Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 71: Chapter 71: Recruitment

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Chapter 71:


Selene sat with Gerard in Delilah's room, not wanting to leave her alone now. Gerard rubbed his chin in contemplation as he looked towards Selene. It was the first time he ever saw her as herself. Selene could understand his confusion, and possible feeling of betrayal. After all, Selene had been hiding who she was.

"So..." Gerard finally broke the silence between them, "You're...Marian?"

"...Yes," Selene nodded, knowing that this first question was already obvious, but for someone who just went through a shock, it was also the obvious question to ground themselves.

"I see," Gerard leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms and looking up at the ceiling, "So there was never an actual Marian. You didn't kill her or anything?"

"No, Gerard," Selene told him, "It was just a glamour."

"Why?" He questioned, looking back towards her.

"I had to hide my identity," Selene answered simple, "It isn't like I was really known to the public. Most forgot about me, and hardly anyone knew my name. It was to hide from my family."

"" Gerard furrowed his brow, "Who are they?"

"Yes," Selene took a breath to center herself, "As for who they are...Well, that's what I wanted to discuss with you before we were interrupted."

Gerard was silent for a moment, closing his eyes and thinking. After a moment, he opened them again. They looked quite clear, as if they made up their mind about something.

"Discuss it," Gerard told her, a seriousness about him, "I have worked with you for years now. Maybe not directly until recently, but...You had your reasons. We all do. You asked me to protect Delilah. Someone who isn't a good person wouldn't have cared."

A sense of relief washed over Selene. She didn't even realize she had been tense until she felt her body relaxing. Gerard was a good doctor, and someone Selene could even consider a possible friend. He was a family man and good at heart. One of the rare few that Selene acknowledged as such.

"Thank you for saying that," Selene smiled, much to Gerards surprise.

"...Yes, well, I may have Jace to thank for this change in you," Gerard cleared his throat and composed himself, "Though, you wouldn't have made it this far without your own efforts. So, who are you and what did you want to discuss?"

"Right, to the point," Selene nodded, appreciative of not beating around the bush, "Are you aware of the recent attacks around the city?"

"By that terrorist group?" Gerard asked, raising an eyebrow, "Don't tell you're a terrorist?"

"Heh, that wouldn't be inaccurate..." Selene chuckled softly, "But not the entire truth. My name is Selene St.Claire, the daughter of Kenneth and Olivia St.Claire. I tell you this because I trust you...and I want to recruit you."

"...Go on," Gerard spoke softly, listening.

"I was the heir to the St.Claire Family since my birth," Selene informed him, "Though my upbringing was anything but kind. I won't go into the details but suffice it to say it left me...hollow."

Selene recalled how she felt before recent events, but now she was different from then. She was still a killer and would do so without blinking. However, she had a better purpose now. One she wanted to do. Before, she simply lived in hopes of finding some meaning to it all. Now, she found that meaning.

"It changed when I met Jace," Selene admitted with a warm smile, "It was a change that surprised me, as it happened quite fast, but it grew into something I cherish. So, when my father found out and tried to kill him...I was done hiding."

"That explains your absences," Gerard said, sighing, "Is the kid alright?"

"Yes, he is now," Selene nodded, "I will do everything in my power to keep him safe and make him happy. Which brings me to what I wanted to discuss."

Casting her eyes over to Delilah, her face softened as she began to speak again.

"This hospital is no longer fit for his mother," Selene explained, "They won't cure her. Not here. There are only two facilities capable of that...and I own one of them now. Because of the war I waged on my father and his supporters, I need to rebuild everything."

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Turning her attention back to Gerard, he seemed to be understanding where this was going.

"So, when you say you want to recruit me..." Gerard looked towards Delilah, his expression hard to read, though Selene could see the care he had for his patients, "You want me to continue working with her. You want me as a doctor."

"Yes," Selene told him, "You are one of the best doctors I know, and one of the few who actually cares for their patients. It would be a shame to let a talent such as yours go to waste. Not to mention, and I don't say this with a light heart, you are one of the few people I trust."

