Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 78: Chapter 78: A Talk of the Future

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Chapter 78:

A Talk of the Future

Jace and Kiera exchanged a look of apprehension. Before them was a beautiful looking meal consisting of an omelet and a side of fruit. The omelets looked delicious with mushrooms, tomatoes, cut up bacon, green onions, and cheese. Yet, they could not shake the knowledge they now had. A glass of orange juice next to their plates also caused a bit of caution from them.

In the kitchen, looking on with innocently seeming smiles, were Selene and Liana. It seemed like Selene was taking cooking lessons from Liana, but Jace couldn't help but realize the truth to these lessons. Poison.

"It, uh...looks great," Jace told them, clearing his throat.

"Yeah, looks delicious..." Kiera smiled nervously, picking up her cup of juice and sniffing it suspiciously, "Just...fantastic."

Liana and Selene exchanged an amused look. Crossing her arms, Liana gave them both a very stern gaze.

"Are you not going to eat, then?" Liana inquired, "Since it's so delicious don't want it to go to waste, do you?"

"Uhm, no, of course not," Jace laughed awkwardly, looking across the table at Kiera, "Well, go on. Take a bite."

"Oh, well, I'm on a bit of a diet, so-" Kiera averted her eyes, the lie obvious.

"No, you're not," Liana stated, narrowing her eyes, "Is there something wrong with our cooking?"

"I know I'm new at this..." Selene chimed in, putting her hand up to her chin nervously, "I hoped you would try it, at least once...Jace."

At that moment, she turned her gaze towards him. It was a pitiful gaze that pierced his heart. An immediate sense of guilt washed over him. It was true, she was trying her best and this was the first time she cooked for him. If he didn't eat this now, she would be sad.

"Damn it..." Jace braced himself, buckling under Selene's intense, puppy dog eyes. "Fuck it." Grabbing his fork, he cut into the omelet, the melted cheese falling off in strings of deliciousness. Swallowing hard, he lifted the piece he had on his fork up to his mouth. Kiera looked on with nervous anticipation.

"If you die..." Kiera mumbled, receiving a stern glare from Jace.

"Shut up," He replied, glancing over at Selene and Liana, "They wouldn't...kill us, right?"

The two of them looked at Selene and Liana, who smiled as they urged them to eat. It was now or never. Opening his mouth, he placed the piece of food into his mouth and bite down. Sure enough, as the ingredients all mixed in his mouth as he chewed them, it was absolutely delicious.

The saltiness of the bacon mixed with the savory mushrooms and fluffiness of the eggs. Even though Liana helped her, Selene had done an amazing job. It wasn't long before he took another bite, and then another.

"Fuck...It's good," Jace mumbled, sighing to himself.

"Really?" Selene smiled, seemingly truly happy.

Kiera seemed to be a bit more relaxed now as Jace had tried it first. Digging into her own omelet, she nodded in agreement.

"...It is really good," Kiera admitted, taking a drink of her orange juice to wash everything down.

"I'm glad to hear that," Selene smiled lovingly, "I was afraid I put too much poison in it."

Jace paused, a fork full of omelet halfway to his mouth. Kiera practically choked on her orange juice. As she was coughing, Liana made her way over to her, patting her on the back reassuringly.

"See, didn't even notice it," Liana told them with a teasing smile, "Because there isn't any in this meal."

Letting out a relieved sigh, Jace finished putting the piece of food up to his mouth and began chewing again. At the same time, Kiera was glaring at Liana as she tried to catch her breath.

"Or maybe there is," Liana teased again, laughing lightly, "Neither of you will ever know, so get used to it. We wouldn't do anything to harm you, so stop worrying so much. You big babies."

Sulking, Jace could only eat the rest of his food with a bit of an attitude, much to their amusement. Selene laughed lightly, making her way over to Jace as she began to ask if the omelet really did taste good. He nodded, reaffirming that it really was good.

It was at this moment that her and Liana also sat down and began eating along with them. The atmosphere warmed up and the morning quickly passed by. Jace came to the conclusion that even if they were poisoning them, he would be remiss to refuse their food. Liana was a damn good cook, and if the omelet was anything to go by, so was Selene.

So, what is a little bit of poison in exchange for such a feast for the mouth? Kiera seemed to be of the same mind, as they resolved themselves to their fates. The rest of the day was lounging around the loft, though Jace was a getting a bit restless.


"I need to stretch my legs," Jace sighed as he stood on the terrace.

He stretched his arms, crossing one in front of his chest while pulling it with the other. The girls were all sitting together on the terrace's couch, exchanging an apprehensive glance. As much as he loved them, they were getting a bit stifling.

"I know you worry about me," Jace told them as he glanced in their direction, "But I've been resting nonstop for over a month now, and you all know how the last job went."

Selene balked a bit at his words, though he didn't say them to make anyone feel bad. Smiling in her direction, she nodded in understanding. He didn't blame her, so neither should she. However, it was fact that he wasn't able to do anything at all for a long time now.

"My mother's hospital bills won't pay themselves," He continued, turning his attention to the city before him, "I know you could do it easily, all of you. I appreciate it, but please. I just...need to do something. I'm going a bit stir crazy."

He believed that they all understood, but even so he had to convince them. He didn't want them to worry. He spent so many years doing whatever he wanted without ever thinking of those around him. That had to change, but he also couldn't stop being who he was.

"I'm a runner," Jace explained, "I spent so many years doing jobs all over Neo City. I can't just settle down yet. I love you all, I do, but-"

"Jace," Liana interrupted with a gentle smile, "We get it. We love you too. I know we're a bit overbearing, but you know it's not out of malice, right?"

