Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 79: Chapter 79: Connections of the Past

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Chapter 79:

Connections of the Past

Finally, Jace was able to do some work by himself. Of course, the girls didn't let him go without first giving him an earful of what he should do if he runs into anything he can't handle. From reminding him to contact them every so often to making sure he runs away from anything he can't handle. It was a bit overbearing, but they meant well, and he didn't hate it.

Greeneyes, the fixer from before, had apologized for the job from before. She was a woman of integrity, and most likely Arthur had a few words with her. Greeneyes had been coerced into giving Jace the job in Pendleton which had put his life in danger. She gained the name for several reasons.

She was a human with cybernetically enhanced eyes, of which were green. She also loved money. Many attributed her to greed, and since greed is often associated with the color green, it stuck on. She also used an icon during calls instead of a live feed. The icon was of two, beautiful green eyes.

There weren't many who knew what she looked like, but those who have say she is an extremely beautiful human with her origins from Egypt. Rumors are that she's even descended from royalty, but Jace wasn't that naive. He knew Greeneyes.

She was a human, who was quite beautiful as the rumors suggest. Dark, silky like hair and olive skin. She was indeed descended from Egypt, but the rumors of her being royalty are just that. Rumors. Of course, the lifestyle she lives may make one think she was. She loved wearing sheer dresses and adorned herself with jewelry.

Greeneyes was a member of the Vixens, one of the gangs from The Stacks. This was how he knew her. He grew up in The Stacks, and was a runner for several years. Whenever he needed a lot of money quickly, she was the fixer to see. She loved to make money, but she would never cheat you.

Doing so would lead to bad business, and bad business meant she didn't earn money.

While she was a fixer, she was also in charge of several of the Vixens brothels. Despite her greed, she took very good care of her people. Especially the girls who work for her. Many people knew to treat the Vixens brothels and their workers well, but there were some who thought themselves above it. That's where Jace came in.

"This job is simple," Greeneyes stated, her icon glowing each time she spoke; her voice a sultry, smooth tone, "However, it is a bit dangerous..."

"I hear you," Jace responded, sitting upon the roof of a small four-story building.

He was bundled up in winterwear that the girls presented him. Sweatpants underneath some insulated grey cargo pants. A dark, long-sleeved shirt underneath a slim fitting, grey hooded jacket. The girls also gave him a nice, warm black scarf that was now wrapped around his neck.

They knew he didn't like bright colors, which he was appreciative of. With the hood of the jacket pulled over his head, he was quite protected from the encroaching chill of winter. Snow was falling down upon the city, its lights somehow more beautiful because of it.

"Arc..." Greeneyes spoke his runner's name, a bit of guilt still hanging in her tone, "I hope you understand that the previous job was-"

"Don't worry about it," Jace interrupted softly, "I'm fine, and it was sorted. I hope he didn't give you too much trouble."

"Heh, if you say so," She said, seeming amused, "And thank you, but I'm fine. That man definitely has an unnerving aura though..."

"Tell me about it," Jace scoffed, shaking his head, "So, about the job. I take it they're Yakuza?"

"...Yes," Greeneyes stated apprehensively, "One of the girls who was seeing to him was hurt. Badly. She won't be able to work again."

Jace could only sigh to himself. It was a dangerous occupation, due to the amount of people who didn't see sex workers as people. It was an unfortunate fact even in this day and age. Those who used them like toys were shameless, and Jace felt no pity for those who met retribution at the hands of the Vixens because they didn't conduct themselves properly.

The Vixens took care of their workers, because they were just that. Workers. People who were just trying to use what they had. It was a commodity like any other. People had to eat, and so those who didn't have many options chose this line of work to survive.

The Vixens were the safest option for those types of people. That is because they treated them like people. They didn't force anyone to work and treated them humanely. So, when anyone mistreated their workers, the Vixens were not kind. Especially those who worked for Greeneyes.

"His name is Konda Shogo," Greeneyes explained, an image of him popping up in Jace's vision, "A small time captain of the Techno Dragons. So, shouldn't have too many men around him."

"Techno Dragons, huh?" Jace thought for a moment, curious about something, "While the Yakuza aren't always the most flexible bunch, they have some honor. An assault on a woman is highly looked down upon. Do the leaders know?"

"That's what I was going to get to," Greeneyes seemed to almost be smiling with the way her voice perked up, "They know and have given permission for retribution."

"Wait, they're okay with an outside source taking care of it?" Jace was honestly quite surprised, "Usually, they'd take care of it themselves. So why hire me?"

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There was a pause before Greeneyes spoke again.

"Truth be told, they can't find him," She spoke with a serious tone, "This is why I said it's dangerous. It seems there may be some internal conflicts going on. So, they can't take care of it themselves. In fact, Shogo may be under the protection of someone, which is why they can't find him. So, while we have permission..."

"We're their cleanup crew," Jace sighed, understanding the situation, "We take care of this small-time captain, and someone in their organization benefits. Especially if someone is protecting him, they'd take a hit for protecting someone with no honor."

"Correct," Greeneyes agreed, " be careful. They can dismiss their involvement, but if we do this correctly, there's an extra payment from them."

Greeneyes seemed to be warning Jace, as if she was concerned for him. It was a bit amusing.

"Are you worried about me?" He teased, chuckling softly, "You remind of some other people..."

"Oh?" Greeneyes's attention was piqued, "Has the lone wolf finally found a pack?"

"What the hell is that?" Jace scoffed, shaking his head, "I know you're old, but must you say such strange things?"

"Hey, I'm not that old. I'm only forty-three," Greeneyes bit back, though sighed and relaxed a bit, "Honestly, you're still as cheeky as ever, but...I'm sure your mother would be happy you've found a place to belong."

"...Yeah," Jace replied softly.

Greeneyes wasn't exactly someone Jace was close with, but they knew enough about each other to be on relatively friendly terms. Greeneyes knew his mother and had even helped out when she could, but because of the Renegades, there wasn't much Greeneyes could do.

His father, Quentin, had contacts in the Renegades. Unfortunately, one woman who wasn't even a Vixen wasn't worth going to war over. Greeneyes hands were tied, but she wasn't a bad person. She was one of the first people to give Jace work when his mother became sick.

"Alright," Jace let out as he pushed himself up from sitting, "I have the information. I'll take care of it. Thanks again...Auntie."

"You cheeky kid," Greeneyes sighed at being called Auntie, though she seemed oddly pleased, "Fine, I'll let you off because of the Pendleton job, but-"

"Please," Jace interrupted with an amused tone, "Don't act like you haven't waited for me to call you that."

The silence was audible, as Jace was finally connecting with those of his past in a way he wasn't able to before. There were many people Jace knew, but had always distanced himself from. Greeneyes was just one of them.

"Well, if you're going to call me that..." Greeneyes finally spoke up, "At least use my name. That's Auntie Zahra to you then, huh?"

"Heh, alright Aunt Zahra," Jace took a breath, feeling the cold in his lungs, it was refreshing, "I have work to do."

With that, the call was ended on a high note. Jace took in the winter air, smiling as he felt a bit of the weight from his past fall away. He had locked himself from everyone who was ever close to him. Thinking the world was out for him and his mother.

There were people who constantly tried to help, yet nothing changed. Jace never understood the nuance of it, and once his mother became sick, he didn't care. He only wanted his mother to live. He had so much guilt built up inside of himself, that he just couldn't see anything else.

Feeling the mana flow through him, a light glow enveloped his body. A soft, aquamarine that soon seeped back into him. He felt a lot more clearheaded now. Turning his attention in the direction of Little Asia, he disappeared from his perch, making his way quickly in that direction.


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