Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 70: Chapter 70: A Show of Force

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Chapter 70:

A Show of Force

Selene was, as always, reluctant to leave Jace. Her feelings for him continued to grow by the day. Even more so now that the connection between them was proven to not just be a placebo effect. It was weaker the further away she was, but no matter how far she got, she could feel him.

It was extremely comforting when she had to go away like this. To have a little piece of him, constantly there to remind her of him. The closer they were, the stronger it became. It was to the point that, in some cases, they could feel the others' emotions if they were strong enough. For this reason alone, she knew how much she meant to him, and it was intoxicating.

"I'll never let him go...ever," She made that vow so many times since she met her, and with each iteration the vow became stronger, more adamant. Right now, she was preparing to ensure that he always stayed close to her. That involved his mother, the most precious person in his life.

She couldn't simply transfer her suddenly. The company was still a mess from such volatile changes that resulted from her take over. No, right now she had to make sure she would have the best care possible. After all, in Selene's eyes, Jace's mother was now her mother.

Selene had already gathered William and a few others who would be overseeing Delilah's care, but there was just one more person who would make this change a lot smoother and easier for Jace. That person was the one who had been taking care of her all these years, as well as even before she became diagnosed with Mana Degeneration.

"Doctor Gerard," Selene, in the guise of Marian, called to him as she finished Delilah's treatment, "May I have a moment of your time after I finish here?"

Gerard looked up from his documents with a curious expression. He had been happy to see her return. Greeting her with a wide grin, asking if she did what she needed to do. Mainly in regard to Jace. For a doctor, he was more involved than most.

"That depends," Gerard state cautiously, "Are you going to answer my question?"

"...About Jace?" Selene sighed, tucking Delilah in carefully.

Her Mana Degeneration was under control, though getting worse. The black veins pulsated with a sickly flow. "I need to heal that Jace isn't sad anymore." Selene placed a gentle hand on top of the blanket, over Delilah's.

Looking at her, Selene could see just where Jace got his gentle nature. From the memories she saw of his, she understood his pain when looking upon her now. Her once vibrant smile and full body was now gaunt and sickly, with no smile to be seen. Even so, the aura she gave of was so gentle.

"...Marian?" Gerard inquired with surprise and concern, "Are you...okay?"

With this question, Selene realized that a warm trail of tears ran down her left cheek. It had come so suddenly and without warning that she didn't register it. "Is this...from Jace?" Selene wondered, the memories of his mother flooding her mind. She could feel the emotions associated with them, and it was affecting her subconsciously.

"...Sorry," she said, smiling softly as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Nothing to be sorry about," Gerard said gently before his voice became a bit sterner, "If Jace did something, then-"

"No. No," Selene shook her head, interrupting him, "He did nothing wrong, and I'd appreciate it...if you never finish that sentence, or say something like you were about to, again."

Selene cast a warning gaze towards him. She controlled herself, as Delilah's constitution wouldn't be able to handle any pressure from her. Still, the point came across.

"Right..." Gerard held his hands up in surrender, "Relax, it's just my protective fatherly instincts kicking in. You really like him if you can glare like that."

"...You have no idea," Selene said softly, "I know you mean no harm. Even so, please be kind."

Gerard nodded, and Selene was grateful he didn't seem too wary around her. Selene simply reacted whenever anyone threatened Jace, even in a playful way. She suppressed it usually, and the only ones able to get away with it were Liana and Kiera without her getting upset. She knew they loved him and would do the same as she would, should anyone get in his way.

Anyone outside of that, however, was on thin ice. Balek was perhaps an exception, but even he triggered her protective nature. She had to get it under control and was reminded of Jace's words. "I'm proud of you." They echoed through her mind, causing her ears to turn red with the thought of him being proud she held back. "He would be proud...right?" She wondered, smiling to herself.

This giddiness lightened her mood enough that the rest of her tasks were done in short order. By the end of it, she had plenty of time to talk with Gerard, or so she thought. As she ensured Delilah was comfortable, and began making their way towards the door, it opened to reveal a group of people in slick white coats and dark pants. Upon their left breast was the word: Security.

