Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 65: Chapter 65: Cruel Memories, A New Beginning

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Chapter 65:

Cruel Memories, A New Beginning

As Selene had walked the hallways and corridors of the St.Claire Industries Headquarters, memories flooded back into her mind. They weren't exactly the most pleasant. From a young age she was nothing but product to her father. Someone to carry St.Claire Industries to new heights.

She had been sculpted to be the perfect heir. Twisted by the machinations of her father. It would shape most of her life until she finally broke away from them. Like Kiera, she was experimented on. Needles that drew her blood, constant physical and magical tests. It was nothing but endless suffering.

She was locked behind these walls for a long time. Hidden in the topmost floors. The only time she was ever allowed to leave was for social events. There, those in high society fawned over her. Their greedy eyes wanting to get in close with her family.

There was no one who benefited from her more than the one who gave birth to her. Olivia St.Claire, her mother. She doted on Selene, which led her to believe she truly loved her. However, when she really needed her most, she wasn't there.

Selene recalled how she would bask in the praise and splendor that those of high society gave her for producing such a "Beautiful and Talented Daughter". She bathed in their compliments of her, stating that she must be an outstanding woman herself. In time, her mother began to grow further and further from her. She was nothing but a trophy.

Now, she wasn't so sure. Selene had been having doubts for a long time. Rethinking the past and piecing everything together. Her mother may not have had any choice in the matter. Kenneth was always trying to harden Selene. To make her able to make hard decisions with no emotions attached.

It was very possible Kenneth kept her mother from her. After all, her mother simply married into the St.Claire Family. She didn't have enough power to go against him. Even so, Selene felt like she could have made an effort, no matter how futile it would have been.

However, that was all in the past. These memories that flooded into Selene's mind were what caused Selene to be so out of it the entire way to her father's office. Was it these memories that made her feel so...empty? Her father had been broken just like she wanted, and now he was dead.

She thought she'd feel some kind of relief, but instead she simply felt tired. Remembering the past brought her to the topmost floors. The 98th to the 100th floor. The mansion built at the top of the St.Claire Industries Headquarters.

The elevator dinged open into a resplendent, darkened hallway. Tall ferns in beautiful white and gold vases lined either side of the hallway. A dark crimson carpet with intricate golden designs leads further into the prison she once lived in. Some may call it a home. After all, it wasn't the dull, drab cell that you'd think about when someone says prison.

There would be many who would say she was spoiled. Living a life of privilege. She could understand their feelings, being born outside of this life caused a very biased mindset. They saw the glitz and glammer, thinking everything was so much better, but that wasn't always the truth.

Selene made her way inside, her hand running along the bare, dark plaster of the walls. The black marbled floor helped the crimson rug stand out. Memories flooding into her mind. She was a child again, running these very halls. Laughing with a carefree attitude.

This was before she ever killed anyone. Before she was brought to those experiments and tests. She ran into her father during those times. She felt scared of him, but...there was something else. Something that surprised Selene. There was a feeling of warmth.

As she made her way down the hallway, she ended up at the main room. A large living room that opened the entire area. You could see up into the second level, but not the third. The balcony overhead was banistered in gold. All around there were large windows which looked out over New Eden.

To the left of where she entered was a step down into a sitting area. There was still furniture here, as nothing had been touched. Up until recently, her father still used this place. A large couch wrapped around in a U shape with an oblong marble coffee table situated inside of the U.

A large stone fireplace was situated in the center of the room, its logs untouched. Adorning the table near the couch was a potted plant now withered from lack of care. To the right of where she was, was a small kitchen area with a bar counter. It wasn't the main kitchen, of course. It was just a place to get snacks or drinks.

Nearby that kitchen was a beautiful grand piano upon a raised platform. Making her way over to that piano, memories flashed of the times she had lessons on this piano. Her knuckles still hurt whenever she thought back to those lessons. Her teacher was very strict. Getting a note wrong meant getting her knuckles hit with a switch.

She thought for a moment to lift the cover over the keys and play a note but thought better of it. Taking a deep breath, she turned her attention to the grand chandelier hanging from the center of the room. It was off, of course, and her gaze then turned to the city outside.

The lights of the city shone brightly. So far from where she was and feeling so distant. Standing in such an empty place that used to be so filled with servants was...strange. "I wish Jace was here..." Selene's heart ached to be back with him, but something called her back here.

That thing she told Arthur she had to do was just an excuse. She had no idea what she needed to do. Was this some kind of closure? Selene could only wonder. Is that why she missed Jace so much? She wanted him here for comfort.

Holding her hand to her heart, she felt as if she could feel him. That connection they made that day seemed as if it still held. "What a curious thing..." Selene smiled, feeling a bit of strength from the thought, even if it was just a placebo effect.

Her steps were purposeful, slow as she made her way up the grand staircase on the other side of the room, behind the fireplace. Its bannisters had collected dust, and their golden sheen now dulled. It twisted upwards to the second floor, and Selene followed it along to another hallway. One of the many in this twisting mansion.

It was in this moment she understood where she was going. The one place she never wanted to return to. The place she had been locked in when she was bad, when she didn't listen. That place...was her room.

