently found herself outside of the apartment door, her nerves getting the better of her. She had never been so nervous in her entire life. Even her first date with Jace wasn't as nerve-wracking as this. Liana's eyes were wide with a look surprise, but soon a warm, inviting smile replaced it.

"Selene," Liana's words were kind, "Did Kiera put you up to this?"

"...Yeah," Selene smiled slightly, nodding, "She's surprisingly good with her words."

"Tell me about it," Liana laughed lightly, motioning for her to come in, "Well, now that you're here...I'm sure Jace will love to see you."

Selene felt a light blush enter her cheeks as she nodded once more, stepping through the doorway. She wore casual clothes, just jeans and a large sweater which hung over one shoulder. She had arrived in glamour just to be careful of who was watching, but dropped it the moment the door opened.

Her hair was done up in a messy bun, strands of her beautiful silver hair fell elegantly around her face. To the discerning eye, this casual appearance was more than it seemed. In fact, Selene had fussed for a long time over her appearance. Kiera's amused face taunting her the entire time.

" long did it take you?" Liana whispered as she practically skipped her way past her, "You look stunning."

"...A couple hours," Selene mumbled, averting her gaze out of embarrassment.

"You'll get the hang of it," Liana's gentle hand was comforting upon her arm as she showed her further in.

Selene had always considered herself composed, but anytime it came to Jace, it was near impossible. She was grateful to Kiera and Liana for helping her along through these changes in her. They were quickly becoming more important with each passing day.

"Is he here?" Selene looked around the apartment, impressed even though she had been here before.

She came from decadence and luxury, but even so this apartment was something else. Lush with plants and the smell of the earth. Filled with memories and emotions that you couldn't have without it being a loving home. Selene could only smile to herself, hopeful that one day she could share something like this with Jace.

"No, but he'll be back soon," Liana informed her, surprising Selene.

"He's alone?" Selene's words were tinged with worry, though Liana dismissed it with a wave of her hand.

"He'll be alright," Liana reassured her, motioning to the kitchen island, "Sit, I'll make you some tea while you wait. I sent him to get some ingredients for dinner."

It was at this moment that Selene could smell something simmering. The smell of a beef broth, and upon the stove was simmering a decent sized pot of what could only be the origins of the smell. It caused Selene's mouth to water almost immediately.

"Oh...Alright," Selene made herself comfortable upon the chair, watching Liana as she prepared the tea.

She moved gracefully, knowing where everything was in her kitchen. Liana was Jace's childhood friend, and now lover. "The two of them..." Selene dismissed the thought before she grew too envious and embarrassed. She was happy for the two of them, truly.

It was just difficult for her, as she had to hold herself back. There were dangers lurking on the edges of their lives. She was the vanguard against them. Until a time when they were no longer a threat existed, she couldn't partake in such frivolities. Such...selfish desires.

"...Selene," Liana's voice broke her from her thoughts, "You have such a serious expression, do you not like tea?"

"Oh, no...I like tea," Selene stated, realizing she had been letting out her aura too much, "I apologize, I am just a bit on edge."

"We have a while before he returned, care to tell me?" Liana expertly poured the tea, with a variety of things to add to it should one wish, "We all are entwined let's not mince words."

"Liana, I..." Selene would have protested, but as she took a sip from her tea, she felt the flavor it her tongue.

The taste of sweetness, followed by a relaxing sensation. "It's...delicious." Selene could feel so much tension leave her body. This tea was amazing. Glancing up at Liana's pure, innocent smile, she couldn't help but wonder how perceptive this woman was.

"You...this tea..." Selene motioned to it.

"You're stoic, but..." Liana shrugged, stirring some honey into her own tea, "I've lived my life with Jace. No matter how stoic...I can tell. Something is bothering you. He wears his emotions, but he used to hide them well. You may be amazing in all aspects, but there was a time he beat you in that."

"...Is that so?" Selene smiled warmly, before this woman she was completely open, "I have to wonder if it's because of you that he wears his emotions on his sleeve."

"You flatter me," Liana told her, but shook her head, "He's just simple. Not in a bad way, mind you. It's easy to crack his armor if you know how, but it's important to help maintain it. To nurture what is repair what can be mended."

"I think...I hear what you're saying," Selene sighed, shaking her head, "You've worked a long time with him. Been by his side...I'm so new to this, do I even-"

"I'll stop you there," Liana said firmly, yet there was gentleness to her tone, "I noticed a change after he met you. You matter, and are more important than you realize. So, yes. You do deserve to be here."