"...Heh, well," Gerard sighed, unfolding his arms and shrugging, "When you say it like that, coming from you, that means a lot. How could I not accept it? You have a deal. Besides, this hospital has gone downhill fast."

"Don't worry," Selene smiled devilishly, "That will be taken care of in time. I'm glad you're on board. You will be compensated appropriately, of course."

Reaching forward, they shook hands as the deal was complete. It went smoother than Selene thought, but Gerard was an understanding and caring person. She would have been more surprised if he had refused.

"By the way," Gerard inquired as he sat back in his chair, "The fee for this room...I know you used your power as a previous surgeon to get it, but...did you ever tell Jace about the increase in the fee?"

"The three hundred?" Selene asked with a smile, "No, he has enough on his plate."

"Heh, you spoil him," Gerard laughed heartily.

"He deserves it," Selene stated, feeling her heart at ease, "I have no intention of stopping, either."

Gerard nodded in understanding. Though he was just a doctor, Selene knew that Gerard saw Jace as one of his own kids. He saw many people like that. He was someone who cared for his community and the people within it.

With his recruitment, she was one step closer to creating a better world not just for her and Jace to live in, but for everyone to live in. The corruption of the St.Claire Family would be dealt with and cleansed. Overwritten by those who will truly do good for this world.


Gerard was definitely surprised by the revelation of who Marian really was. It wasn't like he had suspicions, but she had been a bit of an odd one to him. She was an excellent doctor and surgeon, despite her outwardly cold demeanor. He had to admit that he was a bit apprehensive about her as well, but the more he worked with her the more he saw that she was truly trying her best.

However, because of her demeanor, many complaints were made. Of course, he knew this was headed by Helen, who was continually scorned by Marian for rebuffing her attempts to seduce her. It was a well-known fact to everyone in the hospital just what kind of person Helen was.

Everyone knew this, yet hardly anyone said anything when the discussion of demoting Marian was put on the table. This was Helen's attempt to lower her level of influence and get her on an even playing field. Gerard was one of the few who was against it.

When it came through that she would be placed in Gerard's own ward, along with Delilah being put under her care, he was worried. He knew Jace and knew just how much his mother meant to him. Marian's cold demeanor would definitely class with his own personality.

He was right, and the moment Jace saw her he had rebuked the idea. Though he quickly realized he had no choice, but Jace saw something in Marian that even Gerard didn't. He had always tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but he was ashamed to admit even he was influenced by the rumors surrounding her.

He was grateful to Jace for opening his eyes. Marian was an excellent doctor, and she was devoted to doing her best. All pre-notions of her melted away and Gerard truly came to admire her. The way she handled Delilah with such care as inspiring, even before she began seeing Jace.

When he saw the change in her, he knew they were a thing now. It was amusing to see these two children find each other. In his eyes, as an old dwarf, most people were children to him. It was the blossoming of new, pure love.

Gerard didn't know how far it went, but now he knew. Marian was Selene, and Selene was incredibly in love with Jace. The fire that burned in her heart was brighter than he had ever seen it. Perhaps this was the reason he accepted her deal. Like a moth drawn to a flame, he saw the change she brought about. Not to mention a better workplace environment.

He would be delighted to continue to care for Delilah until the day she woke up. When that happened, he looked forward to seeing Jace's reaction. That kid was like his own, as most were. He saw the horrors of reality, and so seeing even a little bit of light in this world was enough for him.

Gerard was a soldier or had been. From a young age he was always a bit scrappy. He rose from the slums of Pendelton and made his way into the military where they trained dwarves to be shock troops. Through this, he awakened the Aegis Shield that dwarves are known for.

During his time, he fought in a few wars. He quickly became the doctor of the group as he saved countless lives. That's why when he left service, he became a doctor. He wanted to help save people, rather than harm them. He was now grateful for his training, as it helped protect Delilah, one of his long-time patients.

When he returned home to tell his family the news of his new job, his wife was ecstatic and the two of them celebrated with their many children. This was a start to a new life for them all. Everything Gerard worked towards; he would now devote it to the St.Claire Family. He could feel Selene's sincerity, and that was enough for him.


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