"Of course I know," He smiled lovingly towards, twisting his body around to stretch out his back, "I also know that if you all had your way, I'd be confined to the house indefinitely."

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"...That's not true," Liana pouted, though she couldn't exactly deny it, "Not indefinitely, but..."

"Exactly," Jace chuckled.

"We don't want to take your freedom," Kiera told him, "Things just tend to happen with you..."

"I can't deny that," Jace admitted, thinking back to all the jobs he's taken, "Still, that's the job. I promise you, I'm a lot better than I was. I won't do anything reckless if I can help it. If I come up against something I can't handle, I'll contact you or try to escape."

Selene had been in deep thought for a while now. It was something Jace noticed, as through their connection he could feel that something was on her mind, just not exactly what it was. She seemed to feel his gaze upon her, looking in his direction she smiled, though her eyes told him she had something to say.

"I won't stop you," Selene told him, much to his appreciation, "However, you don't need to pay for your mother's bills. I-"

"I'll stop you there," Jace smiled gently, his eyes sharp as he knew what she had been doing, "I'm not a fool. I know you moved her into a VIP room. Not to mention the two best doctors taking care of her...there's no way I've only had to pay a hundred thousand credits."

Selene was quiet, shifting under his words, a sense of unease around her.

"Relax, Selene," Jace reassured her, "I'm not mad. I appreciate all you've done. Which is even more reason that I need to do something."

Jace understood that he didn't have to worry about his mother's medical bills. He knew that for a while, but didn't want to admit it. He felt like he was stagnating. He had grown stronger, but in that time what had he done?

Of course, spending time with the girls was amazing. He loved every moment of it. That didn't stop him from becoming restless. Even if the money he earned wouldn't go towards her medical bills, he could at least earn some money of his own.

"Honestly, I'm just using the medical bills as an excuse," Jace explained, feeling the weight of his words upon himself, "I'm restless, and I know you'll take care of me...of us. You're Selene St.Claire, head of the St.Claire Family. Which means St.Claire Industries is yours. I'm well aware of the hospitals in Neo City which can treat Mana Degeneration."

Locking eyes with Selene, he felt an immense sense of gratitude. He loved her, and she was taking such good care of not only him, but his mother. He could do nothing but bow his head in her direction. This, of course, caused a startled reaction from all of them.

"Jace, you don't have to bow your head..." Selene spoke with a worried tone, "Please, you never have to do that. Not to me, not to anyone."

"That may be the case, but..." Jace closed his eyes, feeling the gratefulness in his heart, "If only this one time, before I never have to again...I'd like to offer you my deepest thanks. Not just to you, but to all of you."

He had been holding all of this in for a long time. He had thanked them so often, but after so long, he felt like a new person. If he had to show his respect to anyone, it would be them.

"All three of you have held my hand through this time," Jace spoke softly as he slowly stood, his eyes drifting to Liana, "Some of you, longer than others. However, that doesn't mean any of you are less than the others in my eyes, or my heart. I know there will come a day where I'll have nothing to do besides raising a family with all of you."

At his words, their faces turned red, and in Selene's case, her ears. They all smiled awkwardly at the thought of starting a family. Hell, even Jace felt a bit embarrassed saying it. He knew it wouldn't be for a while, but one day it would happen. He could feel it.

"Until then, I'd like to still have a bit of fun," Jace smiled mischievously, "Which means I'd like to still do some jobs, you know?"

As he said this, the three of them all stood, startling him with their sudden movements. Yet, as he looked upon them, they all had a look of desire and love in their eyes and smiles.

"Jace..." Liana spoke, her words almost like a threat despite how tender they were, "I'll hold you to your words."

"You can have your fun," Kiera spoke, averting her eyes anxiously, "I never really thought much of the future, but I'm not going anywhere. The most I'll say is...I won't let you be bored."

As she said this, her eyes turned towards him. He was taken aback by the strength of her desire in her eyes. It was enough to cause his heart to flutter and face to grow flushed.

At the same time, he felt a hand upon his cheek. Turning his attention to its owner, Selene smiled upon him. She had made her way to his side without him even noticing. There was a fear in her eyes, though it was tempered by love.

"Your words...are terrifying," She admitted.

He understood the reason why she said those words. Both of them were a product of toxic environments. That trauma beld into the possibility of them having children. Not wanting them to go through what they did.

Placing his hand upon her waist, he felt her beneath his touch. Smiling gently, he was understanding in her worries. The fear of not doing well when the time comes.

"But..." She stated, tilting his face up towards hers, "If it's with you, I will gladly give it a try. For now, let's focus on the present. There's going to be a lot of changes. You're mine, you know."

"Yours, huh?" Jace chuckled softly, liking the sound of that as she nodded affirmatively.

"Hey, don't forget about us," Liana chimed in, teasingly nudging Selene in the side, "He's ours as well, and I look forward to the changes to come."

"I know, I didn't mean anything by it," Selene said awkwardly.

"We know," Kiera mused, stepping up next to the rest of them, "We're only teasing."

"Well, I'm glad to be yours. All of yours," Jace told them, much to their delight, "And I agree, Liana. I look forward to the changes as well."

With an understanding, they all embraced lovingly. Jace was caught between all three of them, the warmth of their bodies both suffocating him and breathing new life into him. As they all stood there, they looked in wonder as the first snow of the year began to fall.

Raising his hand out, they looked in wonder as the first large snowflake fell upon his palm, melting upon it. Closing his hand, he hugged them close. Looking out over Neo City, it was like their journey was just beginning.


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