"...We'll see," Selene stated coolly, but Liana's words soothed her if only a little, "But, that aside. Is my face really that predictable?"

"I just have practice," Liana chuckled softly, "Sweet Mint Tea. Perfect for relieving stress and muscle tension, with some added special plants grown right her in my home. Fused with the love and care I put into them. I know, it's corny."

"...No," Selene shook her head, taking a deep whiff of the tea, "It's perfect."

"So, mind telling me?" Liana inquired once more, to which Selene nodded.

"This must be kept from Jace, at least...for now," Selene stated, looking Liana in the eye, "Kiera may be upset with me telling you, but-"

"I'll handle her, she's even more simple than Jace," Liana giggled, the air around her seeming so much brighter.

Liana wore such dark clothing which appeared slightly aggressive. Her personality, however, was quite the opposite. She was caring and attentive. Kind and bright. It was strange to Selene. Despite that, it all mixed perfectly into the person that was Liana.

"My name is Selene St.Claire, and I am..." Selene began her story, explaining to Liana the reason she uses glamour, and why she has been absent from Jace's life recently.

Liana listened with an intent ear. Asking questions when needed, and was less surprised than even Kiera about her true origins. It was so different than anything Selene had ever felt before in her life. She had confided in Kiera, but this was something else.

Talking to Liana was incredibly soothing. There was no judgement in her gaze. No hate or disgust. Her eyes simply shown with a kindness unlike any other. "No wonder Jace's facade cracks...this woman is no joke." Selene admired Liana, and as they talked grew a little bit closer.

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Jace felt a sneeze come as he covered his face with the crook of his arm. Wiping his nose of the tickling sensation, he wondered if that old superstition was true. They say that if you sneeze once, someone is gossiping about you. Something nice.

As he didn't feel another sneeze come on, he couldn't but muse over it. There was no way that superstition was real, and so he simply shrugged it off. He was on a mission from Liana, and if he failed, he couldn't forgive himself. "This is an important mission..." Jace steeled himself, looking between the two different pieces of meat he held in his hand.

"Which one was it again?" Jace was kicking himself in the ass for his confidence. Liana at told him to take a list, but he was sure he'd remember. By the time he got to the store, his brain drew a blank. The entire way he listened to his music, going over the list in his head.

Even now, his music played in his ears. It helped him focus as he nodded along to the beat of music. Despite that, he had been distracted for just a moment and all his focus was gone. "Why is that even a thing? Who designed brains anyways?" Jace grumbled, deciding to go with the beef instead of chicken.

Placing it into the cart, he looked at all of his ingredients. Rice Noodles, peppers, garlic, onions, and some herbs and spices that Liana had ran out of. It was the main reason Jace was sent to the store. That and the meat. Jace hoped he had picked the correct one, but his instincts were telling him to choose the beef.

For Jace, it was so strange not fighting every single day. Not having to run jobs till he collapsed upon his bed. Instead, every day lately he had food to filly his belly, and Liana's warm embrace at night. She insisted they sleep in the same bed.

It was awkward at first, even though they made love with each other. It was still a bit strange. Something he wasn't used to, but it was something he was secretly grateful for. "My nightmares still don't stop..." Jace took a deep breath, smiling to himself.

Liana had always been there for him, and now she was there by his side. The moment his nightmares acted up, she was there with soothing words, and an even soother hand. She was always prepared, and never judging. "Truly...a blessing in Elven disguise." Jace laughed to himself, looking forward to returning.

"Though, she isn't the only blessing that-" Jace's thoughts were interrupted as he made his way to the front of the store. Through the sound of his music, he heard it. A familiar sound that dropped his heart almost immediately. A gunshot.

"Damn it..." Jace stood still as four armed thugs rushed into the store. It was only slightly bigger than your average convenience store, so there weren't many places to go. A young half-elf child clung to their human mother, terrified. One of the four moved towards them, the mother placing a protective arm in front of her child.

"On the floor! Now!" They shouted, gun barrel aimed straight to their face.

Two of the four made their way towards the counter where the old man, Mr. Chen, stood vigil. His balding face was stoic, his gaze hard as he stared down the gunmen. The fourth and final gunman made their way towards Jace.