"What is the meaning of this?" Gerard asked, furrowing his brow, "Do you have the wrong room?"

Gerard was currently in front of Selene. "...What is this?" Selene wondered, getting a bad feeling from this sudden intrusion. There were five of them, all with serious faces on. Some had cybernetic lines running across their faces, others seemed to have none. Yet, she could sense of them was an Ascended.

Her eyes immediately locked onto them. A stern looking man with a visor over their eyes and fair skin. Long, elven ears ran against the shaved sides of his head, with the rest of his hair tied back in a manbun. Noticing her look, he had the audacity to smirk as if trying to flirt with her. This was enough to make her visibly and involuntarily gag.

"Disgusting..." Selene glared at them, much to their shock and anger. Gritting their teeth, the man had enough sense not to say anything. At the same time, one of the others stepped forward. A middle-aged human stepped forward, looking to be almost as built as Balek.

He had graying dark hair and weathered skin. His eyes a cool gray. Holding up their arm, they had a dark wrist guard which popped up a holographic blue screen.

"Delilah Ward, VIP Room 301," They spoke in a monotonous, gruff voice, "Admitted for treatment of Mana Degeneration. Is that correct?"

"...Yes," Gerard answered cautiously, "She is under my care, so I'd like you to answer me why you're here."

"Resident Chief Doctor, Gerard Forester, and..." the man listed off his name and rank, "Resident Surgeon, demoted to Nurse, Miriam Grant. You are hereby relieved of your duty of care due to lack of payment on behalf of the client, Jace Ward."

"...What?" Gerard asked, indignant, "That payment was made. The hell do you mean lack of payment?"

Selene heard the words spoken but was quite confused by them. "Indeed...lack of payment?" She was touched by Gerard's defense of Jace, though the anger rising in her was hard to quell. The happy mood she had was quickly disappearing.

"Due to the rate of treatment," the man intoned, his eyes uncaring, "The price of three hundred thousand has increased to five hundred thousand. As the payment was not made, we are here to evict the patient from the premises."

Selene could hardly contain the bloodlust building up inside of her. Yet, with Delilah behind them, she had to do her best or she'd be adversely affected. The only thing saving these men right now was her. Though, she could see Gerard's anger rising himself, his body shaking.

"You..." Gerard spoke through clenched teeth, "Five men for one frail woman...Management is truly despicable."

"Doctor, please step aside," The man ordered, "Your qualms with management will be noted, so-"

"Oh, my qualms?" Gerard asked, his body intensely shaking, "They're more than qualms. Five hundred thousand? The poor boy could barely afford a hundred...I don't know how he was able to afford the three."

Selene smiled softly at Gerards words. He was right. Jace couldn't afford to pay three hundred thousand. She had constantly been paying the difference, though he didn't know. She had brought it up to Kiera and Liana a while back and been paying it for a while now.

"Doctor, please step aside," They ordered once more, "This is your final chance. We are authorized to use force if necessary. After the last incident, we-"

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"Ha..." Gerard shook his head, "Last incident? That boy is just worried for his mother. He hasn't shown up since then, due to your restrictions, and now you do this? No, I won't stand aside."

The mood grew grim as the five men all shifted. They weren't amateurs. Dwarves were formidable, and Gerard was probably one of the more formidable. Selene knew he had training, but now wasn't the time for that.

"Gerard..." Selene spoke up, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I do apologize, but could you look after Delilah for me?"

Turning his head to her in surprise, he watched as she dropped her glamour. There was a bit of shock, but otherwise he seemed to recover quickly. She could hardly contain her bloodlust anymore. Her expression cold as she stared down those before her.

"It seems they just took my money..." Selene muttered, clenching her jaw, "It would have been better...if you had just informed me you wanted more."

With her eyes glowing a beautiful silver, she stepped past Gerard. He seemed to understand what was going on quickly. She trusted he knew what to do, and sure enough he was ready. Crossing his arms, he pulled from his dwarven blood that which they were famous for. The Aegis Shield.

