Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 66: Chapter 66: Reunion

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Chapter 66:


"Tonight's story, St.Claire Industries was the target of a terror attack," A professional voice belonging to the female newscaster spoke.

Her brown hair tied back in a tight ponytail, with cybernetic green eyes and golden chrome-like skin in a sleek dark-blue suit shone on all screens throughout Neo City.

"This comes days after rumors of unrest within the company," she continued, feigning sympathy, "Some believe this to have been an inside attack, while others have blamed more radical factions. These rumors were laid to rest upon evidence left behind by the attackers."

The screen cut to a masked individual with distorted audio and glitchy visual. They claimed to be responsible for the attack, which was labeled as anti-corporate. Images of the St.Claire Industries Headquarters was then shown, along with a video. The very top floors imploding, being completely destroyed.

"According to authorities, the terrorists died during their attack," she informed the masses, "In the aftermath of this attack, Kenneth St.Claire, CEO of St.Claire Industries, was reported to be among the casualties. Our deepest condolences to their family, who will be taking time to mourn their loss. Other casualties reported are guards, of which compensation to their families shall be paid. No other employees were on site at the time, as the company was going through internal changes to prepare for the new fiscal year."

The news report ended with a headline asking the question of who the next head of St.Claire Industries will be. Kenneth didn't have many children, and though an heir was made apparent in the past, their name has never been revealed. The damage done to St.Claire Industries was high, and investors who weren't involved with Kenneth were beginning to grow scared. As they were not Selene's targets, they were unaware of the truth. They only saw their money dwindling.

However, before they could pull out of the company, they each received a mysterious visitor. Each one glad head to toe in black cloth. Their features indistinguishable from the next. They received a simple message in the form of a question.

"The moon rises. Will you move with the tide, or drown in the coming wave?"

Those who received this message quickly understood. In this way, Selene secured what was left of the company. Though the investors weren't entirely needed, it secured stability throughout the transition of power. This allowed Selene the time to do what she wanted to do, and that brought her to the doorstep of the loft.

"Jace..." Selene took a breath, standing before the door. They had given her access to the elevator, and she came in disguise as usual. Perhaps it was out of habit, or simply nerves. Her father was dead, and she no longer had to hide herself. It was almost reflexive.

Currently, she was a normal looking human woman. Brown hair and green eyes with lightly tanned skin. Short in stature, wearing baggy clothing that covered her body. Underneath this guise, she was her normal self. Her silver hair tied in a beautiful side braid that fell elegantly over her left shoulder.

She had fussed a bit over what she should wear to see him again, but after much deliberating, she remembered Kiera's words. "Keep it simple, don't overthink it. Save the wow factor for special occasions...or to tease him." She had added in that last part with a wry, mischievous smile. Selene smirked at remembering it.

So, true to Kiera's advice, she kept it simple yet elegant. Comfortable jeans with black calf boots. Wearing a dark green coat with asymmetrical buttons in a sleek, form fitting style. The hem of the jacket came down to just below her waist. Underneath was a simple black sweater. It was getting colder out, so it was best to keep warm.

She contemplated ending the glamour before knocking, but before she could even finish the thought, the door to the apartment loft opened. She froze to the spot, her heart quickening. Before her stood Jace in a gray sweater that was obviously too big for him and pajama pants. His blue eyes were clear, and his breathing was a bit frantic.

For a moment, she thought he wouldn't recognize her as his eyes narrowed in. She was beginning to regret not dropping the glamour. Those thoughts all disappeared when he reached out and pulled her into the biggest, tightest hug she's ever felt. It was filled with such warmth, that any doubt she had of him recognizing her went from her mind as if it never existed.

"When are you going to drop that glamour?" He whispered in her ear, holding her even closer to him.

"...I'm sorry, it's a habit," She muttered back, feeling a bit sheepish though her smile was genuine, filled with the warmth of seeing him again, as well as embracing him, "How'd you know I was here?"

Dropping the glamour, she saw over his shoulder Kiera and Liana. They looked on with tender smiles, an arm around each other. She caught the eye of Kiera who shrugged.

"He's been anxious for a while," Kiera informed her, "He couldn't explain it, but felt it had to do with you. So...I may have told him you were here."

Burying his face into Selene, she caught a glimpse of a blush as she looked towards him. "He's been anxious...?" Worried for him, she wrapped her arms around him, standing to her full height and held him close. This was exactly what her heart needed at this moment.

"You should have seen him," Liana teased, "When Kiera told him you were here...he rushed to the door, barely taking time to put on a shirt."

"Heh, is that so?" She asked, looking down at him.

"I mean..." Jace shifted in her arms, only the upper part of his face exposed, "I missed you, and...I felt something. Like...I don't know. Maybe I was just imagining things, but...I'm glad you're here."

His face was flushed, red from embarrassment. "How cute..." She could feel the worries of her recent endeavors washing away, though something stuck with her. He said he felt something, much like how she felt something when she was going through the prison she once called home. Perhaps it wasn't a placebo effect like she first thought.