"Four of them, huh? Two men, two women...couples?" Jace wondered as a gun barrel was placed against his head.

"You heard her! On the ground! Now!" A man's voice, barely audible to Jace screamed at him.

"I didn't really hear, no..." Jace sighed, glancing down at his basket, "Honestly...why now? She told me not to use my magic, but..."

Once more Jace looked towards the mother and her child. The young boy was terrified, the mother being strong, though her trembling didn't go unnoticed.

"I'm sorry, Liana, but..." For a brief moment, Jace caught the eye of Mr. Chen. There was recognition in his eyes and a small, ever so slight smirk crossed his lips. Jace matched it with one of his own, closing his eyes as he took a breath.

The barrel of the gun pressed to his head roughly as the man said something he didn't register. Jace wasn't listening anymore. He had fought all his life. Living on the streets, taking the abuse from his father, and all the hits he took when running. These were four thugs that were the most basic of basic.

He once felt so terrified, but after everything he went through and realizing who was by his side...he was calm. He knew they'd be mad he used his magic, but he couldn't leave this child with fear in their heart. This mother with the grim duty of defending her child against these people.

Not to mention, Mr. Chen had always been such a good person in this community. It was only right of him to pay them back. As a kid, he had given Jace some ice-cream for free. That's who Mr. Chen was. To think someone would try and rob a pillar of the community like this. They were fools.

The power inside of his surged, flowing with the beat of the music. His movements were quick and without hesitation. The mana increasing his speed and reflexes.

"Most importantly...I have to get back to them safely," Jace smiled as he flowed like water around the barrel of the gun, the faintest hint of ozone filling the air as his hand found the man's face. Blue and white electricity crackled as he shocked him. His body went limp, but before it even hit the ground, Jace was already on the woman by the mother and her son.

His eyes glowing fiercely, she didn't even have time to scream. Jace's hand found her face just like the man before, and as she began to fall, his body finally hit the floor with a muted thud. In that time, he was already moving towards the remaining two thus.

They turned, their eyes wide with surprise, but it was too late. Knocking the gun out of the woman's hand with his basket, Jace then grabbed the barrel of the man's gun and pulled it free. In that moment, they were so stunned they didn't know what to do.

Jace took that time to set his basket on the counter gently before turning a cold gaze upon them. Giving each other a look, Jace knew they were about to bolt, but he had other plans. "You think....I'll let you go after this?" His hands shot out quickly, electricity crackling from them.

Their bodies joined their friends upon the floor, their heads smoking from where they were fried. Satisfied, Jace dispersed the magic and turned off his music. Turning towards the mother and her child, he smiled as kindly as he could.

"Are you two alright?" He asked them softly, to which they nodded, and the mother thanked him, "Good...I'm glad to hear it. What about you, Mr. Chen? Are you alright?"

"All good, Jace, or should I call you Arc?" He smiled, teasing him a bit as he relaxed, "It's a good thing you were here."

"Heh, Jace is fine. I had to do some shopping, so..." Jace shrugged, though he was glad they were all okay, "I'll probably be in trouble though. Was told not to use magic...can you ring me up quickly?"

Mr. Chen already had everything bagged in the time they had exchanged just a few greetings. He shook his head as he made his way around the counter to give it to them.

"Nonsense," He handed the bag to Jace, "These are on the house. I'm sure you won't be in too much trouble, right?"

"...Have you met Liana?" Jace asked as he eyed him, to which he nodded with the fear of God in him.

"Then I shall pray for your safety," Mr. Chen laughed, "Go, I'll take care of the rest."

"Thanks," Jace nodded, taking the bag of ingredients and walking towards the door.

Before he left, he heard Mr. Chen kick one of them.

"Hmph, serves you right..." He stated firmly, though exclaimed in surprise as one of them groaned, "Damn hooligans..."

Jace chuckled to himself, pleased with this outcome. Unfortunately, as he reached to start his music once more, the world spun before him and the taste of iron entered his mouth. "Shit...I thought I controlled it better this time...they're really going to kill me now..." His mind flashed with Liana's face, but along with it were two others. Selene and Kiera.

As he steadied himself, he wondered how those two were doing. He hadn't seen Kiera since she helped him with that job, and Selene...he missed. There was an emptiness there that neither Liana nor Kiera could fill. "I hope...she's alright." With that thought in mind, Jace made his way back home. Though he wasn't sure he was ready for Liana's scolding.


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