Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Meal Execution

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Chapter 63:

Meal Execution

St.Claire Industries Headquarters. A large, multi-complex facility that spanned several city blocks. Skyscrapers of various sizes ranging from 40 floors to the highest of 100 floors. A 20ft high, dark slate gray granite wall, reinforced with steel bordered the entire complex.

Gates at various intervals with guard towers sectioned off each city block, and sometimes whole buildings. The logo of the St.Claire Industries emblazoned on the pillars of the guard towers, along with the gate. This logo was shooting star going upwards from the initials S.C.I. HQ and contained within a circle.

The logo was golden, shining beautifully against the dark gray of the walls. The buildings beyond the wall were made of pristine metal and granite. Built sturdy and imposing, yet with a beautiful elegance that was a reminder of the art deco of old.

It stood as a monument to the storied history of the St.Claire Family which went back many, many generations. Some of the buildings, however, were more brutalistic in design. Nondescript walls and unassuming. These structures were research facilities.

Selene had walked these halls many times in her youth. In the center, the highest skyscraper of 100 floors, was where her father was. It was where she would end this. New Eden would be cleansed, and she would take her place as the Head of the St.Claire Family.

Selene monitored the headquarters from a distance. New Eden was ripe with pristine architecture and gleaming structures attempting to outdo the next. It was always a game of one-upping the competition. Consumerism was at its best in New Eden.

High end restaurants with golden gilding everywhere, chandeliers of crystal, with suit and tie practically required. Fashion shops with the latest fashion being shown off by androids in the shop windows. The streets were clean and patrolled by the NCPD. Near the shops, private security could often be seen watching.

Selene was in one of these fancy buildings, along with Arthur and several of the Mercer Family agents. They all wore neat, tidy black and white suits. Their hair, if not cut short, was tied back in tight buns or ponytails. They were all rather nondescript and uniform.

Selene was finishing a nice meal from a penthouse restaurant, wishing she could have shared the meal with Jace. "Soon...I'll return to him." Selene could only sigh as she took a sip of her drink. It was Jace's favorite. Pear and Rose Punch.

Tables dotted the open floored restaurant, covered in fancy white cloth. Crystal chandeliers gilded in gold lit the area in a warm, cozy glow. The table she sat at currently was elevated above the rest on a raised platform. Across the way was a high-end bar with shimmering bottles of various liquor.

A sleek, black piano was situated upon another raised platform across from the bar against a windows wall. Its seat was empty, just like the bar. All employees were given the day off. Only the Mercer Family served her at this moment.

Currently, Selene was in an unhappy mood. Looking over the top of her glass, she drew her eyes over all those present. They were investors in her father's company. Which meant they were investors in her company. Men and women of various backgrounds, but all with the money to back them up.

At the moment, they were all bound and tied to their chairs. Gagged and staring in fear towards her. They had been implicit in her father's endeavors. Funding his grotesque hobbies and fetishes. This did not help to calm her already sour mood.

"Jace..." Selene tapped her fingers upon the table. She had just heard the news of what happened to him. Her father had sent Paladins after him. He survived, but just barely. If not for Kiera's timely arrival, he may not have made it.

She knew it was a possibility, but the timing couldn't have been worse. He was recovering his mana and was under orders to not use magic. She was grateful he stuck to his promise, but because of that he got hurt. Though, a bullet wound was better than death.

"I'll give you each one chance," Selene informed those present, "Your gags will be removed...if I don't like what I hear, your throat will be slit. I do not have time for games."

Nodding to the Mercer Family agents, they all took up position by her guests. At the same time, her empty dishes were taken, save her drink. There were ten guests in total. All from wealthy, important families, but Selene couldn't care less. To her, they were just steppingstones. Obstacles in her way, and obstacles had to be removed.

"My question is simple...Do you support my father?" She eyed the first one on the right.

A once beautiful elven woman who was now past her prime. An old elf who kept up appearances with cybernetics and false pale skin. Green eyes with cybernetic lines in them looked at her in fear. White hair in a curly bob cut. She wore an elegant, unadorned beige dress. The Mercer Agent took off her gag as Selene nodded.

