Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Doubts Washed Away

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Chapter 62:

Doubts Washed Away

"Jace!" Liana exclaimed as she rushed to his side.

He winced as Kiera set him down on one of the kitchen chairs. Liana was immediately there with herbs, clean water, and bandages. This wasn't the first time she had to bandage a bullet wound, but it was the first time she had to do so since her feelings were out in the open.

She was holding nothing back in the worry on her face. So much so that it caused Jace to feel incredibly guilty. That was a look he didn't like to see her have. Reaching up, he touched her cheek which caused her to freeze.

"Liana...Slow down," He spoke calmly, smiling the best he can, "I'm not dying...Though I appreciate your concern."

"...Right," She stated, tears forming in her eyes; reaching up she clenched his hand to her face, "Even so...I don't want to lose you so soon after we've finally...we..."

"Sweetie..." Kiera rested a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, "I won't let that happen. After all, he's mine too..."

This caused Liana to chuckle, and Jace to blush. The mood was slightly improved by her words. Jace was appreciative of her assistance. Truly, this was why he called them his angels.

"Alright, you're right..." Liana stated, taking a deep breath, "Even so, I don't like this."

"I don't like being shot either..." Jace joked, receiving a dirty look from Liana, though she smiled, "Now...about we take care of this bleeding? I'm feeling a bit lightheaded..."

"Hold still," Liana nodded to Kiera, who moved to hold him down, "This is going to sting."

"It always does..." Jace gritted his teeth as she applied the cleaning alcohol.

Using a special herbal mix, she was able to clean the wound and bandage it. The thing about magic being in the world is that plants had amazing properties. What you'd often find in fantasy stories was real life for us. Granted, it wasn't as miraculous as healing a wound completely, but it allowed function to be brought back to his arm, though it hurt like crazy.

Thankfully, Liana was an herbal expert and knew just the right combination to numb the area and reduce the pain. It would take a while for the wound to heal now, and Jace's plans to begin training against after recovering his magic was ruined. In this state, there was no way he'd be able to train. Not to mention, Kiera and Liana wouldn't let him.

"Not a chance you're using that arm, Jace," Liana told him firmly, "I know you wanted to get back into training, but...Don't make me completely immobilize your arm."

Kiera stood menacingly in support of Liana, to which Jace was no match as he held up his only good arm in defeat.

"Alright, alright...I just...Damn it!" He slammed his right hand down on the table, as he was extremely frustrated, "Why the hell were Paladins after me? I did nothing to attract their attention...and just when I was almost healed!"

"Fuck..." Jace couldn't help but be frustrated. It was one thing after the other. If not for Kiera, he'd be dead right now. He shouldn't be angry towards them, and hoped they understood he wasn't.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled softly, "I'm not angry at you...Both of you are such angels. Thanks for saving me."

"It's alright, I'd do it in a heartbeat," Kiera stated, though a light pink entered her cheeks, "I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner."

"No...You got there as soon as you could," He gave Kiera smile, though noticed Liana seeming a bit down, which was uncharacteristic of her, "Hey...Come here."

Reaching a hand out towards Liana, she looked at it and took it cautiously. Pulling her to him, she smiled sheepishly. Sitting her down on his knee, he held her with his good arm. Holding her side with his hand, he felt at ease with her nearby.

"Now, what's with the long face?" Jace could tell she was upset, "I'm alright...So what is going on?"

"Sometimes...You're too perceptive," Liana pouted.

"Well, you're important to me," Jace told her, "I should start paying more attention. Dense as I still may be, anyways."

"Dense indeed..." Liana chuckled, resting her head against his right shoulder, "I just feel frustrated."

"Frustrated?" Jace grew a bit concerned.

"Yes," She nodded, glancing up at him, she poked him playfully in the cheek, "Don't look like that. It's not that unbelievable I have my limits, is it?"

"...No, it isn't unbelievable," Jace shook his head, holding her tighter, "It's because you're the strongest person I know that I'm concerned. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You've already done it," Liana smiled, though Jace had his doubts.

"Spill it, or I'll use whatever strength I have left to tickle you into submission," Jace teased, though smiled menacingly.

"You wouldn't!" Liana's eyes went wide before narrowing in on him.

"Try me, dear," Jace stared her down, his hand holding her side firmly, squeezing it to drive home the point.

"Alright!" Liana admitted defeat, laughing lightly, though Jace could hear the sadness behind her jovial tone, "I'm just...feeling like I can't do anything."

"You're going to have to explain that one, Liana," Jace furrowed his brow in confusion, " do so much. What is it that you don't do?"

Liana was quiet for a moment, resting her head against his shoulder. Taking his left hand, she played with it as she thought. Jace could tell something was bothering her, which wasn't like her at all. However, he wasn't about to dismiss it.

She was important to him. Was always there for him. So, it was the least he could do to be there for her. He only hoped he could help. Kiera remained silent, watching with an understanding expression.

"Well...It might sound silly, but..." Liana spoke softly, "I feel like I can't stand next to you. Fight next to you. I can do a lot of things, but-"

"Liana..." Jace interrupted gently, pulling her closer to him, "Is that what you're worried about? That you can't fight next to me?"

"I told you, it's silly..." Liana chuckled softly, though he could see the conflict in her eyes.