"...I missed you to," Selene smiled down at him, "Very much, but I'm here now. Hopefully for a while..."

Nodding, he looked up at her expectantly. Chuckling softly, she gathered the hint from his insistent gaze. Leaning down, she kissed him for the first time in a long while. Perhaps it was because of the time they spent apart, but it was sweeter than normal. Feeling the heat between them, she couldn't help but hold on tighter. This warmth was thawing all of the aches in her heart.

"As much as I am enjoying this..." Selene breathed softly, "Can we head inside?"

"Oh! Right...Yeah!" He smiled that sheepish smile of his and reluctantly released her, though kept an arm around her waist as he led her inside.

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Kiera's words weren't far from the truth. Jace had been feeling anxious for a while now. One day he simply felt something deep in his chest and his thoughts turned to Selene. It felt separate, different from his own feelings. There was a heaviness to it.

He couldn't explain what it was, but it reminded him of the time they meditated together. Was it some strange side effect or was he just imagining things? It was worrying for Jace. She left in the middle of the night to take care of things that Jace could only imagine.

He tried to get his mind off of it, of which Liana and Kiera were extremely helpful in doing. When this feeling hit him, they were at a loss of what to do. He was constantly distracted, almost absentminded. Then, Kiera told him something that set him in motion. Selene was here.

Quickly grabbing the nearest shirt, he put it on as he rushed towards the door. All the while he was repeating in his head "I hope she's alright. Please be alright...". When he opened the door and saw her, she was under a glamour as she usually was, but regardless, he could tell. It was Selene.

He felt it deep in his heart, and without hesitation, he embraced her. He didn't realize how much he had missed her until that moment. He didn't want to let go. The feeling he felt a couple days back had still not dissipated. Was this even real? Selene really was there, right?

Indeed, she was there, and he couldn't have been happier. Though, now he was faced with an entirely different dilemma. All three women were now in the same room as him. He had forgotten just how powerful of a combination that was.

His heart ran wild in their presence. He was even more self-conscious than ever, which was only enhanced as he was sat down in a chair and his shirt taken off. Reflexively placing his right arm across his stomach shyly, he could feel the intense gaze of Selene as she knelt before him. Her attention obvious as she slowly began to unwrap the bandages of his left shoulder.

"...Does it hurt?" Selene asked, her tone worried as she examined his gunshot wound.

"Sometimes," Jace answered, shrugging slightly, "But, Liana has been giving me some stuff for it."

"She has?" Selene looked towards Liana, and a soft smile crossed her lips, "Thank you."

"I couldn't very well do nothing," Liana answered, but nodded, "I love this fool, I won't let him die that easily."

"Geez, thanks," Jace joked, laughing lightly, "Truly, I'm alright, Selene. I just never expected Paladins to be after me...And when I couldn't use magic. Ugh..."

Jace felt the frustration build up inside of him again. Just what exactly did he do to attract the attention of Paladins? He could sense the mood begin to lower as the three women exchanged a look amongst themselves.

"Hey, don't worry about it," Jace did his best to smile, "I don't blame any of you. Even though you asked me not to use magic until I recover, it's not your fault."

"But if you had been able to, then-" Liana began, but Jace wasn't going to allow that guilt to manifest.

"Then, my angels, I would have been hurt even more," Jace answered firmly, interrupting her, "You all know it. I'd take a gunshot wound over never being able to use magic...or worse, death."

"I definitely don't want you dead," Liana sighed, hands on her hips, "I guess you're right."

"He is, sweetie," Kiera nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist, "I don't like it myself, but he is right. Don't you think, Selene?"

Passing their gazes to Selene, Jace felt his heart skip a beat. Selene's ears were red, and her eyes were wide. She looked quite flustered, as if she didn't register anything that had been said.

"Selene?" Jace asked, a bit concerned, "Everything alright?"

"...A-Angels?" Selene mumbled to herself, and Jace finally understood her reaction as he himself blushed in embarrassment.

"Yes, my angels..." Jace repeated, lightly touched his fingers under her chin, tilting her head towards him, "You included."

"I see..." Selene reached up to his hand, wrapping it in hers as she smiled tenderly, "I like the sound of that."

The warmth in the air as even Liana and Kiera had a bit of pink to their cheeks was enough to wash away all the doubts and worries Jace had. He had many questions for Selene, but they could wait. He was in no rush, for now that she was here, he had all the time in the world, or so he hoped.

Selene and Liana took care of his wound, which was now currently stitched closed. It would leave a scar, but the muscle and tissue would recover in time. Selene was rather impressed with Liana's skills, and the two of them began to talk medical care, with Selene teaching her things she never knew before.

Jace watched with a pleasant smile on his face. Seeing them get along warmed his heart, something Kiera seemed to agree with. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, Kiera and he exchanged a look with each other as they watched the two of them converse. This atmosphere was calming, and all worries about Paladins and his mother's illness, for the time being, faded to the background.


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