"Please! I beg of you, release-" she had a well to do voice which was promptly cut short as the knife sliced into her neck.

Blood spray forth onto the white tablecloth, painting it crimson. The Mercer agent took her body away as Selene eyed the next in line. A young human man with slightly dark skin. He had a firm gaze despite the situation, though Selene could see the fear in his hazel eyes.

His two-piece dark blue suit had been splattered with the woman's blood. His head was shaved clean, and golden cybernetic lines could be seen. Parallel lines that went from his eyes, wrapped up over his skull, and down his back. The moment the gag was released, he remained silent. Defiant.

His defiance would be the last thing he did. Letting out a grunt of pain as his eyes widened, his body fell to the floor, his blood pooling underneath him. His body was also taken away. The next two in line, two older gentlemen, tried pleading for their lives only for them to join the others.

"Honestly, it's a simple question..." Selene, stared down the sixth person in line, "Do you support my father?"

The sixth person was a younger human woman. A slender frame covered by a grey sheath dress, she looked quite young, maybe sixteen years old. Thin, cybernetic lines traced from the outer corner of her grey eyes and down her cheeks before disappearing into her tanned flesh. Mousy brown hair fell in curls across her shoulders.

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"N-No..." She stuttered, terrified as the gag was removed from her mouth, "I-I didn't even know..."

Holding a hand up, Selene stopped the Mercer agent. Judging the woman with calculating eyes, Selene motioned to the agent.

"Take her for now," Selene ordered and the agent unbound her from the chair, and lifted her up to stand, "Do not harm her...for now."

"As you wish, Ma'am," the female agent spoke, nodding and escorting the young girl away.

Turning her attention back to the rest, of those remaining, only two were kept alive. Selene took a sip of her drink as she watched the last of those remaining being taken away. This was an exercise in power. While they were investors, they were not above reproach.

"Ma'am, if I may..." Arthur spoke up softly, "You seem distracted. Is this about the boy?"

"His name is Jace," Selene stated with a bite, her eyes flicking to Arthur, "I suggest you remember it. He will be the next master of the house."

"...Of course, My Lady," Arthur bowed his head, "I meant no disrespect. I am simply worried for your wellbeing."

"I'm fine," Selene stated, sighing, "I just want to finish this so I can return to him."

Selene could understand his point of view, but she would take no dissent when it came to her choice of lover.

"Do you disapprove?" Selene asked, a venomous undertone to her words, "You're not going to spout some bullshit about bloodlines, are you?"

"You wound me, Madam," Arthur held his hand to his heart in mock hurt before smiling, "But, to answer your question. No. Unlike Sir Kenneth, I am not so old-fashioned. Besides, I have watched you grow up. I stood by while you were subjected to such...cruelty."

"Arthur, that wasn't your fault," Selene could sense the guilt in his voice.

"Even so," Arthur sighed, "You are the Young Miss. I should have at least made things more comfortable for you...It is a shame to my family that we did not serve you properly."

Selene took a sip of her drink, staring out of the window towards the headquarters across the street.

"If that is how you feel..." Selene stated softly, "Then...serve me properly from now on. Understood?"

"With pleasure, My Lady," Arthur answered obediently and with conviction.


Though Arthur had told Miss Selene he did not disapprove, he wasn't exactly comfortable with the arrangement. This child, this...Jace, was an unknown factor. He was aware of the changes in Miss Selene because of him. This wouldn't be concerning if not for them being an unknown factor.

Perhaps it was just Arthur's ingrained wariness from years of being in corporate espionage, or his burgeoning overprotectiveness as a way to make up for all the years he failed Miss Selene. Whatever the case, he couldn't just sit still. He had to meet this "Jace" himself.

He knew he was risking himself, but he would confront this man and decide for himself if he was an asset or a hinderance to Miss Selene. It was the least he could do to ensure Miss Selene's wellbeing.

Seeing the love and yearning Miss Selene had for this young man, if it was true, there shouldn't be any issues. However, if they weren't true, then...he would take any and all responsibility for swiftly ending the farce.


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