Not all dwarves could do it, but those who could were highly conditioned. Selene knew from the moment he blocked Jace's attacks, he was capable. Before him, the air seemed to ripple and take shape as many diamondlike facets began to connect together until the entire entryway was blocked by this wall of shimmering plates.

It was shield that could block not just magic, but raw mana. Dwarves often worked in mana plants because of this ability. Capable of protecting areas from leaks until it was fixed. Consider it a magical hazmat suit that could become a wall.

"Shall we talk...outside?" Selene asked, the five of them trembling before her.

Each step she took, they took one back. The moment she showed the pressure of her power, they were intimidated. Even Gerard wasn't immune, who had beads of sweat running down his face. Thankfully, the Aegis Shield held up, though she still had to be careful. That's why she took them outside of the room.

Stumbling backwards, the five of them exited into the large hallway. Fluorescent lights overhead gave the entire hall that hospital glow. Medical equipment lined the walls, but as this was a private area of the hospital, not many nurses or other doctors were around. After all, not many could afford the VIP rooms.

"Y-You..." The man in charge stuttered, attempting to gather himself, "Who are you?"

"...Well, you know me as Marian Grant," She stated coldly, " do not deserve to know who I am. Kneel."

The order was received as her voice carried with it a power of obedience. They dropped to their knees instantly, sweat beading their face.

"You'll answer my questions..." Selene told them, "I was in a good mood, and you ruined it...though because I do not want to spill blood in front of my future mother-in-law, I'll let you leave alive if you answer me."

"W-What do you want to know?" The fear in their voice was evident, but there was one who was not so obedient.

"I don't struggle," Selene's eyes darted to the Ascended among them.

They were trying to gather mana to break free of her control. He was trained, which was evident from him working in a hospital. Most likely sent as insurance in case Jace was here. However, it was almost laughable. No matter how trained they were...Jace was stronger.

Selene held up her hand towards the Ascended. Their screams were muffled as dark violet restraints, sparkling like stars in the night, restrained him tightly. The others looked nervous but were unable to do anything. After a moment, they fell unconscious.

"Now..." Selene turned her attention back to them, "Who gave this order, and why?"

They seemed to be tight lipped as none of them spoke up. She really didn't want to spill blood outside of Delilah's door, but if they weren't going to be forthcoming, then she would have no choice. Raising a hand, she was about to make an example of one of them.

"W-Wait!" The leader called out, "It was the director!"

"Sir!" one of them exclaimed, "If you do that then-"

"Silence," Selene ordered, and their mouth instantly closed, "You should be more aware...of who you should be terrified of. Now...What order did they give, and why?"

"They...want to get rid of the patient," The leader answered, hanging his head, "It's taking up resources. While the extra money is good, the condition of the patient is beginning to offset it, and-"

"So..." Selene silenced him, her rage calm like a storm, "You were sent here to...kill her?"

The man froze as she hit the nail on the head. It took an enormous amount of effort not to release her killing intent to its fullest. She could feel Gerard struggling, she had to finish this quickly.

"Sh-She would die regardless," the man tried to reason with her, "Mana Degeneration can't be-"

"It can," Selene informed him.

Taking several steps towards them, she glared down at them. She wanted nothing more than to kill them on the spot. They were sent to kill Delilah and dispose of her body. This was a hit squad. She would deal with them later.

"I run," Selene told them coolly, releasing her restraint on them.

Immediately they took off, grabbing the unconscious Ascended on their way. She watched them leave before taking several breaths to calm herself. "They will die. For now, however..." Turning on her heel, she made her way back towards Delilah's room.

Gerard was waiting, his face strained from the effort of holding back her power. Even as she restrained it, this much proved to be an intense burden. Still, she was impressed he held out for so long. As soon as he saw her, he let out a relieved sigh and released the shield.

"D-Damn, girl..." Gerard breathed, falling back onto the ground, "I knew something was off with you, but..."

"Off? That's a bit mean..." Selene faked a pout, though smiled gratefully as she reached out a hand towards him, "I suppose...we should definitely talk now, yeah?"

"...Yeah," Gerard nodded, reaching up for her hand, she helped him to stand.


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