The hallways seemed so familiar yet alien to her. As if the entire world was spinning. The air was so silent. The only sound coming from her footsteps and light breathing. Even her heartbeat could be heard it was so quiet.

It wasn't long, however, until she made it to that forlorn place. Her heartbeat quickened, and she realized that she was afraid. Closing her eyes, she gathered herself. As she opened them, she reached a hand out to the nondescript door.

There were no fancy adornments upon it. It was just a plain, metallic door. No handle could be seen, though next to the door was a scanner. It required a handprint or a code. After all, this was where she was locked in. A place she couldn't escape from.

Would it even open for her? After all this time, she was doubtful. Even so, she moved her hand to the scanner and placed it upon its cool surface. A blue, grid like pattern appeared under her hand as the scan began.

A second later, the light turned red. The door light up with a giant red circle with a line through it. The words "ACCESS DENIED" printed across it. "Of course..." Selene sighed, removing her hand from the scanner.

"If Kiera was here..." Selene mumbled, smirking slightly.

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The thought was interesting to Selene. She had grown so close to people she never thought possible, and was even thinking of them when she wasn't with them. Unfortunately for her, Kiera was there, so she'd make do with what she could.

Her eyes glowed silver, and before her she could see the threads of the world. Her Re-Write ability coming alive. These threads were of various colors, depending on where you were, but here in this dismal place the threads were various shades of blue, save for where there were plants. Plants were greens, yellows, and browns usually.

The door before her lit up in teal-colored threads spun together int a tight formation. All Selene had to do was reach out to those threads with her magic. Gather her power, a thin silver thread began to weave itself from her to the door. She wanted this cursed door gone, and would be rewritten to no longer exist.

The silver thread touched the teal, and she watched as they began to disappear. One by one the teal threads began to unravel and fall away. Disappearing into nothing, and so too did the door. Releasing her power, the door before her simple ceased to be a door.

Its metallic surface almost melting away before vaporizing, as if into some ethereal ash. The room before her coming into view, and her heart went cold. The room beyond was as nondescript as the door. Despite its size, the place was practically empty.

There was very little adornment in this room. Off to the left was a small bed with plain gray covers, and an equally plain metallic frame. Against the wall opposite the door was a desk of simple design and a chair with no cushion. To the right of the door against the wall was a very plain, metallic wardrobe.

That was it. In this room, that was all there was. This left a lot of empty space in the middle. Selene recalled how lonely this room felt when she was younger. How she was forced to sit at that desk and practice her letters, even if everything was done digitally.

This room not only was her bedroom, but it doubled as a training room. The center of the room was where she had her fencing lessons and other martial training. Taking a step into the room was difficult, but she did so with a firm determination. Her eyes taking everything in, remembering the blood splattering across the pristine floors and walls. Remembering the beatings upon her back she received from her father when she didn't get something right.

That warm feeling she felt before turned cold. She understood why she came here now. The warm feeling came from a memory of her father lifting her in his arms and smiling. Carrying her over to the windows of the living room below and telling her that everything was hers to take. That he would give her everything she ever desired.

Those words at the time brightened her world. If only she knew how those words would turn to dust. If only...

"...You had been a better father," Selene whispered, raising a hand to the room, "The father I deserved...the father you should have been. I never...want to see this room again."

Gathering energy in her hand, she spun it around and condensed it before her. Mana coursed through her body and collected into the sphere. Its dark blue light radiated outward, illuminating the room. She calculated everything. From the amount of power required, how much damage it would inflict, and of course the timing.

She didn't just want to never see this room again. She never wanted to see this place again. Especially the 100th floor. She refused to even step foot there. That was where she saw the horrible things her father did. The chambers she used her ability to rewrite people's memories so that her father could indult in his sick tendencies.

This entire place...will cease to exist. As she gathered power before her, she called Arthur who answered immediately.

"Ma'am, is everything alright?" Arthur sounded concerned, "Did you not have something to attend to?"

"Yes...It's almost finished," Selene informed him, her eyes focused on the condensed energy, "When it's done, report it as a terror attack."

"My Lady?" Arthur asked, perplexed.

"You'll know what I mean," Selene told him, "After this...I'll be taking a break for a bit."

"...Of course, Miss," Arthur seemed to be holding something back.

"Do not worry," Selene sighed, her tone cold, "I will not abandon my post. After all, I'm the Head of the St.Claire Family, after all..."

"Ah! I did not mean to-" Arthur panicked, attempting to quell the situation.

"I know what you meant," Selene interrupted firmly, "As I said, do not worry."

"O-Of course, Ma'am," Arthur bowed, and the connection was ended.

Cutting off her energy, the sphere floated in the center of this room. She had plans to move Jace to New Eden, or perhaps one of their homes in The Valley, but this place? This place was not fit for him. It was with this thought she took one last look at the sphere before turning on her heel and walking swiftly from the room.

Selene understood Arthur's concern. With this war, the St.Claire Family, as well as the company, would be in a difficult state. The transition of power had to happen, but before that Selene had something she needed to do. She had to see Jace.

The reason was simple. She could feel it building up inside of her. The weight of everything finally coming to an end. That tiredness which had been weighing on her had opened a floodgate. Something that could only be stopped by him.

"Jace...I'm on my way," Selene smiled, hurrying towards the one thing that gave her comfort in this world.


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