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"It's not silly," he lifted her hands to his chest, holding them close, "Do you feel heart. It is beating because of you. I would have died a million times over if not for you. Hell, I've seen you stare down Ascended you've had no business staring down."

"Yeah, and that..." Her hand reached up to his right shoulder, caressing it softly, "...Had consequences."

"I don't regret it," Jace proclaimed, Liana's eyes widening, "Never for a single second do I regret it. Just like...Just like all those times you and your mother have saved me. Do you regret it?"

"What!? No!" Liana frowned, anger burning in her eyes before she realized what he was doing, "You cheater! That isn't fair!"

"Isn't it?" Jace chuckled softly, causing Liana to pout, "You fight by my side every single day. Maybe not out there, but you don't need to. You're already doing more than you ever should, and I am eternally grateful for that."

Liana furrowed her brow cutely, taking her hands back as she crossed her arms in protest.

"Well...What if I want to fight with you out there?" Liana asked defiantly.

" so," Jace told her, though his heart ached at the thought, "It wouldn't be the first time you've fought for me. to me. Remember those thugs before I was an Ascended? They had weapons, and you were young just like me, yet who won that fight? Here's a hint, not them."

"Pfft..." Kiera stifled a laughter, "He's right, dear. You're strong. You may not be an Ascended, but your strength comes from elsewhere."

"...Damn it guys, you're unfair," Liana sulked, "Can't you just let me feel bad?"

"Never," Jace answered immediately, "After all...You've helped me from the brink of my depression and every time it hits, so...I'll always be there for you as well."

"...Smooth talker," Liana leaned in towards him, their lips meeting.

He smiled, kissing her back. He could feel the love she had, and he hoped she could feel the love he had for her. His hand tightening against her lower back, pulling her closer to him. Suddenly, a pain shot through his left side. Her hand had placed itself unconsciously against his wound, causing him to exclaim in pain.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, quickly pulling away.

Their exchanged a look with each other, her face full of worry and concern, and his in pain and amusement. It was in that moment they broke out laughing. The entire situation was ridiculous. They had been through so much together. He had never seen her falter even once.

Now that he had, there was a stronger bond built between them. He could tell she felt even more comfortable around him, and in that small moment where her armor cracked, he had helped break it down and repair it stronger than ever. Just like she had always done for him.

"Jace..." She held his head between her hands, "I love you, so very...very much. For now, I'll keep doing as I'm doing, as it seems to be working."

"Of course, it's working. Without you, I don't know what I'd do," Jace responded, smiling tenderly, "And, I love you, so very much."

"Ahem..." Kiera cleared her throat, causing the both of them to look towards her to see she was feeling a bit dejected.

"Oh, don't be like that," Liana reached out and pulled her close, "I love you too, my sweet little Sunshine."

Kiera blushed, smiling, though her eyes gazed towards Jace.

"W-Well..." Jace was a bit shy in admitting he loved Kiera, as it was still new for them both.

"Oh, for the love of..." Liana let out an exasperated breath before pushing their heads close together, "Go on..."

Motioning between them, they looked to her and then at each other. Jace took the initiative. Wrapping his injured arm around her, he pulled her close. Kissing her firmly, passionately. Pulling away, he smiled.

"Me too," He breathed, to which she nodded.

"Yeah...Same," Kiera took a content breath before standing.

They were still awkward with each other, but Jace was grateful for her saving him.


Liana had never really had any doubts in her abilities. She was always confident, even in the face of danger. However, as her emotions finally came out in full, she began to realize just how much everything meant to her. How much Jace meant to her.

She always knew she loved him. She was obsessed. Always there for him no matter what he did. She could pick herself up from anything, no matter how hopeless or useless she felt. Even so, she wasn't completely unshakeable.

Her fear of losing him increased after her feelings for him were out in the open. She didn't have to hold back, but that also meant the fear she was holding at bay came rushing down in full force. It was okay at first. Selene and Kiera were there to protect him, but even then...he was injured.

She could help heal him, take care of him, and do so much for him to get him back on his feet. She loved him unconditionally. This, however, came with a realization. She couldn't stand next to him when he was out there. She wasn't as strong as Kiera or Selene.

They were both Ascended, and powerful ones at that. Even Jace was an Ascended. Able to tear people apart with lightning or burn them to ashes with fire. The enemies they faced went beyond mere thugs now.

He had always protected her growing up, at the detriment of himself. She learned how to fight, how to throw a punch so as to protect him instead. As a way to ensure he didn't get hurt. She loved him for a long, long time.

If she could keep him safe, or help him in any way, she was happy. But when she saw him injured...she became frantic.

Jace immediately sensed something more behind her worry. That uncanny perception of his was sometimes almost unfair. She admitted to wanting to fight by his side, but she realized almost as she said that it wasn't what she needed to do.

His genuine, tender words washed away her anxiety and doubts. Revitalizing her resolve. She didn't need to be by his side out there, as long as she was here for when he needed her. This was the wakeup call she needed.

Her love for him deepened, if that was even possible. She would continue to do everything she could and leave the fighting for Selene and Kiera. Though, if anyone needed to be knocked out...she wouldn't mind giving them a piece of her mind.


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